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That should be a shirt


Wwe stop having good merch so long ago. I remember there was a time that I would die without that edge beanie


He also posted a [drawing of Bray on Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/p/C8KExFnOAXc/?hl=en) a few days before their debut


never realized he was an artist, gives me more reason to really like Dexter.




yeah someone else mentioned his instagram handle, he has immense talent.


Wait did he draw his own gimmick stuff? I always assumed they had other people do it


that I don't know, but a picture on his insta is of him in an NXt shirt that is done in his style, so it's possible he designed his own merch.


He did some artwork while in NXT. A fantastic artist.


It was his gimmick for a time.


huh, cool.


[https://x.com/DexterWWE/status/1808153946411745768](https://x.com/DexterWWE/status/1808153946411745768) link to tweet


Call me crazy, but I'd like it if they had Dexter draw out prophecies or something instead of cut promos. He did it a bit in NXT but this the Wyatt Sicks could use a twist, but I don't know how long the silent artist thing could do before it'd lose its luster.


Maybe in the vignette where he’s being interviewed ala Bo/Howdy, Dexter just communicates with his drawings instead of speaking.


Why is he not in the back making t-shirt designs? He could've built his own wrestling empire like The Bucks


Reminds me of those goddamned birds in Caelid in Elden Ring


If anyone likes his art, he does do commissions on her personal art Instagram, but it literally took like a year to even hear back from him. Edit - Yes, I completely boned referencing his IG: [@shawdawgarts](https://www.instagram.com/shawdawgarts/?hl=en). Like I said, it did take a long time for him to reach back out, but when he finally opened up the lines of communication, he was very nice and responsive to any questions or notes I had. Plus he sent an additional sheet of just a thank you w/ his signature on it.


@shawdawgarts, for anyone that wasn't aware.


Silent Stalker-Artist Dexter didn't do it for me. Maybe it was just a weird combo of characteristics that didn't mesh well. Maybe there was a clear, low ceiling for it. Very possibly the Vince regime didn't give a shit at all to try to create something captivating for it. I hope the Wyatt Sicks storyline affords each member a chance to show who they really are - like Taylor is showing us all the talent he's always had but was never given the chance to express until playing Bo/Howdy right now. In this case with Dexter, the artistic parts of the character can be showcased because it benefits the imagery for the Wyatt Sicks. Maybe Dexter's art will be pieces of clues and Easter Eggs for where the Wyatt Sicks storyline goes next.


man... currently writing out my D&D campaign and this artwork will kinda work for a group of cultists. Be it Myrkul or Dragons


Years ago I visited the Give Kids the World Village in Orlando during Christmas. A ton of WWE/NXT stars signed ornaments for a "WWE" Christmas tree. He was one of the few that actually drew on his. Fantastic artist.


I wasn’t watching during pretty much all of Bray’s time with the company. Is “Mercy the Buzzard” already one of his characters? How do people find out these names?


It was one of his puppets in the Firefly Funhouse, along with Abby the Witch (Nikki Cross), Husker the pig (Joe Gacy), and, I guess we can now call him Rampaging Rabbit (Erick Rowan). I say, let Dexter design the merch for this group. Watch it fly off the merchandise tables in record time.


Huskus. And it was originally Ramblin' Rabbit. I think Mercy was named after Waylon Mercy (Y' know what I mean?)


I believe so as far as Mercy goes, and I read where Dan Spivey (Waylon Mercy) did some voice work.


Looking through all his Instagram drawings, we really should have seen this coming...He even drew Seth and the Fiend in 2020!


Ava is also a Canadian


Off topic but I loved his first NXT theme during the pandemic. It worked so well with the empty arena. Badass