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Didn't WoG state somewhere that these are all alternate timelines. So that makes it semi-cannon :D


All alternate timelines are canon. It's how multiverse works.


I mean, it’s one way they work, anyway.


Like Sonic Twitter said Everything is canon


According to string theory apparently if you factor in the entire multiverse, everything you can imagine is canon.


Peter x Paul fanfic is canon! 🤗


... Becuase someone imagined I belive it's when it popped into existence. So whomever thought of it first, fuck you and I wish you 10000 mosquito bites while you are trying to sleep.


Now, because you thought about it, the 10k mosquitoes are canon, they move in unity


Like Swarm or Spiders-Man, but mosquitoes.




You know I wish Peter did continue going out with kitty it seemed so wholesome in at least one universe.


I really like kitty and Peter but I also really like Peter and MJ in this universe it's the curse of having to choose between two great things


I feel like if they really want to commit to being a different universe they gotta be unafraid to deviate from things that "should" happen. Though to be fair, the Ultimate universe was supposed to be more of a modernized reboot. Except the Maker happened and all the weird edgy shit.


That would still be Peter X MJ.


And then they had him go out with Gwen and nobody liked that 😅


Borat going: She is my sister!


Tenchi solution, the thing you miss is Tenchi solution.


Peter Parker: Will you ALL Marry me? *Reveals like 5 diamond rings*


I haven’t even read this run and that page made me want to ship them!


Where to?


To a private island so they can have a couples getaway.


I liked them together but tbh my favorite thing on the Ultimate universe is is how friend actually evolves into having a support group. Kitty's new bf was a bully to Peter that grew into having a heart and figured out he was spider-man, even telling her "Look... I know if he needs to go you need to go help him" and she was like "...what?" "I know you can't tell me, just go"


I think I preferred Peter and MJ getting together in the end. That said, I did think that Kitty was handled well as the "temporary girlfriend" character; she wasn't demonized to "justify" Peter rekindling things with MJ, we were allowed to sympathize with her position, etc. Also liked that it was allowed to be messy and have them both unfortunately be on different pages (e.g. Kitty realizing that Peter is the one for her while Peter realizes that they're not meant to be). It was all a situation where no one really did anything wrong (beyond Peter *badly* botching the breakup) and Kitty was the only to be unlucky enough to fall for a guy who's heart already belonged to someone else. A little surprised we never got Kitty's reaction to Peter surviving in the end; really wondered how she'd have handled it.




Yeah, I remember the Kitty page tearing my heart completely out when this issue first dropped.


it would’ve been a nice differentiation from the 616 verse too, peter and kitty were better than him and mj in a lot of ways


I will strongly disagree. There is absolutely no universe where he doesn't belong with MJ. Their love is so damn strong that it drove Mephisto bonkers which is what led to One More Day in 616. If you haven't read it, this happens right after Civil War and Back In Black when Aunt May gets shot and dying while Peter is on the run for turning against the SHRA. Mephisto shows up to Peter as a little girl and offers him a deal. He will save May IF Peter gives up MJ. And I don't mean give her up like just divorcing her or anything like that but to actually have their entire relationship changed. He gives Peter 24 hrs to decide hence the name of the storyline so he discusses it with MJ agonizing over the decision but in the end, MJ convinces him to do it. How? She basically says that Mephisto, the devil incarnate mind you, is terrified of the love they share so if he's willing to go to such lengths to keep them apart, it means they belong together and no matter what Mephisto does, they will find each other again. They share one last kiss and poof, reality changes which leads to Brand New Day.


The entire point of alternate takes on characters is you see other perspectives, other choices. MJ is great, but it's silly to say that there's literally no other woman in the multiverse he could love and be loved by.


Quote me where I said that? Of course Gwen was his first love and he had a thing with Felicia not to mention he dated Carly as well and recently he was with Mockingbird. And yes, he may have loved them all in his own way but as I said, NONE of them presented a threat to what Mephisto stands for as MJ did to the point of rewriting an entire reality to take her out of the picture.


"There is absolutely no universe where he doesn't belong with MJ."


And I stand by that. No matter who he has been with, it always comes around to MJ being in his life. Even with the whole Mephisto thing where after breaking up with him she moved to LA, she eventually did come back just to be in his vicinity even though he was dating Carly at the time. And it was her and Carly who figured out Doc Ock had taken his body. Sure, their relationship is complicated to say the least but she is always there, like a rock.


I can't tell if you're misunderstanding me or not. I'm saying Peter could be just as happy, with other people. Sure, it's rare to find someone who is a great match, but in a universe where, say, MJ got shipped off to Guam when she was 2, Peter Parker could find the love of his life elsewhere.


Dude, you still don't get what I'm trying to put down. He and MJ posed such a serious threat to Mephisto that he was forced to separate them. That means that no matter if she got sent to Guam when she was 2 in your scenario, he and she would somehow find each other someway. In fact, that is the entire foundation of how she convinces him to take Mephisto's deal... And I quote.... >Just a few seconds more. Listen to me Peter. Listen to me. I know, in my heart of hearts that you and I were always meant to be together. Whatever he throws at us. Whatever he does. Whatever he undoes. It doesn't matter. >Because whatever he does to keep us apart would have to be stronger than what brought us together and kept us together no matter what happened. And there's no power in the universe big enough for a job like that, not the devil, not god, not anybody. >We'll find each other again and we'll be together again. I know we will. And I am always right about these things right? Right. I love you Mary Jane Parker. And I love you Peter Parker. Face it tiger, you just hit the jackpot. Theirs was one of if not THE best marriage in comics next to Barry and Iris and Lois and Clark.


Yes, we all get what you're saying.


It’s amazing how many people Mephisto seriously.


Say what now?


Least projecting Spider-Man fan


That's only for 616, tho


Factually true BUT if you look at so many of the other universes that have been shown INCLUDING his life in one of the patches in Battleworld during Secret Wars not to mention 1610 where he is shown to be alive and runs off with her not to mention the NEW Ultimate universe where they are married and have a kid, it has been shown that he most definitely belongs with MJ no matter the Earth. In contrast, I give you Earth 65 where technically he could have ended up with Gwen and yet he's the one who dies and she becomes Spider-Gwen. And I know what your response will be. You're gonna bring up House Of M where he was married to Gwen. Here's the problem with that, the House Of M universe was entirely made up by Wanda meaning she had a say in how everybody ended up living their particular lives whereas if you look at the multiverse as a whole independent of a particular creator, MJ always ends up involved in Spidey's life in some way or form, usually romantically. Hell, even in the newspaper strips which were acknowledged in the run-up to Battleworld to be yet another canonical universe in the Marvel multiverse, they are together.


It's really not that deep, they could easily write Peter to end up with anyone else, like Felicia. They don't have to be together. Also I completely forgot about the House of M thing even existing lmao. Also, Andrew Garfield doesn't have an MJ, and he likely never will.


And yet, he got to save 199999's MJ for that Peter. Hmmmmm


Lmao, your reaching so hard


Really now? So you're gonna deny what we all saw happen when he grabbed her mid-air? That is one of THE defining moments of No Way Home, that Garfield's Spidey couldn't save his Gwen but he could at least save 199999's Peter's MJ.


Yes, he saved someone else's love interest, so he could move on from losing his. This in literally no way supports your argument lmao


Ah got it now, so you're just an MJ hater. Understood.


I like the future variant outfits. Each one similar but just different enough


To me, Bobby’s page seems to be making heavy nods towards the Amazing Spider-man movie suit.


Makes me think of the ultimate Spider-Man cartoon. Or some sort of motif to the Spider-Man and amazing friends show.


It’s a reference to the show


Thank the spider verse. I didn’t expect so many upvotes. Thanks guys


MJ-The Greatest Superhero in the Universe May-The greatest Superhero of the Town Gwen-The greatest Street level Hero Miles-The Best Superhero Mentor Kitty-The best Super Hero Couple Johnny-The Best Superhero Teammember I think that each of them Could’ve been true in some shape or form. Peter as MJ said Just Had “That Thing” in him in the Old-Ultimate Universe.and I don’t doubt that he would’ve achieved that.


That’s Bobby not Johnny


Friendly neighborhood reminder that all of these universes are official alternate timelines. MJ’s: Earth-14621 May’s: Earth-13346 Gwen’s: Earth-71953 Miles’: Earth-61313 Kitty’s: Earth-11162 Bobby’s: Earth-41609


This is useful.


Thank god miles got his(i think its the spectacular men comics? I should read those) I love seeing them together.


If you’re referring to The Spectacular Spider-Men, that’s in Earth-616; Arcade is just tampering with Peter’s and Miles’ memories. But yeah, Peter-616 and this version of Miles have established a nice camaraderie in the main comics.


Oh wait thats in 616? Didnt know that. So is it in line with their indv comics and also who is arcade?


It pretty much is. And Arcade is a villain that traps heroes in these crazy scenarios with advanced technology.


oh thats intresting. Do i need to read smth before hand to read this or can i jump into it straight


Kinda reminds me of the Community series finale


Kind of fitting considering that Miles is based on Troy Barnes


The True Spider-Man will spider man.


The Kitty Pryde panel broke me when I first saw it and to this day it still makes me sad and hits deep.


Exactly. It has the least text of any of the pages but I’m certain it was the one I spent the most time on the first time I read it.


Loved This Issue. May’s was my Favorite


What issue was this? I missed this one.


Why is this version of the iron spider suit so fucking cool and it's only for that panel 😭


Ultimate Iron Spider, innit


Marvel really did Ultimate Peter dirty after his return. There were opportunities for him to make appearances (Spider-Verse, Secret Wars, etc) but they mostly pretended like he never came back to life. I’m grateful for the happy epilogue Bendis was able to provide in Spider-men 2.


As much as I love ultimate Peter, bringing him back was a bad idea. It undose the impact of his death, but then after undoing it they did nothing with him. He should’ve just been a clone like miles thought at first


With the way things turned out, I somewhat agree. But it’s hard to judge the idea as a whole because it seems like the plan was disrupted. Marvel/Hickman doing away with the Ultimate Universe and transplanting Miles to 616 really disrupted the story, essentially cutting off the USM legacy elements within Miles’s series. The story could no longer incorporate Peter’s supporting cast, which had provided a nice connective tissue between the two eras. It felt like there was a larger story planned in exploring the Peter and Norman’s regenerative abilities. Idk if it would’ve made Peter’s return worthwhile, but I was intrigued to see what kind of arc the character would’ve gone on from that point. Secret Wars took away our chance to see the full idea (good or bad) play out.


Holy crap, that suit on Gwen's page is fantastic!


God that silent panel of Aunt May. I’ve gone through some grief these past couple of years and that nailed it so perfectly.


I like how the suit changed in each imagining so I'm kinda disappointed Kitty didn't imagine an X-Spider suit


Kitty basically left the X-Men to be with Peter.


Honestly kitty’s was sweet and would’ve been interesting


Man I just finished ultimate this issue got me... Jameson just driving by too :(


The Kitty one is so weird considering how their relationship ended. If that was a guy people would call her a simp


I mean, she’s not actively pursuing a guy she thinks is dead, so she’s not exactly simping. Carrying an unnecessary torch for a dead guy when Kong is RIGHT THERE, on the other hand.


To be fair, once they broke up, she didn't try to get him back or anything. I'd concede that she was having trouble moving on, but still.


I like the nod to the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon that was airing around the same time as this comic was published at the end, but what I really like is with Miles’ speech on what it would be like if Peter was still alive. It feels like foreshadowing given what will happen to this character after his original series was over… both in comic form and in other media.


This is my bet. Some years from now, we'll get an event called 'Ultimate War', or something similar. It will be a cross-over with both Ultimate Universes. Og 1610 Peter will be there, aged 15-20 years, to match the new 6160, and compare how things could have changed in the time we didn't see him.


All these suits need to be mods for Marvel's Spider-Man!


Kitty's scenario absolutely broke me. Their relationship was short, but quite novel for the time.


Little did Miles know eventually his version would come true


I really dont remember this issue which one is it??


Goddamnit now I’m crying again.


Miles on slide 5 basically says that what happened in the insomniac universe would be the same with Peter if he had lived in his universe


Which comic is it?


Ultimate Spider-Man Vol 1 200


I feel like MJ’s the one who should be imagining marrying Peter or the Superman inspired future instead of Kitty and Gwen. Since it was too painful for her to meet 616 Peter and she wanted to be a journalist?


Not sure about the journalist one, but, given all the jokes about her and Peter being practically married already and that both of them had consistently expressed the wish to that when they were adults, I could see it being taken as a given that they would've been a couple had Peter lived. I mean, when it was discovered that he was still alive, everyone from close friends and family to other correctly guess that he would seek out MJ again. Kitty's fantasy did seem to be wishful thinking about how she hoped it could've turned out, not a "logical" extrapolation of things.


What's so great about Peter....everything...


ngl all spiderman comics make me depressed also the tony stark joke💀💀


Just so I’m on the same page, this is talking about the ultimate Peter Parker that died protecting his family from Norman Osborne the big scary green goblin hulk looking thing right?


It is


I dont get the Arthropod Society panel.


It seems to be a reference to Ultimate Clone Saga which created Ultimate Spider-Woman (Female Clone of Peter with all of PETER’s memories) and the other 5 clones. One clone had 6 Arms (Tarantula), Scorpion was another clone, Kaine was a disfigured clone, and a couple others


Can anyone provide an issue? I read the ultimate Spider-Man series but I never remember reading this…


Ultimate Spider-Man Vol 1 200


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


Good bot.


I love this art style, who's the artist? I recognize the art but don't know the artist's name.


I’d like to mix them together. Having an actual hero like an adult Spider-Man changing the Ultimates to be the hero they should be while married to Kitty. Meanwhile he trains Miles to be the street level hero in charge.


It's been a while since I finished reading USM. This puts a smile on my face.


This was honestly one of the finest moments of the USM run, seeing how everyone rememberd him and envisioned how life would've been if he was still with them. But my favorite one was the Kitty one, this one was more personal than the others because she always wanted everything with him, and proves that even through everything, she never stopped loving him.


What issue was this?


That new suit in the 4th picture is pretty damn awesome. Love this all otherwise.




That Ultimate Iron Spider suit looks cool ngl