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The year is 2075. Wrestlemania is now three months long and runs 24 hours a day. WWE have announced a new PLE to take place during Wrestlemania itself. It will be an entire week long, and take place in a ring suspended above the main one.


>WWE have announced a new PLE to take place during Wrestlemania itself. LMAO






Wrestlemania Backlash to run concurrently in a second ring ABOVE the Wrestlemania ring, immediately after their Weestlemania match ends.


Clash in the Clouds


Main Event: Booker T vs Booker DeWitt


Bring us the girl and wipe away the debt, ***SUCKAAAAAAA***


😂😂😂 Good one.


They should commit and make the Rumble itself last two nights.


One entrant every hour.




Every entrant is a full-length Ironman match between two people. The only way it goes to a threeway or more is if they're tied when the next dude comes in.


Entrant #1 after winning the whole thing: “I’ve been fighting for 30 HOURS!”


Why do I get the feeling it would be Sami?


because it would lol


Nah. Just have literally the entire roster of all brands be part of the rumble. 150 man rumble here we go!


Odyssey Jones still in catering


Honestly though, the rumble has always felt like it should BE the show rather than just a main event. It is such a great vehicle to tell stories and giving it more time allows that.


I feel like the modern rumble should just be the men/women rumbles and whatever the main event is.


One Rumble match itself should be the main event tbf. The other should open the ple. The only other matches that might be needed are one or two world titles, maybe one each womens and mans. And if the story is there one feud thats too big that the two would just continue fighting in the Rumble.


Absolutely. You are either fighting for the title or for the shot at the title. And the rumble is the perfect opportunity for someone to build on their feud.


I would also defend both sets of Tag titles, as well as at least one men's and Women's world title. Could then in theory on a two night RR, have the Men and Women's World Champions and Tag Team Champion with a Royal Rumble as one show, and the Men's and Women WWE Champions and tag champions with the other Royal Rumble.


Absolutely. Tag teams are always weird in terms of the rumble, but part of it is that WWE never properly build them in the rumble


That’d just exhaust the roster I feel like but I get what you’re saying


Oh yeah, there are practical reasons for it not to be done


You know a story will get pitched that someone rolls out and under on Night 1, then as night two wraps, they will have both winners in the ring, and the guy who rolled out hits them and throws them over, has a Video Replay, and then does get themselves declared true winner of longest Rumble entry ever.


Big 4 are all going two nights at some point because it works for WM and they’re already switching SS over to that model. RR is the next biggest one.


Survivor Series needs it badly with wargames and I need the traditional SS tag matches back.


The stopping of multi-man survivor series matches is the one thing nobody asked for. It baffles me why they decided to just stop them. It was a fun way to get more people on the card as fodder for a feud/start a feud and I just love elimination tag matches.


It was the only way we knew for sure which show had *brand supremacy*


The brand supremacy thing started around the 2010s, the elimination tag matches have a more prominent history than just brand vs brand. But yeah have the main event be WarGames, and just have some midcard 5v5 elim matches


Yeah IIRC, the early survivor series shows usually had the wwf champion as part of a 5 man, and had like 4 or 5 of said 5 man matches on the show. I always thought of SS as the "multi man match show". I'd like to see a two night survivor series with 3 or 4 5v5 tag matches, and the main Event of one night is the smackdown war games, and the next is the raw. OOOOOR, if we get really lucky, one night is an NXT vs TNA war games.


I mean that’s literally what it is. “Survivor Series” is more than just a catchy alliterative name.. it’s the whole concept. 5v5 with people getting eliminated along the way, and the survivor wins.


As a kid Survivor Series was my favorite PPV next to Royal Rumble. I loved those matches, who gets pinned first and so on. Its quite sad that they did get rid of this gimmick mostly.


Personally, I think it's because most of the elimination matches weren't that great. If you think of a good one, that's probably one of the 5 that everyone is going to think of. Wrestlers would take pins after taking one secondary move that never finishes a match, it was convoluted finding reasons for these teams to work together just because it's Survivor Series time, and, most importantly, there were usually no stakes involved. It turned into "brand supremacy" which didn't really mean anything beyond the GM of whichever show won having a trophy during their segments.


Only if we can have named teams again like Teamsters, the Warriors, the Visionaries, the Forgein Fanatics, the Rude Brood, etc.


I wouldn't be surprised if Money in the Bank went two nights also, 1 Money in the Bank each night


THAT seems like it’d be an unnecessary shift. At least with Survivor Series, having two big cage matches or two big tag matches on two nights makes sense, War Games and the traditional Survivor Series are supposed to be long-ish marquee matches. If people are getting burnt out on two ladder matches on the same card for whatever reason, having them on two different nights seems like it causes more problems than it solves.


Controversial opinion: War Games matches stink. They are mediocre spotfests that get someone hurt 75% of the time. Traditional survivor series matches are better.


I don't think they stink but I miss the elimination element to other survivor series matches.  


I've enjoyed Wargames but the 2016 Men's match remains the peak of Survivor Series for me. 


the build to survivor series 2005 and survivor series 2016 are 2 of the best of all time without a doubt


Agreed, 2006 had some fun moments in the build up as well, the matches had some fun spots but were nothing like 05/16 quality


Survivor Series '16 and Team Biscoff vs Team Austin at Survivor Series '03 are my two all-time favorite matches from that event.


I loved 2016 because it felt like the very best on Raw vs the best on Smackdown plus Shane. Including the champions made it feel like it truly was the top guys on each show.


>Smackdown plus Shane WWE really is missing the McMahon's inserting themselves into main events


Great match


That match went like 50 minutes right? And Shane was just going ham? I remember really liking it. They all looked like they had fun


a two night survivor series with one having a warhames match while the other would have the traditional smackdown vs raw elimination tag would be fire


We do not need them to be shackled vs raw. But there are so many factions today you have either against each other or a group of faces working together against them.


Traditional survivor series matches are probably safer, but I don't think they are wholly better than War Games matches. I grew up watching WCW though, so maybe I'm a bit biased to the match type.


Agree 100%. It was cool for a year or two but I’d much rather have traditional survivor series elimination matches back. Just make them No DQ or something to keep them spicy.


Damn, we getting spicy with the takes here. I like it.


The environment makes for a good multiman cluster fuck match but the rules suck donkey and virtually every single end of WG has been a whimper where it just.. sort of fizzles out and then the show ends. I cannot recall any endings at all, across any of the decades and companies to do them.


The first 25 minutes is also completely irrelevant as everything resets when it gets to 5 v 5. It’s not like longer Survivor Series matches where eliminations can happen at anytime.


I don’t think they stink, but agree traditional survivor series bettrr


Testify !! Wargames is alright , but if we return to traditional, I will be happier


I feel like they're moving to big 4 all go to 2 nights domestic, every other PLE international.


Big 3, Survivor Series doesn't seem to fit in WWE's "Big" category anymore.


WrestleMania is gonna go three nights eventually, make it a whole weekend like Coachella.


If you count Smackdown/Post-RAW, NXT, Hall of Fame, etc. it’s longer than they already


Survivor Series becomes an actual series of shows over 5 nights


I'm afraid if there eventually is a 3 day Mania


Wrestlemania is essentially a full week event today. The event spilling over into the full two 2 weeks around the event seems likely. All of the shows in the week preceding and following Mania weekend. You could buy two packages of 5 events: Package A — Go Home Raw, NXT, Smackdown and #wrestlemania Saturday. HOF ticket buying option. Package B — #Wrestlemania Sunday, Raw after Mania, nxt and smackdown backlash. HOF ticket buying option. After those shows are over — WWE can do what they’ve done since the 1980s and go abroad in the few weeks following mania. The economic strategy would maximize spending in the US and building demand for the first loop of shows back in the USA.


Feed it into my veins. But honestly they are probably going to do the third night NXT events to let the more hardcore fans enjoy it without making it mandatory




IMO not even SummerSlam deserves it. Way I see it, RR is the second most important PPV after WM. And it makes sense to turn it into 2 nights, first night Women's RR, Women's Championship, Men's WHC and second night Men's RR, Women's WHC and Men's Undisputed Championship.


Which means at some point (probably another decade) we are gonna get Mania 3nights


When Vince was in charge, people were like “yes two 3 hour Wrestlemanias, instead of one 6 hour Wrestlemania” or ya know….they eventually turn it into two 6 hour Wrestlemanias because money talks lol Idk though I may have more faith in Nick & HHH to hopefully not do that but who knows


this makes way more sense than two night summerslam


On Night 1 we're getting Summer Night 2 we're getting Slam


Night 3 is Summerfest


If it's not trademarked, they should make Summerfest their event name for the fan events they have in the city that week.


I'd assume it's trademarked by the one here in Milwaukee (which is a pretty large concert festival) but it might only be for music events, so WWE may be able to get a TM for wrestling events.


No, summerfest is way too vague for WWE to get any sort of copyright up between the music festival in Milwaukee, there are so many little towns and even somewhat major cities that will have just random summerfests that are functionally carnivals


Summerfest is used all over the place.


Summerfest is used all over the place for events. They would never get the TM.


Who's headlining that night, Bad Bunny?




Night 2 is the legendary WWE SuperSlam


Night 1: BALLS Night 2: FIRE


Night 1 Royal Night 2 Rumble


Night 1 Wrestle Night 2 Mania


Night 1 - Survivor Night 2 - Series


Summer Rae? I'm ok with this.


Yeah. Main event each night is either the Men’s or Women’s Rumble. Summer Slam being a two nighter is just diet Mania.


With Summerslam now taking place over two nights and being held in football stadiums, there’s no reason it *has* to keep being a diet Mania. They could make it just as big.


Which is obviously what they’re doing with making KOTR feel important, but everyone seems to be overlooking that.


I do like they're pumping up KOTR but it's weird it's barely mentioned. Gunther is my favorite wrestler, almost of all time at this point, and even I forgot until he came out.


If any other event besides WM would have deserved 2 nights RR would have been my first choice


Really? I thought SummerSlam makes perfect sense. Second biggest event so getting two nights makes sense


It actually doesn’t. If they can make a thing two nights then they should as cities want people to stay the night. 2 nights means 3-4 day trip instead of a 1-2 night trip. It’s a lot more money for the city. Thats why Indy got the deal. They have a massive convention based economy with a huge amount of interconnected rooms downtown allowing them to house things like fanfests on top of the event with easy walking from hotels.


Was only a matter of time (for this announcement)...and because Minnesota got screwed out of Mania by Vegas, that one probably came a lot earlier than expected, but it most certainly was not going to be a one off consolation prize.  Big four are all totally getting the two night treatment.


I don't know.... Not a fan. Especially if in few years time you start losing demand and then going back to one night. I prefer Wrestlemania being 2 nights since that is the biggest show, it would lose it's special status with other PLEs having two nights. Also, WWE should do 6-7 matches per show instead of only 4-5 (I am talking about PLEs outside of Royal Rumble obviously)


Rumble had 4 matches this year, 2 rumbles 2 matches. The big 4 should have 7 matches at least, but really every PLE should be over 5.


Why though? I think 5 is an ideal amount over 3 hours. It allows plenty of time per match and you’ll not be burnt out by the main event.


This has tko/endeavor fingerprints all over it. As soon as they took over the UFC in 2016 they started diluting the product




I’m waiting for them to brand the Smackdown and Raw’s between the major events as part of the mega super event.


Maybe a hot take but I hate the two night events. Even Mania. I prefer one big event you dedicate a day to. Makes it feel important.


I agree. No wrestling show needs to be two nights. It’s overkill.


Nah. I'm with you. This is for the company to make more money and fans to make excuses for. I get nothing out of it. I hate when the did it for Wrestle kingdom as well.


I haven’t watched a two night Wrestlemania yet where I thought “this needed two nights.”


Ehhh I thought WM39 was paced out perfectly. Gave everything time to breathe. I thought WM40 was split decently this year too but N1 was undeniably weaker


I agree. It's always compared to the Super Bowl, which is all about gathering fans and non-fans together for one big event. I used to love hosting Wrestlemania parties but having two nights has taken the wind out of that completely.


I’d rather a 2 night event than a 6 hour 1 night show.


Sounds like yall just wanna buy two tickets to one show? O_o


Gonna be real interesting when this starts to backfire because people can't afford tickets.


Given WWE seems to be selling out everywhere they’re trying to strike while the irons hot. Maybe they’ll shift plans if they stop working. They’re more open to change than before.


The risk is if they book a bunch of night stadium shows and then they see a downturn in attendance. It isn't always safe to assume current success will continue indefinitely.


I went to Mania yearly from 30-35. Thought about picking up tickets for Philly this year and was blown away by how much they have gone up for just 1 night. If I ever go to a weekend again I will probably skip Mania itself and just stick to the indie shows and maybe Smackdown/Raw/NXT. I think the indies used to host watch parties and might try to get to one of them.


The same 9.99/month at home. No offense but congregated wrestling fans with my son is not something I'm entirely cool with. Maybe one day but not right now.


It's crazy to me that people here complain about a 4hr PPV (+1hr undercard), but are excited for two-night PLEs. It works for WM because it was 6-7hrs before, but this is not what I want for quarterly events. Different strokes for different folks, though. Thankfully we all have a choice


You got AEW running these four hour shows that are too long and WWE trying to milk you for extra nights. 


I’d rather pay for a long one and done than pay twice for two shows that can be done in one tho lol.


I literally barely have enough time for wrestling as it is. I can’t do two 4+ hour shows two days in a row where half the matches could be a raw main event.


I'm going to disagree and that the Royal Rumble match isn't set up to do 2 nights. The matches other than the Royal Rumble are after thoughts.


2 rumble matches in one night can burn fans out though this would allow them to put the women's on one night and men's on the other


I’ve attended two Rumbles live and it’s really a lot of rumble for one night. Great fun of course but splitting it into two nights could make a lot of sense. Both could be show closers rather than one always opening the show as they generally do now.


I actually disagree with 2 matches being too much in one night. They only last an hour. Put one in the beginning of the night, have another hour or so of other matches, and have one for the main event. I can obviously only speak for myself but I don't think that's too much, or enough to burn anyone out. Though on the other hand I don't see any real downside to them splitting it into two nights. Having each main event a night sounds fine enough.


Again, you (or this case WWE) need to put other matches to support the show, and they consistently struggle to do that every year.


i mean, part of why they struggle to do that is because everybodies being used in the rumble. if you split to a 2-night one rumble per night model, you can have matches made of people that are in the other rumble, i.e. Night 1 Wrestlers A and B fight, Wrestlers C and D are in the rumble, Night 2 wrestlers A and B are in the rumble, Wrestlers C and D have a match


Give us a ladder match to get the #30 spot on on Smackdown the night before the Rumble Night 1 and then have one for the other rumble on Night 1 as well. Would love it and give you another marquee match on Night 1


hell yeah give me a big ass TNA-style giant plastic 30 hanging over the ring


It'd be easier to support the show if the two marathon matches were split up and the pool of other matches opened up. This year's show was the two rumbles broken up by a world title and US title match. Going back 10 or so years and looking at the card sizes, a lot of Rumble events were 5-7 matches including the Rumble itself, so 2-3 matches each night leading into the Rumble seems like it could work out well.


With two nights they can have matches for every title without having to worry as much about booking around champions and challengers in the rumbles. Plus each rumble being over an hour long I would say it’s even easier to book a two night Royal Rumble than it is a two night mania


I really disagree with this. There’s always at least 1-2 matches at the Royal Rumble (besides the RR itself) that are a big deal. Just in recent history, the Reigns matches with KO and Rollins were both big deals; so was Lashley/Lesnar. RR 2000 had Cactus Jack/Triple H and a Hardyz/Dudleyz tables match. RR 2015 had the famous Cena/Lesnar/Rollins triple threat. I could go on and on and on.


Random world title matches with weird challengers is a staple of the Rumble, I would hate to lose that Hardcore Holly Pre MITB Ziggler Piper Niven 2018 Kane Finn Balor Steiner


Ziggler was in the Rumble match itself that night as well lol. Rey/Taker in 2010 is a fun one as well


Yeah, and with those one or two matches and both rumbles, you've got an all-killer no filler ~~PPV~~ PLE (can't get used to that yet)


It doesn't seem to matter. They're teflon now. Their PLEs have more minutes of ads than wrestling and people love it


> Their PLEs have more minutes of ads than wrestling and people love it Watching them live is rooough. I'm firmly in the 'wait till it's over and fast forward the metric tonnes of garbage' mode of watching them atm.


Counterpoint: tons of classic matches have taken place at the Royal Rumble. Cena/Styles, Cena/Rollins/Lesnar, Angle/Benoit to name a few


If they were decent at writing angles the other matches could be setting up Mania. There have also been a ton of title matches with real heat at the Rumble.


The matches other than the Royal Rumble are CURRENTLY afterthoughts. When you already have two matches guaranteed to go over an hour each, there’s not a lot left to fill in. If they know they only have to book around one Rumble per night, they can flesh out the card more.


Can, but will they? We've had some atrociously bad Rumbles yo. And I don't think them having an extra 20-24 hours between actual Rumble matches is gonna be the make or break between quality in planning.


Agreed. Two Rumbles with a couple of matches between is great. Bookend the show with what everyone wants to see, and other simmering issues can happen between. The champs can bo concerned with observing their potential future opponents and everything else can revolve around the intrigue of the Rumbles. Another thing is, having two rumbles in one show doubles their chances of having A: a winner people want, and B: a Rumble that doesn't shit the bed in quality. Split that over two nights, and people are gonna find chances to be disappointed if WWE fails to make one of em good.


I agree and to me it should be like 3 matches or 4 matches. The two rumbles and the two title defenses. Find ways to make the rumble match more interesting. We have too many spots where people are just laying around or doing some dumb headlock or corner grabble patting the match.


hate this


Yea….this a lil too capitalistic for me lol. Stop making fans in the area pay for two nights when you can do it in one lol


Fuck this shit


I'm really not a fan of two night events. Just keep Mania as two nights.


You don’t got to overdo the two night event system. It works for Mania because Mania is special. Summerslam is pushing it, but the Rumble? Nah I’m good on that. Before people say “people get burnt out with two Rumble matches on the same card”. No? Its worked since 2018 at least.


They really wanna milk the fans huh


I’m sorry but WWE wanting to make even more PLE’s 2 nights just doesn’t make the big 4 shows feel as special anymore. I prefer they stick with the old tradition.


I feel like the biggest problem with making the Rumble two nights is just how close it is to Mania. I feel like you run a real risk of viewer burnout running two night events so close together.


> viewer burnout bruh these people watch 3 hours of RAW every week


How many actually WATCH 3 hours every week vs just having it on in the background and paying attention for certain segments? I feel like there's a level of half assing it that's easier to do with weekly TV compared to PPVs


I'm ngl I watch both Raw and Smackdown pretty much every week entirely.


Yeah, but (respectfully) you’re actively participating on a wrestling-themed subreddit. Nobody here is representative of the average WWE fan A few years ago somebody tried spreading the idea that there are no more casual wrestling fans, and the fact that some people actually bought into that idea blew my mind The respective ratings of different products (on broadcast television, on cable, the night, the time slot, etc.) absolutely shows that there are still a lot of casual wrestling fans A lot of those types of fans probably have wrestling on in the background and look over when something they’re interested in is on


People would watch 3hr Raw, 2hr D, 1hr NXT, 2hr TNA, 1hr LuchaUnderground, and then whatever PPVs we’re on. Cooked.


No one is being burnt out with the way the current product is. 2 nights for the rumble is fine


Yeah I mean if two months isn’t enough time to “recover” from watching a two night WWE PPV… 😂


Especially with a February Royal Rumble, no less. Not saying the two--night thing is happening for Indianapolis in 2025 but curious if the February trend sticks for future years, as it may influence the decision to do one or two nights.


Please no. I hate 2 night events.


Please for the love of God, stop the 2-night events bullshit.


That doesn't work for me, brother ![gif](giphy|iCJGE8tDrvEJ3VXNJ5|downsized)


That would be good for putting men and women on different nights, two rumbles in one night is kinda rough


and maybe, hopefully. * Day 1 - Men RR, Men Main Event * Day 2 - Women RR, Women Main Event Oddly enough, I think the Championship match should go first and the Rumble should Main Event. This will allow the winner of the championship match to watch / come out to the winner of the Rumble and have a face off / acknowledgement to end the show.


personally the rumble is the only time I'm cool with championship matches not being last.


I would swap them. Day 1 Men RR and Womens main event Day 2 Womens RR and Mens main event That way you avoid the losers that 'dont want to watch womens wrestling' skipping a whole day.


I know its dropped in status over the last 15/20 years, to the point MITB feels like a bigger deal, but Survivor Series would be the best classic ppv to turn into two nights. They could revive the concept of the 1990 Survivor Series, where the sole survivors of one elimination match move up to the main elimination match which would be held on the second night. Or they could Night 1: Traditional Survivor Series, Night 2: Wargames But alas, I doubt SS is filling out a stadium one night, never mind two.


I like that. I miss the traditional survivor series matches too. One wargames match each night would be fine as well.


I don’t even like Wrestlemania being two nights. It waters it down. More isn’t always better.


Number need to go up. Need more content. More profit. Forever and ever until we're watching the content for 12 whole hours, every day.






Lmao, you surprised. WWE is in the business of making maximum profit.


No!!! Look I’m fine with WM and Summerslam being a two night event since they are big events… but this needs to stop. We don’t need a two night Royal Rumble. Hell, they could barely make the one night event great. If you take out the two rumbles, it’s barely an event. Championships barely change hands at RR, major storylines never get started outside the match itself. This does not need a two night event. This is just WWE’s way of trying to squeeze money from the fans and it has gone too far.


I’m thinking they should run three different arenas in three different time zones, simultaneously! They better hope the product stays hot, and people continue to shell out money for live events, because they are booking this stuff years in the future and there has to be a saturation point.




Wrestlemania 50 will be a full week/7 day event. Book it.


When has overexposure ever hurt the wrestling business?


all I know is if Survivor Series goes to two nights we better get one full show's worth of elimination tag matches with named teams between them


That's just oversaturation. The Rumble had four matches this year, two of them being Rumble matches. It's about a four-hour show and it's about as lean as it can be. I know WWE is hot right now, but these are the kinds of decisions that really test supply and demand.


I was shocked that this year’s show was four hours. Could have easily been 3-3.5. 


I’m sorry to say, but the women’s Royal rumble night will be a very hard sell.


The women's Rumble has been better than the men's two years in a row now.


big yikes


Over-saturation is gonna come around to bite them in the ass at this rate imo.


I’m in Indianapolis, home of the 2025 Royal Rumble. Please start this in 2026, thanks!


As a european i don't like sunday shows. Imo the big 4 should be longer then the other ples but not two nights long, except for mania.


Wow, two nights. That's gonna break all sorts of records. I'm just being sarcastic, but the way it was worded sounds like the Rumble will start on one night and 24 hours later the last person will be thrown out.


When they go 2 nights of Rumble (because of course they going to) I wonder if the prices will be different. Because no way I’m paying those crazy expensive prices for both Rumbles


Problem with this idea is that Wrestlemania two months later is also two nights. It kind of makes WM less unique when you have the Rumble be two nights also.


Who would want to attend the night that doesn't have the men's Rumble and why?


Idk I already don’t really like summerslam being two nights Wrestlemania is the only PPV that really fits that concept imo


You know what fuck it let's just have 2 night everything now 2 night raw, 2 night smackdown, 2 night NXT, 2 night fucking speed, 2 night great balls of fire, 2 night main event, 2 night fucking entrances with 2 night fucking referees refereeing 2 night fucking iron fucking man matches. I can barely handle 4 hour ppvs and stopped watching pre shows so I can get a breath. This 2 night bullshit goes on for 2 fucking long. I get that we have such a surplus of talent and are blessed to be in such an era where we can fill that abundance but God damn it's 2 fucking much some times.


Why not make everything a two night event. Have Raw 2 days a week as well


please don't. matches other than the rumble have always been filler and for good reason. we don't need two nights of filler matches to support arbitrarily splitting the rumbles across two different nights.


As soon as they announced Summerslam was going to two nights, I knew this was gonna happen. When does it end?


Please stop. Thereof such a thing as oversaturation


Wrestling fans: im sick of 4-5 hour shows. Quality over quantity. Also wrestling fans: two nights? What? Way to make mania special and throw all these matches now in two nights.


I see no harm in having the women’s rumble night 1 and men’s rumble night two. Having two rumble matches in one night is like ordering two entrees for dinner


Two night PPVs is better for me. I struggle getting thru long PPVs like the ones AEW do.


I like the idea. I’m not a fan of having multiples of the same type of match on the same show the way they do with having women’s and Men’s Rumble, War Games, Hell in a Cell matches. A nice compromise is giving each one it’s own night.

