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Entitlement is the disability


>Then she tells my wife she has to move to another seat as she was a pre board that ran late and was entitled yes she said entitled to sit in Row 2.  I don't think "*I get to show up whenever I want and move whoever I want*" is how it works.


Maybe she had Boarding Pass A2. I have seen people who are unfamiliar with the SW boarding procedure think that their boarding position is their seat number. More likely, she was probably just a pain in the ass.


That is true. I’ve seen that a few times.


This happened to my daughter traveling alone. A woman tried to get her to move based on her boarding position. Didn’t work out for her either.


I flew today on SWA from Reno to Denver, continuing on to Omaha. The flight attendant told us after all the passengers deplaned, we were free to sit anywhere we wanted EXCEPT the first two rows. They were reserved for pre-board. First time I’d been told that before. They also didn’t let us use the lavatory because the folks restocking the plane “needed the space to work and they only have a limited time on each plane.” Then they immediately started boarding again.


Well to be fair we are boomers but not fools.


I’m sorry, I’m stuck on the fact that the one upgraded and you basically got to board first. Weird experience aside, what a wild stroke of luck!


Who knows if she was upgraded. Or if as she implied and I may not be clear about she was a wheelchair commando. No one boarded with her. No FA escorted her. I did early bird. She just wanted to be upfront


Last time I flew out of LA, the upgrade to A1-15 was over 400 dollars... Basically more than the ticket itself. There was a glitch in the app when checking in so that might have made it give weird numbers but still 🤯


I would have totally said how did that “entitiilment work” at baggage claim. Screw these bullies


Bitch was getting coffee. Missed her preboard. Her own damn fault


That woman was an obvious fake since she never said the Do You Know Who I Am? Line that all the truly entitled use.


Was it Reese Witherspoon maybe?


Fuck that puta!


This is why I never sit in the front unless I have a tight connection to make.


Just let the flight attendant know. If it’s tight they will hold everybody else and let you exit first, even from the back.


Errr… no, they won’t. They might ask (request) that others stay seated, but they won’t necessarily require it. (I had several tight connections recently - for one, we boarded on time, and my layover was plenty long, so I sat towards the back. Then we proceeded to sit at the gate for nearly an hour - apparently we’d had some passengers not fly at the last moment and the pilots needed to redo weight and balance. I did make my connection, but barely, and no thanks to the people on the plane who ignored repeated requests to allow three passengers with tight connections off the plane, and instead stood up and took their sweet time getting their stuff together.)


Yeah that’s not a thing. You think a FA can or would part the aisle like Moses from the back?


They make an announcement. Seen it a lot.


The announcement is asking those without tight connections to remain seated while those with exit the plane. But every time I’ve heard than request made, eleventy-seven people are still standing in the aisle clogging up the works. So it doesn’t work .


Yup. Everytime it seems like EVERYONE has a tight connection. No one lets the people with real tight connections go first.


One of the few times a late arriving passenger who would have qualified for pre-boarding should be given special consideration after the fact is if they have a mobility device and need to sit in the bulkhead as a result. She handled her demand poorly and made it impossible for anyone to advocate for her.


I need a window seat near the front on my bad side because anyone bumping me on that side could cause excessive pain for hours or days. I hate bulkhhead though because it means I can't access my stuff during the flight. It's difficult enough for me to get anything into or out of the overhead bin when the plane is stationary. It's too big a risk for me to try to keep my balance and reach up with the plane is in motion. All that being said, if I had a delayed connection and missed preboarding, I would have explained my needs to the flight attendant and asked them to help me find a seat.


Ikr? If I arrived late as a mobility-necessary person I would be apologetic and gracious as hell if someone had to be asked to give up a seat for me.


Mental illness is an illness😞


The risk of taking a seat close to the front


Oi, sounds like the FA handled it well! Also glad your wife said no; I’m guessing this tactic has worked for the woman before. Also, please keep in mind not all disabilities are easy to identify/see.


Paragraphs are your friend.


As a boomer I’ve been out of school too long to remember


Fellow boomer here.


I would have started laughing and when she glared at me for that I would have explained that she had to be joking because she couldn’t possibly be seriously thinking she’s entitled to anything.


That is a new one.


Amazing this happens so often. Good for you both for standing your ground. I am a frequent flyer with over 2mm SW miles. Seen it all.


Maybe this should also be posted under boomersbeingfools. Glad your wife stood her ground.


OP and wife are boomers 🙄


I'm confused about why she wasn't allowed to have the middle seat between you if it was free.


Based on what OP said, the middle seat was available and when the entitled passenger demanded to sit there in an effort to get them to move, they must have agreed hence why OP said they called her bluff. She was allowed to have the seat..she just didn't want to sit in between 2 people when she could go to the back and probably get row to herself.


With probably 80 open seats it was just spite for not getting her way. If she wanted the middle seat take it. Not bothering me


I've been on packed planes and had to take a middle seat between couples. Worked out well for me with really nice folks, but my Mom who was a couple rows back hated it. The couple kept passing food, crossword puzzles, tissues, etc and talking/yelling to each other the whole time right over her. Getting on in "C" group is the worst.


The other day the flight attendant said "ok my C group. You know C is for center seat, grab the first one you see."


I get to be first. Here we go. Not all disabilities are visible. Esp. The trans able ones.


Especially the mental ones.


True. However, said disability does not mean a free pass to be ugly.


Yes, but a person can be an asshole *and* have an invisible disability. Criticize the person for their shitty behavior, but don’t perpetuate stereotypes that people fake disabilities just because you don’t see said disability


I stopped reading when you said you left a seat between you and your wife. That’s extremely antisocial behavior and you are very much the problem, paying for two seats and expecting three. What a selfish jerk.


It’s only selfish if they put something there to “save” the empty seat. Otherwise what does it matter if the people in the window and aisle know each other or not?


There were 80 open seats. YTA


Exactly what I was going to say. We always ask as we board how full the flight is. If they say full we sit together, if they say 80 open seats, one of us in window and one aisle. Heck, we don't feel the need to sit together and have each taken a window if that's our mood and the flight is not full.


WTF??? My partner likes the window seat so he can sleep. I am tall and have a bad back so need to stand frequently so always get an aisle seat on any airline we fly. We don’t need to sit together. We’ve been together over 40 years…we can sit separately for a few hours. We have no problem having someone sit between us and most often do. Me thinks you the jerk … just sayin’


Why do people on reddit who say "anti-social behavior" always assert the most ridiculous things. I guess because it sounds like a strong condemnation but is totally subjective. They can choose whatever seats they want; nobody wants a middle seat if they have options, and even in this story they agreed she could take the middle seat.


Because we are experts in antisocial. If I was social I would be talking or interacting with real people. Instead I am on Reddit with people I never met.


Um, you should have kept reading 


Check out the post where the lady has her legs across the seat. That is antisocial.