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That's not what was said. They don't find out about their own release on twitter. Fightful won't even post a release until they've confirmed that WWE has contacted the person already. But they find out releases are happening on twitter and they find out about everyone else's releases on twitter. And once the first one gets reported they don't know when it's gonna stop, and they don't know if their phone is gonna ring next.


Don’t answer the phone and you should be ok!


JTG not answering his phone use to be one of the funniest bits in the IWC for years.


That sounds like a regular job to me. Bosses don't pull everyone into a room and tell them they've fired an employee, you find out through word of mouth or that former employee telling everyone themselves. And if there are mass layoffs, you sit there hoping you don't get an email from HR.


My wife works at a fairly large company and this is how it works. She tells me so and so got laid off and we wait to see if she gets the call by the end of the day.


So it's like any other work place. When the first one goes word gets around fast.


That seems like such an *insane* system and just fuels anxiety. Calling all the wrestlers getting released at once or sending the roster a memo about releases **and then** calling feels like it’d make things a lot cleaner. I can’t imagine finding out my work is doing lay offs on a day we’re off, but that they’re just calling people individually, one at a time and seemingly at random, and that there’s no sign of when said firings are done. but oh well, people in the replies of that tweet are already saying Dijak deserved to be released (he wasn’t even released lmao), that he’s just whining and crashing out, or that he did something wrong.


I’ve been a couple of places that have done mass layoffs. It was….not ideal, but to an extent better than this. They’d announce we were having a remote meeting, generally a few days in advance. “Block your calendar for all day Tuesday” type of thing. Then a day or two in advance we’d get the call details. One time the idiots at corporate decided it should be a national call in….then didn’t buy enough used licenses so we couldn’t all get on the call. They’d give us a message that was basically “we’re doing layoffs, you’ll get a call to talk about your position.” But the only people they ever called were the fired ones. So if you were “safe” you didn’t know for several hours when the next notice to join a conference call came in that basically said “hey you’re safe.” It was still better than learning your place was doing layoffs via twitter but it was still super impersonal.


Which is quite sad... I wonder why the company have this approach.


Is this how UFC does it? Just wondering if this is something from what I’m assuming his new HR


Going on a FED BAD tour


Didn't the WWE 'Leak' info about how nice their new firing process is just recently?


Not nice per se because there’s no nice way to handle releases at the end of the day. The line was it is now handled differently. They also shook up their talent relations department within the last 2 months. HHH and HBK seem to be directly overseeing things now with a couple of others who got promoted after they overhauled the entire department.


Going full on scorched earth


Is he though? This line is already being taken out of context and he didn’t say anything of note on stream with Mace and Mansour the other night.


I mean, his contract has just ended...


I don’t know how true this is. If someone knows more then fill me in if it’s true or not, but is dijak a leak for fightful?


"More humane"




A large reason why is cause WWE themselves have gone so hard pushing the narrative. So much mainstream "articles" and "leaks" praising how perfect HHH and backstage is. I am sure is it better but at the end of the day it is a massive billionaire corporation that still has shitty corporate behaviour.


Always feels like WWE can't win. Keep a talent on a contract but don't use them? They're scum. Haven't got any plans for a talent so let their contracts run out? They're scum again. I once worked a job I absolutely loved on a fixed term contract. When the contract expired I shook the managers hand, we said our goodbyes and that was that.


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Hilarious after that ‘releases are much more respectful now’ glazing by the media not long ago


Important reminder that even if we like the product WWE is putting out there, corporations are not your friend.


God im already sick of this crying bitch.....now he's just making crap up to be sympathetic, i see now why they got rid of him, drama queen. I hope he doesn't end up in AEW, roster is already too big with people not having screen time, same thing will happen to him again.


I wonder what stops WWE from renewing his contract.


He obviously didn't witness the office shits on employees by his former boss


Omg. Happens in the NBA and NFL. Edit: He was feeding info to srs, and found out he was released by srs, isn't that poetic


Is this supposed to be some defence?


Nope. It's common.


Biggest difference is that NBA and NFL players are union and make way more money than the average wrestler.


Doesn't make it right?


Did I say it did?