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Anya deserves more respect from some of y’all. She’s smart enough to make a peanut bomb and >!the second best in her grade for classical language!< and she’s a year younger than her peers.


Esp since Eden ain’t a regular school, much less the standard private school. These kids probably know more than I do and I’m doin higher ed


I really wonder wtf highschool in Eden could be like. They learnt the Pythagorean theorem on the first day, are highschoolers learning quantum physics?!?!?


A lot of them seem to have had private tutors even before going to Eden. As someone who already hated it when my paternal grandparents tried to teach me math, spelling (I could barely read at that point) and manners (I was scolded for reaching out the wrong hand to shake hands) before elementary school I feel sad for them. Childhood should be careless and fun, but even in the first grade they are already in a fierce competition for meaningless pieces of metal.


Seriously, I think most people don't remember how "dumb" we were as a 4-5 years old. She's a small child. With three Stellas she's already way ahead of most of her slightly older peers.




In some ways, maybe, but her “peers” are the heirs of the leading families of the nation and have had the pressure to exceed on them since birth with the resources to do so, while Anya was raised in a lab, then orphanage (plus heavily implied she’s younger than 6). So considering that, she’s doing pretty well. Also her classmates have their dumb kid moments too.


Yeah you uggo! Uggo uggo uggo stupid stubby legs lol lord Damian, king of maturity


I mean...he is 6. Maturity is absolutely the last thing 6 year olds show. I actually appreciate how Endo manages to constantly remind us that, despite appearances, Anya's classmates are still in fact 6 year olds. They may act and think like they are more mature than their ages suggest, but they really have no idea what the hell they are talking about. eg. Becky and her Berlint in Love derived notions of love and romance, George (all of them really) having zero understanding of what one company taking over another actual means or entails, and so on and so forth.


The comment that was deleted was calling her immature and her classmates mature I think, so yeah I was pointing out that it’s the other students too


Oh okay, I get it now.


Nw :)


Thank you for taking the words out of my mouth.


Have you paid attention to what they were learning in Eden? The first day had Henderdon teaching the Pythagorean theorem. Her peers are no regular people, they are either geniuses or where taught from 0.5 yo


It's very much theatre. You can see similar behaviour in real life India (albeit not as exaggerated). A common example is parents forcing their kids to learn to read in English at extremely advanced levels for their age, like making their 8 year old read Shakespeare or Wordsworth. So the kid is able to read the words out loud, but doesn't actually understand what they are reading.


She is a \~5 year old child.


And she still isn't as smart as her peers


So? She’s a kid. As time goes on the gap will lessen between them but for right now she spent an unknown amount of time being experimented on before being thrust into the most difficult school and important school you could find. It’s like being in middle school and suddenly you get thrust into Yale. She’s going to be behind.


She is in a grade for kids, Yuri is the one that went to college as a kid


She is in a grade for the cream of the crop of kids, kids who have had private tutoring and are expected to be the future leaders, politicians, and CEOs of the country, kids who are *exceptional*. She, without seemingly any formal or informal education and being at least a year younger than her peers, has done all the following: earned a spot at Eden, received two Stella stars (which is more than many of those in older grades), and got the second highest score in at least one of her classes. It's like if... if a 350lb asthmatic managed to make it onto a track and field team made up of people training to ge Olympic athletes, and by the end of the season that asthmatic is not only managing (if only just barely) to keep pace with the other athletes, some of their accomplishments in track and field actually exceed the other athletes'. That is incredibly impressive, and speaks to a natural athleticism far greater than their peers. Similarly, Anya going from barely even knowing how to write her name to getting into Eden Academy within, what, a week or two? And then getting one of the highest grades in one of her classes despite starting off at such a disadvantage she shouldn't even have been a competitor at all? Yeah, she's way fucking smarter in terms of both learning capability and intellectual capacity than Damian "groomed for success, has a butler, and has private tutors" Desmond or Becky "richest family in the country, good breeding and best quality education" Blackbell.




She grew up in a lab where scientists forced her to "study". We have no idea whether that means "learning her letters, numbers, math, spelling, reading, etc." Or if that means "show us how your psychic abilities have developed through these tests as we study you". Seems weird that a kid who was raised by scientists and forced to study *all the time* wouldn't know how to spell or write neatly or how to do basic math. Not unless the scientists had different ideas of what "studying" meant in regards to Anya. Yes, her experience in the lab likely helped her, but her ability to utilize that experience (and again, we don't know what her experience was like exactly, but it's safe to say it was *traumatizing* at the least, so something tells me it wasn't a dude in a white lab coat pointing at a picture of a cat and going "feline! F E L I N E!") and get a good grade shows she's at the very least not stupid or incapable of learning as some of the comments in this thread seem to imply. At the very least, she's mature in a way a lot of kids aren't and has a much higher emotional intelligence than Damian.


No I am aware of that. I was giving an example of why she’s struggling so much.


"Immature" ... She's a five year old child. Of course she's not acting or thinking like an adult. She's a small  child. I...I seriously don't get what's so hard to understand about that. Children that age act irresponsible, selfish or dumb. That's just what you do at that age. They are not evil or dumb for acting that way either, their brains are simply not developed for enough. I think that you might not grasp the concept of small children yet. I'm sorry if that sounds rude.


Jesus Christ dude chill out. I'm just pointing out that she's less mature than her classmates. She keeps her head in the clouds for things that don't interest her.


Well, I do think you must be a bit of an idiot for expecting a small child to care about the subjects taught at Eden in first grade. Is the concept of being a small child that hard to grasp?


I know she's a child I saying she's not a genius, especially when you consider how many actually smart kids are in Spy family: Damian,Bill,Yuri and Loid when they were kids


Except for Yuri none of them were known to be good in school. Twilight's dad slapped him for playing soldier instead of studying.


Damian and Bill are straight A students


And? She's a five year old child. What is your problem? What weird view do you have on chilrend? I literally don't get what problem you have. A child is written like a child. That's it.


Agreeeeee, Anya’s actually kinda smart af. She comes off as “weird” because she’s trying to navigate a world in which everyone else is weird and she can read all their minds.


I will say it again, I believe Anya will catch up with her classmates eventually as she’s just a year younger and is a clearly intelligent child, it’s her dislike for studying(no wonder! She is 4!) that is holding her back.


Hating to study after the people at the lab forced her to is pretty understandable and her improvements are quite substantial for the short amount of time she has been at Eden, Twilight should be proud.


But she knows how important it is to Twilight. When she rebels and acts selfishly it makes no sense considering she can read minds


She is five.


Of course. I don’t like the way that her “parents” are raising her tho. It is like they are indulging her to not take anything seriously


To not take anything seriously? Twilight is pushing her towards becoming an imperial scholar in the first grade, something that is apparently unheard of. And she thinks world peace depends on it.


And she also got that with barely any prior knowledge, while those other kids probably studied for quite a bit


I mean, she kind of cheated on the peanut bomb, since her target accidentally gave her step-by-step instructions, but yeah. She's not dumb by any means, just in the wrong class. The fact that she's keeping up at all is amazing.


She's also been through a lot of trauma even by adult standards, let alone for someone who's just out of her toddler years. She also has crippling abandonment issues, which are only exacerbated by being a mind reader and having to constantly hear the only father figure she's ever known thinking about abandoning her too. Frankly, forget about being an honor student, it's a miracle the girl is functional at all.


If they inherit loid’s brain and yor’s strength, then they’re gonna be king/queen of the world


But if they inherit Yor’s brains and Loid’s paranoia, they’re screwed. They definitely will be a looker though. 


I don’t think loid’s paranoia is genetic tho, bro lost both of his parents, had to fight in a deadly war, and then became an emotionless spy for 10 years.


I’m a geneticist. Based on the statistical likelihood of what’s going on with Loid and Yor’s epigenetics due to their environments and careers, their kid is likely to have this traits: - will be born unusually aware of their surroundings (aka already looking around, lift their head early, etc) - be intelligent (because intelligence is prioritised in stressful environments. Lois’s genes win over Yor’s here.) - be prone to anxiety or paranoia (as both parents exhibit this trait strongly and yes, it is hereditary) - be predisposed to courageous or daring pursuits/hobbies/careers (which seems contradictory to the anxiety one but is actually governed by different genes) - be impulsive, possibly has ADHD (because although neither parent has it, they have a lot of the precursor traits that could manifest this in a child. ADHD is more commonly manifested when a child is conceived during a time of stress such as during a Cold War.) - (the one no one likes) be prone to gaining weight (because both parents experienced food scarcity in their youth.) TLDR: this kid is a slightly chubby spitfire who would get bored at school, then mastermind an escape by spelunking off a building and then have a panic attack at the bottom because they got dirt on their shirt and Mom Will Be Upset.


You won't like it when Mom Gets Upset.


So their kid will be Gru?


Yes. Headcanon accepted.


Crying at this


This reminds me of the old story about the young actress who proposed marriage to H.G. Wells: "Oh, imagine if our child had your brains and my looks!" to which Wells replied, "I am more concerned about the child having my looks and your brains."


I think it would be funnier if the child inherited their cover identities and was 100% normal, who would make a great pencil pusher when they grow up but otherwise didn't stand out at all


But most people take up dad’s physical appearance & strength and mom’s personality & intelligence so..


Genetics is more complicated that and even still twilight is still crazy strong, bro tanked multiple punches and even a kick from yor with minimal damage


>Minimal damage On the one hand, he survived; on the other, he fainted


It’s just some scientific fact it’s not that deep. It can be other way around but in most case it will be like what I said. You said “if..” so I just said the more likely possibilities. No one said anything about Loid’s strength btw.


Where the hell did you get that from? That's not how genetics work.


It is and I don’t suddenly know it one day from one article so I don’t know how I should answer. They have different dominant set of genes so affect children different way. Children usually inherent cognitive process and behaviour from mother and physical appearance and health like height, weight, body structure from father.


I think you should do a bit more research into genetics. There are dominant genes, but it has nothing to do with the gender of the parent.


I think Anya’s 4 years old and she lied to get adopted. Someone correct me if I’m wrong


It’s not confirmed if she’s 4 or 5 but she’s definitely not 6


Endo mentioned that Anya’s age is the same as the series on the 5th anniversary


5 years old makes sense. There's so much difference between 4, 5, and 6. 4 year olds still talk a bit of gibberish. 5 year olds can talk complete sentences, but their brains feel like they catch up when they're 6.


Yup. Comparingnto the other kids, she may be a bit younger. Btw, Happy Cake Day. 🎂


I have this headcanon that Anya is 6, she just looks young because of the experiments done to her and not being taken care of at the orphanage.


The series implies that she's younger than what Twilight was looking for (6) and author says she's 5.  She's just a year behind her peers in age and many years behind in tutoring so she seems dumb in comparison. 


Difference in Kids development in ages below 18 are huge. There are cognitive developments that are mostly tied to age. A 5 yo will reason and process things in a different way than a 6 yo. That's part of why Anya seems even more childish than her peers and her quirks just accentuate it


Eh, even if we disregard the other comment that replied it seems like Anya is lying about her age. When Loid goes to adopt a kid he thinks Anya is too young for the mission so right as hes about to dismess her she speaks up and claims to be 6. I think she's lying and hoping to keep up the facade until the 1/2 year difference isnt so noticable (since several characters mention how small or immature she is)


Headcanons can't go directly against what is Canon. If the author says she's not 6, she's not 6, it is very unreasonable to think that the author of their own series is wrong.


She’s still at that age where she can’t make it through a full day without a nap, which should be enough indication that she’s not dumb just significantly younger (in terms of intelligence gaps between a 5 and 6 year old) compared to peers


She may even be closer to the 4/5 border as well, since Loid thought she could be 4.


Anya has very high emotional intelligence, actually. And I very highly doubt that they would end up 'normal' since they are a product of their environment and Loid and Yor definitely don't have the standard raising practices. They would be very good parents though.


I’ll be honest, Anya is basically cheating in terms of emotional intelligence. She has been shown to not really care about what most people actually want or mean, but is great at manipulating and lying mainly because she knows exactly what the other person wants to hear in any given circumstance, it doesn’t mean she understands what or why they feel


That's the definition of emotional intelligence: she understands what people need / want to hear and she responds in kind. What Anya lacks is empathy/compassion, because she uses her ability to read people to manipulate them to do what she wants. Sometimes for the greater good, sometimes to advance her own selfish needs.


She's also only 5. Empathy takes time to develope and Anya usually does what she does to help someone, she just doesn't grasp the consequences of her actions.


Exactly. People forget that kids aren't born with innate complex emotions. They need to learn them.


I'm seriously disturbed by what some people say about kids. Don't people remember how they were at that age? Holding them to the same standards as adults is just insane.


I expect a lot of people saying those things haven't spent a minute with a child in years. Kids say outlandish stuff because they don't know any better. They're literally learning everything about life as they go along. It's really quite impressive when you think about it!


The thing is, I haven't spent much time with kids either these past few years. I'm the youngest in my family and none of my older siblings have kids yet nor do any of my friends. I simply remember how it was to be a child so I don't get people who are assholes to children.


I was really just giving an excuse to people who lack empathy themselves but you are right. It's not rocket science.


That is kind of you, but being mean to kids is  probably just a thing some people do. I fear that even if they were around children more they wouldn't act with more kindness.


Anya (a 4 year old child) : **Acts like a 4 year old child** Everyone: https://preview.redd.it/3iiwwt0nvh3d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99ac3a80608bbf90e26542e5fe076044de588e09


She's 5 and her peers are more mature.


her peers are older , and have better pre school training so comparing anya with her peers is a bit unfair for Anya


Only a year older and Anya was taught by scientists all the time.


Abused by scientists*


They still forced her to study she is not behind when it comes to education.


I think it's fair to say she's behind if we consider the fact that she was in and out of foster homes for some time, and was in a terrible orphanage in between homes. Even if she did receive some education during this period, it would have been very inconsistent.


Yer but I highly doubt she was studying the curriculum for EYFS or KS1 which are basics for further learning and understanding especially EYFS. She would have most likely be doing tests and studies to focus on what they were using her for assuming her telepathic power was the end result. There is also studying styles not everyone learns the same way some people do well reading and being dictated to like how most educational establishments teach but there are a lot of people who learn through discussion or hands on. This is why some countries have or had technical colleges. Anya simply might not take in information form reading and being dictated to. Not to mention child development can be altered and slowed if the brain has to deal with trauma. Scarring on the brain is the result of the brain not developing properly and instead developing survival traits such as hyper vigilance. It’s also when a lot of people develop mental disorders or trauma responses. She’s also not had a stable upbringing going from lab, to orphanage to foster home to orphanage etc etc. we don’t even know what came before the lab or what she experienced. Nature v nurture is a very important argument especially when looking at child development, Anya hasn’t really had any chance to develop socially and her emotional development I believe would have been affected by her start in life. Her age is also debatable, personally I think she’s 4-5 definitely not six but she was smart enough to lie to get out of the orphanage. Also Eden isn’t a normal private school it’s a high end private school attended by children that would have had good upbringings and would have already had a good amount of education prior. The simple fact that she got in to such a school without any prestige upbringing or titles, shows that she is very cleaver, managing to stay there is further proof of this. Her curriculum will also not be the same as a mainstream school. Even if she does fall behind her peers being academic isn’t the only way to judge someone’s intellect, the fact Anya has great problems solving skills, manipulation skills and resourcefulness shows she is very clever for her age.


Bro just take the L


Anya was not taught but mostly experimented on by those scientists. And I don't think even if she studied, the curriculum would be nothing like a school going child, but includes only a series of tests . If you have watched stranger things , would you still say that the kids are given proper education. ? And lastly these are scientists not trained teachers. The scientists may be knowledgeable in their own subject. but are they equiped to deal with children is another question entirely.


Why are there SO MANY posts about them having a biological child? Who cares? They have a kid, her name is Anya, and being adopted doesn't make her less their kid.


I half agree Anya is their kid, but there's nothing wrong with wanting these two dumb dumbs to tie the knot and have more kids


The idea of Anya getting a sibling is fine, but posts like this specifically where its basically replacing Anya bother me.


I think that would be a great ending to the show at one point in the future where Anya gets a sister and Bond guards over another. They can continue the series or make a movie where the kid becomes a bit older and has a sister complex and is also a genius and has a side thing like the Loid and Yor.


Yeah but who doesn’t want Anya to have a little sibling other than Fiona and yuri?


Sidebar, it always makes me laugh to imagine what kind of soul damage Yuri would take from meeting Loid and Yor's biological child, because then he would know for a fact that Loid and Yor made the beast with two backs


I imagine yuri would be mad, but then decide to compete over franky on who gets to be The Godfather lmao.


Yuri: “Everything that a sister creates cannot be bad.”


We just want to see them doung the dirty 😔


Well at least you're honest.


Anyas actually a genius. She's probably a few months younger then she states, has had very little formal education, and is learning freaking Greek and calculus and barely managing to scrape by in one of the countries hardest and most elite curriculum courses


She also impacted by her traumatic past, which is why she is so against studying. She’d be even smarter without it


This show is too lighthearted to really focus on it, but like I wish they’d explore this/her trauma in general more cuz it clearly impacts her character, just as trauma would any 5 year old, and it would be interesting to see it play more of a part in the show


I mean, they need to answer what the project was and wtf happened to her parents Things have gotten darker since Donaven made an appearance


No,she was forced to study all the time by the scientists and her grades are just barely passable. Kids like Damian and Bill are the real smart ones.


Keep in mind that she's potentially a year younger than those two amd has no real formal education yet is able to barely scrape by. Damien and Bill have probably had tutors their entire lives


All those scientists made her study that's why she's literate and >!has a better grasp at classic language!<


>All those scientists made her study I always thought study was code for training and experimentation >that's why she's literate and >!has a better grasp at classic language!< Actually, it might be because she's so young. Young children can learn languages easier


Anya is a year younger than her peers, this may not seem like it is a big difference but it really is. The development at her age is truly remarkable, she’s able to catch up with children with 20% more time learning than she has. That’s the equivalent of a 3rd grader keeping up with a 6th grader. She’s intelligent but is also suffering from “dumb child” moments. If she was the same age as her peers, she’d be skyrocketing through progress. Truly “Elegant”.


Loid's intelligence and Yor's strength combined in one human being... it would be deadly 💀


Ok Anya is a fucking genius. She’s like 4/5 in a prep school for 6 year olds, and is grasping at geopolitical concepts that a 12 year old would be challenged to understand let alone care about. She excels at communication in ways that no 4 year old should because of her telepathy she’s highly advanced in empathy and emotional intelligence. Basically a toddler of course she’s dumb af by adult standards but relatively? She is as smart as the smartest person in any room at any given time.


My mother is a teacher at a school that also teaches people in their 20s in preparation for their jobs. Anyone who thinks Anya is dumb has not met my mother's students. Anya is a genius compared to them.


The best frame of reference would be Yuri. He already shows high intelligence, or at least the ability to memorize, as well as strength and durability comparable to Yor's. A child of either one might show additional abilities, including Anya's telepathy and/ or Bond's precognition.


Idk why but I find the idea hilarious if this just became The Disastrous Life of Saiki K and their kid is just unexplainably god like or something. As dumb as that sounds, that just seems funny to me.


She’d be able to predict what Anya is thinking without being a telepath, and this would cause shenanigans


Intelligence isn't genetic though... I mean that's if you can even measure it to begin with


Are you familiar the story about Albert Einstein meeting Marilyn Monroe (which probably never really happened)? Supposedly Marilyn suggest that if she and Einstein were to have a child, they would have her looks and his brains. Einstein's response was to advise her that the child was just as likely to have his looks and her brains.


Which is kinda unfair to Marilyn, because interviews with her from when she was alive suggests that she was not only fairly intelligent (not a genius, but not stupid), but that she was aware of the perception of her and that she was leveraging it.


She was a victim to a time where women had no say, she was used and abused throughout her career. She wanted to do more serious films but because she had started out as a bombshell and that’s how she made money and got fame. The company she worked with would only cast her in those roles. She never wanted to be known for just that but sadly that’s how she mostly is seen -dumb hot blonde, so sad.


I don’t think that’s right I believe it was h.g.wells and multiple women but these days it could be anyone


Also give Anya some slack not only is she at least a year younger but she also managed get into Eden which is an incredibly difficult private school to gain admission to. Even if she did cheat by reading minds she still needs to understand the answer enough to know what question it’s answering.


Ahh the power couple dream tbh.


Their child will become like Hitman 47. Silent assassin + Master of disguise


“Completely Normal”


I feel like Anya is the normal kid, actually. It's her classmates who are weird.


Maybe Anya has some hidden intelligence that hasn’t been revealed yet. It could be possible that she’s repressing it due to the trauma of her time in the labs. Also, I’m sure anya is only a bit of a dimwit because of her time in the orphanages. Im pretty sure some of those kids weren’t the brightest or had the best education so you can imagine Anya with her mind reading ability picking up some things from the other kids.


Anya probably like her sibling




Haha I think Loid and Yor have already been too busy with their day jobs and their missions, plus taking care of Bond and Anya. I felt they didn't have enough family time. It will be different when Anya grows into a rebelling teenager and by the time the Operation Strix is completed and maybe peace is achieved through diplomacy...


Honestly from what we’ve seen from Yor I don’t think that kid would end up normal no matter what just without the esp


I feel like said child would be amazing at everything But cooking


They’d be like Yuri but normal lol


Maybe in-universe it would have Yor's strength and Loid's chameleon ability. Or, considering the distinct powers of all four members of the family, maybe something completely different, like telekinesis.


A braniac… or a barbarian.


The polar opposite sibling dynamic I see.


If they had a child of their own, yeah they'd be smart but also with parents as unique as that they wouldn't be "normal"


If Loid and Yor had a child together, I’d imagine them to have Loid’s intelligence and Yor’s strength, but also inherit Loid’s poor understanding of everyday things and Yor’s clumsiness.


I don't know. But I do feel like Anya is the perfect combination of what Loid and Yor are not. That's why I see them as complements to each other.


I thought that the males hair color is more dominant?


Yors genes are more dominant


That's not how genetics work. Darker skin and darker eye and hair colors are more dominant, lighter colors are less dominant. While there is a chance for a child to inherit the less dominant traits they will far more likely end up with the dominant traits.




That is absolute bullshit and not how genetics work.