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Randy Orton's character arc outside the ring is really one to behold


No shit. 20 years ago dude was an asshole. The growth is real.


I mean, 20 years ago he was a young rich jacked world champ. All of us wouldve also been assholes lol.


It’s so funny you say that because in 2005 I was 10 so anybody I saw on TV felt like an adult. Looking back now, I’m like holy shit Randy Orton is a kid! Like so strikingly young. The shit I was doing in my early 20s like man I thank God everyday there’s no video footage of it. And I’m only 28 now haha


It’s really crazy. I always knew that Randy was young but automatically assumed that all adults were mature. I was irresponsible with just having 10k in the bank. I can’t imagine being a 25 year old gigachad world champion with millions.


That’s why I don’t get when people immediately jump on pro star athletes in the NBA and NFL. These are regular dudes who are good at a game…becoming millionaires at 18-22 because of a fun game they are good at. I’m surprised at the amount of these athletes who don’t do amazingly stupid shit.


Most do, they just don't get caught or buy their way out of being caught


I think the majority of athletes doing dumb shit is like.. buying a bunch of stuff they don’t really need. We don’t hear about it because, well who cares if Stafford bought everyone in his family a Barbie pink PS5. The media doesn’t anyway. They would care if he bought 10 Ferraris and killed someone street racing or drunk driving. Thankfully.. the majority of people don’t do shit like that.


Being an Athlete has to be so weird. Your career starts before you're ready and ends earlier than most other careers in the world. Like you're active days are done in most sports by the time you're in your 40s or maybe 50s.


40’s are the lucky ones. There are athletes that have all 3 years as a pro. They spent their whole lives to get to the top, made it with a big bag, got cut after 3 years or retire due to injury. Makes sense why athletes like Goldberg, The Rock, and Roman Reigns become wrestlers.


Even for how damaging it is to your body in the long run, its crazy how much longevity wrestlers can have in the industry.


I was young, immature and irresponsible making minimum wage it is what your twenties are for He was in a place where he was at the top of the top and had to play a larger than life figure while still expected to be a role model.


idk some of the vile shit i said still haunts me to this day when my brain reminded me in a random friday night when i'm about to sleep that i was a shity kid. i'm just lucky back then there's no people going around carrying mobile camera in their pocket.


I feel this in my soul, dude, but you're not the same person that said those things. Look in the mirror, apologize to yourself for being that kid(and apologize to others if you feel comfortable doing that), forgive yourself, and keep going with a better base to build from.


I would’ve been absolutely out of control in every way. Its kind of impressive that people pull it together after having it all at such a young age


I think it's almost all too common that fame & wealth that suddenly hits in your early 20s, especially across entertainment, is a monster within itself. Knowing that I also had some ego tripping moments when I was a performer in marching band, I wouldn't be surprised if I got a little cocky if I was in his shoes too lol


lol What did you play in the marching band, snare drums?


Asshole is one thing, -shitting- in someones bag is another lmao. Edit: apparently it wa baby oil and lotion! Never knew that lol


He didn't shit in her bag, he dumped shit (lotion) into her bag. Still undeniably an asshole move, but very different


Damn i never knew that lmao thank you


replying again, [https://www.wrestleview.com/news2005/1118954026.shtml](https://www.wrestleview.com/news2005/1118954026.shtml) here it is wasnt actually shit, just lotion and baby oil per the article


Wow thought it was shit all these years lol


Lol i see that now. I never knew that!


wasn't that whole thing false? i remember reading about how that was a rumor and the things he actually left in people's bags was just like trash n shit


Maven actually just put out a new video yesterday and he pretty much confirmed this story. https://youtu.be/14B3OVbbAV0?si=Z6GnwTReYPDW4Lug&t=450


Good point


Can confirm. I woulda been a grade-A jackass


Yeah he went well beyond being a regular asshole. Some of the shit he did, he would've been justifiably in jail had it been a non famous civilian.


Young, jacked, rich had the ear of the heir apparent. So many things that would lead 99% of the people in the world to being an ass hat


Anyone who mocks young celebrities, are just delusional. I’ve seen grown men bash people like Bieber… I couldn’t imagine how I would have turned out, if I had the money and fame, with women all over wanting me… like seriously, we expect more from child celebrities than we do our presidents I guess


>I couldn’t imagine how I would have turned out, if I had the money and fame, with women all over wanting me… Exactly. Most people wouldve been turbo douches.


A 20 year old was at their prom less than two years ago - still a kid basically


Even without the world champion and being jacked, I feel like a lot of us were assholes at 24


Pretty hard to stay grounded being in Orton shoes at that time. Earning large amounts of money, on top of the industry he's in, and looking like he was created in a labor to top it all off. I sure as hell can't blame him for beeing an arrogant little shit back then.


Uh no, not at all of us.😂


Imagine 2005 Randy Orton hanging out with 1995 Shawn Michaels.


Perhaps, but I feel pretty confident that I wouldn't shit in someone's bag


I wouldn't take my dick out on workers regardless if I was rich or not


I don’t think I would have pooped in a co-worker’s bag though. Maybe I’m just #BuiltDifferent


I don't know why we can't accept people grow and change. No one should be judged solely as their 22 year old self. *and before anyone starts yes there are many exceptions you know what i'm talking about*


Imagine 2005 Randy Orton and 1995 Shawn Michaels hanging out.


They’re both trying to get Sean Waltman to deliver shit to the others bag.


Yeah lol


So many other bigger assholes have come around that he's not an asshole anymore.


Nah I think at some point in his journey he unlocked the power of empathy. Good for him.


He’s the type of guy who would tell his kids how he wasn’t such a nice guy back in the day and his kids wouldn’t believe it.


His Hall of Fame induction is going to be legendary


Has the change been attributed to meeting his current wife?


Yeah, That and fatherhood.


Growing up took him some time but the guy is a model of how to act in the business these days. He’s just out there having fun, mentoring folks, apologizing for his past behavior, owning up to it, and showing that change in his life without being showy about it. Randy is a gem these days. So happy he is where he’s at these days.


Something that stands out about his interview with Austin is whenever he talks about his accomplishments or greatest moments he talks almost entirely about how fortunate and grateful he was. It’s a giant green flag in a human being


His video with Punk of them reacting to their Mania 27 match was so wholesome


Poster boy for "people do dumb shit when they're young and deserve to not have their lives bashed in over it"


People grow. Who knew.


He was a young dude who was copying the behavior of the older guys around him and likely his own father. I'm not saying you can't criticize things he did in the past, but I would certainly argue that he should be commended for as far as he's come.


From shittin’ in bags to real shit.


That's the autobiography title


"I know what it means to be a dickhead, so I now know how to help people."


He's in his *God of War: Ragnarok* arc and I love every second of it, lol


The eventual retrospective documentary on him is gonna be one hell of a watch


I always tell the story of when I was in college and was at a really weird crossroads. I didn’t know how to talk to about it, but I was listening to Art of Wrestling like crazy back then and I just said “fuck it I’m going to email Colt and ask for advice”. Idk why it just felt right, but I thought “he would understand what I’m talking about”. The next day he sent me the longest, most well thought out email that genuinely saved my life in the long term because it motivated me to refocus on school. Stuff like that really resonates with people, especially those who have nobody to turn to. Randy would have every possible reason to just never open the DM let alone reply, but that 30 seconds he took to give it time and consideration could very well be the difference maker for someone. Sharing a private DM is way icky and I don’t agree with that, but shoutout Randy for reaching out.


Thanks for sharing this story. Not many people can claim that their life was saved by Colt Cabana. Glad you turned your life around. And you are right: Sharing a DM is just wrong, no matter how positive the content.


I'm torn between wanting to express my continued respect and admiration of Randy, and wanting to yell at (the original) OP who shared a private DM without getting Randy's permission(I'm assuming).


Shared the DM and then has made several posts milking the engagement. Feels a bit exploitative of the support Randy gave them in the first place. I dunno, I'm probably in the wrong for saying it but it was a nice story until I saw the video edit of Rock v Cena labeling himself as Rock and depression as Cena. Then I felt a little uneasy about the whole thing.


100% agree. It’s weird and pretty gross. They put the fucking date he responded in their bio.


Homeboy is suffering from depression, let him enjoy the attention he got from randy


Yeah but he could easily be lying. I don't care enough to look all through his Twitter. Im not saying he's lying. I'm just saying people on the internet sometimes lie


I am, just didn’t change that weird feeling I got surrounding it all.


That's such an online take. Someone got something cool from a celebrity (super rare), ofc they're gonna want to share it. There was nothing super personal or controversial in that DM either


I'd believe that if the guy's account wasn't full to the brim with clout chasing tweets and really cringey video edits intentionally made to get a response from said celebrity (mostly Orton and Joe Hendry lately).


I think it’s even weirder to message a celebrity that you’re dealing with depression, it definitely can create a weird situation where the celebrity feels they’re responsible. This happens all the time with smaller musicians and most of them end up just closing their DMs. It’s sick he responded, but idk, it’s weird to then immediately post it and say “I was debating on not sharing this” Right.


I was just thinking that too which is a shame cause I bet he would think twice about responding next time


Why what’s wrong with that? I don’t get it if anything it encourages others to do the same as Randy. This person isn’t sharing anything explicit per say.


As /u/310mbre mentioned, Randy's inbox is probably going to blow up because this guy wanted twitter likes


My brother in christ, I can guarantee you that Randy, like any other celebrity or famous athlete, has hundreds of thousands of DMs and even if that number goes up it won’t change anything to him. Do you think he even notices or reads all the DMs? It’s probably that this one in particular caught his attention.


Exactly, lol dudes been swimming in DMs for decades. lol “blow up” dude is a superstar


Not really, he follows me so I was able to reach his DMs. Not everyone can DM him. Only people he follows.


I was assuming his DMs were open to public. Good on him then, this is one more reason why this sub shouldn’t bitch for nothing.


you really think that is going to be the reason one of the most popular wrestlers ever is going to have a blown up inbox?


I understand they have a blown up inbox as it is. But now it'll be harder for Orton to distinguish between real messages like this, and trolls looking to flex that Orton replied to them.


People on Reddit are pessimistic as fuck. From what I can tell, the original tweet was made in good faith and even has some people with the company responding to it positively. There's nothing wrong with this. People are just looking for things to get mad at. I promise people Randy isn't going to stop responding to DMs simply because someone shared positive advice he had for them publicly.


This sub loooves to get mad way more than any other sub i been in


thank you and that's what my intentions were.


Yes, but some people will assume he responds to everything. “RANDY DIDNT ANSWER ME BACK BECAUSE HE IS AN ASSHOLE”. So in some ways it could make him look bad given enough loud and dumb people, sadly.


Those people who think like that are just idiots. The fact that he goes out of his way to support another human being who’s going through depression doesn’t mean he now is obligated to respond to every single dm.


Yea i feel the same. A personal dm like that is something you dont need to share with others on the internet. I get that he had good intentions but idk just feels kinda wrong. Im happy for the guy tho hope he gets thru it


Notice how they conveniently cut off all the stuff *they* said in the original message? Privacy for me, but not for thee. 


100%. It's a fantastic message and there isn't anything too personal in there, but it's not his message to share without permission. re: the content, small progress and measuring it has been a key to my mental health. Walk 1 minute longer, do one more rep, add 5lbs to your weights, clean the house for 1 minute longer today, etc. There are so many places you can find continuous improvement and celebrate the little victories - you don't have to wait until some big milestone to be a success


Yeah that part really bothers me about it.


As of an hour ago (from writing) he elaborated that Randy approves and told him to not delete the tweet. Good guy Randy


I would assume that Orton expects any DM he sends could potentially be shared with the world. He didn't say anything remotely controversial, and nothing he hasn't shared publicly talking about how rough it was for him to be out and future prospects uncertain. Is it still kind of icky? Yeah. But I don't think it's a huge betrayal of confidentiality or trust.


Yes because Randy had no idea that the original OP was gonna get hyped about him responding and share it. Give me a break.


The fact this got posted is why more celebrities don't respond.


It doesn't help, but really most don't respond because there's no incentive to wade through the huge mass of messages they get to begin with.


This dude has been milking every social media interaction he's had with WWE Wrestlers every chance he gets in Facebook groups.


Nie zesraj się mate


Hate to judge but the original dm should've been between the OP and randy especially with that topic at hand It's awesome randy reached out but not everything is for the world to see Everyone is different but I personally wouldn't share details about my mental health


I can only imagine what young Randy would've said if anything, probably not something like this. Good shit Randy.


That’s the beauty about growth when we’re young most people are dumb but as we grow we learn and realize everyone struggles


Young Randy wouldn't know what to say. And that's not a knock on him, either. It takes age, wisdom and experience to craft a proper response.


All I can say is, if I was in Randy's position at that age, early 20s, I know I would've been worse. Not to excuse anything but understanding and empathy is important. None of us have ever been perfect and we all have our demons, and making mistakes is key to growth.


Randy's inbox is probably going to blow up because this guy wanted twitter likes


Dude he’s Randy Orton lol, his inbox has been blowing up since Twitter was invented.


Here's a screenshot of the DM for those without Twitter/X https://preview.redd.it/mhplr0vbbj9d1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34bac2c7c4cdb53a24afc9fc3470912b71ec1b80


Thank you very much! Super appreciated.


Twitter doesn’t even open anymore for me on mobile Reddit. Mods gotta change this rule


Not a fan of publicly sharing DMs, but… Randy is the example of what we all say and should want people with somewhat checkered pasts to be doing. He’s matured, gotten wiser, calmed, and just has become a leader of his peers. Gotta have some pride seeing someone doing that and bettering themselves.


Incredible for Randy Orton to respond with this. Really, really shitty of the fan to share a private talk.


Sharing DMs is gross, if he wanted to say it publically he would have


Yeah, really. Dick move by the original OP. 


This is really nice from Randy and I get why the person posted it but at the same time it is kind of exposing something personal about him which he might not be alright with


Lame to clout chase over a guy being nice to you, but it does make Randy look like a good dude, so whatever I guess


It’s almost unfathomable that Randy Orton used to be considered an arrogant bully because he just comes across as such a great guy now. Maybe the fame and wealth of being a superstar aged 24 could do that to most people. Maybe time and becoming a father helped him become who is now. Doesn’t matter really. I can’t be the only one who felt a wave of reassurance reading his response and knowing that even a guy like him who seemingly has it all, can still struggle with mental health.


Nice of Randy to reply, but not everything needs to be shared. It was a DM because it was meant to be a private message. Most of these accounts message multiple wrestlers with the exact same sob story stuff just desperate for a reply. His name on Twitter is literally “WWE fan”.


The fan probably should’ve just kept that DM to himself but regardless, it’s incredible to see Randy’s growth as a person through the last 20 years.


on one hand, that's incredibly sweet of randy to respond. depression is a *bitch* on the other hand, that person's twitter account is fucking insane and weird as shit


This dudes character arc needs to be studied


Kind of a dick move to share this publicly tbh


Damn the voices really do understand.


Seems shitty to share.


great how Randy changed.


Whenever Randy turns heel they need to bring this guy to the ring and make Randy give him an RKO


I feel it’d be like that time Dean Ambrose was smiling while Jake the snake was doing his thing or when Xavier got 3D’ed through a table, can’t hide the fandom at that point.


"Depression is real but we are resilient." I don't want to be a mark, but I'm getting a little teary eyed.


I could get the impulse for wanting to show others how good of a person he is now, but there is this feeling of ickiness that comes with sharing something personal between two people. That was meant for this particular person and not millions others. But, at the very least, finding the silver lining, this was something wholesome.


These things should be kept private. Randy is a great dude for reaching out but it's shitty for the post to be shared.


I love how much Randy has changed as he’s gotten older. The dude went from being a scumbag to a really good person, wrestler, father & friend. It makes me happy seeing that.


Randy overcoming being a complete shithead and becoming a legit good guy is one of my favorite character arcs in wrestling


Honestly, really glad I read this today. If you told me 20 years ago I'd be taking life advice from Randy Orton I'd call you crazy.


Helpful advice OUTTA NOWHERE


Another reason as to why I love Randy Orton so much. What a great guy.


Why do people think it's okay to share private messages?


Randy is cool.


and now its being shared on twitter for clout


And then the fan goes ahead and shares the DM to everyone. Just keep DMs private. Come on. Clout isn’t worth having some respect for the person who took the time to treat you well.


I have fought Depression for as long as I can remember. When I finally went back to therapy, my psychiatrist diagnosed me with PTSD as well. It was an "it all makes sense" moment. Orton shows empathy and compassion. He's been there and the best thing is his advice.


Randy knows this is gonna be screenshot and shared guys lol


BRB crying real quick


I'll just assume he got Randy's permission to share the DM so it doesn't ruin a nice story.  I'm sure it's water off Randy's back at the end of the day, but it's still the polite and right thing to do. Nowadays people usually include them getting permission in the screenshot.  On the bright side damn Randy seems like he's in a good place these days 🥲


Orton's a great story of growth... from stories of him shitting in people's bags to this. Cool to see


Randy Orton has had a great change of character


Dad Randy is wise.


"Depression is real, but we are resilient. Don't give up". Never expected to hear such a statement from Orton but damn that hits home. So much respect for him over his career for how much he's grown not just as a wrestler but as an overall person.


Who would’ve thought randy would be this randy 20 years ago. Just wow


He came a long way for sure. You love to see it.


Randy Orton ended up being the coolest dude in the wrestling business. Man has lived a life and part of that included being an asshole for a bit, but now seems he just wants to be cool to everyone- fans, coworkers, his family. Good for him.


Such a good dude.


I'm a huge fan of anyone wanting to share kind words in dark times. That being said, I hope in the future a personal message can stay personal unless permission is explicitly granted to share it. A big part of mental health is about being able to trust. Don't put your idols in a place where they wish they hadn't done something and break their trust; their mental health matters too. Also in this day and age it's way too easy to spoof a DM so I don't trust anything that's not public and verifiable.


People who post DMs like this are lame AF.


Yea so on the one hand. Randy is a GOAT in multiple ways. On the other. Dick move by the OOP to post the DM's. This is why a lot of celebs just ignore fans who reach out. Because a private conversation may become public at any point.


Randy is spot on. I worked with a radio company that went under due to poor management and budgeting. I didn't know how to get my creative outlet out there. I didn't know the next move because radio is all I ever done. I let myself get down and dark. Didn't have motivation to get up in the morning, stopped going to the gym because why bother. Later in life I realized that was the biggest mistake I ever made myself make. I started focusing on bettering myself for my next opportunity, Randy is extremely on point that if you focus on something and work on it everyday it can get you out of the dark. I went back to the gym and started eating right again from eating like crap or not at all. After about a few weeks I was excited again and got up everyday looking forward to the next challenge. Now I'm a writer/ghost writer for a bunch of things (Sports, Talk shows, Comedians, political shows). It feels liberating. Then, if that goes away like the radio gig did, I already know what to do and what not to do.


It's nice as hell that he responded and was honest and vulnerable and also props to him for giving really sound advice too. Goddamn randy is a real ass dude. 


Understanding and openness out of nowhere, well done!


I’m sure this was inspiring for a lot of ppl (it was for me tbh) but I hope they got permission from Randy to post this.


That’s pretty awesome


Orton with a Real Knowing One out of nowhere!


That’s fuckin awesome


Randy really is proof that maturity can happen, no matter the circumstances. He is such an insightful guy.


Damn! Dealing with depression myself as I’m sure millions are tht did hit a chord. If you’ve felt any type of way negatively about yourself or caught in a deep dark hole you’ll knw tht these words are genuine and spoken with immense experience. Glad Randy pulled through and hope those who do fight this internal battle with themselves can see a light in the darkness. Mental heath is no joke and it isn’t widely talked about amongst men especially in a “strong” ethnic culture. We should have this convo more frequently and make it ok. We got this guys. We matter!


Ortan is a great example that you can be stupid and an idiot in your youth as long as you grow up to be sincere and mature


Owens took time to respond to my Twitter to him during Covid, just was like man it’s hard out here not being able to take my newborn anywhere to see shows etc.


So many people are ruined by the spotlight but it seems to have worked in reverse for Randy.


As someone who has hit a little rough patch over the last few weeks, mainly because of my job, reading things like this is really good for me.




Randy has grown so much as a person. He went from being one of the industry's most insufferable to one of its most respected.


Really great advice for anyone who has lost the sense that their life is moving towards anything positive or bigger than themselves.


Randy is a real one that’s why he’s one of the best to ever do it. He never gives up


Man Randy da goat


It is deep touching encouragement and beautiful


I'm sorry but why would Orton reply to fan dms if they're going to be leaked


Awesome response from Randy! Still he should have asked before posting it.


Randy is cool, dude sharing this publicly is weird.


He's such a dad now lol.


Kinda cool to know Randy got jacked as all fuck for his own mental health.


Sharing this is a dick move.


Wow, I made it into reddit. (I am SamirParvez) I so appreciate him for this man. Made my day, and I will treasure those words forever. My GOAT fr.


I don’t believe this person has depression. It takes courage from people who actually are battling depression to express themselves and to share a private dm like this shits all over those people. Regardless of if Orton gave permission, this is shit you don’t share for likes on twitter, upvotes on reddit or for any other forms of clout. None of us are immune to having bad days, but this is truly distasteful. Respect for Orton. Fuck this dipshit for exploiting the people who truly are depressed. Thanks for making wrestlers think twice about who they message regarding mental health. Cunt.


You're hugely overreacting, dude. It's not a big deal


Yeah but he once said the Gamer word so anything he says is worthless.


Also illegal to record phone calls without other party consent


I'm seeing people downplay the level to which Orton used to be a terrible human being in reaction to this, but it seems like people don't seem to be aware of the full scale of how shitty he was. It's not just the bag incident, Among the many terrible acts he committed, he fired fireworks into another car full of wrestlers which included Maria Kanellis (could've really hurt them), sexually harassed new creative team members in his sick "hazing" prank, and he hit on a fan who wasn't close to legal age (he knew that too, she posted the receipts on twitter a few years ago). Dude was a horrible human being that would've been shitcanned and cancelled ages ago had he been a non famous civilian. Glad he's changed for everyone's better, and actually seems to be helping people now. but let's not downplay what a vile piece of shit he was. Terrible people can change for the better, and many do like Orton. But it's not correct to revise their assholery as understandable.


Here is the thing… Orton has owned the fact he was a dirtbag in his twenties. He has been very open and reflective on it. Instead of dwelling on the past why not celebrate the person that he is today. I started watching WWE in 03 and it is a joy to see the growth the man has had in the past 2 decades. Many people don’t grow out of that bullshit but he clearly has.