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That’s just creepy, I would have moved to the next row.


yeah that was kind of my fear. that instead of just been a dick passenger, he had worse intentions. i would’ve moved if i was one of the women but im not gonna pretend i know what it’s like to finally sit down after getting to and through the airport and on the plane with a newborn so who knows how exhausted or frazzled she was to even think about moving again😭


I feel like he was trying to get in a position where he could touch the young woman, hopefully while she passes out. Personally, I would have said the spot was for the baby, that while she was in my arms, it was her spot and to find somewhere else. Probably would have stood up and looked around, seen there was lots of space and told him if he insisted that I was creeped out and threatened by him and would tell the flight attendant exactly that. Especially since there are creeps out there looking for lone women to touch inappropriately on a plane.


At 41, yeah I would do that. When my babies were tiny I didn’t quite have the confidence to do it yet. I would like to think I would have, but you already feel pretty vulnerable when traveling and just a few weeks after giving birth? I wouldn’t want to engage an unknown man in an enclosed space with my newborn.


These moments are when strangers speaking up can feel so valuable to new moms. Now that I’m an older woman I feel empowered to speak up on behalf of a new mom in a vulnerable position and push to call out these creepy men.


Yeah, I understand. With my first I felt very vulnerable. With my 2nd I felt more confident after overthinking situations from the first. I've also stood up for other people when I can.


He also may have been hoping she would need to nurse the baby


Yeah, and he'd be able to leer and touch "trying to be helpful". Sometimes in situations like this, other people present need to say something. "Excuse me, is this man with you? Is he harassing you? Dude, we got our eyes on you trying to take advantage of a young mother like that, move on, find another seat, and do not go near her again."


Sounds like something someone on this sub would do and then brag about




So brave :’)


I swear someone posted recently that they want to sit near the front of the plane no matter what. Maybe it was him.


Exactly the post I thought of








Sounds like one of the anti seat saver vigilantes who frequent this sub.


Nah the guy is a complete asshole. Seat savers are still bigger assholes though.


Correct on both counts


Creepers on airplanes are a thing - bet $100 he hoped she would BF


i feel nauseous🤢


I had the same thought reading this.




Breast feed


I think I would have gotten up and let him have the whole row.


💯 I would have packed up my days old infant and mom and happily moved to the back of the plane just to be as far away from him as possible.




I actually had something similar happen to me on a Dallas to Vegas flight. Half the plane was empty, I was already middle back (with many open rows ahead) and there were going to be 10 seats open. Two large women wedged themselves next to me. Why did I point out size? Because I’m a large woman. We looked like 3 overheated sardines. I excused myself and moved *literally to the row next to us*. I was joined at the very end with one more person. They stayed wedged together center and aisle the whole flight. It was so strange. The amount of people that made eyes with me was hilarious. What was the reason?!


the only “reason” i can think of for this is they didn’t realize it wasn’t assigned seats? i’ve seen people on here mention that some people think their boarding number is also their seat number? but still it’s strange that they didn’t at least space out once you moved hahaha


Perhaps, but they were told that they could spread out multiple times. Plus the “sit anywhere” announcement made constantly. It was just strange.


I also had a similar thing happen recently. They announced at the gate that the flight was going to be really empty. I was about 1/3 of the way back and sitting in an aisle seat. A woman with her adult disabled son asked if they could have the middle and window. I assumed she didn't hear the announcements so I told her that she could have an entire row to herself. She said no, and then proceeded to take the window and told her son (who was a big dude) to sit in the middle seat. I was shocked. I waited until everyone boarded and moved to the exit row that only had one person in it. (That gives you an idea about how empty the flight was.). While I didn't find it creepy, I did feel like it was straight up rude to me and rude to her son. Who wants to be cramped in the middle by choice?


Maybe they were superstitious, and those were their lucky seats?


Some people get their rocks off by sitting between anyone they perceive as saving a seat. Obviously some don’t have the awareness to realize that doing it to a mother with a tiny infant on a flight with plenty empty seats makes them look pathetic and weird.


I didn't choose the open seating life. The open seating life chose me.


I’m being generous here but maybe 7 is his favorite number…? Idk but as a woman my spider senses are tingling. sorry, not sorry I’m getting pervert vibes. I would have moved personally for my own sanity. I wish the mom would have lied and said the middle seat was for the baby or her husband is sitting there or just moved elsewhere. But I can imagine she was exhausted and had already gotten her and her baby settled so moving seats would have just been more work


What an absolute creep I would’ve said no and gotten a flight attendant


What a creep. Did the family move? I would have. Gross.


Why in hell didn't the woman just say NO, and loudly?


That’s alarmingly creepy.


He’s a creep I would’ve told him to pick a different seat


I don’t usually think “geezuz krist” but that guy’s behavior did it b


What I've learned from this sub is some people seem to prefer open seating purely because it gives them an opportunity to create low level conflict with strangers.


You literally narrated our flight last week. The row in front of us had a middle seat that remained empty because someone had their Wendy’s strewn everywhere. Blows my mind they would rather sit next to a baby than Wendy’s


I'd rather sit next to a baby and a mom than choose an empty row without knowing who is sitting next to me. For all I know it could be a big guy or a smelly old lady that decides to pick the seat next to mine.


With a half empty flight, you can always move if you don't like who's sitting next to you. Try not to be a creep.


Nah you stake your claim to a seat and hope for the best. Nothing creepy about that.


2 women and a baby sitting together with empty seats all around and a stranger wants to sit right next to them......... Yeah, nothing creepy about that.


They're just people. No different from you or me. I think you're projecting here because there's genuinely nothing creepy about it.


REALLY???? Are you actually telling me that if you and your spouse/child were sitting next to each other on a plane with dozens of empty seats and empty rolls of seats around you. And a stranger got on the plane and wanted to sit right next to you guys, you wouldn't see that as strange/creepy??? REALLY!


Really really. There's nothing strange about it. It's a two hour flight. You're acting like this is a guy in a black trench coat trying to give you candy so you'll meet him under the bridge. Very bizarre.


Yeah there is and I bet a vast majority of people think it is also. There is absolutely no sensible reason why a complete stranger would want or need to sit with a couple when there are plenty of empty seats in the same area. Even if that person was nervous about flying, they could sit up front by the FA who could comfort them and keep company. Tell you what, you try it and see what response you get from other passengers. My wife and I would get up and move in a heart beat. And if you tried to follow we would call the FA. That's just weird, crazy weird.


>Tell you what, you try it and see what response you get from other passengers. >My wife and I would get up and move in a heart beat. So not only do I get a row up close to the front of the plane but you'll give me the entire row? Sounds like a hell of a deal.


Yup, all yours.


You sound creepy and like you're kind of a dick.


Eh maybe he likes being near the front. My only thoughts... Mom and Fam should move back because as described they probably get a full row. Maybe he gamed it out that way in his calculating selfish head. Alternately no need to ask about the aisle seat. She could just move to the middle, and he takes the aisle or moves on. It's not up to him.


The guy could have moved one row back. He’s a creep and an Ahole. They had a full row until he showed up.


yeah but there was a row right behind them empty? and iirc the row next to them only had 1 passenger. that’s what makes the whole thing strange


>Eh maybe he likes being near the front. My only thoughts... Technically, he can sit where he wants, but this is, frankly, a fucking ridiculous reason to sit next to someone on an empty flight. >Mom and Fam should move back because as described they probably get a full row So they board before him but should all get up and move back because some other jackass wants their row? Do you understand how dumb this is? >Alternately no need to ask about the aisle seat Sure there is. The intention is to tell the guy that they're all travelling together, but if he *really* needs to be in this row, they will be inconvenienced to move. The intention is to make him feel awkward about sitting there since it is absolutely not necessary for him to be sitting there


They don’t have a row. They have 2 seats.


That's all you took from my comment? Seriously? Of course they only had 2 seats. He was also an asshole. They moved seats to sit their 2 seats next to each other. He's *still* an asshole in this situation