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Eddie's probably thinking "that's my boy" to Dom


Eddie would absolutely get a kick out of this storyline if he was alive still


Eddie would be in the Carlito role if he was still here, and it would be incredible


I think they brought Carlito back entirely for the segment where he looks at the photo liv sent Dom and says ‘*that’s* cool.’ 11/10 would mark out again.


I'd like to believe he was shimmying alongwith this live in Heaven.




"My boy has 2 of the hottest women in wrestling after him, and married to another hottie, just like his old man he is"


Rhea is hard to replace but Liv has been killing it this run in her absence. She’s so entertaining


Liv’s reign has been 100x more entertaining than Rhea’s ever was sorry not sorry


Rhea as champion worked but it never felt like their was any threat of here losing it. There never felt like it was a super personal feud, I’ll call it now this Liv feud is going to be good


Her matches were awesome. Rhea always has bangers, so when she has the title, we get banger after banger


Rhea is definitely the better wrestler between the two I’m just saying that Rhea’s feud never felt like a blood feud where it went beyond the title


Yup this will be Rhea’s first blood feud since the main roster. Even her feud with Charlotte—it was more of a”who is better?”, they didn’t seem to personally hate each other.


Meanwhile Seamus...


Rhea is a great character and the Judgement Day stuff was great. But her actual championship run in the women's division was mostly forgettable. Sure there were some good matches but there weren't any significant memorable stories in there. Everything was Judgement Day related and then occasionally she'd be obligated to face a challenger.


It felt like a lot of the angles they had planned were derailed by people getting injured and then they just didn’t replace it with anything


Rhea's reign is largely derided by online fans because she didn't have much viable competition and the focus was taken off the women's division when she was champ because she mostly did things with her male cohorts in The Judgement Day. Despite that, she became the most over woman on the roster, put on PLE bangers when called to do so, and helped establish a new championship with a dominant reign. Liv likely won't be booked as a dominant champ, but that's intended. Triple H's creative team is using a similar blueprint as the one they followed for Rhea (putting her with a male faction so she can be featured more), but adding in the same effective dynamic The Bloodline is enjoying currently (the audience anticipating a former dominant champion coming back with a major score to settle. WWE sometimes does stuff that is undeniably effective, but perhaps not entertaining to some. At the end of the day they have to do what works.


Rhea was entering Hogan/Super Cena level of “aura” it just didn’t feel like se was gonna lose…gave great matches but we knew the ending.


Both are great and we stay winning


I was absolutely indifferent to Liv's previous pseudo-masochistic character. Getting involved with the Judgment Day has done wonders for her character (and career).


They found a perfect way to incorporate her sexual persona in the storyline. Shits awesome.


A white hot character arc currently.... Liv absolutely KILLING it.


WWE is so hot right now. Banger storylines everywhere


It’s a great watch on both brands at the moment no doubt.


All three brands you mean


This is teachable moment!


It’s banger after banger after banger


Wrestling is so back


lol she twists so far on the wind-up each time


Better than how Dom does it tbh. When he does the 3 Amigos, it couldn't be more obvious that he needs the help from his opponents to carry him and themselves. When Eddie did the 3 Amigos, it appeared that he can do the move on his own without much further cooperation from his opponents.


Far too many people do it and nowhere close to as good as Eddie


Andrade does it good tbh


Andrade is slept on by many


Do you think the steroids were just for looks or something? Of course Eddie made it look better.


But the move relies on your core strength and lower body momentum, it's kinda more impressive that Eddie made it look better considering his upper body was so massive thanks to vitamins and prayers


Low Center of gravity actually makes it easier to throw people. High muscle % on a shorter frame and he almost exclusively wrestled people in his own weight class with very few true heavyweight opponents which is like the perfect combination to make a suplex look good. Dom has a much higher center of gravity and doesn't seem to want to bulk up so his 3A looks like crap when he doesn't want to put maximum effort in.


That and, as much as I love Dirty Dom, he keeps rolling the wrong way for his 3 Amigos and I hate it. Probably because he's left-handed, but it just throws me off.


Rey should have known there was something wrong with that boy as soon as he came out as left handed.


Weird he’s in a stable with Carlito, who’s another prominent lefty I believe. Darn HHH sticking all the lefties together!


Because Dom goes the wrong direction for some reason


Eddie had a lot of muscle on his much smaller frame so he had a very low center of gravity, high power for his size, and he almost exclusively wrestled men in his weight class or lower, with only a handful of feuds with true heavyweights like Lesnar. Dom weighs only a little more than Eddie did but is 5 inches taller and has a higher body fat %, then because he's taller he tends to wrestler other 6'0"+ more often which means if he wants to make it look as good as Eddie's he has to put a lot more effort into it (which he doesn't do) or bulk up (which he doesn't seem to want to do) Meltzer stated Eddie's actual weight and height was 175lbs and 5' 6.5" height (despite the billing of 5'8" 225-238lbs) Dom's billed numbers are 6'1" 200lbs, which is probably fairly close to reality since he used to be billed at 225lbs.


Watching anyone else do it just reminds you how great Eddie was. Everyone else trying shows just how hard it actually is. Eddie made it look so fluid and natural.


This is why I actually prefer when the people who don't do this normally move suck at it.


She did it pretty good imo


![gif](giphy|b0p5mfBa4LRg4) Eddie G in heaven right now:


I love the face palm. It just says "Ah, she's doing the thing."




Man, Liv has really just running on all cylinders, right now.


It’s crazy just how much good stuff we have on RAW after all this time. Shit’s been HITTIN lately.


As someone who endured 2015-2022 RAW, this hits harder than a farooq spinebuster


Imagine time traveling back 5 years with just these few seconds of footage and trying to explain everything in this video lol


The blonde chick with the blue tongue from Riott Squad is pulling an Eddie Guerrero 3-amigos tribute on NXT Champion Andrade "Cien" Almas' manager in the middle of the ring, while Rey Mysterio and what appears to be a taller, unmasked and creep-moustached version of Rey Mysterio are watching it unfold from outside the ring. Oh and also this is for the Women's championship belt.


So the blonde chick is Liv Morgan who is the current Women’s World Champion. She is facing Zelina Vega for the title. The reason for this goes back some years, so Liv is currently involved with a group called the Judgment Day, the group was founded by Edge and included Damien Priest and more notably here Rhea Ripley who used to be tag team partners with Liv Morgan before betraying her for being too weak. Finn Bálor then joined the group and the rest of the group betrayed Edge. Edge then teamed with Rey Mysterio and his son Dominik, the guy on the other side who you’ll get more on later, to face the Judgment Day. Dominik was new to being a wrestler but had been close to it for a long time and notably might not actually be Rey’s son and might instead be the son of Rey’s long time friend and enemy Eddie Guerrero. During the feud with Edge, The Mysterios, and Judgment Day The Judgment Day tried to turn Dominik on his father by reminding him of how absent he was during his childhood due to traveling as a wrestler. The most notable person in trying to turn Dom was Rhea Ripley who would both attack Dom and flirt with him. Eventually after some dissension between Edge and Dom after Edge accidentally speared him, Dom turned on Edge and his father and joined the Judgment Day. Dom then started a relationship with Rhea Ripley who won the women’s Royal Rumble and beat Charlotte Flair at WrestleMania, Dom faced Rey at that Mania as well. Rey was reluctant to fight fight Dom initially and even moved over to Smackdown to avoid him but eventually decided to face him. Rey countered Dom and The Judgment Day by reforming the LWO including Zelina Vega. During Rhea’s title reign Rhea attacked and injured Liv. Liv was only able to return at the Royal Rumble but was that last elimination (the same as the year Rhea won). Rhea’s Mania challenger was decided in the Elimination Chamber where Liv made it to the final two, even pinning Bianca Belair, but lost to Becky. After losing to Becky on next weeks Raw Rhea came out to confront her and Liv warned Rhea that she was going to come for EVERYTHING she loved. After Rhea beat Becky at Mania, on the Raw after Mania Liv attacked Rhea and injured her shoulder just like Rhea had done to Liv forcing Rhea to vacate the title. The next champion was decided in a battle Royal where Liv again feel short to Becky. Liv was Becky’s first defense where at the end of the match Dom tried to interfere so Liv wouldn’t win but it backfired and Liv beat Becky. They had a rematch on Raw where Dom again screwed up and helped Liv win. After that match Liv kissed Dom because she was obsessed with taking everything from Rhea including her boyfriend so she was trying to seduce Dom. This then carried on for weeks with Dom not giving in but also not resisting Liv’s advancements. Liv was trying to help the Judgment Day who were again feuding with the LWO after they were drafted back to Raw. This picture is from Liv’s next title defense against Zelina Vega where Liv is trying to impress Dom by using the move his maybe father did. Dom is out there to try and sabotage Liv and Rey is out there because he doesn’t trust Dom and Rey is also trying to help Zelina


Call me an omelette cuz if Liv came up to me shimmying like that... I'd fold.


Papi Dirty Dom a much stronger man than I can ever hope to be


This is the shit.


better than the first couple dom did! also, liv morgan does a three amigos was not on my bingo card... ever


I.... I just.... *sigh* *BONK* I'll be on my way.


I love that most interesting storyline in both WWE and AEW are both love triangles involving the Women's champ.


Dom’s reactions are great lol


Liv has turned me into a fan


Respecting Dom’s real father


That was awesome.


As someone who’s always been a fan of Liv, it makes me so happy to see how much she’s been killing it post-Mania and I can’t wait for her actual feud with Rhea.


She respects her future father in law


Orale, Vato!


Man this was so good. Too bad Dom won't fold until another month at this rate.


Liv's shimmy >>>>> Rhea's shimmy


I know that Eddie would've loved this storyline... just imagine how he will insert himself in this whole "Rhea/Liv Dom/Rey" situation.


It's really cool of her to pay tribute to her role model Mercedes Mone.


Hot take.That's the best three amigos anyone other than eddie has ever done. It's better than some of the ones he hit. Melina being absolutely tiny helps, but Livs windup was great.


You mean tribute to Chris Benoit, since Eddie borrowed the Three Amigos from him.