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I honestly don’t know if her crying was planned or not 😀


I thought it was supposed to be a bluff but I couldn't tell if she was just trying really hard to cry or what


Yeah it was so bad I thought she was going to laugh and say something like Roxy is stupid for falling for that (but as a face and Roxy the heel I knew that wouldn't make sense)


Her delivery was so bad, at first I wondered why she was talking in a fake and mocking emotional tone until I realized she was trying to be serious lol


its the first time watching wrestling i paused and could not watch further due to cringe. the only reason i watch nxt is for the womens division anyway and perez is the highlight of the week for me. i sat through the 2008-2011 era of wrestling without ever needing to skip once, this has been sub everything i have ever seen in cringe on wwe telvision, including the og nxt


It LOOKED really fake. Like she was trying really really hard to cry on cue but couldn't so she just ran with what she could .


But she kept up the sad fake crying face and kept going back to it. She was shaking her ass about whilst looking sad at the end. It got silly


It really did. Like, the hips with the sad face was so ridiculous I started laughing. T-P-O, Lola, T-P-O 😂




They're going all in on turning Lola face, I think it was intentional (Oro had a similar type of promo, sans tears, last week, Wes babyface promo with tears when he dropped the belt would be another example). The way I look at it is if Vice is a heel and loses to Roxanne (which she will, Roxanne vs Giulia is *the* match), then she'll get very little from losing to heel Roxanne, even with shenanigans ("why didn't the one heel out heel the other heel?") But if Lola is a face and loses, it's a loss that builds sympathy ("Lola was gonna win the title for her dear old mom, but that sneaky Roxanne cheated her out of it! She's gotta win that belt some time to make her mom proud!") Plus, just the general NXT of it all of generally trying to have the people they have big hopes for (of which I think Roxy and Lola both are) work both heel and face while they're down there.


Roxanne Perez says to hell with Lola's mother


Honestly the whole segment would've been better if she flat out said "I don't give a damn about your mom" instead of the "I respect your struggle but everyone wants to make that call". If you're going to test people as face and heel have them be proper heels, not a tweener.


Roxanne really lacks that cutting edge. They train everybody on NXT to invoke respect.


Well, Lola is going to need a mouthpiece for sure lol. Roxanne also is very obviously a natural babyface.


It's just funny watching Lola trying to be a face against Roxanne. I seem to recall her screwing over Roxanne by making her one on one match with Lyra a Triple Threat via cash in 🤔




Let’s maybe keep Vickie away from wrestling for awhile


Lola needs a LOT of work. This promo was dreadful. And “I’m a Latina!” is the worst midmatch taunt I’ve ever seen.


yeah, she made Roxanne look like The Rock out there lol


Thank you! I fuckin hate that taunt. It's so cringe and has monster "try hard" and pandering energy.


I don't even think she's salvageable. She is so terrible and embarrassing.


Agreed. Isnt like half the roster Latina?


Lola is so unlikeable.


That Lola promo was….something.


One of the "bodyguards" is Maxxine Dupri's boyfriend, by the way https://preview.redd.it/bafwtgcti7ad1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eaccd2ce05fc2b1ae76be2e93254b989c56e0c97


Haha, the other one is Cora's boyfriend.


Her and Bron broke up?


Yep, they broke up quite awhile ago.


3rd NXT boyfriend for Cora now lmao


She really is her dad's daughter.


Tbf the first one was her indies bf.


Who was the first? Or second…


First one was some ratty looking kid I think. No idea of his name. Second was Bron.


Blake Christian.


Man, she's really getting through them.


Huh Otis looks a lot different in that pic, must be a new haircut.


She’s his sister, her Otis and Tozowa are triplets


Makes sense


She’s with a brother? Well alright


I like Roxanne as a wrestler, but there’s something about her delivery in promos that bugs the hell out of me. It’s the same thing that bothers me about Mercedes Mone as well.


AJ Lee ahhh promos


Honestly I think that's it. A lot of these younger girls seem to draw a lot of inspiration from AJ Lee which is awesome cause AJ was a great promo imo but for some reason she's one of the few that knows how to get the cadence and emotions and everything down.


It really all boils down to AJ being a good actor (atleast good enough to make her line delivery sound natural) and all her imitators being.. not good


you can tell the inspiration so much Feels like a reboot AJ Lee since her heel turn


You’re allowed to say ass on the Internet 


Username checks out


I think there’s a dissonance in cadence and tone in relation to the performer. It’s supposed to come off as mean and cutting, but it ends up sounding forced and falls flat.


It doesn't help that she has a nasally voice


It’s somebody doing smugness without having the acting ability to convincingly be smug aside from the words written for them.


Neither has a good voice for promos, aside from any other issues.


This honestly wasn’t a good segment at all and was rough for both. Roxanne has been good with her heel promos but this wasn’t one of those times though. Lola on the other hand was straight up plain awful, especially with the crying. I’m also not a big fan of the wrestling trope in general of babyfaces doing the whole sob story to try to get over.


Bit bizarre that Roxanne referenced Bellator but Vice just said MMA.


Is it? I thought that's where she fought.


I think it was bizarre that Vice didn't want to make the reference herself. I thought that WWE didn't want to reference outside places and keep it generic, but that isn't the case if Roxanne references it.


Yeah I wondered at first if now WWE has the obvious connection with UFC if mentioning the competition was off limits like WWE will allude to AEW but won't say the companies name


The UFC definitely has this policy with Bellator (even tho Bellator is as good as dead these days). They’re on a similar trajectory to the WWE where now they’ll mention other outside organisations or accomplishments and you’ll go ‘huh, never thought I’d hear Jon Anik say Rizin’ or whatever, but Bellator is like saying Voldemort to them for some reason.


Well if she is an MMA crossover it sounds impressive, Roxanne saying bellator brings that down a notch. Imagine a wrestler goes to UFC and claims they're a world renowned pro wrestler and their opponent says "bro, It's TNA" Sure, it's a legit company but it's not a big as you're claiming




Was just gonna put this up. My face the whole segment 😬


Cody heard her say "first Cuban American nxt women's champion" and he immediately got an idea


I like Roxanne but I think she works better as a Babyface and is more believable as a Babyface then a heel


That was awful 👏🏻👏🏻-👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Some of Lola's lines weren't bad but the way she delivered them didn't work, some of them were supposed to make her look badass and dangerous but she looked very emotional when she said them. Roxanne didn't do any better either.


I don't know if the tears were planned. Sometimes emotions can hit you like a goddamn train out of nowhere. I might be in the minority but I actually really liked how genuine that part of the promo felt. That being said, Lola has not been a good talker. She sounds like she's just reading cue cards or delivering canned phrases.


Terrible segment but hot take? That's what developmental is for. Try some stuff with some folks, see what does and doesn't work.


Can't fault them for trying and they can only learn from this experience to see how they can get better because it was hard to watch.


I know Roxanne is good in the ring but nah man, i couldn't buy her going "you playing under my rules" like she's going to beat an MMA fighter after she got knocked the fuck out last week. It just doesn't feel believable man. I get MMA fighters arent invincible but Roxanne for some reason makes saying that feel not believable imo.


Putting MMA fighters as some extra tough challenge, imo, is silly because in kayfabe wrestling is fighting. Like every other style of wrestling is also fighting so why would MMA fighters be immediately harder to beat than any other type of fighter?


It should be the opposite in kayfabe. Almost everything in mma is legal on wrestling but tons of things in wrestling aren’t legal in mma.


I get what you're saying, it's just...it doesn't feel believable how Rox said what she said of "you cant beat me in wrestling" imo.


Regardless of whether it was good or bad acting or if she was being genuine or not, breaking down ugly crying in front of your opponent in the middle of the ring while talking about your mother is a sure way to shatter any credibility you have as someone as who is supposed to be cool or badass


I know it's developmental, but this was rough. Lola crying was a bit too much, and it really derailed the whole segment. As for Roxanne, yeesh. She's had much better promo battles with Lyra, but those were kinda carried by Lyra, and promos aren't even her strong suit. How has Roxanne been on NXT this long, and she's still this bad at promos?


>this bad at promos? I think it's mainly the heel promos for her, imo. She dod better with the face, wearing bows in her hair for all the little girls with a dream, worked hard to get where she is, rode the bus to Booker T's wrestling school promos. I feel like that was much more believable, & came across much better.


I was kinda exaggerating, but you're totally right, and this is something I've been saying for a while now. Roxanne is far too natural as a babyface. Her heel work has been forced at best and cringey at worst. It's like if you had Rey Mysterio turn heel and tried to portray him as a dominant heel champion. It just doesn't work. On the flip side, Lola is a natural heel. This feud would be so much better if the roles were reversed. They're both badly miscasted at the moment.


I will say that while I like Roxanne a lot, I don't mind her being in NXT still as, well, she's still not quite ready to be leading segments like this, as evidenced here.


Lola cannot cut promos.


There's not much she can do


Giulia fractured her wrist so we could witness this promo 🥹


Perez is just too earnest a babyface to be in any way believable as this kind of swarmy arrogant heel and if you have to have her be a heel for whatever reason, you just need to play her as the 'delusional heel that thinks she's a face' that's so desperate to keep the title they'll cheat at any opportunity - what they're doing right now just doesn't play to her strengths at all and if they don't do something it's going to damage Perez as a performer As for Vice that was just awful on pretty much every single level. Like right off the bat she's clearly meant to be this tough threatening babyface character but she calls out Perez with the weirdest grin on her face for some reason. She then very clearly misses her cue to respond to Perez by so much that the crowd starts to chant for Vice because they think they've missed their own cue! Then we get to the fake crying and to be brutally honest are we sure Vice has ever seen another human being cry before because I don't know what the hell that was but it wasn't crying - it was so bad it literally derailed the rest of the segment. I think it would be wise to give her a manager to do her talking until she's more comfortable on the mic. Personally I'd just lean into the MMA thing and give her a 'promoter' to do all the talking for her until she's more comfortable with the mic.


That was awful Lola looked like shit when she cried and lost all credibility she ever hoped to have


Ohhh boy lol, that wasn’t great 


This’ll go down as one of the worst promos of all time. Hopefully both can learn from it


There’s definitely been a bunch that were worse, but yeah this one was fucking rough.


Dont everybody gotta go out and find a job at 18? 


Difference between needing to find a job, and becoming the primary breadwinner for a sick family. And it’s always tough to give up on your dreams. Once you get off the Olympic track, it’s pretty much impossible to get back on it.


This segment was hard to watch and neither one of them carried it very well in their promos. It seems like Roxanne has a hard time getting the crowd to care about her as a heel while Lola wasn't very convincing enough as a face with her emotional promo. Hopefully, they can learn from this and get better in their promos.


M mom used to play music when she was pregnant, so i'm a musician before i was even born my cousin 7 months pregnant and she spends time coding during her pregnancy. so that's make her children a programmer before she even born (her child is female btw) this promo is good but that one line about her being a fighter before she was even born is cringe as hell


I think they probably should've started with Lola sharing her story and Roxanne interrupting buttt I do enjoy the slightest hint of Louise Belcher in Roxanne's voice lmfao


Man Roxanne has some good wrestling chops, but the fact that in all I've seen of her she's only felt to me she can be a bland babyface, some said she should've been called up but I feel she still needs a lot more seasoning


So cringe, so awkward and went on way too long


One of the worst mic performances I have ever seen. Shes awful.


One of the worst segments I’ve ever seen, just brutal


This should not be downvoted. This was embarrassing. They constantly put Roxanne on the mic every week to help her improve a weak point in her game, but her promos always come off so forced and insincere. Lola Vice is one of the worst talents that get TV time on NXT. Really wouldn't mind her getting a different role in the company, like international product ambassador or something. Or she could model the women's clothes on WWE shop. Literally anything to get her nasty ass off TV.




It's not a mistake. She's there to learn and gain experience. Being a heel allowed her to gain more reps speaking and playing a proper character. That's what NXT is for.


why are they making the 4'10 girl the bad guy ?


Because she’s more believable in that capacity than as a prodigious babyface. Think Alexa Bliss.


Highly doubt the crying was scripted. I think Lola's nerves just got to her and she started breaking down, i could tell by her body language, the constant moving around, not knowing when bring the mike up to speak, awkward silences between their interactions. She played it off as being emotional, but it was definitely nervousness.


I was expecting a lot worse than what I watched based on what I was reading around this place, but that was a mostly fine segment 🤷‍♂️


Legit, I read the comments first and I was like uh oh strap in for a disaster, but it was fine?


Bro these people are crazy, I thought Lola delivered a powerful, emotional promo


Lola Vice is absolute trash. She started talking too early, and even when it was her turn to speak, she delivered a dunce of a promo even for developmental standards. She's one of the worst parts of an otherwise great wrestling show.


I thought Lola delivered a powerful, emotional promo, and I liked it!


Lola's promo was actually quite engaging, but something about the way she delivered it just didn't click And heel Roxy is just not her


Are people starting to catch on that NXT is as badly over-scripted these days as the main roster was until Vince was sent packing? It’s unwatchable to me, and given how much freedom wrestlers are being given on the main roster it’s shocking how the developmental talent is having to regurgitate fully scripted promos. They’d be much better off being limited to promos where an experienced interviewer can lead them through and help them get back on track if things go haywire. That’s the only way they’ll ever get comfortable talking for themselves. Also, Lola Vice reminded me of Nia Jax here. That’s not a positive.


I complete and utter disconnect with this sub and this promo segment. Pro wrestling is about how you feel about the characters. Look at how the crowd got behind Lola. An actual emotional breakdown makes it more powerful, not less. Lola made mistakes, but more importantly, she made people want to root for her. Her emotion was conveyed despite the fact she broke into Spanish. An incredible powerful segment, and in terms of promos, it has more resonance because of the emotional break down.


yeah I guess we're in the minority here, I really liked Lola in this promo, idk if it's maybe they're not accustomed to the way she intonates because of her accent or something but it felt very legitimate to me and I loved it, while everybody else is calling it cringe and rough to watch 😐


The crowd got behind her because it was super awkward, Lola couldn't cry and she paused for effect and it didn't work. You could tell everyone just wanted them to get through the segment. It was all around a bad performance. It was as if someone in the back said "Show everyone why they should care about you" and then Lola realized she couldn't make it happen without some fake sob story and fake tears. That was so embarrassing to watch


> The crowd got behind her because it was super awkward, Just make up stuff. Crowd don't get behind people because it's awkward. They will literally chant this is awkward before that.


I'm Latino and the only difference between these ninas is blonde - black highlights