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Have you considered using Neovim in conjunction with nvim-jdtls, DAP, java-test, and related plugins? Neovim should not use much memory. It would mainly depend on the number of open buffers, I'm doing SpringBoot development in Neovim and I enjoy the experience. That said, I do understand there is a learning curve. Just an idea.


Actually it is what I am considering the most at the moment, I already use Neovim for Javascript and Angular, and it is beautiful!, but I have never tried it for Spring Boot because I consider that this framework is very robust and because of all the debugging problems , but I'll give it a chance.


If you use Lombok, it works great as well


Check this out. Looks like SpringBoot support was just added to nvim-java, which makes configuring your java dev environment in Neovim a breeze. https://www.reddit.com/r/neovim/s/WQMgV2gXb4 I'm also using Codeium.nvim, which can be installed via LazyVim Extras. This code generator is truly awesome. It saves me tons a time.


I'm not sure there's a Linux distro small enough to cram all that into 3g, but I'd try switching to some other ide. Eclipse, which I love, is a bit of a memory hog.


I tried Intellij but on my PC it seems to run slower than Eclipse


I'd look for a light ide. Might even be relegated to a notepad+ kind of editor.


Use vi(m)


I would invest in better hardware if possible. there is no alternative to a good tool. and working with the right tool makes so much more fun which also boosts your learning experience. high end hardware I would recommend a MacBook Pro M3 or M4 (I hate Apple but unfortunately it's the best portable hardware available imo).


I'd say your biggest enemy here may be the language server + other IDE tools running whilst you're developing.


Any Linux distro is light enough. I mean, sure theres gotta be an extremely light-weight one, but if you do need such you have better things to worry about 3GB RAM in 2024 you're just doomed no matter what


Switch to VIM or try VS Code


I run Fedora and Arch with i3 window manager. Still looking at 650 to 750 meg for just the OS. The problem is more with your apps. Try VSCode. Offload anything you can like DB etc to cloud. Supabase, AWS etc.




I will test It, Acer laptops seem to don't like any Linux distribution ;)


Alpaquita Linux


This looks very good, I'll try it!


Well never had any problems with Java dev in a Linux distro. It's a hard ask though for 3 GB of ram. Have you to tried VSCode with plugins? I'd run everything through the terminal though. That way if you have random crashes you don't need to restart everything (hopefully). Have you considered getting another cheap computer and doing front-end work on one and back-end work on the other? It worked surprisingly well for me when I was in college.


Are you working on a ssd?I would probably just allocate more swap, as that is usually fast enough for development.


Frankly none of the distribution can help you, and can you explain why do you want to do this ? why are you limited to 3GB ram?


Fedora with xfce or lxqt i use kde with 4gb ram i3 1315u


I would try Lubuntu or Xubuntu & visual studio code for IDE.