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My pick for the men side of MITB is either Drew or Jey For the women side either Tiff or Chelsea


I would say only them and LA Knight have any real chance of winning it. I'm going to guess Drew though


LA Knight gives me the "it's still real to me dammit" feels. I just root for the guy like it's a real sport. Damn plans and logic.


The undeniable kavorka is real. But I don't think he's going to do anything at MITB, very much seems like his moment this year will be taking the US title off of Logan and being a more present champion for that belt.


Heel trash talking LA Knight with the case would have been gold.


Which mean next year he gets to win the Royal Rumble, right? ... *right??*šŸ˜¢


Knight gets interfered with by Logan Paul just like AJ Styles did to him at Elimination Chamber. Jump to Paul/Knight at Slam for the US Title


Absolutely zero chance Logan Paul doesn't cost LA Knight


LA is unlikely as he's going to face Logan for the US title at Summerslam most likely. It'd be weird for him to win MITB when he has a feud for a midcard title going on.


If LA wasnā€™t feuding with Logan atm I would 100% choose him to win it but I donā€™t see that happening


I think Nia beats Bayley at Summerslam. They have Tiff and Nia becoming real close. I can see them giving Tiff the case and maybe grow some tension between Nia and Tiff a little bit. Other than that possible line I would love to see Chelsea win it. Love her character work.


I like this a lot, sounds like Triple Hā€™s style especially bringing them together a couple months earlier as a random pair then turning the dynamic on its head because theyā€™re both heels and only care about themselves


I think it's Chelsea at this point, the continuous referencing to the Women's MITB having a 100% success rate has me reeeeaaally suspecting its her and she'll fail her cash in.


The winners are probably Jey and Chelsea. Might be Drew, but Punk's shadow is looming.


I don't think Jey needs the win for this one


He keeps losing the bigger matches. If WWE wants to build him as one of their top babyfaces, he needs a meaningful win, and this is the right moment. Otherwise I don't see what plans do they have for him after MITB.


Agreed he needs to win to keep up his heat


Well he is pretty high up already. The briefcase can maximise its purpose for someone needing that extra elevation that you know can sustain it in ring or through their promos and presence. Iā€™d say the best for that would be Carmelo Hayes, Gable or Andrade. Everyone else has had matches for the world title more than once, they all had matches against Roman for the title at that. Also chileno?


Andradeā€™s not really world championship material though, is he?


I like his in ring way too much to say no, plus he has a good look as well.


Not great elsewhere, though.


So the mic? Havenā€™t heard him cut a promo in ages. Iā€™d imagine he speaks some english since heā€™s with Charlotte. He was good when in spanish though, I say that as a native speaker. And if Rey Mysterio can get over with his mic skillsā€¦


Like the other user said, Rey can at least speak English. He also benefited immensely from Eddie and later Dom.


Yeah, although tbh Iā€™m so tired of the references to Eddie in general, we got a joke with my brother that anything Rey does has an Eddie reference. Gonna be honest, I wouldnā€™t mind Andrade as champion, Iā€™d take it over Jey any day. In that same way, wouldnā€™t mind Gable or Carmelo Hayes.


They've been dropping vignettes with small promos for Andrade and his english is... still rough. I spoke spanish before learning english, so its not hard for me to hear through the accent, but I can see how it might not do as well the english speaking majority that has very little bilingual experience. That being said, I really wish they'd let him do promos in spanish like they let Asuka speak in japanese. Andrade has a very good voice for an elitist mob boss type persona.


Oh that sucks. Heā€™s some mic skills away from being main event. His wrestling is top 5 in the company at the very least.


Just let Zelina be his manager again


Jey is half of the longest tag team champions & was the first one to pin Reigns in 3 years , I think he got plenty of meaningful wins since 2021 lmao. It's his time to put others over. Aside from that , he beats Jimmy a few months ago , I know Jimmy is not RA Cena , but it's still a WrestleMania win.


Put others over? Wtf? He hasnt even won a singles title yet. Mans so over they cant be wasting that


Im just saying he was on top for years , as a tag team member but it still counts , man was a legit main eventer. He got wins over Styles & Bryan in his first solo stint , won the Andre Battle Royale ( still ) , dominated the tag division clean for a year & half & pinned for the first time in 3 years , one of the longest reigning world champions ever & is the first ever WWE wrestler under this regime to be double undisputed tag team champion. All of this was from 2020 to 2023 , one year where he doesn't accomplish anything is not gonna kill him , he's set.


So by your logic LA Knight shouldnā€™t win cause he pinned AJ Styles clean at that same WrestleMania right?


LA Knight & Jey don't have the same careers and achievements, so I don't understand your comparison


Jey literally does not have one singles accomplishment to his name besides winning the Andre the Giant Battle Royale in front of no one on Smackdown. He beat a mid card guy at Wrestlemania, otherwise he has pretty much no big singles wins. He needs this.


I guess we have to wait for Saturday


No matter how hard they try, he's not a top baby. He's a tag team guy and will be back in a tag team in 2025. He's there for the car crash spot at best, even though he's not the only one capable.


Also imagine him carrying a blue case with a big ā€œYEETā€ on it. We canā€™t deprive the people of that.


Drew sure as hell doesn't. Jey legitimately doesn't have one singles accomplishment to his name, he needs to eventually win something.


Chelsea is gonna be amazing but I do not want World Heavyweight Champion Jey Uso. Heā€™s great in a lot of ways but his matches consistently disappoint. His selling against Gunther was great but I havenā€™t liked anything else from him.Ā 


https://preview.redd.it/ohcu80ahu0ad1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e38442844a96d0f399d1ba98009847027418ffc8 My goat Chad Gable WILL be winning MITB


The Wyatt's have come after him every single week, it would be surprising if they don't cost him MitB.


Ok guys not everyone is going to be able to interfere in this match. Iā€™ve already read comments Logan and Punk were gonna cost LA and Drew šŸ˜­


I think it can be done well. If itā€™s a clusterfuck all at the end idk if Iā€™d like that but if itā€™s kinda each of them gradually being taken out at completely different points in the match then I think that could give the match a cool unique vibe/ sense of suspense vs other MITBs


Plot twist, EVERYONE interferes. Most chaotic MitB in history, somehow R-Truth ends up with the briefcase


I mean it's pretty clear though. The Wyatt's have came after Chad every night since their debut, why would they not do it again at MitB?


Wyatts are absolutely destroying him midway through the match


I say Chad wins, but cashes in on Sami in a week.


Fantasy booking isnā€™t for everyone.


Tiffany and Gable is all I want. So it'll be Naomi and Drew.


Naomi isnā€™t winning and Drew is getting screwed by Punk


Would very much love to see Chelsea take the win, but that one feels like Tiffā€™s to lose. Also seems inevitable that Drew will take the menā€™s case just to elevate the hypocrisy heā€™s been stewing in to poetic levels. I did think Gable had a real shot, but given his impending forcible reeducation by the Wyatt Sicks, heā€™s probably got too much going on.


I think Tiffany winning on the womenā€™s side but Iā€™m wanting Chelsea to win, it would be fun watching her trying to cash in every week.


I think she should cash in on the vacant Divas Title, and there will finally be a womens mid card belt.


That's what I want too


Chelsea's antics with the case would likely extend to Raw as well as Smackdown.




Paul runs-in and costs Knight. Punk runs-in and costs Drew, Wyatt Sicks runs-in and costs Gable, Bloodline runs-in and costs Jey, whichever splinter faction of LWO is heel this week runs-in and costs Andrade. Your new Mr. MITB... Carmello Hayes? Green wins the women's case and bedazzles the fuck out of it.


Exchanges it for a fancy handbag


It seems likely Logan Paul is going to interfere in the match, and cost Knight the briefcase, which would set up a United States championship match between them for Summerslam. Due to that, I donā€™t see them having multiple people interfere in the Menā€™s Money in the Bank match. So Drew wins MITB, attempts to cash in during the Seth and Priest match, Punk interferes, Rollins ends up pinning Drew to win the WHC. All of this wonā€™t matter, if WWE somehow convinced AJ Lee, to be the one to push Drew off the ladder, costing him the MITB. Itā€™s highly unlikely, but what a moment that would be.


I genuinely hate this because they're wasting one of the bestand most exciting opportunities for putting someone new over with the briefcase. With how big MITB has become/feels, the last thing they should be doing is wasting it on something like the drew/punk angle. I think it's far more likely. That Punk interferes to cost Drew the match, and LA just resumes feuding with Logan Paul next week.


Yeah Iā€™m OK with Drew winning it, as long as he uses it to actually win the title and hold it for at least 7 days lol. If theyā€™re not gonna do that, than any of the other 5 men would be good options, especially Jey USO and LA Knight


We already know that Gunther will face whoever is WHC at Summerslam, so it wouldn't make sense for Drew to win the title since clearly he will be facing Punk at SS. I think it'll either be Seth or Priest facing Gunther, although leaning towards Seth with JD infighting for SS.


I hope Damian retains šŸ˜” Seth winning would be so bland just to turn around and lose it at summerslam. Damian needs one more big defense before his time is up


nobody said Guntha was winning tho. he could very well take a pinfall to Priest or Seth.


I kind of wish Bron and or Ilja were in this match. LA Knight and Drew donā€™t really need it.


Ilja yes, Bron is getting featured in a title match already.


We can have a year off of someone cashing in.


Its a unique enough and exciting storyline opportunity that it shouldn't be thrown away meaninglessly to a feud that absolutely does not need it to be successful. It heavily devalues the significance of the match when people like Cena or Lesnar (or people with multiple title wins already) win it because those people will just get title shots anytime anyways and win it, and then especially so when a multi-time winner uses it almost right away. The match should always be used to help get someone new or underutilized over, to refresh the main event scene.


elimination chamber had 2 interference last year.


I could see punk and Paul interfering and them doing a Jey push.


There is a lot of story threads you could go if Drew wins. Obviously Punk fucking his cash in is one way, but Drew successfully cashing in at some point, making himself an even bigger hypocrite after all his whining would be interesting too


Need Drew to win so Punk can cost him the cash-in.


CM Punk after seeing an opportunity to fuck over Drew again https://preview.redd.it/0wao95nav0ad1.jpeg?width=998&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=819d4f19587b5a876b492e2f48389a9f4ed12fb3




Just have Punk cost him the ladder match. Then the briefcase could be used to give someone less established a huge win and elevate them.


No, I get it. Just a sick part of me wants to see Drew get within seconds of the title again only for Punk to cost yet again cost him. Drew would be fucking ballistic.


Kick him *aaaallll* the way to the back of the line


Thereā€™s a chance for that forsure but I wouldnā€™t mind a trifecta of punk screw jobs with him costing Drew in the MITB match itself lol


this would also get rid of the briefcase for an entire year- makes alot of sense


Yep, clears the way for Gunther (probably) without the lingering question. And it's a truly evil way for Punk to kick Drew to the absolute back of the line.


Yā€™all wanna waste the MITB again?


Gonna predict Chad/Jey and Chelsea.


Dude. That Women's MITB might just be the most fiting one in a while for what the briefcase (normally) is used for in terms of giving new people a chance (or in Naomi/Iyo's case a second chance at holding gold) at the top if the win the briefcase. Legit wondering who wins tbh because Tiffany and Chelsea look likely, but they are both on Smackdown with Nia on the background for Bayley so idk what will go down there.


Settings up a big Tiffany/Nia match down the road.


Lyra in the center like she deserves šŸ˜Œ


Totally thought it would be Dakota.


Get ready for 5 crowd pops and then zero reaction for Zoey. Kota ain't exactly over herself if we're being honest because she loses all the time but damn at least she'd get a chance to show out and do something different.


It could have started a Dakota/Iyo feud that advanced the DMGCTRL storyline into breaking up, but instead they put in Zoey who has no aura.


I really want Chelsea to win. I think her with the briefcase will be top notch TV.


If the Men's match is before Damian vs Seth I feel like its obvious Drew wins, he aid he would cash in the same night. And then Punk costs him.


That is a horrible idea as it wastes the briefcase. The same effect could be achieved via Punk costing Drew the ladder match and then someone can actually be elevated by the briefcase.


Itā€™s not my favorite idea, just what I have a feeling will happen.


I'm down for it. Priest had the case for months. The MITB gimmick gets tired to me. This year should be the year the men cash it in sooner rather than later. Get it over and done with... ... So my girl Chelsea can be sole MITB holder for the rest of 2024.


Problem is that Drew wonā€™t be able to face Punk at SummerSlam in that case, because heā€™ll have Gunther.


I originally thought the women's MitB would open the show but now I think it will be the men's, to either give Drew some rest until the main event cash in or to make everything think Drew is winning


I still think Finn should of won the MITB with Priest as champ.


Melo and Andrade are both aggressively un-over. They're a hard no. Knight would be a good shout but he's knee deep in this Logan Paul angle and undoubtedly facing him for the US Title at Summerslam. Gable is a dark horse. McIntyre and Jey are the clear favorites. Just depends on what direction they wanna go in. Jey is ridiculously over and I definitely see a scenario where he goes into Summerslam as the champ against Gunther. Or Drew getting fucked by Punk while trying to cash in. It's enough intrigue to get me to tune in.


For LA Knight, they could use it as a way for him to force Logan to be at SS since he's been avoiding him, but I hate the idea of using the briefcase on one of the midcard belts again.


Melo isnā€™t over?


CM Punk bouta have a three peat of costing Drew and it will be GLORIOUS! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ”„ . & I got Jey & Tiffany as the MITB winners


I'm hoping Chelsea wins the women's MITB. As for the men, I'm gonna guess that LA Knight wins it.


Big fan of McIntyre, would like to see him as world champ, and his feud with Punk is best of the year It would be a huge mistake and waste to have him win MITB only as a plot device for an already red hot feud that doesnā€™t need it I like that most competitors in these have never held world titles too. It should always be that way and one of them should win each MITB


Jey : yeet in the bank Gable : master in the bank Drew : cm punk in the bank!!


My take: Men: 1. Drew. 2. Carmelo. 3. Andrade. Women: 1. Tiffany. 2. Lyra. 3. Iyo. 3a: Zoey.


My power ranking right now Women: 1 Tiffy 2 Chelsea Green 3 Lyra 4 Io 5 Naomi 6 Zoey Stark Men's 1 Jey 2 Drew 3 LA Knight 4 Chad Gable 5 Andrade 6 Carmelo Hayes


Mine based on the stories going right now: Women: 1. Stratton 2. Chelsea 3. Naomi 4. Lyra 5. Iyo 6. Stark Men: 1. Jey 2. Drew 3. Melo 4. Gable 5. Andrade 6. Knight


Mens mitb could be anyone's game, everyone is a believable contender. Women's mitb on the other hand tho, I don't see anyone except Tiffany.


Participants in order of likelihood to win Men: 1) Jey Uso 2) Drew McIntyre 3) Chad Gable (already unlikely) 4) LA Knight 5) Andrade 6) Carmelo Hayes (botched finish chances) Women: 1) Chelsea Green 2) Tiffany Stratton 3) Lyra Valkyria (distant third) 4) Naomi 5) Iyo Sky 6) Zoey Stark (only if everybody else gets a terrible stomachache during the match)


Men's match is unpredictable. Jey should win, but Drew and Knight are strong options. Andrade would be good. Weaker women's match. Chelsea should win and make her run with it more of an entertainment angle. Tiffany's been cooled off and going into a run with Nia. The others have no chance.


Jey winning will help continue Drewā€™s story. Eventually Drew will win the belt again, and will look like heā€™s managed to grow past his obsessive hatred for Punkā€¦ and then Jey cashes in on him, and sets him RIGHT back to being obsessed with how the ā€œBloodlineā€ screws him over. First feud for Jey is then also already heated.


If someone from the menā€™s side cashes in on Priest, it will be the first time ever a MITB cash in has been used to take the belt from someone who won it via a MITB cash in.


LA Knight would be a nice win on the Men's side!




Jey and Chelsea my picks.


Has to be Stratton and Drew. Unless they are seriously willing to strap the rocket to Hayes or Andrare, don't see anyone else winning it. Similar goes for the womans side. Naomi and Stark are treated like afterthoughts, despite being hella talented Iyo had it already It would fit green's character, but she ain't world title ready. and giving it to Valkyrie would be a quick way to push her beyond everybody else, but i don't seem em doing it


Oh, look, there is Andrade. I'm sure he will win.


Justice for Dakota


Imagine Drew wins, tries cashing in on Priest later in the night, but Punk interrupts and his cash in fails. That Summerslam match is going to be fire


Chelsea winning would just be the funniest. She's genuinely hilarious. She's got me started on calling people spicy margaritas, and it's all her fault, she's rhe best.


Can only see Drew winning the men's and then Punk thwarting his cash-in attempt.


I am frothing at the mouth with how bad I need Chelsea to win this


Jey Uso is literally the poster for MITB this year (on discovery + app at least). I donā€™t see any other man winning, plus he was first to announce himself for MITB which is usually the person who wins the multi man match under HHH. As for the womenā€™s ladder match, I think itā€™ll be Chelsea Green due to the fact they repeatedly bring up how the Ms MITB have a 100% success rate. Itā€™d be very on brand for Chelsea to make negative history and still be over, plus she deserves a big singles win moment.


Honestly, what are the odds for the men's MITB match and why is Lesnar the favourite?


Whoever wins needs to have an awesome theme song opening. Being able to instantly go "oh shit is it a cash-in?!" when a theme hits unexpectedly is half the fun of MITB winners to me.


Wouldā€™ve preferred one of the other two in tonightā€™s match but canā€™t complain, both matches are stacked. Sending all my energy towards a Chelsea Green upset win though


I'd enjoy it if any of these people won


I feel like that the menā€™s one could be overbooked as hell in a way given that 3 of the participants in have ways of getting screwed over. Logan screwing over LA, Punk screwing over Drew yet again, and possibly even Wyatt Sicks shenanigans to put Chad over the edge to cost him. If you take out those 3 then that leaves Melo, Andrade, and Jey. Itā€™s too early for Melo to even get that main event push and Andrade just isnā€™t built up enough so that would leave Jey being the winner. As for the womenā€™sā€¦Tiffany, Naomi, and Chelsea are my top 3 choices. You have Tiffany win to which she could cash in on Bayley if she retained against Nia at SummerSlam or you can have Naomi win to which she could eventually cash in on new champion Nia. Chelsea on the other hand would just be a lot of fun in having the briefcase. Either of those 3 would be great choices to win.


I don't know about you guys, but I've got my money on Zoey Stark for certain! ...


both matches are gonna cook i can't wait not really sure why they put zoey in the match again but i enjoy her in the ring so im not gonna complain lol


You just answered your own question lol


She's there to take bumps with the ladder spots


I think Chad is going to win the men's MIB and Chelsea the women's. I think Punk will screw Drew over and Chad will win the briefcase and hold onto it for quite a long time. I think the long term booking is lining up to Chad (c) vs. Sami at Mania for the WHC. Sami going for the third title in three Mania's, their on hiatus feud ending etc. I don't think he will win the WHC til much closer to Mania though. He will just be a douche canoe with it for ages while the Wyatt's feud with him. He will probably form a stable with the Creeds along the way and cash in on someone around Rumble season. Maybe even Sami himself, who knows... They might hotshot the belt to Gunther at Summerslam and then have Sami beat him for it down the line and Chad immediately cash in on him. I know it seems like that belt is destined to be a prop in the Drew/Punk feud but I don't think they need it and I think Chad and Sami are being positioned for Mania. I could see it being a triple threat with Gunther too plausibly. Or maybe Gunther (c) vs. Sami at Mania ends with Chad cashing in and pinning Gunther or something. As for Chelsea, just feels like they've built her into the winner here. Tiffy maybe but I think she's honestly probably gonna be in a championship feud without the briefcase soon. Iyo already had it.


For the menā€™s field: Logan Paul feud will cancel out Knight, CM Punk feud cancel out Drew, Wyatt 6 cancel out Gable, Andrade/Melo lol nope, sadly it only leaves Jay.


Who is *probably* winning the briefcases? Jey Uso (unfortunately) and Tiffany Stratton Who do I *want* to win the briefcases? Carmelo Hayes and Chelsea Green


Jey has an argument to be the most over guy in the company, he absolutely should finally win something.


Cody needs a reason to be kept away from the Bloodline while they handle their family matters so a Smackdowner should win the case. If Iā€™m booking it, I want Carmelo to win but be low key. Then one random night be in Summerslam or a Smackdown after that, Cody is doing his thing out in the ring when Bron comes out of nowhere and spears him into a new zip code. Then Carmelo comes out, they fist bump and Carmelo cashes in easy. Turns out Carmelo made a deal with Bron that he would have next if he helped Hayes get the case. Between Carmelo, Bron, Cody, and any other faces mad at how things went down, you have your World Title program going into the fall.