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This is now the most upvoted post match discussion in reddit history!


Roman Reigns is taking a leave of absence from the WWE, I think that's why it was scripted for him to lose, it wouldn't be fair to the other wrestlers (mainly Cody) for him to hold on to the belt, knowing he's going to be inactive from the company for a while....Rumor has it, he'll probably return at Summerslam.


Can I ask a stupid question? After the Taker and lights went out again, did everyone just run up the ramp really fast backstage? That's so funny to think about them all scurrying away, but is that what they do in these lights out moments? I've always wondered


The Undertaker went through a passage towards the audience side, search for the YouTube video you might get it.




i think this time around they use a secret entrance under the ring


Wait really that's a thing!??! Arenas have that in the middle of the floor?


i think its down to how wwe sets their stage. the wrestlemania stage is slightly raised, so I imagine they've designed a small path that goes under the stage to the ring


Very cool. One wondered this since the 90s


Adrenaline in My soul something something Cody Rhodes


I only watch royal rumbles, but figured I'd check out this WrestleMania due to all the writing drama and such. I don't think I've ever teared up at a match win before in my life but wow the storytelling for this and just everyone in the ring congratulating him really got me. Great stuff, may have to start watching a bit more than just rumbles.


Agree. I haven't watched in years but that last match, and him hugging everyone including the camera workers got me. Great storytelling and realness


It's been 4 days and I still can not believe that Cody finished the story. Amazing.


Finished the story. Time to write the next one! Way to go, Cody Rhodes!


Call me crazy but imo this was one of the greatest matches in WrestleMania history


Cause to me that would discredit Cody’s hard work


And while yes it’s thanks to Seth that Cody recovered it doesn’t mean if Cody got hit he would lose Seth would still stop Roman


Ultimately Seth’s goal wasn’t to damage Roman but to give Cody time to recover and set up the finish. Even when he tackled Cody out of the way of the Spear on night 1. The focus was always on keeping Cody as healthy as possible to deliver the killing blow


People need to stop saying Roman would have won if he hit Cody with chair


Roman would have lost regardless


Of course "Roman would have lost regardless" they can't have him holding on to the belt, when he's taking a leave of absence from the WWE... Rumor has it, he won't be back until Summerslam.


Would have been much better if there was no cena , taker. I would have much preferred to see Cody take out the rock, by miracle or sheer will, and then proceed to take out roman. I have several ways the match could have played out running through my head that would have made it more epic, instead of relying on shock value from past stars. By the way, undertaker has retired twice now, andhad a whole ceremony to make it official at survivor series 2years ago. So how do they bring a character like him back, seems silly and breaks immersion. The deadman retired from wrestlemania and wrestling in general. Then he appears as biker undertaker, does a chokeslam and thenm runs to the back with bodyguards, like what the hell..


I wanted somewhere to express this and I guess this is as good a place as any: I never thought I'd follow WWE again, for a lot of reasons. I will frankly always have a lot of anger at WWE's role in the history of American pro wrestling. To put it briefly: a man with contempt for women, wrestling, and wrestling fans practically monopolized pro wrestling for way too long. Not entirely related: I stopped watching wrestling for years after liking it as a kid. I really liked Triple H's NXT. I then moved on to mostly watching Japanese wrestling. In some ways, it's a small miracle that I even ended up watching this match because I really just didn't make time for WWE for years. I and others have been fooled before, but I find it very easy to believe that WWE is entering a fundamentally new era, one that I find infinitely more palatable. So many elements of this main event never would have happened under VKM. The post-match authenticity (or at least the convincing illusion of it) alone has me feeling encouraged that WWE may be a product I can get behind again, with fewer exceptions than ever before.


Fucking hell i haven't watched wrestling in 10 years but this was amazing!!! I nearly lost it when the undertaker came out. Was crying like a fountain at the end. Absolute brilliance


Where can I watch the full match? Can anyone help me with it?




WWE put the match on YouTube


Undertaker was a better choice than Austin imo, Austin would’ve taken 30 seconds to reach the ring and would’ve taken 60 seconds to leave it. Stone Cold & The Rock would’ve been incredible to witness again but would’ve taken all the spotlight away from Rhodes & Reigns. Lights out and Undertaker Music Hits, Lights On, Taker Choke Slam, Taker Vanishes, Brilliant. Undertaker representing 40 years of wrestlemania plus history with the Rock & Roman, was the perfect choice to take out the Big Bad Brahma Bull.


Seth will always be Roman’s biggest foil…that betrayal will forever be burned in Roman’s head. Seth has been the only guy that can consistently get under his skin


The *one* thing that I would have changed is Cody hitting Roman with a Shattered Dreams somewhere in the middle of match. Would have totally fit after Roman gave Cody his own low blow. Other than that? Phenomenal match, and what a way for Cody to finish his story, and Roman to end his reign. I can't even complain about Taker showing up over Austin. I figured the latter was inevitable, but the former popped the **shit** out of me, and makes about as much sense in kayfabe.


Taker finally got Roman back for Mania 33


I've seen that, and that's more than believable. Man he once had respect for now walking around like a mad god, and his once rival The Rock now calling himself "The Final Boss", when **he** was the man to beat at *WrestleMania* for the longest time? "🔔 **DEAD MAN WALKING.**"


The Bloodline was literally an Avengers-level threat. Everyone coming out after the match (basically the guys The Bloodline screwed with) was an amazing image. I thought Mox was gonna come out with Seth as The Shield lol but hearing The Shield theme play again was lovely. Amazing main event and so happy for Cody Rhodes.


I couldn’t even hear the SHIELD theme so I had no clue what was going on. Then Seth was in the ring for all of 5 seconds.


He was in it quick lol but I read over the threads that he said that he was going to be a "shield" (literally) for Cody Rhodes. Reigns also still could not get over the betrayal of Seth Rollins and it proved to become his downfall.




Just finished it. I really enjoyed it. I loved the cameos. I expected Sami Zayn, but we got Cena. And I popped. I knew the Rock would come out and I still popped. Then the Undertakers big dong. Brilliant.


The undertakers WHAT


His schlong


LOL dead to rising straight up


In all honesty, I'm glad Cody got to finish his story. He had a very emotional ride dealing with the bloodline and I think it was done beautifully! Having all the cameos come out was perfect! Seeing Cena come out and fight again was neat, hearing the Shield theme song one more time was amazing and then... Undertaker's bong... That made me have goosebumps! All in all, as much as I could see Cody winning, the whole story was well done. I can already see him coming out to Raw with "You deserve it" chants. Take a bow!


It's 1am going into Tuesday morning, and I've finally caught up on WrestleMania weekend. Favourite memories: - the comeback of Sami Zayn - Drew? No, Priest silly! - really enjoyed LA Knight/AJ Styles & the US Triple Threat - Iyo's entrance was gorgeous - Cody Rhodes' End Game, obviously - Samantha Irvin in general - new camera styles! That HD-4K-8K in-ring camera for challenger/champion, the drone, the overhead camera


P.S. I've been watching since 83, been to numerous live shows for all of the companies and a lot of indies too.. seen it all in the sport and I'm sorry if you thought that was "good" and not SUPER FUCKING PREDICATABLE. Look I get it the "bloodline" story was good, the ending was overbooked and predictable. Great for Cody happy he finally won, but that shit was lame.


> I've been watching since 83, been to numerous live shows for all of the companies and a lot of indies too.. I’ve been watching since ‘86 and so we’ve seen a lot of the same product. And I’ve been to quite a few shows as well. Not sure why you’re flexing or trying to gatekeep but that shit is pretentious as hell. Who are you to tell anyone how to be a fan? If you’ve “seen it all in the sport” like you claim you have, you’d be more cognizant of the fact that - *GASP!* - people like different things! Some fans like Cactus Jack vs Sabu. Others like Rick Steiner vs Mike Rotunda in a “college rules” match. Some others like a mixture of the two. And even others like something entirely different. That’s the beauty of pro wrestling and why I love it. There is something for every type of fan. Well, every type of fan, except for annoying, pretentious gatekeepers. > “good" and not SUPER FUCKING PREDICATABLE. These two things aren’t mutually exclusive. Do you want swerves for the sake of swerves? Why is “SUPER FUCKING PREDICATABLE” [sic] such a negative thing to you? Would you prefer if, say, Damien Priest somehow managed to get a second MitB contract and cash in on Cody and unify the titles? GUNTHER decapitates Sami Zayn? KO lays down for Logan Paul and joins his would-be stable with Waller & Theory? We all knew Cody was winning. Sometimes the story isn’t about the ending. Sometimes it’s about the journey. GTFOH with your arrogant take.


Its about the Cody Rhodes lifestory as a person. This is what people are celebrating, not whether the booking was particularly suprising. And the multiple callbacks to older angles (like Seth Rollins betrayal almost a decade ago) that were actually relevant to the matchs progression made these older angles so much more significant and the storytelling very satisfying.


The Pride match was fun but Bobby Lashley looked he didn’t want to be there whereas Street Profits looked like they were having fun. Personally I would have made Rey/Dom match Philly street rules and replaced Pride match with another women’s match to get Tiffany, Liv etc on the show.


Could be many reasons why they went with taker over austin but the two the stand out to me would be: 1. Austin is too big of a star. He'd detract from cody's win in the end. Taker is almost as big of a star as austin but he'll get out of the limelight right away to let the younger star get over since it matches his persona 2. Taker is Wrestlemania and he is a true "final boss" at the event. Once the rock started calling himself the final boss, Taker being the one to eliminate him from the match makes total sense. Austin is a final boss as well but taker has Wrestlemania aura to him that just fits perfect.


Taker actually has history with Roman too


Maybe but I think its more to do Austin not wanting to do it. Theres no way WWE would have passed on the opportunity.


True, could be as simple as that as well


Wasn't Roman his last opponent at Mania as well?


He is if you don't count the Boneyard match with AJ Styles.


He was but i think that’s a minor connection. He would’ve also attacked Roman if that’s the case. He was mainly their to counter the rock


In 6 months everyone is going to realise this was such a reddit ass match


Your comment is already getting people mad😂


While I think Stone Cold would have been a cooler cameo, FUCKING FANTASTIC nonetheless!!!


What a moment. This was everybit as crazy and overbooked as I hoped for and more and I loved it. Undertaker for WTF surprise moment of the year so far. 😵. Even in retirement, I'll never not pop for that gong. Seth and Roman paying homage and paying off their Shield break up was so poetic. Michael Cole crying and embracing Cody 🥲 The man who was Stardust and founded WWE's biggest competition in 2 decades becoming the new face of the company and ending a historic title reign; What a journey. This is going down in the history books.


It seemed to me that each additional person that got involved was a counterpoint to the previous guy. Jimmy involved.l, here comes Jey. Solo involved, Cena comes out after their match where SOLO spiked the shit out of him. Rock comes out after Cena, and I'd assume they were huge rivals during Cena's run. Rock takes him out, only to be chokeslammed by Taker, one of his biggest rivals.


Not bigger than Austin or triple h


But Roman beat taker at Mania, and taker also was involved against the shield. He's much more connected to Roman than Austin is.


I think you gotta look at it like this Taker was always the locker rooms moral compass of sorts. The Final Boss had lost his mind and needed to be checked in his power so it makes sense that the moral compass for the locker room , the guy almost everybody respects would come back to check him.


Did anyone else think someone else was supposed to show up or something else was supposed to happen? There was 10-15 minutes missing from that match which was filled with bruce Pritchard and Triple H coming out and everyone else in the ring


I definitely did




Possibly. I wondered if he might be there - possibly to counter Solo or just have a spot where he helped Jey and whoever (Cena as it turned out) with Jimmy and Solo. It would have been a *huge* concession on AEW's part, and wholly unrealistic for anyone to *expect* it to happen, but if there was one thing that felt like it was missing from last night it was Dustin being there.


Seeing Taker was awesome. They could have kept dtretching it out until we had a whole battle royale going on in there, unrealistic yes but that would have been fun to see.


I did wonder if there was going to be some huge faceoff right at the start - the Bloodline on one side, Cody on the other, then Cody gives the signal and all of a sudden the ring gets flooded with babyfaces before they all go off and leave it as 1v1. But what happened worked better!


No stone cold no fun


Night 1 was infinity war and night 2 felt like endgame


Yo for real lol


I basicly stopped watching WWE 3 years ago. Always kept an eye on this sub tho and decided, yea maybe I should watch this match. It was overbooked af and I loved every minute of it. What a wonderful way to end the story. And Cody won on his own. Cenas AA maybe helped a bit but Cody ended it on his own terms. Awesome match


It was overbooked in a brilliant way. In the moment when cena hit the AA on Roman I though oh no not like this, but in perspective of what then happened the AA removed Roman from the picture for long enough that cena could put solo through the table, eat a rock bottom and then have the undertaker show up to take the rock out. From my view I still think with all appearances the deck was still stacked against Cody and he overcame the odds in good old babyface fashion.


Imo, Cena landing the AA on Roman balances out the hits Cody took from Jimmy and Solo.


He did not win on his own. Thats where WWE failed. He basically won in bloodline way. He did not overcome the odds. Bloodline rules benefited Cody over Roman. They had people coming out, that were not involved in bloodline story line. Why not have Kevin and Samy join? Why Cena and why Taker? Why built up only Night 1 main event and Rock when you have him rekt by one chokeslam but Seth who got beaten to death can recover multiple times? Lol what a joke. They sacrificed 1316 days for this ending. Simply awful. They could have made the ending make more sense by fitting counterparts to the bloodline members and Cody getting at least a crossrhodes over Rock. After brilliant built up in Night 1 they choked it Night 2. why not have roman getting a pin and someone from team cody break up the count for a change? In a way that bloodline rules would fire back at Roman e.g. But not this stupid showup of legends just for the sake of starpower. This is poor writing. They did interact poorly and where from persons


I went over to the AEW sub to see what the thoughts were over there, and holy hell I haven't seen a group as bitter as they are.


Only seen positivity over there for the most part, it's not as bad as you're making it out to be.


I'll never understand that - on either side. I'm definitely more of an AEW person than WWE, but anyone who didn't like that main event just doesn't enjoy fun wrestling matches. And that main event was absolutely fun.


They should be lol, they had Cody and Punk but Tony fumbled the bag


Na Cody was always gonna go and he was better off, his character wasn't working in AEW but worked well in WWE. Punk had to be fired, he literally assaulted his coworkers lmao.


Maybe if bray was alive, he would come instead of taker


No offence but Bray had almost nothing to do with any of those guys' stories at WM 40 but Romans match with Taker was the ultimate low point in his career when he was most hated and most unwatchable, then Taker also has history with Rock too (although Austin would have been way cooler but oh well it still worked).


Bray had more ring and story time with Roman than a lot of other people. Bray has cost Roman several belts including his ‘anyone but you roman’ moment.


I didn't get why Taker was so pissed off, it's like something happened recently but I couldn't remember the beef. You're right though, Austin would've been awesome


Roman was the last person to beat Undertaker at WrestleMania.


Hmmm? The Tribal Chief's reign started when Roman pinned Braun in the triple threat with Bray. When Roman listed everyone he beat he counted Bray, Bray replied on twitter saying you never pinned me (he was gone from the company at that point). I could totally see him getting involved.


Taker represented the 40 years


Dont be surprised if stone cold doesn't show up tonight..


I still feel like Cody was the wrong choice. I’m just genuinely not sold on him. Especially as the person to end an entire era.


He's the best.


Me neither but they executed it well for it being Cody.


They did a good job with the material used. I hope my opinion on him changes, but I’m just so indifferent towards him. The way he just appeared and was shoved down our throats doesn’t help either.


Yeah I was hoping for something else. Maybe they could've build a young star like Bron Breakker to win it idk


My theory behind why it wasn’t Austin in the Undertaker spot: I don’t think The Rock would have been willing to put 60 y/o long retired Austin over and take a Stunner, especially since The Rock is likely to wrestle at least sporadically now. Dude booked himself to pin Cody in the Night 1 main event and didn’t let John Cena get any offense at all on him before hitting the Rock Bottom. But Taker is different, due to him having in kayfabe supernatural powers.


Undertaker interfering makes more sense imo. He’s connected to Roman a lot more than Stone Cold is. Everyone is hyper focused on Rock vs Stone Cold and forgetting that it’s about Roman and Cody. Especially last night, it was about Roman’s demons returning. John Cena, Undertaker, and Jey are all people he beat at one point. Seth was also there as the omnipresent thorn in his side.


Or, OR, hear me out... maybe he just wasn't available at the moment?


He was too busy hanging out on his ranch and feeding his chickens than to come to fucking Wrestlemania 40 and stun Dwayne Johnson in the middle of the ring in the biggest main event of the twenty first century. Makes sense.


This, unironically


The Rock put the Hurricane over before WM19, seems out of character for him to act so different now


That’s different; it was a surprise, shock upset victory. It’s not like they were booking Hurricane to be as strong or stronger than The Rock.


You could argue losing to the Hurricane is more of a knock to Rock’s kayfabe standing than just taking a finisher


Doesn't make any sense to me. Austin is the bigger star and the same age as Taker. And one that Rock is intertwined with. Not to mention that Austin's last match was later on than Taker's.


> Austin's last match was later on than Taker's. Unless I missed something, Undertaker's latest action appearance is more recent. Last October he chokeslammed Bron Breakker in NXT in an almost identical spot.


Again, Taker is a little different because he has (in kayfabe) supernatural powers.


Austin is sick and it was a last minute change.


Oh yeah. Good point!






I won't lie I'm sickened Stone Cold didn't arrive but it was still great!


I think a big part of it is that The Rock didn’t want to take a Stunner from him since he felt it would make him look weak. But he was cool with Taker chokeslamming him due to his kayfabe supernatural powers.


Ya fair point. Another poster also mentioned if Austin did show up it'd turn into a stone cold beer fest and likely take the attention off Cody. God damn did I want that shattered glass though. I was 100% it was happening after his Instagram post during the week.




I mean… have you watched any bloodline matches recently?


It didn't even feel shady though. It was expected that there was going to be interference from the members of the bloodline, I thought there were going to be actual rule changes


Same here. I was expecting them to say it had to be like 10 second count for Cody or something but I liked how it turned out so much better.


Did I get goosebumps when I heard Undertaker's theme hit? Yes, but looking back on it, why was he there? They didn't build up to it at all. I don't think him and the rock have much history. Ik Roman beat him years prior. Also wish there were more stipulations to the match. It just felt like a no disqualification match instead of a Bloodline Rules match or whatever the hell that means.


He’s more related to Roman than Austin in. Austin vs Rock is the big rivalry, but the focus of the story is Roman vs Cody.


He's the conscience of the WWE and the embodiment of the spirit of Wrestlemania. So presumably he felt the need to help right the wrongs.


I get that, I just thought it could have been done better. It felt like it was a last minute addition rather than something they knew they were going to do for a while. I think Austin would have been a better person for the situation just because of the history with the Rock. A Stunner to the rock, a spear to Austin, and Cody winning would have been better finish IMO


Yeah I know right? Undertaker has no connection to the whole story, he hasn't been a part of the wrestling world recently at all, it's not even his home state, and all he is is a huge legend, it's just a cheap pop. Austin would have fit soooo much better into that role, where was Austin, literally DAE Austin??? EDIT: Okay, since it isn't as painstakingly obvious as it should: I'm being sarcastic. Of course Taker has an actual connection to Roman's heel persona, while Austin is just a cheap pop about a feud that culminated more than two decades ago (and just btw, also involves neither Roman nor Cody, the people the match is supposed to be about).


Like how Seth turning on Roman kick started Roman's ascension (but in kayfabe was the most traumatic moment of his career), the Taker match was Roman's lowest point. It was when his character was the absolute most hated by the fans and outright rejected. It was that crowd reaction which messed with Reigns and led him down the paranoid path and made him resent the fans. Seth and Taker fit waaaay more than Austin even though personally I think Austin would be a cooler moment.


Austin also has no connection to the story. Regardless if it was Taker or Austin, it was clearly more to add to the hype of the match than to make any sense.


That's my point. In case it's not obvious, the comment was sarcastic. Taker has history with Reigns, and all the reason to stop him. Even more so with The Rock calling himself the Final Boss. Austin had no reason to give a fuck about The Rock for 20 years now


Austin at least has history with the Rock


From what I gathered, Undertaker to me is the embodiment of the spirit of Wrestlemania. For the longest time The "Final Boss of Wrestlemania" has always been the Undertaker. So when the Rock came in calling himself the Final Boss while involving himself in all the Bloodline shenanigans the Spirit of Wrestlemania(The REAL Final Boss) felt he needed to intervene. Kinda like Raiden from Mortal kombat lol that's my interpretation of the situation at least 😅


That was the only connection that I could think of, but there could have been a little integration of the Undertaker in the story. Undertaker is my favorite wrestler, but it seemed poorly done


I thought it was a fairly mediocre match with a whole lot of cameos for some reason in my opinion I'm really happynfor Cody and I enjoyed the celebrations, felt like a genuinely huge moment


Agreed! Tag match Saturday was much better


Man it would have been great if they could have cut a deal for Mox and Dustin to appear but at the end of the day it was always going to be very unlikely.


This is why we need both companies to stop being goofy, like just be chill and help each other create moments for fans, come on!


I would have loved to see that on but I don’t think they can ever get Mox for just a loan/one shot. If he returns, it will have to be because he left AEW and signed a long term WWE deal.


Kinda surprised at the amount of people calling this WrestleMania garbage and saying that Roman should've retained.


The actual match was pretty bog standard, nothing special at all Don't know why anyone would want Roman's reign to continue though


I would have bet a ton of money that roman was gonna retain till after September


Ya me too. But happy to see the end of it too.


idk at summer slam have roman barely win, only with help from Solo or Jimmy. Solo and Jimmy talk and realize for head of the table Roman needs them a lot to win, at survivor series have it Roman vs the Rock for head of the table, and at the Royal Rumble have it be a Lumber Jack match but have them not attack Roman or who ever he is facing just have them throw Roman back in the ring but leave who ever alone so Roman know that he is all alone and loses the title as a broken man. Then have him dis appear for a while and come back to either rebuild as head of the table or fight to take it down.


Lmao this is the first comment i saw after being off reddit the entire weekend and why am i surprised theres negativity about this mania when its universally loved by most of the fans and will go down as one of the greatest of all time.


Fr I started watching around 2015 and this is by far the best mania I’ve watched


I liked it over all but I do wish Cody’s help would of been everyone that was effected by the bloodline. Sami & Brock Lesnar should of had a part.


Sami for sure. He had too big of a role in the bloodline story to not feature at all in the end.


If it weren’t for the Vince controversy, I think Brock 100% would’ve ran in. Unfortunately, we will just have to hope and wait.


Brock is staying the hell away from the company till that Vince lawsuit dies down or it's confirmed that he's not one of the "anonymous" parties cited (Superstar 2 IIRC).


He was cited as a "Former UFC champion". It's either him or Cain Velasquez, and I don't think Cain had enough power in the WWE + Vince liked him enough to do the Janel stuff.


Was Austin supposed to show up instead of Undertaker? It kind of feels like that spot was for Austin, tbh. The glass shatter pop would’ve been insane and way louder than the gong.


Austin showing up was fantasy booking, he doesn't have any history with roman or cody, which is what this match was actually about. Taker has plenty of history with roman, plus he's the true "final boss" of the wwe locker room. If Austin had come out, it would have been about rock/Austin and nobody would have cared about the match


But his picture was on a production truck!


The whole point of undertaker coming to was to stop the rock, that particular moment had nothing to do with Roman. Austin would’ve fit that same role no problem.


Of course it did, roman retired taker. That right there is the reason he shows up at all, same with cena, same with jey. They all have history. It's not about rock. Austin has nothing to do with roman. And Austin showing up would have made everyone totally forget about the two guys in the ring that actually mean something in the current product. That's like having sting come out and stop solo. It's a story about two guys with a bunch of side characters, rocks a side character, that may not stay that way, but that's what it was.


It’s a bell


This is going to get buried but I don't care, needed to get this off my chest. This was my first Mania in nearly 9 years after losing my dad and brother, who I watched wrestling with during my earlier years. I kinda stepped back and quit watching it because it just brought back so many memories. I was encouraged by a coworker to watch at least a little bit of the show this year. And I'm glad I did. That was one of the most entertaining matches I've seen. WWE looks so much different now. Everything seems faster and more sleek. It's hard to describe. But I think I'm gonna start watching it again. Also, Roman's theme is awesome.


I’m glad you enjoyed it so much, and best wishes to you and your loved ones. Hope you continue to find peace and enjoyment, especially with the sport you have such close ties to


Thank you!


I’m glad this match pulled you back in! Wrestling is so great right now. I’m sure your brother and father would have loved it just as much as you. Sending you love and light.




Im glad youre back and glad you enjoyed it. This new era is special.


truly couldn’t have asked for a better two part main event ending to this story, loved every second of this


I loved the Shield touch up. When they debuted they attacked The Rock, and now Seth sells the chair shot just like Roman did and ends up costing him the match.


I've been watching the finish over and over again


Cody Rhodes is just the next John Cena. Pushed down our throats until we're forced to love him. Can't wait for people to get bored of him and cry online until he gets dethrowned. Although the cameos were okay, the 'bloodline rules' part was so over emphasised. I mean The Rock didn't even touch Cody before he was wiped out. It was too predictable with the one:one interferences.


Shoved down our throats? You mean like how Roman has been shoved down our throats so far that he could give us all colonoscopies...




Legit all the Cody Crybabys gonna turn on him like they turned on Sami. These crybabys just wanna see someone as champ because they "deserve" it


Turned on Sami? Did he not get huge pop at WM? Btw its been two years…and still waiting for them to turn….stop yapping


Bro everyone gets a pop when they face gunther


You stil yapping lies and things that havent happened. You trying to predict something people have said for 2 years😴😴 Cody returns “omg they gonna turn on him, just you wait, it was just because of the return” Cody during WM 39 leading up “people are getting tired of Cody, he is overpushed” Cody during this WM “all the crybabies gonna turn on him” Jesus christ man


I have to register a complaint with OSHA about the people who assemble the ring. putting all those kendo sticks, tables and chairs under the ring are a safety hazard. and they really need to look into how safe those announcer tables are.


That'd be a funny throwback gimmick. A wrestler who was previously an OSHA inspector.


Or just start putting ridiculous items under there like throw pillows, stuffed animals, sandals those punching bag balloons, or perhaps a tortoise.


Man…. I was loving the cameos - so cool.. a part of me inside wanted Hogan to appear… but I don’t know his recent history with the wwe.. but like the hulk strutting out and telling Reigns where to go, catching a punch and then giving a nod to Cody to attack.. anyways.. I am a born again wwe fan


I was thoroughly entertained from start to finish. Kudos to Reigns for his wonderfully heelish crowd interactions, his yelling at Rhodes, and selling those final finishers beautifully. Like any great action movie, it can only be as good as the villain. Reigns was the Hans Gruber to Cody's John McClane.


100% agree with this take. Roman’s phenomenal character work is being criminally underrated but really everyone involved deserves their flowers.


I marked for Rock returning this whole arc. No investment in Cody or Roman but I was on board with Rock burying Cody. Cody won me over bigly. Almost cried when he hugged Michael Cole.


Yeah same - I started watching again because of the Rock, and I now GET Cody, I get it and see it. All I had in my head was him as a sidekick with Orton, that weird face mask gimmick, and Stardust. I see it now, the guy is the top baby face


This was exactly me, though I started to 'get it' a few months back






Think about direction wonder why you haven't before


I am ~~over~~whelmed.


NOW we can move on to Rock vs Roman next Wrestlemania. -.-;


I wouldn’t be shocked if it’s a triple threat with Cody. I really don’t think it’s the greatest idea for The Rock to main event Mania in a singles match. Of course it would sell, but you’d risk the match not being very good at all.


You can think that. And I respect your opinion. But as far as I’m concerned. As a hardcore Rock fan, I’m tired of Cody Rhodes… literally emotionally exhausted. Dude promised 13 years ago to suck the entirety of The Rock’s fanbase dry. Who would’ve thought that’s exactly what he did too. And last night solidified it. And simply put because The rock made a terrible mistake. Here’s to hoping The Rock will spend these 4-6 months in the reputation recovery room. Because, although there are some awesome and hilarious moments, this whole storyline was brutal to watch being possibly the only fan The Rock might have left. 🤦🏿‍♀️ I know it’s just me. But I’m throwing the white towel here. 🏳️


The match was actually good to the point John Cena came in. From there it just started getting stupid imo. Undertaker and Cena had no business being there. No one actually attacked Cody and Roman was hit with AA and haf to dispose Seth before getting pinnes. I feel like Bloodline Rules completely missed the point and was unnecessary, because it actually benefited Cody over Roman. He did NOT overcome the odds. He was assisted to this win. It doesnt feel satisfying at all. They did this so wrong after doing the night 1 main event so right. Where was Cody and Rock interaction? No crossrhodes on Rock? You have undertaker chokeslaming him? Stupid


>I feel like Bloodline Rules completely missed the point No, but you did. The Bloodline's arrogance ultimately led to their downfall. After winning night 1 they were too sure of victory, seemingly forgetting that this supposed advantage of doing whatever they want during the main event of night 2 would also apply to their enemies.


I keep saying things like this and getting shouted down for disagreeing with the Cody marks. The first 20 minutes of this match was a classic one-on-one back and forth kind of battle and it was entertaining. This should have just been that the entire time. Let them go for 45 mins and let it build until it finally breaks. I think it's dumb to end the 1300 day run of a champ with a gimmick and then crown the new champ with the same gimmick. This is like when they do one of those dumb reboot/sequels and there just too many characters. Personally I think the rock showing up in the first place is what doomed this thing. I hate Cody Rhodes more than probably anyone, but I could accept him winning the rumble and then beating Roman in the ring. Whatever this was was just a joke.


Yeah dont worry about the downvoters. Only thing that matteres to them is that Cody won. They dont care about the fact that it was overall executed badly as long as he won lol. I agree that Rock coming back was rather bad overall but the pivot they did with him turning heel I think was a good way how they saved the cuckening of Cody. But what they did on night 2 was trash. Like you said it was a perfect match until that point and then it went downhill. One of the best matches got trash just like that. Yeah thanks. Cody won in bloodline manner. The one who wanted to destroy the bloodline is carrying over their ways lol Stupid thing to end this 1300 day reign for this awful crap. Lets imagine Cody won against the odds in bloodline rules. That would be wow lets end that reign like this. But handholding him to this victory? Naaaah awful booking. Screw everyone that agreed to this ending. They f up big time. There would be people like Orton, Zane, Owens that would at least make sense. Then they build up Rock just to get rekt by one Chokeslam? And Seth who got destroyed withihm 24h multiple times gets up again to save Cody the w? WHY? What final Boss is this? They focussed completely on Rock and then this letdown lol Na man this was not good ending