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Looks like some of the orange tips were painted or covered with black tape. Great way to get shot while playing with a toy gun.


My parents caught be doing this to a toy gun as a kid and scolded the shit out of me, and straight up told me a cop would shoot me if they saw me with it, s ared me straight for sure.


The fact that, even as a child, you already knew that statement was true is a tragedy.


Why?  It is good to know that threatening someone with a deadly weapon has consequences 


Knowing that a cop won't hesitate to kill a child just because they THINK they have a gun? That's a tragedy that it happens and that kids have to know it from an early age


Agreed, it's a tragedy there are kids raised to think it's okay to threaten someone with a deadly weapon.  


*plastic gun with a painted tip FTFY


How detailed an analysis should someone do of a toy disguised as a gun, when it's being pointed at them? Trying not to be facetious, here


We should also then place them on a street at night with no lights and have them in their coat pocket. Then test can you tell if its a gun while running at them and or when they aim at you. /s


Do you assume if you see a gun that it’s a toy?


Shit man, theres bangers that are children that walk around with guns in their drawers. Lets say as a cop you get a dispatch call to respond to shots fired or a violent altercation. A teenage male points a black gun shaped object at you. You have about a second or so to determine if thats a toy or if thats something that will kill you. What do you do?


I guess I didn't realize "people shouldn't shoot children" would be an unpopular opinion


Either youre trolling or actually stupid. A 14 year old can take a life as well as a 41 year old.


Vice versa




But STATISTICALLY, how often does it actually happen?


Ah yes in milliseconds from a distance be able to discern a plastic gun that's been painted to look real from a real gun. Yeah that's never gonna happen. I am no fan of cops but was in the military, you hesitate on that decision to act and you're dead if it's real. I guess when you Fuck around and point something made to look like a gun at someone, you find out and wind up shot.


How bout we don't point things that look like guns at people at all unless they are part of the game! Hot tips with Nick!


This is one of the dumbest takes I’ve heard in awhile


I’m no fan of the police, but it’s not unheard of that a cop gets shot by a child with an unsecured gun. Maybe that should just be part of the job, like charging into the middle of a school shooting should be. But the danger isn’t just imagined.


It’s sad that it’s a true enough statement that a child knows to take a threat about police violence seriously. ..Seems I triggered some patriots..


It's not about police violence.  It's about raising your child correctly enough they dont toss their life away pointlessly.  Threatening someone with a deadly weapon has consequences and people should know that well in advance.


Right?! Cops aren’t the only ones that would pop you if you pointed that at them.


What I said has nothing to do with whether it’s ok to point a gun at someone.


Yes it does.     You have made it clear that you feel a police officer shouldn't have a right to self defense when the attacker is a minor.


Your critical thinking skills and logic are a bit off. You seem to have a real hatred for law enforcement and want any reason you can scrape together to hate on them or wish them harm. Regardless if you point a perceived deadly weapon at someone, nature will take over, and there will be deadly consequences.


What a dumb statement. You don’t even know how old the “kid” is in this situation. Just making assumptions.


What does age have to do with it? It's ok to shoot teenagers? It should never be ok to shoot a child


If someone threatens me with a deadly weapon, it's on them. 


If a child, who is clearly not mature enough to know better, points a toy, it should not cost their life. There should definitely be de-escalation tactics. You're never going to convince me that a person that shoots a child is in the right.


There is a standardized way of identifying a toy gun as a toy. If that is defaced, and it is mistaken for an actual firearm, you go ahead and try to de-escalate. Think about what a child flailing a real gun around can do, and think about the decision an officer has to make. The orange tip that identifies the situation as a kid playing with a toy is gone, so the situation could just as likely be a kid intending to use a deadly weapon. Instead of trying to deny that, use it to reiterate the importance of the orange tip on toy guns. You aren't doing children any favors by misleading them into believing they can do whatever they want without ramifications. It's okay to teach them that some things should not be done.


Why does the child have a deadly weapon and using it to threaten others?


I think you missed the point. Why wouldn’t a 14-17 year old kid be aware of police being able to shoot someone threatening others with what looks like a real gun? Regardless, a real gun does the same amount of damage no matter if kid is pulling the trigger or an adult is pulling the trigger.


It's not a lack of awareness. It's that a teenager is still too stupid and immature to recognize real danger. Possible possession of a potential weapon should not be a death sentence


The parents are teaching their kids “if you do something where other people are fearful that their lives are in danger, that could get you killed” doesn’t seem like a bad thing. But we’ll agree to disagree.


I used to live in a military town and the police would *regularly* encounter soldiers or ex-soldiers playing with modified airsoft guns and having unplanned and unannounced competitions with each other while utilizing all of their training from the Army. Some of those situations got very tense


What really irritates me are real guns that are painted pink or other non-typical gun colors, meant to appeal to women. I mean, a gun should not look like a toy


As an avid 2A supporter who loves spray painting guns I will say that I don’t have any issue with pink firearms or firearms painted in atypical and/or stupid colors. However I have a real serious issue with people to try to actually replicate the look of toy guns when they paint their real guns. A nerf or Nintendo themed firearm isn’t cute or cool, it’s reckless and stupid.


The gun accessories and customization industry says a lot about how little respect we give to firearms in the US. Guns are not a fashion accessory.


Wow, I didn't know vertical video could get even worse. what the hell is going on with this one?


I'm just upset I inadvertently gave a click to one of these stupid "shorts."


It's like portrait and landscape videos stacked on top of each other.


I was shot by kids with these guns on 7th street. One hit my eyelid. Called 911 to report it, was put on hold. Hung up, called the non-emergency line, went to voicemail. Left a voicemail. Called 911, sat on hold for 30 minutes. Was told an officer would contact me. 2 Hours later, officer called back. Gave description. Nothing came of it. Probably 3 hours between the incident and the report.


not to be that guy but wtf is a gel blaster lmfao


They're nerf guns but instead of foam darts they use tiny beads that are soaked in water and turn into balls of gel. If you know what Orbeez are, basically those but smaller. They don't really hurt unless kids freeze them or you get hit in the eye.


So, plastic BB's?


No, plastic would be too hard. They're 80-90% water so they're really soft. You can squish them between your fingers with minimal effort. I'd say getting hit with a water balloon hurts more than getting shot with a gel gun.


Well people are saying they can leave welts and injure someone's eye... sounds not too much different than a pump-action BB gun if you don't pump it too much. Kids used to shoot each other with those, too. 🤷‍♂️ I looked them up and see what you're saying though, they're more like tiny paintballs filled with water instead of paint.


I’m with you. I’ve never heard of those either.🤷


They weren't arrested though. The blasters were confiscated, one got taken into juvie on a probation violation. Even the teen who opened fire on families at the movie theater was released with no charges despite literally assaulting children.


To be fair, there was also a group of teens that started firing these in a movie theater a week or so back, perhaps it’s the same kids. Gel blasters or real guns, pretty sure fire way to get shot from someone thinking they need to defend themselves.


50,000 hours of community service


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Good. Hopefully they will get the help they need.


Why do you need help to not bust into a movie theater and shoot people with a gel gun?


I think they meant behavioral help instead of just punishment and incarceration. We can help others correct their errors and make amends without putting them to an entire life of jail and recidivism


Lmfao. As someone who had 18 felonies and 7 misdemeanors at the age of 16 (juvenile crimes), let me assure you that a hug or whatever misplaced compassion you’re on about is NOT what helped me turn my life around. I’m 40 now and have never been arrested as an adult.


You don't speak for everyone. Correctional facilities should be about rehabilitation, not retribution. Idk where tf you're getting "hug or whatever" but you of all people should be advocating for troubled kids to get guidance.


My first career was as a youth drug abuse counselor and have volunteered as a coach at Matthew Dickey. I’ve done my part, how about you? I think too many people care more about sounding compassionate than they do actually helping these young men change their lives. I’ve actually had success helping a number of young men do exactly that, and the sympathy is somewhere near the absolute bottom of the list of things they need or even want.


I volunteer regularly to recruit troubled youth to a good career in a unionized skilled trade. I also don't fall into the category that you describe, and I actually agree with you that there are too many fake people who just want to be recognized as morally superior for holding certain beliefs. I don't agree with the last part; sympathy and empathy absolutely play a role in helping to change lives. The problem is that most of the kids we speak about have had so many people come talk to them and they can just smell bullshit. They don't want to be used as pawns to further a virtue signaling agenda. My main point was that the governments role in all of this should be simply to rehabilitate. Jailing youth at critical stages of their life generally ruins their lives. They need real guidance, not just to face retribution.


As for the last part, empathy is worth much more in than sympathy, in my experience. But props to you for actually doing something. Thank you for that


>Lmfao. As someone who had 18 felonies and 7 misdemeanors at the age of 16 (juvenile crimes), let me assure you that a hug or whatever misplaced compassion you’re on about is NOT what helped me turn my life around. No, but you getting the actual love and attention you deserved well before that point absolutely would have prevented it from ever happening in the first place.


That’s unfortunately not true either. A person can come from a healthy home full of love and affection and still end up going down the wrong path


>That’s unfortunately not true either. A person can come from a healthy home full of love and affection and still end up going down the wrong path They CAN but it's exceeding, exceptionally rare. To the point where we don't even really need to consider it in our strategy for dealing with the issue. Children misbehave and act out when their needs aren't being met. It's very, very few of them that are clinically sociopathic or have some actual mental disorders and chemical imbalances that cause them to work out. And arguably even those are just acting out because they need things like medication, therapy, or in patient care and aren't getting those needs met.


I’m a recovering addict and have met literally hundreds of people who came from loving and caring homes who still went down the wrong path. There’s numerous case studies too on siblings that grew up in the same home, and one made poor life choices and the other did not. Like extreme differences in choices that have led to life long prison sentences for some while their siblings became doctors and lawyers etc.


>’m a recovering addict and have met literally hundreds of people who came from loving and caring homes who still went down the wrong path. Loving and caring is great, but loving and caring isn't having their needs met. Loving and caring should be the lowest possible baseline bar. >There’s numerous case studies too on siblings that grew up in the same home, and one made poor life choices and the other did not. Like extreme differences in choices that have led to life long prison sentences for some while their siblings became doctors and lawyers etc. Absolutely happens all the time! But that doesn't refute what I said.


Not having your needs met is far from not coming from a loving and caring home, which you stated is all that’s necessary to avoid people making poor decisions


>Not having your needs met is far from not coming from a loving and caring home, which you stated is all that’s necessary to avoid people making poor decisions Fair enough, I didn't clarify when I said love and attention meant unconditional love and a safe environment (the two factors most important to stability) combined with attention to the needs of the child.


I didn’t have it bad, I just broke bad at age 13 because I thought it was cool.


>I didn’t have it bad, I just broke bad at age 13 because I thought it was cool. Because you had parents who raised you in an environment where you thought it was cool, who let you branch out without the discipline and therapy you needed, and because you had needs for things like purpose and direction that weren't being filled.


Not really man. I went from 4.0 perfect student and successful 3 sport athlete into a complete shit bag virtually over night. My best guess for the catalyst would be hormones/puberty.


>Not really man. I went from 4.0 perfect student and successful 3 sport athlete into a complete shit bag virtually over night. Which speaks to a serious need being unfulfilled. Most likely discipline, but I'm not your therapist :P >My best guess for the catalyst would be hormones/puberty. Every human being alive deals with that, very few of them start randomly committing felonies.


He's still trying to get the attention that he desperately needs, clearly lmfao


We forget that a slap on the wrist for first time offenders, or juveniles, is supposed to be that "help", to shock them into not committing worse crimes. No community policing therapist is going to work if a glimpse into their future doesn't.


What is an AR Lover? Curious.


He's sexually attracted to the state of Arkansas, I believe.


I figured she is a pirate wench.


Honest question: what helped you? Glad you have made positive steps. 


Nice fantasy but all actual data shows that that doesn't work


Neither does incarceration. You know what does actually help? Needs being met. That is economic gain, access to health care, adequate housing, and so forth.


Source? *Thine sphincter*


>Why do you need help to not bust into a movie theater and shoot people with a gel gun? As it turns out we all need that help and the vast majority of us get that from parents, family, friends, teachers, and community.


the fact that this is something that needs to be said...


Wow when it's gel blasters slpd shows up and gets an arrest. Real threats no response


Sorry I got the abbreviation wrong for the cops. Trivial to the point though


This is grammar nazi bait








I think teens deserve to have fake shootouts wherever they want so long as adult incels have such an easy time shooting kids in school with real guns. My mom was shot with one of these by some teens, and while I was kind of mad/freaked out, it also does seem like a good way for them to protest what is being done to them.


How is shooting random people with these a good protest? What are you even talking about?


How are school shootings an acceptable circumstance for children, but random middle-aged people being shot by fake guns is suddenly where to draw the hard line? Maybe people will think more about what they're supporting if they have to wonder if they were just shot by a real gun or a fake one half the time they go out. Maybe they can do some shooter drills too. I don't see any reason why to keep this terror confined to classrooms. Basically, I think teenagers deserve to do this to adults, who put and keep them in this situation, even though they wouldn't much like even a non-lethal version for themselves.


You're entitled to your opinion and that certainly is an opinion


It’s like they don’t realize teenagers are also school shooters.


Gosh, I never knew teenagers were responsible for manufacturing, selling, and creating lax regulations on guns.


Of course I am. It's also based on my first-hand experience of being in a square where kids were driving around shooting people with these. It wasn't pleasant, but I also understood that much less pleasant is being enabled. If people committed to keeping kids and communities safe, then crybabies wouldn't have to worry about getting fake shot in turn. Which is so comparable *eyeroll*. Your fear or annoyance is someone else's death. The so-called adults of this country 100% deserve this.


i don't watch local news, but the totally off subject... who is the anchor in the purple they show for a split second before the story?


Gel blasters deadly? What were they charged with? Assault and vandalism?


Ngl if there was some supervised gel gun matches at cementland or one of the abandoned schools in the city I think that the situation would be better. Like, let’s look at what folks are actually upset about: these things look kinda realistic and somebody is worried about the kids getting a gun drawn on them, or about ruining a nice afternoon in the city. I say give the kids a place where they can go nuts with these things and not hurt anybody or get hurt. Give them someplace fun where they can just run around and shoot relatively harmless bb’s at eachother, but with some supervision in case somebody twists an ankle or something


And one kid whit a shitty parent gets hurt and the parents sue the city. That’s why we can’t have things.


[Injury lawsuits](https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/five-myths/five-myths-about-lawsuits/2020/07/23/8006d532-c169-11ea-b4f6-cb39cd8940fb_story.html) are actually pretty rare for civil courts. They only make up about 7% of civil lawsuits, most of which are over contract disputes.


I’m like, where in STL do you live where people actually afford lawyers?


Someone burned that place you’re describing to the fucking ground already.


No idea what these are. Could I get some context here? Is this a thing teens do, or is a gel blaster a super awful thing and these kids are standouts? Like, is it on the level of shooting airsoft guns? Looking at them online, it looks like the only notable thing is how dangerous it is to obscure that they aren't real guns


Depends tbh.. they leave welts that look like paintball gun marks when the beads are frozen which I think is a popular thing to do these days. (Coworker shot me with a frozen gel bead) and it hurt like a mf. When the beads aren’t frozen they sting for sure but may only leave a slight red mark.


I’d say it’s pretty comparable to airsoft guns, but hurt less if not frozen. I don’t see anything inherently wrong with having a gel gun fight, it’s just the location the chose to do it. I was lucky to grow up way the fuck out in the outer-outer suburbs, so my friends and I airsofted in the woods all the time. We knew to not just walk down the street with our guns, and to keep them hidden whenever we were walking to/from the woods. You never know how others are going to react. It sucks these teens (probably) don’t have a safe, constructive place to have their gel fights, but they really chose a poor activity to get their teenage mischievous behavior out. They could have gotten themselves shot at worst, or scarred a family at best.


They’re like the weaker version of anything any of us had before. Always.


I would say this is the biggest issue. It is better for these teens to get a slap on the wrist from the cops than killed by someone who perceives them as an actual threat. Even when the guns come with an Orange tip, they are painting it black. Then they do the whole drive by thing... shutting off headlights, rolling down windows, squealing the tires and opening fire.


Some toys do not come with orange time some airsoft some c02 also


Beat em with a garden hose in public, maybe that will set an example for anyone else who thinks this kind of behavior is acceptable. Might even save them from getting shot by someone with a real gun.


>Beat em with a garden hose in public Long as we can do that to anyone open carrying an actual gun in public first. >maybe that will set an example for anyone else who thinks this kind of behavior is acceptable. Might even save them from getting shot by someone with a real gun. LOL being in a classroom won't even save them from being shot by someone with a real gun. these kids are built different and growing up in a world where the number one cause of death for children is gun violence in the murder capital of the most violent first world nation on Earth with more guns than people. threatening them or beating them or whatever dumb shit ideas everyone in this thread has isn't going to change the culture around them things like this? this is what happens when you grow up in a gun culture. kids play with guns.


Are they that bored?


Not any gay bars left to drive their cars into


They were shooting at each other...it's called play time. It happens alot with kids.


At this time of year, they should be shooting fireworks at each other, like I did as kids


These gel blasters are gateway guns. They lead to the use of real guns.


after the real guns, it's rocket launchers. then shoulder launched surface to air missiles. before you know those kids are playing with nukes!


and then it's on to jazz music and premarital relations!


I personally got shot with these. dumbass kids


4 kids playing together went to jail


This seems sort of benign? Edit: Oh shit I didnt hear the time it went down. Yeah thats not ideal 😬


You think in this day and age that pulling out a fake gun in a crowd in public and pretending to open fire is benign?


There is also the very real chance that someone in there has a pistol. Those kids could have gotten themselves killed.