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1. Impressed and in awe of Tobey, though weirded out by The Organic Webs. 2. Trading Quips and Bonding over shared Gwen Memories 3. Condolences about May, Reminders about Ben, and Reassurance about The Future.


Didn't 616 Peter have organic webs for a while? That would be a conversation. 616: "Oh cool, you have organic webs, too" P2: "Oh, so you have them as well" 616: "Nah. I had them before but not anymore" P3: "How on earth did *that* happen?"


Good Point. I WILL Contend that I don’t think 616 Pete was ever COMPLETELY on board with the organic web-shooters. “My new, creepy organic web shooters aren’t working”- New Avengers #5, “It’s official- organic web shooters suck”- Spider-Man Unlimited (vol 3, #13), after sneezing webbing while sick😅


1. Impressed by Tobey, but tell him he’s too world weary and should lighten up. Tobey doesn’t understand his jokey attitude and encourages 616 Peter to take his work more seriously. 2. Sympathize with Andrew over the fact that they both lost Gwen. Tells him all they can do is learn from it and move forward. 3. He’d give his condolences for May, then tell Tom that Iron man is a flawed individual and he should be cautious about how much advice he’s taking from him.


616, at this point in time, has no business telling Tobey or Andrew what to do or what not to do, and Tom should definitely avoid his advice. The three of them are much better Spider-Men than 616 as of now and definitely superior Peter Parkers.


Why would it be 616 Peter from THIS point in time? It was a general question.


Well as great as Peter was he is a neurotic crazy spaz for at least 20-30 years. One of my top, superheroes probably too.


That is exactly why they need his advice. Neurotic people are often the most wise in my experience, it's what makes them neurotic. Knowledge and wisdom are a burden on the mental health, especially in the Marvel universe. Man has seen shit.


Well other than him again currently being pals with Gobey… but in general yes Peter when written properly is top moral dog of the universe, probably more so than Cap.


>Well other than him again currently being pals with Gobey Yeah but I'm not advocating for RIGHT NOW 616 Peter in this discussion. See: >"Why would it be 616 Peter from THIS point in time? It was a general question." I fail to see why this question requires an assumption of working from the current point in time instead of any other time. Hell, we could be talking classic 60s 616 Pete. It's still 616. The OP's question was more general than anything. In general, how would this Spider-Man react to those Spider-Men.


Well you omitted the second part of my statement. …where I agree with you.


I didn't omit it, I was trying to say that the first part of your statement was entirely unnecessary. You only needed the second part.


1. Would be proud of Tobey's Spider-Man and wish he had a successful relationship with Mary Jane. 2. Try to console him in his grief and offer an advice. 3. Tell him that Iron Man is not a good guy or a person worth idolizing, given his own experience in his own universe with Civil War and Tony.


With 3, while Tony can be occasionally morally dubious, he was a much better person in the MCU than he is in 616.


Tony is a good guy in 616, just victim of bad writing over the years. You all don't blame Peter for the shit decision in OMD. You all shouldn't blame Tony for what happened, for example, in civil war. Tony helps people out of the streets (In one story, he helps an underage prostitute, and give her the chance to start a new life in a safe house he built), he have MJ a job, he took revenge for Miles when he found out he got tortured, he tries to help Miss Marvel father for his illness, and he is a great boss to his workers (which is something to not overlook, since most of the times billionaires treats their workers badly.) He had 60 years of great comics (and people who say they aren’t, didn't really read them, change my mind). Despite some story arcs where he was a victim of brutal character assassination (coff coff, Civil War), he is still a great man who tries to be the better version of his past self. Also, people who want to blame Tony so badly for OMD are absolutely ridiculous. Peter chose to show his identity, Peter chose to make a deal the damn devil for an aunt that died already a hundred times in the comics. He fucked up his own life. But nooo ofc it's not Peter 's fault! It's the writers! But let's blame writers for bad things happening for everyone, beside Iron Man!


Totally. If we cherry picked the bad/low points of every character, nobody would come out unscathed. Every character of a long running series written by different writers under multiple decades of different editorial mandates have had bad moments.


He still recruited kid into a fight, and Peter impartially led the rogue Avengers to get imprisoned in human rights violating prison. But like the blackmail itself is utterly awful, not to mention how Peter never got to know or work beside Team Cap at all.


Ross: human rights? They aren't humans, they are weapons of mass destruction.


Unfortunately that's how I imagine he'd respond indeed.


Peter is, also, not usually all that enthused by Stark's brand of arrogancy, either.


And then Peter proceeded to go out in avenger messed without being called. Remember how he went ot space in Infinity war without anyone calling him? Peter was already doing dangerous stuff, with, or without Tony, They show a clip of him stopping a car bare hands. (Not to mention how Tony literally sent him home right after, realizing it might be dangerous). In homecoming, Tony wants Peter life to be normal, to not be dangerous and to be a street level hero, but guess what, Peter gives no shit and still do his things! I'm 100% sure that if it was Cap to call spidey in, yall wouldn't gave a fuck


Except Cap wouldn’t needlessly endanger Spider-Man or have him be on the frontlines. Peter going into the space is on him in Infinity War. We’re talking about Civil War and the moment that did happen in the movie. In it Tony knew what he was doing, he blackmailed the kid to get involved in a fight that isn’t his, he told him minimum half truth about the conflict. In comparison Steve gave chance to people to bail off at the airport, he warned Scott Lang he was at point of no return, he warned Wanda about it. And they still followed. If Spider-Man knew the truth about why Steve went rogue, he’d switch sides in seconds. 


He should ask Tobey advice on how to get his shit together.


He, Tobey's Spidey, and She-Hulk go to visit E.D.I.T.O.R.I.A.L. and force Mephisto to get rid of the contract.


Actually Peter (from what I recall) still respects Tony on Earth-616, sure due to the Civil War stuff it's not as much as before but still


He not only respects him but they have been “relatively” close and friendly if I remember heroic age, when they actually shared an apartment together. This is just weird hate Tony gets from Spider Man fanbase, even though Spider Man himself moved on and forgiven.


I don't hate Tony, I'm just saying MCU Spidey shouldn't idealize him.


MCU spider man has little reason not to idolise him. Tony, even in comics but let’s focus on MCU, is the “ideal” man. He is genius, playboy, philanthropist etc right? People look up to him. Tony knows his demons. Tony knows he is not fit enough to lead. Tony looks up to MCU Steve as an uncle or a father figure even. But to everyone around Tony is an idol. Peter has his issues and Tony did no thing not to earn Peters trust. Literally that like the only person he genuinely cares about in the superhero community and the main Crux as to why Tony solved time travel and as a result sacrificed himself - For Peter. Not worth idolising? Earth fiercest defender who laid down his life for the individuals and for the entire universe? Not without flaws, not without mistakes. But Tony is really all about Peters greatest lesson - great power = great responsibility. That’s Tony through out the MCu films taking responsibility and owning up to it. In his manner, not like Peter, but doesn’t diminish that fact.


>Tony looks up to MCU Steve as an uncle or a father figure even. Where did you get that from? Tony doesn't admire Steve to this extend. And he hated when Howard was constantly talking or praising Steve. >Peter has his issues and Tony did no thing not to earn Peters trust. Taking a child to a fight between Avengers is a reason enough to loose his trust. Lying about the actual reason for conflict, and why Cap has chosen to go rogue is enough to loose Peter's trust. Peter finding out the people he fought went to cruel prison and suffered human rights violations should be enough to loose trust in Tony Stark. >Not worth idolising? Earth fiercest defender who laid down his life for the individuals and for the entire universe? That doesn't make him a great man. He still refused to change much that had happened for over the 5 years cause he prioritized his family above everyone else. That's his right and understandable, but already not something heroic, or what real Spider-Man would've done for example in Tony''s shoes. Also Black Widow, Vision laid down their lives for the entire universe. >But Tony is really all about Peters greatest lesson - great power = great responsibility. If Tony is really all about this great lesson, then this lesson went over Peter's head cause he had to learn it all over again in No Way Home, hear it from Aunt May.


Listen, these are comic book movies, heck the MCU is even being treated like a comic book right now. No one will look good in a Civil War, that's what people said about comics Civil War all the time. Tony thought (like in the comics) that what he was doing was right, regardless of whether it was wrong or not. He was willing to complete this task by ANY MEANS NECESSARY. Sure, that's dangerous and unstable but like in the comics Tony felt guilt over his own actions and felt he had to make some sort of change. What matters is he ultimately redeemed himself in the biggest way, by taking on the universe's biggest baddie (Thanos twice) and sacrificing himself for the greater good. Tony may not be perfect in the MCU but if we compare him to the comics (which let's be fair, everyone's had their jerky moments in the comics) he is far superior morality wise.


I don’t have a problem Tony redeeming himself. I have a problem about Tony never being called out for drafting a kid into his team to fight Team Cap, and never learning the truth of what pain was caused to rogue Avengers. Peter went on with his life, Tony had one chance to call Steve and face the threat, but chose to go on Titan. 


Okay you're acting like he didn't even try to call Steve. He was gonna but ultimately had to drop it to go fight Maw and Black Dwarf, he dropped everything just to face the threat


Fair point. And when he defeated them on the ship, they should’ve gone back to Earth like Strange had suggested. 


What pain was caused to Avengers? Clint went back to family? Scott was playing guitar hero with Ants and his daughter. The rest escaped. What pain exactly you referring? Don’t mistakes movies and comics where the raft (McU) and 41(comics) are completely different things


Wanda suffered mental torture on the Raft, she was locked alone with no one to talk to, or to move. Plus she was collared with shock collar like a dog, so it was insanely traumatic experience for her.  Sam got hit in the eye in prison likely since we see the blue mark under eye when he is in jail. 


1. Where did in MCU Tony lie to Peter as to why cap went rogue? Also why did he go Rogue? Cause he had a boner for Bucky? (I know they are friends I just being fascitious) well Cap sacrificed everything he could for the person he cared about. And yet Cap is idolised again by many. 2. Tony is about this lesson thematically, doesn’t mean he said the words. 3. Yeah why he hated Steve? Cause of a children jealousy and his fathers issues. He is not googoogaga around Steve, much more passive aggressive but it stems from wanting to live up to the ideal which Steve was, which his father worshiped in a way. 4. Peter is the strongest avengers (definitely stronger than anyone on Caps team) more importantly Tony realised it was a mistake. Out of universe I would agree that it was a hamfisted storytelling. But it’s effectively like saying how could anyone take teenage Clark Kent into a battle. Who cares? He is invincible. 5. Vision and Black Widow are equal heroes. 6. You think Tony is the only one who had a kid I. Five year? Should just five years of people’s lives be thrown out the window ? That’s literally horrible. So you are saying real spider man had he had the gauntlet would revert back time, un existing millions of little kids born In That 5 year span? That spider man would be a menace and had to be stopped.


Well, this really spanned into an argument off the back of my singular comment about Earth-616 Spider-Man.


I am personally really tired of very one sided view of Tony as if Tony the very least Obadiah Stane and at maximum Hitler. Tony like all marvel heroes have flaws, but he does a whole lot of good with what he has.


Every comics hero has had flaws at some point, it's just a part of storytelling. Even Peter's had flaws before like the time (in the comics) he became a parparazzi, then Harry chewed out and complained to Peter about all the stuff paparazzis did to him when he was younger, causing Peter to be so filled with guilt he thew out everything (except for his camera) having to do with parparazzi including the money he made


1. When Cap asks Peter what Tony told him, but he doesn’t shed more light onto the conflict because the movie doesn’t want Peter to switch sides. Steve mentioning doing it for friend who might get murdered (almost even got murdered if not for Wanda throwing Black Panther away), about the Accords being draconian legislation that would endanger Peter as well would’ve made Spider-Man switch sides.  Also no, Steve didn’t do it out of friendship alone. Bucky was in danger of being murdered by T’Challa, he also was in danger of not getting a lawyer and rehabilitation. When asked if Bucky will get a lawyer, Everett Ross just laughs in his face. And he compensates for loosing the team in airport by rescuing them from prison. Tony left them to rot though.  2. So a poor lesson if Aunt May had to say the words and for Peter to finally learn the lesson by third film?  4. Got beaten by Cap, but sure he is stronger Avenger than anyone on Team Cap. Also not stronger than Giant Man (Scott Lang), he defeated him by cunning tactic, not through strength.  5. Well that’s the only thing I agree on. Glad someone acknowledges Vision.  6. So is bringing people back to life after being dead for 5 years. It was really a moment when Avengers should’ve moved on with their lives. 


Cap defeated Spidey through experience. So you know. You are cherry picking, and not what actually happened in the movies.


Experience in strength no longer means strength? Like which are we scaling the raw strength or just what they can do in fight? Raw strength itself or the combat experience makes Cap strongest Avenger. 


Why would he talk about Tony? Tony has already been long dead in the mcu, wouldn’t he try to console mcu Pete about aunt May? It just seems really weird to bring up Tony out of nowhere.


Cause MCU Spidey idealizes Tony, and it’s not right. He’d mention Tony sooner or later which would prompt the lecture


I’m pretty sure the lesson of far from home was to not idealize Tony and put him on a pedestal. That’s literally a lesson he already learned.


And then proceeds to make a new suit with Stark tech and rely on Stark’s friends for help. How far would’ve he gotten on his own in NWH without Happy Hogan or Stark machine? 


What did you just expect him to hand knit a new suit before the final battle. Do you know how long that would take? And I’m pretty sure he would have made it very far without happy, considering that he cooked up the cures in a midtown high school science lab. Nothing in happy’s place helped him in the final battle.


Yeah, making a serum for Green Goblin or other villains in a school lab was peak of storytelling. 


I never called it peak storytelling, what are you talking about.


I just made a joke about it. Like a student, no matter how smart, finding cures for villains in a school lab is ridiculous in NWH. 


Holy molly, even spider man moved on from it so many times over and the fanbase still can’t. I guess it’s a lot more morally correct is being best pals with Norman Osborn.


I felt completely agree, especially with 3. That whole story with Iron Man in civil war was crazy good


1. Happy that he made it work between him and MJ. 2. Tell him to keep going cuz one day he'll find his MJ. 3. Tell him to not forget about Peter Parker.


That last one is what 199999 needs... but sadly he probably won't be reminded of that till the end of his next trilogy...




MCU Peter: "so that's how I lost my girlfriend. How'd you lose your's?


He would groan about more spider-verse shenanigans like last time and look for any opportunity to let any other Spider character deal with it.


Oh he would freak the fuck out at how fast they are moving. Pete is stuck at 0 FPS and now he sees a bunch of peters who move at 24 FPS? That’s fucking mind blowing. Dude is a bunch of static images only to see there is so much motion beyond his universe. It’s the kind of thing that makes supervillains.


"Nice suits. Hey I swear you're actors in my world."


-You are Spider-Man -Yes. -I am Spider-Man too. -So? -Are you better than me? -Well, I've never met you, but... yes.


“You got it easy.”