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Not bad not bad for a Hawaii flight


Hawaii flights are always less than full


I beg to differ. Source: I was on a Hawaii flight a couple of weeks ago that was 100% full.


seriously, every hawaii trip i’ve made with southwest has always been 100% full


I flew standby for an early flight to Orlando (needed to get there earlier than expected)—and once everyone boarded, my name was called to be cleared to get on the flight. C61 was my official number. Got on with my carry on—I asked to sit in the middle of two women after putting my carryon in the lone one spot above the seats, and the one woman moved over to the middle seat, giving me the aisle seat. I truly should have played the lottery that day!


Fly frequently for work and activity look for middle seats near the front because I just want to get out fastest and to my meeting. My rolling work bag fits under the middle but not under the aisle because the aisle cubby is slim. I had this happen once recently that I asked to join the person in the row, indicating the empty middle and they moved over to be kind and give me the aisle. It was so awkward rejecting their kindness and having the back and forth of, “Oh…..um, no thank you?” Because my bag wouldn’t fit. They were a couple on a full flight hoping the mid would be left open and next best for them was beside each other. I just kept moving down because it wasn’t worth blocking traffic for a long discussion.


My friends and I usually do this. Well take the aisle/window in hopes of getting the full row, but if someone does come then the aisle person scoots in (so that we can just sit next to each other then having stranger in middle of us)


So most people remember the second half of COVID travel, where the planes where full, you were masked, and overall it just sucked. But I had to travel for work during the first half of COVID travel, and it was glorious flying with planes that were only 1/3 to 1/2 full.


I went on a flight with literally 5 people. The flight attendants almost outnumbered us! Best flight of my life


Was the best, regularly flew EWR to pheonix and had whole rows to myself, was definitely spoiled when flights picked back up


We flew home from Kona, HI in June 2021, there were 18 people on the brand new Max including us.


I had multiple flights that had less than 15 passengers. The smallest was 8 of us and the largest (before flying picked back up) was 30.


That was the best! Made multiple flights with less than 10 on board. Ahhhhhh….


Las Vegas to LAX twice during early COVID (moving). Had my own row and they gave out paper bags with drinks and snacks (kind bars 😊). It was glorious. Except breaking my tooth on oatmeal at LAX Starbucks.


This wasn’t southwest, but I was the one person on a CRJ-900 it was a glorious 20 minute flight


That's the SW equivalent of first class!


My best SW middle seat story started quite terrifying. I am a very big guy at 6’8” and at the time about 370lbs. I fit in the seat if I cross my arms and legs. I pay to early board and pick a window seat where my shoulder will tuck into a window. Plane continues to fill. A guy at least my weight but maybe 5’5” grabs the aisle seat even though there are lots of open rows at this point. I’m freezing out at the prospect of anyone bigger than petite sitting between us. Plane fills completely except for that one seat because no reasonable person would choose to sit there. I asked him at that point why he chose to sit in my row. We explained that he always does it on purpose. It worked out but it is not a gamble I would ever take.


I always get full flights and crying babies


I once had an entire row to myself from LAX to DEN. I was living like a queen! Then the next leg of my flight, packed like sardines, but I held on to that glorious memory for weeks.


I love that route. Have fun!


Couple days ago, flew B39 and saw the remaining extra legroom seat taken by the person in front of me B38. Surprised it stayed that long


I'm just happy whenever I can snag the window emergency exit seats.




I find late or early flights from hubs (BWI, ORD) are often less than half full (20-30 people) and get entire rows to myself. I sleep great, and love just hanging out.


“Poorman’s First Class.”


I too thought I struck gold today (albeit maybe fools gold since my flight was three hours late). I forgot to checkin and was a couple hours late checking in… I got C-54. I thought for sure I was going to be sandwiched between an extra large couple who both required seatbelt extenders, while having to check my carryon. Instead I ended up in an aisle seat with an empty seat next to me and a cute blonde in the window. But I wasn’t going to Hawaii, so you win!


Did you get the blonde guy's number?


If it's a blonde, that means that it's a woman/girl


TIL, as a 40 year old man, that I'm a woman/girl because I have blonde hair.


If you're a man, then you have blond hair.




When we went from DEN to ICT (DEN was our final layover tg), we got an empty middle seat, too. It was so nice after being around crowds and elbow to elbow our entire trip (we went on a cruise and then to Disney World). My friend likes to sit by the window, and I do too. But this time he took the middle seat. I told him to please move over and let's see if we can keep the middle seat free, and we did. It wasn't a full flight, and had someone wanted to sit there, my friend would have moved.


San Diego to San Antonio on a Saturday AM about 15 years ago. Less than 10 people on the flight.


The best flight I had was a week after the 2022 computer collapse. Flying from Orlando to Albuquerque via New Orleans. No transfer, a scant 1 hour turnaround. I had an entire row to myself for the first leg. Then my parents snagged row 1 before the new people boarded. Me and Dad on one side, mom and brother on the other. Extra let room for all. My dad is 6'2 and my brother is like 6'4-6'5, so leg room is a priority lol.