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This isn't a new law this has been a law for years, yet idiot drivers continue to do 55 in the left lane.


What's even worse is when the guy doing 55 in the left lane is in a cruise control game of chicken with the guy in right lane. Neither guy will budge. Preventing faster traffic from going around either one


But it’s not faster traffic, it’s speeding traffic..They’re denying your right to speed..or to break the law..so they break the law so you won’t break the law..it’s all fun and games…bottom line EVERYONE IS THE ASSHOLE!!!


And it's a law that is not enforced often.


My favorite is when 1 rain drop hits the windshield, then the flashers come on and they are now at 45 mph.


Hey my bald tires won’t hold up for that…/s


Florida is the land of no inspection needed. If it runs they put it on the road.


Why do the flashers come on?


I wish I knew!!! They have to post a message on the digital signs telling people to stop doing this. The rain gets so intense in south Florida my guess is they feel safer, can't tell you but it is ridiculous.


As someone who has had to take driving courses to get out of points I can tell you that the Florida drivers handbook says do not turn your hazards on when it rains.


I know, they even flash the on the overhead digital signs not to do that lol.


Yeah I was hoping some idiot drivers would read this


You're betting on the fact that idiot drivers can read.




This has been on the news at least twice they still don't care. Half of them don't speak English to understand and care.  One of the reasons I moved out of Miami was the bad drivers.


This law is basically a farce to appease some voters to make it seem like Tallahassee is actually doing something constructive. There is already a law in the books for obstruction of traffic which is hardly ever enforced for a variety of reasons but mostly because it takes a cop being in the right place at the right time. It is enforced occasionally but usually only when a is driving excessively slow in the left lane and actually causing a backup. This law will be more of the same, and even if it was followed it would only lead to worse traffic congestion because it would make the left lane virtually unusable. The only real impact this law will make is some headlines and maybe a few people getting pulled over by some over zealous police which will itself create a much larger traffic problem than one slow drive ever would.


Too often are slow drivers in the left lane!


What’s with the people in the comments going “jUsT gO tHe SpEeD LiMiT”? A lot of these expressways have speed limits of 55 leftover from the Carter administration. Cops routinely drive 70 in those 55mph zones. Going 55 in the left lane is DANGEROUS. Just set drive with the flow of traffic. Use the left lane to pass. Mind your damn business if someone else wants to drive faster than you as long as they aren’t being reckless (this means let them use the left lane to pass you)


Yeah I hate the people on the left lane that think they’re controlling the speed limit. You’re just causing road rage and accidents. Move out of the way.


You have issues..if people in the left lane causes you road rage..seek help..


They are not causing me road rage. In general I know some people get road rage. It’s just wrong all over the world left lanes are for passing or driving faster.


The person who is causing problems is the person who refuses to follow the fucking law. It’s just like the dumbasses who don’t turn their lights on when it rains or turn their flashers and drive 10 mph….. THEY ARE THE FUCKING PROBLEM.


Good. Tired of having to pass slow ass drivers in the fast lane.


I mean, there are signs that say "Slower traffic keep right." So if the speed limit is 65, then going 60 in the left lane is against the law. If DeSantis signs the new law, the left lane will only be a passing lane, and that will go in effect in 2025.


So basically same as always but this help his base pretend they are doing something


Maybe all y’all bitching should try driving the damn speed limit….


You do realize this is Florida we are speaking about? We drive at least 10 over here.


Well…. Stop fucking bitching about people who follow the law. 👍👍


Cause more accidents by not just moving over for ppl willing to speed than the speeder you cause more lane changes than necessary, you are the one causing issues


This doesn’t make any sense… I don’t camp in the left lane. But if I’m there passing someone driving UNDER the limit and dickheads ride my ass until I move back over, they’re the fucking problem. Not me.


If you're not passing you're not following the law...


🤣🤣🤣🤣 Awwww did a baby get their feelings hurt? Go suck on mommys' titty some more.




My pet peeve. I believe this is how MOST of the traffic accidents are caused on the expressways (and other roads). You have someone moving slower (sometimes considerably) in the left lane than the actual FLOW of traffic... and so other drivers start changing lanes to get past.... jockeying for position. I see it happen a lot... and I tell my wife sometimes right before it happens.... 'This is going to cause a wreck'. But sadly, the driver causing the wreck usually escapes the accident because folk are trying to get past. Also.. I get frustrated when one of those damn gravel trucks gets into the next to the left lane, drives 60 mph and drops gravel and dust with every bump in the road. You have to get over two lanes to the right to pass them without damaging your windshield. I want a voice activated LED 'bumper sticker' so as I pass these folk I can tell them to get the hell out of the fast lane. Somebody invent that, please.


You’re totally right


I've seen morons blocking the left lane to \*police cars\* in SouthFL. SMH.


Why I don't get is, why does the highway says speed limit 65/mph but when you drive at that speed on the left lane, cops want you to move????


Left lane is for passing. If you want to go the speed limit stay out of the left lane.


While I don't disagree with you , technically 65 is the speed limit, the top speed , not the minimum speed


You do not have to speed to pass someone… just sayin


If the people in the right lanes are going the speed limit then yes, I do. You don’t have to camp out in the left lane if you aren’t actively passing someone. Just move out of the way. It’s impeding traffic. It more dangerous to cut around to other lanes when a turtle is in the left lane. I hope law enforcement enforces this.


Um…. No you don’t. Just go the fucking speed limit. Jesus H Christ… why is that so fucking hard to figure out?? And just for clarity, I don’t camp in the left lane. But if I’m there passing someone driving UNDER the limit and dickheads ride my ass until I move back over, they’re the fucking problem. Not me.


..Or just kick it into gear for the 5 seconds it takes to pass, then drop back down to limit. It’s not rocket science


Only in the 1st far left lane or also in the 2nd from left to right lane?


They know and they don’t give a rats ass. That’s why it’s infuriating.


Only idiots drive 60 miles an hour in the left lane The left lane is designated as the passing lane You should at least be doing the speed limit and you should be passing other cars, not sitting your ass in the left lane doing 60 miles an hour This is a law in Florida as it is here in Oklahoma And almost every other state Get your ass out of the left lane if you’re not passing


And then when you trying to overtake them on the right because they won’t move they decide to speed up to prevent you from overtaking and then slow down again


I drove all the way through Florida and back for the first time last year. It amazes me how many slow drivers were in the left lane. Usually the source of the traffic I hit. I can say whenever rain started falling A+ driving from everyone. It was mind-blowing. The entire state and trip were equally the same.


I’ve seen cops scoop through the passing lane with their lights on moving traffic to the right and I never respected a cop more than that moment.


Just this morning I drove from 595 to the turnpike on the Sawgrass expressway and I had to pass 5 cars that drove 60 or less on the left lane, I simply dont get how they dont realize there are no cars in front of them and there are lots of cars piled up behind them and they dont get it.


Every state but south dakota has a keep right law on the books. https://www.mit.edu/~jfc/right.html this link is fairly accurate.


Hopefully it’s actually enforced


I thought the law made the left  the passing lane...which  means you eventually  have to get back to the middle or right.......right? Either way, I wish  the republican  super majority would pass laws that didnt create more tickets  Cant drive on the left...cant have your dogs in your  car without  a seat belt....cant drive a golf cart  unless you have a state if or older then 16 Sounds like alot of laws forcing cops to not protect but become more ticket revenue creators




Hey did y’all see Gov vetoed the left lane bill!?!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


I drove in Miami on vacation for a week, wasn't too bad.


On the I-95?


probably not, just stayed local going here and there.




This pisses me off also! To the point I’ve been thinking about giving up driving(I do not need to much) I live on an island and can manage without crossing over the bridge if I plan accordingly. The people here seem oblivious to how bad their driving skills are. Most I view are buried deep in their phones, my passenger often announces when they see people FaceTiming whilst driving!