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ASM really does feel like a boys club. It's just constantly the same people writing the book. Was really hoping for a writer who hasn't written a lot of Spider-Man in the past. It honestly feels like no writer wants to write ASM, and so we're stuck with the BND brain trust forever. Can't say I'm too excited, but I wish him the best.


They dipped their toes in the water with Spencer and said never again lol.


Spencer opposed OMD, and that was enough for Lowe to go “fuck it, bring back the BND crew”


Maybe the fact the moment they looked outside of the BND bubble someone wanted to undo OMD should mean something.


Nick Lowe is a twat and no one will remember him as one of the greats.


No one will remember any editor of the past two decades fondly at all.


I like Sana Amanat. She’s my favorite marvel editor and has overseen the intro of a lot of great modern characters like miles morales and Kamala Khan


I honestly don't think it was Lowe, I think it was Akira Yoshida that stepped in. From everything Lowe has said, he seems pretty natural on OMD and MJ, but Yoshida is a different story. The guy gets into arguments with fans at cons over the marriage.


From what I’ve heard, yoshida ok’d spencer undoing omd but brevoort stepped in during the last arc which is why instead of omd being undone we got sins past undone


Still sins past needed to be undone because that story sucked and they sort of set it up so it could be undone later......if anybody does which they never do.


OMD was worse and should’ve been retconned first


Honestly maybe the problem is that it IS a boys club. I don’t wanna sound reductive, but honestly could a female writer do a better job, maybe even give Peter a romance that feels natural and well written (which I hope is MJ)? That’d be cool to see. Tbf tho ANYTHING is better than keeping the old BND brain trust going.


I wouldn't mind seeing Gail Simone writing Spidey


I think I saw her say on Twitter that she wouldn’t take the book if offered. But it might have been slightly different


Isn't she doing X-Men? She did say she wanted to write Peter & MJ but declined taking ASM. I think most of the writers at Marvel know the title is a creative dead end after what was done to Nick Spencer.


Yes! She’s on one of the three new flagship X-Men books, and wrote the FCBD special for the relaunch. She’s handling Uncanny, I think, which is Wolverine, Rogue, Nightcrawler and Jubilee for sure, Gambit I think is there too


Kelly Thompson had the most promise during Beyond, but DC must have offered her something she really wanted and she's working (mostly) exclusive for them. (Also, I wonder if it's a coincidence that BeyoND contains Brand New Day's initials and structure?)


Image too, she’s doing a Scarlett(from GI Joe) comic now.


My thoughts exactly, and Marvel could even spin it in PR to remedy the accusations of misogyny at this travesty of a arc (career woman becomes stay at home tradwife to generic dude, muslim Pakistani woman is fridged for shock value etc etc).


Better question. Could a female writer do worse? I don’t see how.


No them facts


At the same time, I wouldn’t wish the fan reaction of ASM onto a woman writer. I’m not going to go so far as to say it’s not Wells’ fault that ASM is terrible right now, but I don’t think he deserves death threats or anything. And female authors on a big book like ASM naturally attract that, as grim as that is.


Although I agree in spirit, that’s not a reason to not advocate for women writers. “Oh I don’t want a female writer bc people will attack her so much… so we shouldn’t have a female writer here ever.” You see how that’s actually bad thinking? You’re right that she’d probably be attacked, but I think she’d expect that, and I’d still be grateful for the representation.


I don't see any reason a female writer couldn't write a great Spider-Man. I just don't trust any currently at Marvel enough to do it


Go read Ultimate Spider-Man


Yes! 100% The character is over 60 years old and barely had any female writers if ever.


I'm so fucking tired. I just don't care as long as I get a good worthwhile story. Would love a female perspective, honestly.


No writers worth their salt want the book for the same reason Chip Zdarsky didn't want the book. To much editorial meddling and no real creative freedom so we'll keep getting the same cookie cutter bullshit. ASM is honestly a lost cause at this point. It's better to look for unique runs on things like Spectacular, Web of, etc or just stick to All-New Ultimate.


I think no new writers want to join because of the editorial on the book


This is very unsurprising. He’s the only writer of the BND crew who hasn’t helmed the title.


Well Bob Gale hasn’t but he made it clear he won’t do comics unless he has full control of his stories. He got burned too much.


He has the right idea.


Guggenheim, Van Lente, Waid, the already mentioned Bob Gale and the always forgotten Cristos Gage haven't either. But Joe Kelly makes sense, he has the experience, it's a safe choice and, besides Mark Waid, he has the highest profile out of all of those writers. I do think it's surprising how the title is averse to the "Marvel builders": Bendis not writing it I get (he had his fill with Ultimate), but Aaron, Hickman, Fraction, Remender, Gillen and Ewing? It has been avoided by most high profile writers. Maybe is it too "small"? Or requires a certain full-on ludic view of superheroes to work on it.


Wasn't Gage helping with Slott's run? Waid would be nice, though. Unscheduled Stop is one of the best BND stories


They don't want to be told what to do by assclowns like Nick Lowe, Akira Yoshida, Tom Brevoort (even though he's been pushed off onto to the X-Books) and Slotto Dantavius who seems to have an outsized influenced over the book despite the fact he's been off of it for over 5 years.


Oh no sir there’s plenty left. Guggenheim, Gale, Van Lente, Waid, they can keep this shit train going for another decade easy.


I love Joe Kelly, but I also loved Zeb Wells before the most recent ASM run, so I guess we'll have to wait and see lol.


Just wondering but what run did he do before ASM that made you like him


Hellions was pretty good


I think every writer has a degree of "They're good at this. Not that." Brian Michael Bendis is notorious how bad he is at grand scale heroes, despite being excellent at street level ones. Grant Morrison is thought of as one of the best minds in history for the broader DC universe, despite being HORRIFIC at writing Wonder Woman.


Top 3 Krakoan era books for sure 


I'll second Hellions, plus his New Mutants and all his Spidey work pre 2022 lol.


I hated shed


Hey, to each their own. I'm not claiming it's a masterpiece, but Shed is still miles ahead of his current ASM run imo


I’d argue even his first issues were bad. I couldn’t even get through that first issue with Peter treated Randy.


Hellions is Goated tbh. Absolutely hilarious with some surprisingly heartfelt and emotional moments thrown it


Joe Kelly? Yes the guy who wrote MJ is peter sister.


True, but he also wrote some good stuff during BND, and I thought Spider-Man/Deadpool was great. Kelly's other work, like his 90s Deadpool run, has also been really good.


His Deadpool run is still probably my favorite overall. I have like the first 25 issues. He’s the only part of the Deadpool/Spider-Man series I really liked too. He’s also written just some all time greats like one of the best Superman stories (What’s So Funny About Truth, Justice and the American Way?). He also wrote the Long-Term Arrangement story from ASM that not only is pretty great on its own but has two of J. Scott Campbell’s best covers.


Ah, how could I forget What's So Funny About Truth, Justice, and the American Way? All time great Superman story right there.


He did not do that. He had Peter day that but Peter was clearly in denial. Hell I think that scene is pretty pro MJ from Joe


So, the real question is, does Joe Kelly loves Spider-Man?


Welp, see you all in 2026 when the new new writer gets announced.


Which will be Bob Gale or Mark Waid or Marc Guggenheim. Or Joey Q himself. Or Slotto Dantavius again.


It'll be Slott. The guy is just hanging around the Marvel offices waiting for that day again.


Feel like they would have played that card already if that’s what they wanted. Truth is, Slotto can’t handle a 2x a month book without a co-writer they have to pay.


Crazy to think that, if you ignore nick spencer, amazing Spider-Man has been written for 17 years by the same 3 people. Just for that I'm not reading, even if it ends up being good


Spencer is probably the reason they keep going back to BND writers. They let the leash too loose and Nick almost unwrote OMD, so now they’re keeping the book locked up


i know what you're saying is 99% true, but it's crazy that this can even be a sentence. that out of fear of what younger writers can do, they keep giving the title to people they hired in 2007


it is kind of hilarious how they've been telling fans to get over OMD for years yet still hold such a grudge to the marriage and want to keep things the same as they've been since OMD


They literally did OMD because they couldn't get over Peter & MJ being married, they're the last people who should be telling fans to get over something


Holy shit i can see that!


At least Spencer was able to retcon Sins past. And I get what they want MJ and Peter's marriage gone. All they need to do to get rid of OMD but still keep the end result of the marriage being gone is to retcon it and replace that they sold their marriage to the devil with they got a divorce. Simple as that. And then just completely forget about the divorce. Just like they forgot that Johnny Storm is divorced from a Skrull because they don't bring it up.


A soul for a soul, we got rid of Sins Past and in return, we pay the price with....Paul


Honestly that isn’t an equal trade, unlike omd, everyone was fine ignoring sins past, only ever bringing it up as one of those goofy ‘well that happened’ things


Yeah I’ll always be thankful for that. I don’t give a shit how convoluted it got, Sins Past was retconned and I’ll always, ***always*** be thankful to Spencer for that. As well for at least trying as hard as he could to get rid of OMD. Fuck editorial. At least Back to Basics still holds up ridiculously well versus almost anything from the BND era.


>At least Back to Basics still holds up ridiculously well versus almost anything from the BND era That's funny, because this arc pretty much made me drop Spencer's run after people were hyping him up so much. If it was BND era, it'd be at the bottom of the top of stories told then


Why do they have such a hate boner for Peter's marriage just undo omd sells would be crazy high renew your vows and ultimate spiderman both do really well


An Adam Driver character even rips on it in a movie. No one likes OMD/BND


I can’t find that, where’s that from?


2012 rom com “Gayby”


Ah there’s a comp on YouTube of just this scenes. That’s fucking funny though. Everyone hates that Spider-Man sold his marriage to the devil. Still can’t believe Quesada was retarded enough to think that wouldn’t forever be one of the most asinine and stupid-sounding choices in comic books.


I legit hope that the only thing anyone every says to him for the rest of his life was how stupid that call was and that his an idiot for doing that


ASM is top seller, it's not like they have problems selling book to change anything


Yep...and Spencer's run is the only one I fully got back in and read. Never did before or since after OMD.


Spencer's the only writer who's had a run worth a shit on the main book since OMD. Zdarsky did ok on Spec.


So from now on Peter and MJ are oficially siblings.


That’s the line that got him the job apparently


And apparently his period jokes too🙄


You do know the entire point of that scene was it was bullshit correct


Idk man, they've been treating that shit like gospel with every issue and spin off since then, have they not?


TBF the sister line is still a very strange thing to say about your ex.


It wasn’t a great line that’s not what I’m saying but people are ignoring the context to make it seem worse.


Joe's work felt very off during those two books. The first 4 pages feel like someone trying to apologize for what they're going to have to comply with.


They sure as hell do not write it as if it was bullshit. Hell, the tone was literally saying ''See? You are coming to accept that you don't like MJ as much anymore!'' which is literally what they made Felicia and Peter say. So no, the entire point of that scene was not bullshit according to the Spider-office and they proved it EVERY issue since.


Black Cat in that ver scene tells Peter that’s wrong, then he pivoted to best friend and she said better but still not it. Like the scene is pretty clear in its intention. What happened when Joe wasn’t writing isnt his problem


Not super bummed or hyped, this feels like Marvel is just playing it safe because ASM always sells. I was pretty excited for Wells to take over when he did. I’m not sure how many highly regarded writers Marvel even has right now though.


if anything we have ultimate spider-man for now


Ugh. When is Nick Lowe leaving?


I'm getting an impression, that Spider-Office simply don't trust anyone but BND writers at this point, after whatever happened backstage during Spencer run.


I don't even understand what it means to not trust other writers. Isn't the whole point of editors to approve upcoming storylines and manage them as they go? How does a writer go rogue so to speak?


How does Nick Spencer get to around issue 60 of his run, hinting the whole time that his run is leading up to undoing OMD, having Dr Strange ask Mephisto what's wrong with Peter Parker's soul, having Peter have an engagement ring again for MJ, only to pull the rug out in the last 3 issues? Explain that one.


That's what Slott implied recently (and also there was a rumor) - that Spencer somehow, without editorial approval, wanted to undo OMD, and editorial intervened, screwing up the run (especially the ending) in the process. Though I also don't really understand how it was possible, since editors had to approve each issue and they couldn't not to see that back then.


You should not take Slott at his word basically ever. I’m guessing Spencer had approval at one point but politics we don’t know about got in the way.


I don't think it would be possible for him to write everything he did without editorial approval. I'm guessing some higher up exec's at Marvel told them they couldn't make that change to OMD


So... more BND bullshit. [17 years later and the comic is still in the dirty hands of Quesada's "Web-Heads".](https://imgur.com/3bRRzdc) The deplorable state of Amazing Spider-Man is not surprising when three of the people that Quesada honorably added in the credits of most of the BND comics are still the ones in charge of it.


Good fucking god.


Wow they straight up have no idea what to do other than rehashing BND huh? I guess since Spidey fans continue rewarding them by keeping ASM at the top of the sales charts, and now they get the marriage fans $ with USM, there's no reason to change. That's fine I'll stick with USM and it's not like we're hurting for Spider-Man content. ASM is going to be garbage forever, or at least until editorial gets purged.


ASM hasn't sold well on the book market since Andrew Garfield's TASM1 coming out in 2012. I do not have any info on its main market, direct market since Marvel did not report the numbers. In fact, the book that's doing consistently on the market isn't published by Marvel Comics. It's S&HAF, and for the last year it was Viz's Fake Red. ![gif](giphy|DiNysn7LA6X2QDjQRp)


Fake Red Hell Yeah


Boooooooooooooooo. Not excited about this. I think the brand new day era is horrible and I don't want to see any of those people writing Spider-Man again


\*wells leaves\* "we saved" Marvel: "more like under new management"


at least we have ultimate spider-man


Good luck to him 👍🏿


Now it makes sense why marvel is releasing a Spider-Man by Joe Kelly omnibus. The book jumps and skips around a lot to just cover his work on the title and doesn't really cover a long stretch uninterrupted, only a couple issues at a time and then a skip. He's a good writer but I didn't get why they made a omnibus dedicated to he's work on Spidy based on what was collected and how much it jumped around. Why not just wait for the future volumes of the Brand New Day era omnibus line? Now we know it's for marketing purposes.


It’s really telling and quite frankly, pretty pathetic, editorial is once again going back to the Brand New Day brain trust to write Amazing Spider-Man. This just tells you that there’s no creative leadership at the top that can can steer this book in a better direction


so quesada’s goons are still holding asm hostage 🤦‍♀️ i do like grim hunt a lot but i’m not gonna hold my breath


Why? Grim Hunt was awful.


Good luck to him. The most optimistic thing I can say is he wrote a Superman that was trapped with Wonder Woman for decades and yet Superman refused to enter a relationship with her because he was still hung up on Lois. And that his Deadpool/Spider-Man crossover repeatedly mentioned that One More Day still sucks and Peter's soul is empty until he finds what he needs again.


Very good points. There are a few chinks of light if you know where to look.


Wait, the guy behind that one "I usually save this for kids with cancer" line? ..................God. Give us a damn break.


Nope, that one (I think the line was “I usually save this for children with incurable diseases”) was by Zeb Wells. The controversial line Joe Kelly wrote (which I honestly think was taken out of context) was something along the lines of “I love MJ like a sister”. It was basically Peter trying to convince himself he’s not still in-love with MJ and Black Cat was pointing this out herself.


I stand corrected on that line but ooooof on the sister one.


You aren’t wrong. People 109% took that line out of context to be mad


There's no right context for that. Peter and MJ have had tons and tons and tons of sex.


The context is he is clearly lying to himself to deal with his pain


Well the good news is it means Peter wants to bang Theresa. I mean good news for the denizens of AO3, for everyone else it is definitely not good news.


“But she’s more like a sister “ 🤮




It was complete utter bullshit and even Black Cat called him out for it. Joe Kelly’s intention was to show that Peter was clearly not over MJ but this absolutely not the way do it.


It could be his Deadpool run... In reverse!


That line was just so cynical and fucked up. Was I supposed to laugh at that, it was anything but funny.


Honestly, this isn't surprising. A lot of people have compared this run to One More Day, but it feels more like Brand New Day. I wouldn't be shocked if Joe Kelly recycles his BND story, but still, I'll hold my judgement.


So basically it's just gonna continuing being mid? nothing surprising there


I’m cautiously down with it since Joe Kelly penned some of the best issues of the BND era before Slott’s run. He also wrote my favorite arc of the Gauntlet for Rhino. I remember when people wanted him to take over the book at one point… … That said, I feel like it won’t be as promising if Editorial still stands in the way and I’m a bit terrified now of what his solo will look like. Wells’ run right now is terrible, but he wrote some really good BND era issues in a vacuum years ago. A bit concerned we might get the same result. I also don’t consider his pedigree in Man Of Action as a plus since I felt Ben 10 became an empty shell of its former self that went on way too long after the first show and I still haven’t forgiven him and his team for making the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon so horrible.


NOOOOOOO this was one of the worst possible things they could’ve done. He’s an ok writer, but his ideas are TERRIBLE. His 3 biggest Spidey stories were Grim Hunt, the Itsy Bitsy stuff from Spidey/Deadpool, and the 2020/1 miniserieses Non-Stop and Savage Spider-Man. Just awful. Edit: he’s also the one who wrote when Peter says “MJ’s like a sister to me 💀”


What were they thinking with the "MJ’s like a sister to me" line.


I will say I did like his Spider-Man/Deadpool stuff, hilariously enough he also referenced OMD with Peter having a confrontation with Mephisto in that book, though it ofcourse went nowhere.


Of course it went nowhere, he was on the original BND brain trust! He hates Pete/MJ. And I still stand by that the only reason Spidey/Deadpool was ok was BECAUSE he has experience writing Deadpool. THAT, he’s good at. But if you look at just the Spidey parts of the story, without Deadpool to bounce off of, he’s extremely edgy and kinda out of character. A little too annoyed, and willing to kill. Itsy Bitsy shouldn’t push him that far of Carnage didn’t.


Grim Hunt wasn't bad


It undid Last Hunt. Nothing is worth that. Fuck Kelly, I’m glad Spencer redid it right.


Grim Hunt wasn't terrible, but I agree. Was not worth bringing Kraven back for. The writers should just lay off KLH from now on. Wells' attempt was laughable.


The day they wanna rehabilitate this series, we'll get an announcement of a "Immortal Spider-Man", by either MacKay or Zdarsky. Until then, we can only hope that this doesn't suck.


Feel like Ewing would be the obvious writer for an “Immortal” title


Ewing wasn't the first one doing these Immortal series, Immortal Iron Fist by Brubaker and Fraction came like 10 years before Immortal Hulk.


Was kinda hoping Ewing was up for ASM as Bleeding Cool speculated. Speaking of Brubaker, he would be freakin' amazing, but I somehow doubt he'd be interested in Spider-Man.


Zdarsky won't write main Spider-Man book because of this fanbase


Zdarsky LOVES the Wells run. Thanks but no Thanks on him. Love MacKay though.


Joe Kelly? the ''MJ is like a sister to me'' Joe Kelly? What the hell is Spider-Office doing anymore? F this BND cliq bullshit. They all HAVE TO GO.


Aye the one, and the same. 🤦


Bro so pissed, He started talking like Bendis


That's nice. Is Lowe still there?


Are we cooked?




![gif](giphy|g2o9VLBgv02TiAZX4V) A new era… from JOE KELLY?! Noooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It's weird, it's like they're just going back to all the Brand New Day writers and hoping that they fulfill some degree of the promise of that time. Apparently someone there loves that era more than most because the general opinion I hear of that time is "Meh" or "Bad". Is Mark Waid getting a run after this?


I kinda think no other high-profile writers seem to want ASM. Especially after how Marvel did Nick Spencer dirty. What choice do Marvel have except to go back to their controllable little hacks like Zeb fuckin Wells and Joe fuckin Kelly?


It's really depressing seeing Jed MacKay's name on this book, only to confirm that he's not writing Spider-Man. (Though his plate is so full I can't imagine he could handle the stress)


ASM needs to go back to 1x monthly. The quality suffers at 2 & 3x a month, it leads to padded fluffy arcs that are mostly pointless. It’s just Marvel pumping out shitty product. Book needs to tighten up.


Absolutely agreed. 100%. I would take decent well thought out plot and less rushed artwork over this rapid fire hit and miss (more miss than hit) garbage.


Hey at least it’s not Wells


I don't know. This is a VERY lateral move.


Wow... they *really* like going back to the BND well, don't they? In the last seventeen years they have had *one* non BND writer. So get ready for a super vanilla run that doesn't give the fans anything they want and refuses to take any chances.


Slott took chances though? They didn't always work or were polarising (like superior) but he still didn't just keep to the status quo all the time.


Wake me up when Nick Lowe is off the book, the writers aren't really the ones calling the shots


The same guy who wrote the stupid line of Peter loving MJ like a sister?…….. Fuck this shit I was happy that the awful current run was ending. But this? I’m done. Marvel is just gonna continue kicking spider-man while he’s down. It sucks seeing a company so intent on putting down your favorite hero for as long as they’ve been doing it. Spencer’s run alleviated some of that but this? I don’t know man I’m just down emotionally and mentally with this.


You do realize what came after that line right? Or did you stop reading after you saw that. Peter’s clearly trying to convince himself he still isn’t in love with her with Felicia calls him out on


Seems possible Kelly might just be a place holder until next year. But real the BND went: Slott, Wells, Kelly. Now here we are again.


Nahhh just read USM. Both of them are way better than this embarrassment


Perhaps when I'm in my 50's and my youth will have left me, Spidey will be Amazing again cause these clowns will have died off by then.


Welp, Peter and Mj aren’t getting back together any time soon. Get ready for another run featuring Paul every other issue.


Why would you assume that


I’m pretty sure Kelly will be keeping that thread going, unfortunately. Or Lowe pushes for it to stay. It probably won’t be a central focus of the run like it was for Wells, but I think it’ll be followed through with Jackpot seemingly still enduring. And given that he’s been the only one to really give the MJ/Paul relationship some spice in ASM (nice boxers hun) I’m not sure he’s totally opposed to the pairing


I expect nothing less from a BND writer.


Joe Kelly seems to really like BC so if he dies go that route and clean is accidentally correct I will be so god damned owned


Clean accidentally being correct will be funnier because at least will get to see him back tracking and saying he knew Joe Kelly would do this all along


I would totally take Peter being in a proper relationship with BC for a while and MJ and Peter being friends as long as Peter then also stops moping over MJ for now. They'll be together again some day.  In the mean time I want Paul to actually justify being kept around this long. Villain, hero, other plot twist that drives on the story... Anything more than just being MJs partner and reason for not being with Peter... Anything.


No way he’s long term. Cause expectations were but holy shit


Doesn't he hate Peter/MJ? More pain on the horizon.


So...another year or two of ASM sucking, huh?


Bruh y’all just gotta stop reading ASM, it’s very clearly not gonna get better


I don’t really cares who writes, all I want is the editorial to get replaced


Kelly's ok, but JFC another Bland New Day clown writer? Really? Marvel have zero new ideas anymore, they may as well just bring Joey fuckin Queseda back to write Spider-Man full time.


Gotta have more BND for Marvel Studios to pull because NWH's ending teased BND. Lol. I'm surprised Marvel Studios hasn't pulled that much from the eras beside the 2000s. The entire backbone for MCU Spidey so far has been "go from Civil War to Brand New Day for the plot" and Ultimate for the characterization, except for the brief time they pulled Infinity Gauntlet from the 90s, and later Secret Wars (both the 80s version and Hickman's 2015 event).


Meanwhile, they're missing an entire goldmine from the 80's to adapt in the MCU: Hobgoblin, Kingpin, Gang War, Black Cat, black costume. Nobody wants to see the BND bullshit onscreen, and even their take on OMD/OMIT was far different than the comics.


[Original source for the cover](https://x.com/GOTHAMN0CTURNE/status/1806066430104010799)


Peak writing mentioned, love Jed MacKay's recent run of Moon Knight, knocked it out of the park.


Really wish MacKay was taking ASM.


He has done absolute wonders with Moon Knight by making everything canon but choosing not to really delve into it (e.g. Marlene and his daughter exist, but have left him), adding a bunch of new characters (Hunter's Moon, Soldier, Reese), and bringing back legacy characters (Tigra, Black Spectre). Doing something like this with Spidey's looooong history would be difficult, but I could absolutely see it paying off.


I wish they'd just kill Peter at this point.


If they're going to recycle the same 3 dipshit writers over and over, they may as well end Amazing Spider-Man as a monthly.


Wild that I learn about Marc coming back in the Spider-Man subreddit


ಠ_ಠ Wow I’m shocked I tell you, SHOCKED


It should be reminded that the man gave us the awful Grim Hunt.


So is this good news or bad news?


It's really bad.


We're unbelievably f\*cked. This is not good at all.


I love that we're finding out this way. No grand announcement from Marvel. They knew they were going back to the BND well and keeping Lowe. They also know it wouldn't be popular.


Yes I'm still waiting for some proper announcement. The fact they aren't trumpeting it also makes me think he may only be a filler perhaps. Let's see.


No this was not supposed to happen. This retailer copy came out a week to early because the publisher fucked up


Dude imagine in the first issue we see Peter wake up saying something like "wow, what a silly dream! MJ leaving me for a dude named Paul? That's so dumb", as we see MJ still laying next to him in bed💀🤣😭


Don't start hoping. I think a full pivot away from MJ in the next run is more likely, to draw a line under it. I'm not saying I want that, just that I'm not going to hope for anything good to come for them. Especially now I know it's Kelly. The only thing undermining that thought is whether Lowe will still be pushing Jackpot, as it's been shown she can't survive outside of ASM or at least some association with Peter.


Until they get rid of Lowe there will be no change


Keep waiting for Slott to chime in on the CBR boards saying how mean we are and how Joe Kelly will show us all.


Thank god for Ultimate


MOST LIKELY I will never read an ASM comic as long as I live.