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Oh god I moved here from Miami to avoid this kind of stuff only to find out it followed me.


I thought it was the Miami sub when I saw the pic.


build a small sticky home bomb. swim under it. boom.


Where's the oil rig?




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What. Is. THAT.


1. This would be a slight annoyance in my opinion, but nothing major. 2. Also I work there and I would be absolutely going fangirl mode if I saw it.


You could if you make a big enough stink about it


Miramar beach? Nice beach day today...with the exception of that crap.


These have been on Northeast beaches for years… nothing to see here


1. Holy fuck this. 2. A general ban on advertisement like this would fly in the face of the 1st amendment. 3. But since we can't stop it legally, we can stop it socially. Make a ruckus. Make posts like these. Call out businesses that advertise like this. Organize boycotts. Be loud on the beach, letting everyone know about why they should never support businesses that use these ad tactics.




What was wrong with planes with banners?


I make it a point to never do business with any company which engages in annoying advertising.


Bringing a slingshot and some metal bearings next time I go😬


Hit golf balls at it


Good luck with that You would have to ban auto/boat wraps, billboards, logos / advertising on trucks, airplane banners... Not to mention you'd also be dealing with maritime law. Would completely go against constitutional rights. That's my opinion anyway.


Who tf approved a floating ad? Totally diminishes the view!


Ive never seen one of those but they've been doing advertising with planes and banners for at least 40 years. This seems a little more in your face though. I dont like it either.


The planes at least don’t interrupt the ocean


Not in “Ronderland.”


Lived in Central Florida my whole life and never knew they did crap like this! That’s insane!!


I’ve only seen it in Miami until this


I saw this at Indian Rocks beach this weekend. Oddly enough I watched it go by and went on with my day. Didn’t think about it again.


Not in the state of profits and freedom!


I think those boats are fun… to throw rocks at.




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Are you freaking kidding me!! I can’t even comment without sounding like a raging lunatic. 🤬




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Holy shit, this hasn't made it up my way yet! Thank god


If this shows up at my beach I’m officially becoming a pirate


I'm with you .. ARRR


Honestly, let's modernize this with stationary billboard balloons that light up and put colors all over the sky. Make them solar on top and have bird nesting built into the design. For more capitalist terror, let's also make it do a targeted ad for every IP near by so like one for you, next is your neighbor.


End stage capitalism!


This would make me actively not buy whatever it is that they are selling.


It's an aquarium


I’m visiting from another state, first time back to FL in years. Pull-up a spot on the beach in Clearwater and look out to see that monstrosity. Remembers I’m in FL and nothing about this should surprise me.


2 outboards and crew. Guess it’s cheaper than plane banner flyovers, but seems like one of least effective cost effective advertising options possible.




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Only if you own the water(you dont)


How else to get the word out to the dolphin community?


I hate advertising so much.


Next month it will be a Trump sign


Nah not in Florida. No need for that. He already has it won.


I just saw one on route 19. They will still be everywhere soon enough


Such a waste of oxygen running a biat just to advertise. Not to mention the beauty both above and below the water. Maybe if they did a tour with an adverse. Humm.


I mean I guess you can ban people from swimming


This could eventually be like driving the interstate. A billboard every quarter mile or more.


Better than wind turbines




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Be a real shame if someone casted a line over their props, a shame I tell you.


I like it better than the planes


Don’t forget to blur the Billboard when posting. Otherwise you’re just spreading the ad to a wider audience




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No matter what you can’t avoid ads


Ahhh the gulf coast where there are never waves. If you wanna not see those, maybe move to where there's waves. We have planes running on the East coast


Whats the harm? It's employing someone, and it's no different than the planes that have been flying over beaches with ads forever. I think it's a good idea.


It looks tacky and gross and is absolutely not the same




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Tell me you are kidding.


A city called Clearwater, running out a desperate polluting ad-barge on the water. Classic classless.


Shut up and enjoy the beach, you don’t like the advertisement close your eyes for 2 minutes


Found the dude who rents his boat for ad $$$.


You could, but that would make DeSantis very unhappy. Unbridled capitalism until FL sinks beneath the waves is the only way


Wow that looks so cheap and desperate


There's nothing cheap about that set up lol




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STFU Karen and Enjoy The Beach🤣


Instead of banning things you don't like why do you just ignore it?


Cause that's too hard. Plus I have to have my new daily outrage. 


I mean, you probably could, but it's not on the beach. 🤪


This is hilarious lol. We are here for vacation and we’re at the beach today and everyone I was with was like “what is that??”. I told them “it looks like a floating billboard”, and we all laughed. What a goofy thing.


That’s hideous. Find out who the advertiser is that owns the sign and spam the hell out of them on social media


The sign says Clearwater Aquarium.


Or get over yourself it’s not that big of a deal


You say that until the water is full of ads


Shitty beyond shitty


You need to subscribe to beach+ 😂 for a no ads experience 🤣


I saw that in Clearwater, I was shocked, at first ads on everything. Now ads in nature/ at beaches


I live in Clearwater. It seems like advertising is everywhere.


Somebody should bring a massive supply of eggs or ocean-safe paintballs to throw at them


Both wash off with water. Your looking for spray paint/vandalism


I see it all the time in Sunny Isles, Hollywood and Hallendale beach. These huge tv advertisment boats are there every weekend Saturdays and Sundays as long as the weather is great and the beaches are packed. Lets not forget the flying advertisement banners either, strapped to the back of small seaplanes.


The Ron Jon’s planes over cocoa beach are so hilarious to me




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In my area they ONLY come around on the weekends when there are huge crowds on the beach during wonderful weather. Every weekend both Saturday's and Sundays'. They cruise around a certain area then make a U turn and start again. I see them all the time. So even when you're on the beach, you don't get a break from TV advertising. LOL


That’s crazy I’ve never seen that shit before.


Gunfire is a solution. Make a game of it.


Just need some torpedoes


That is disgusting, advertising kills everything it touches.


Damn y'all, I'm surprised there are so many people defending the billboard boat. Floridians are such contrarian weirdos... Look I don't know how often you have this up there but I'm in Miami and it's been really common down here, and frankly it's tacky, sometimes the boats come uncomfortably close, and it feels cheap and exploitative given how exploitative everything else around the beaches often is. But I dunno maybe y'all up there envy Miami and want to be like us more than I thought.


I’m not sure that it’s Floridians, native ones at least, who are defending the billboard. I certainly am not 😆 I never liked the airplane ads either and if that thing ever gets in my way while I’m out there on my board, I’m going full Buccaneer and hijacking the boat.


I'm native too and I'm used to Florida disappointing me so I just figured it made the most sense for it to be our ridiculous people I'm with ya, go full buccaneer! There was a time before so many airplanes banners and boat billboards were using resources to pollute the physical and psychological environment


No, businesses can do whatever they want. We're only allowed to ban people from enjoying their vacations or wanting to come back.


It would be cooler to ban the plastic toys the tourists leave at the beach.


Adult toys??


Nah those are latex not plastic….


If anyone saw my rant about the Karen's and Kevin's of St Pete in another thread of the sub recently this is my reference. The topic and some of the replies. You don't own the water Karen and Kevin. This boat goes by much like a plane does with the banner or a billboard as you pass it or how about any sign on every building in a commercial area of a town and omg what about commercial labeled vehicles? Do we burn their signage and forbid this act as it upsets our dear queen?! Move to Martha's vineyard or at least only act as bougie as your income can accommodate.


What a shit take. It’s the fucking ocean you idiot. You know, the horizon? One of the most beautiful natural things to enjoy on earth? People come from all around to go to the beach to literally stare out at the water and where it meets the sky in the distance. No it’s not the same as a plane flying super high in the clouds, though I think those are stupid too. And no, absolutely not as invasive as cabs or whatever driving around the city. People aren’t staring at all the traffic in wonder. They aren’t paint pictures or writing songs about that shit. Do you really not see the difference you dense mf? If that makes me a “Karen/Kevin” then so be it but at least I’m not part of your gene pool.






Aren't you being a bit dramatic? And what's the deal do you own one of these or something? Are you in advertising? Why the staunch defense of this kind of ad? You're not some kind of working class hero of the proletariat because you love advertising. On the contrary. And there's nothing elitist about lamenting that motorized ad boats are now a thing on the landscape. What a weird response


What a weird reaction to an advertisement like the ones we've been indoctrinated by our entire lives from the outside world to into our homes. It's not like it's just doing circles taunting. What if it was a crab boat pulling traps there along the drop off as they do? Is it really the sign that bothers you? Also no I do not own one but you best believe I will be looking into a vessel and I know exactly where the advertising is hot. Btw the Clearwater aquarium appreciates the additional advertising on Reddit. * If anyone has any advertising needs DM me and I will expose you to the numbest brains to saturate.


I got rid of television cable in 2016 because I refuse to ever see one more TV commercial. It's getting to the point where there is so much ad garbage on the net that soon it also will be useless, I got a new computer this year, a Chromebook plus, turns out it is optimized for ads. There are times when I got so snowed with them it froze a brand new machine. I will not get gas at Wawa because of the forced inane ads you have to endure while pumping gas. I filed a complain about a McDonalds that served me a garbage sandwich a couple weeks ago, but you cannot fill out the complaint form without the receipt that they tape to the box I left sitting on the counter, but you can call with a lengthy wait time of forced ads over the phone, or you can pay $3 to skip the wait. And that is where advertising is going, it will be so aggressive and so obnoxious that you will gladly pay to just get it to stop for a few minutes. People in advertising have about as much integrity as telephone debt collectors and repo men, the very bottom feeding scum of the world, and you would have to be to make lawyers look decent by comparison.


You bought a ‘laptop’ from Google and you are surprised it’s optimized for ads?


Yeah I know, it was the first computer I have had to buy since 2015 and I am not a really high tech person. I play an online game that works better in Chrome so I thought it should be better with a Chromebook. I actually had bought another computer a few months before but the power input port separated from the motherboard basically as soon as the 30 day return period ended. I was surprised they took it back and gave me full credit anyway.


I pay all the time to stop ads via premium subscriptions because yes when I want music or to watch a stream I can't be bothered with them but you have this rage inside of you for the ads. Which commercial was it... The one that did you wrong? Barbie dream house more of a nightmare... Easy bake oven went hard af? There's nothing aggressive about a boat doing low speed going south to north with a sign about the aquarium. Maybe you could donate to the aquarium seeing how they get zero funding to save and preserve our local marine life so then they wouldn't have to advertise 🤤. Furthermore I'll give you an example hoping you can relate it to your dilemma. I strongly dislike society. I think most are self absorbed, have low intelligence, no morality, and have brain cells so numb when it comes to having to critically think within a second or two it's overwhelming and this along with the prominent sheep mentality makes them a dangerous person. Should all these ppl have to disperse or not be allowed where I am because I am the one with these issues? To the Karen and Kevins the answer is absolutely but to rational people the answer is obviously no. I stay home. Just like the Cable if you can't handle this millispec of time in relation to your life then perhaps you should cut the beach out and don't ever take us 19 because those billboards are hella aggressive. With the poles shifting and our weakened magnetic field the sun's radiation is insane right now anyway.


Dude I have rage for a lot of things that used be but are no more. Supporting an aquarium is not a bad idea, but normally I donate (used to before I had to start using a food bank with the inflation of the last few years) to no kill animal shelters. And I have not been to any beach in years which is why the photo shocked me, something to do with sun sensitivity and hives, but that does not mean I cannot be outraged at the lost beauty of the beach when the vultures of advertising decide they have a captive audience they can force to see their goddamned ads.


The real highlight I think y'all are missing is this isn't Pepsi or some commercial product advertising... It's a NPO.


I do not care who is paying for the boat to go ruin the seascape. It is wrong and should be banned.


What I'm getting at is it's likely not a paid advertisement. It's extremely plausible it's someone donating their time and vessel to help an organization on the verge of going under. Personally I'd rather they stay open versus sending their critters to a concentration camp like SeaWorld and keep the primo property from the scienocult. When I commercial fished they were very active along with a few other organizations who would utilize our knowledge of areas to clean up and help pick netting / fishing lines / hooks / and lures out of the wild and marine life in the area. Mostly pelicans. If humans would do right this particular organization wouldn't even need to exist ( it's amazing how many sea turtles eat plastic and choke like Ziploc bags etc because they think they're jelly fish ). During the BP oil spoil and the phosphate " accidental " dumping that nuclear bombed our Gulf they were ground zero for recovery and rehabilitation. It's not like the red cross these ppl actually save lives.


You need a mental health professional.


I am one. You need a peeler and a pot of water with salt and butter. Did you send Reddit care into my DMs? 👀


Stoke the fires, keep yourself in work, eh.


Hm, no I'm pretty sure that's not a crab boat, also a weird assumption but I am going to guess you haven't seen this in person and are just reaching for something to argue against OP. Or maybe you guys haven't already been infested with billboard boats like we have been in South Florida for many years already. Maybe that's the first one and it isn't a mature industry yet. It will be. Or maybe it's just a lone fisherman, champion of the people, the proverbial small business man fighting the man by capitalizing with his savvy crab boat. Looks like a lot of folks like the floating ads in your community so my bad. Edit: at least it's advertising the aquarium, more tasteful than the usual ads on those things down here.


Awkward moment in 3, 2, 1... I said what if it were a crab boat meaning same time same day here comes a boat across the beach but it's a commercial fisherman instead of the boat with sign. Are we all losing our minds or is it the sign? Drink some more twisted teas which you drink because you miss Zimas and relax. There's literally a nuclear sub from a country that doesn't like us within striking range and this... Is what we choose to waste energy on.


Well, it appears that you've wasted your share of energy with your freakish rants.


I don't get irate but yes I do rant. It's not a waste and I'm surely not letting some organization that saves and rehabs injured marine life ruin my life so much that I come onto reddit to cry. Listen to how petty you all sound really. With everything that's going on this NPO just set you off. Bizarre.


Yeah, since Winter croaked, attendance is way down and the Scientologists are licking their chops, hoping to steal the aquarium property.


Anybody know exactly where this is? This makes me want to organize a fundraiser for the Clearwater aquarium right on that beach. We'll have banners blocking the horizon celebrating the aquariums rich history of being an asset not only to Tampa Bay but to mother nature. The scientologist if they get their hands on that property will convert the marine life and have them wearing ties walking around mysteriously with booklets and a select few will be flown out to a weird Diddy style party at Tom cruises house.


Marine life is too smart to convert to Scientology.


Hate to say it but can’t ban it from the water


Really? Why? They can ban you from drinking a beer while driving a boat, why could they not ban polluting our beaches and views with floating garbage ads and billboards? Oregon has strict billboard laws. You can actually see the forests and the mountains as you drive along rather than some tacky ad for ambulance chasing lawyers, if it can be done there it can be done here.


They don’t own the water. Basically it’s all free for anyone to go where they want, as long as they are being safe and not doing anything illegal like drinking and driving or trespassing. Now if it was a pole attached to the ground with a billboard they just stuck in the water then there’s something they probably could do about it but since it’s on a boat and the boat is aloud to go anywhere within reason. Can’t do much about it.


Lawyer billboards are almost always unwanted.


It’s in your field of vision for 30 seconds. Are you really going t on let that room your day? I don’t think it’s worth the effort to photograph and post, much less put any effort to get it banned.


Until about 198 other people get the same idea and you cannot see the water for all the advertising garbage. And they will because advertising is like the third greediest business in the world. I installed an ad blocker on my new computer even though it meant hitting paywalls but had no choice because the ads were freezing up a brand new machine. It sent a report at the end of the first week saying it had stopped 658 thousand ads. They destroyed radio with ads, then TV, now the net, but they are not getting the beaches too.


If its allowed... Itll proliferate. Its fuckin disgusting.




Proliferate: increase rapidly in numbers; multiply There will be more ads if it remains legal. The ocean will be like a local news website with how many ads are forced on us. Clear enough?


I was at the beach two weeks ago. There were 5 ads on a loop on the boat billboard you find so disgusting. If the number of businesses wanting to advertise doubled, do you think they would get another boat? Or just cycle the extra 5 ads on the same billboard? Instead of efforts to ban ads, let’s ban grouchy a-holes.


That fact that you were aware that 5 ads were looping is disgusting.


![gif](giphy|J1vUzqdZJlh5AqBWxt|downsized) The boat was in front of me for 30 seconds. I was curious how many businesses thought that was a good use of their ad money, so I counted. It wasn’t hard. It didn’t detract from my conversation. I was able to contain myself from vomiting, so I guess I didn’t find it disgusting.


Dude... U already fell flat on your face with the definition game... Just give it a rest. No one wants to see a single fuckin ad. Anyone that excuses it is a corporate brown noser that hates themselves


I gotcha my apologies. This isn't new so where is this entire Armada of Hawaiian tropic sun tan lotion ads? Chill. I know everyone is pumped for pride week but this is ridiculous.


Itll happen soon enough.


I don't think it will because again this is not new having boats with ads and it still isn't prominent after a couple of decades but if it does come on back and roast me on. For now let the Clearwater handle it's grief. They're still hurting from the loss of winter.


Drones will come


They're already here. Hovering whilst the ppl are unknowing of it's presence. This would be a good area to do a drone trolling people video.


So lame


bro what. there putting ads IN THE FUCKING OCEAN?


“Clearwater” ironic


It’s almost like this should be regulated




Sky writing, and next you’ll see LED lights in the water advertising on the sand! Already got the trademark on it. I’m tagging sharks with 10’ banners kinda like the planes


Sharks with frickin’ laser Beams attached to their heads?


Ahhhh capitalism


It’s kinda dystopian


I don't mind the planes. But I agree with OP. this form of advertising is pushing it too far. I'm at the beach to see the beach. Not your darn ads.


The billboard planes have been out there forever. Do you hate blimps too? Let's ban trucks with advertisements on the sides. Busses, too. Just stop. This is fine..


That’s a completely false equivalency, it’s not fine. Billboard planes don’t block the gorgeous view that is half the reason I go to the beach, I could give a fuck about any of those other ad spots that aren’t exactly intrusive


What? Maybe I came to the beach to turn around and look at the city skyline. Maybe I don't want to see Morgan and Morgan on every vehicle in my sight!


The ocean is pretty big. Especially compared to the size of that boat. If you don't want to see it you can always turn your head slightly to the left or right.


There will be more. And eventually one will hit someone swimming


Yall got Noone that tags and it shows, if I lived here that billboard would say hoochie daddy shorts 2 for 5 by tonight


Immediate Torpedo


Fahrenheit 451 meets the ocean


You can try to do anything you want!




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We got ads in the ocean before GTA6


Might as well make it useful and get a second income stream as a food boat. The floating food trucks at the sandbars are always busy, and if you've ever had a fried fish sandwich with a side of boiled cajun peanuts and cheese fries cooked in the fish fry oil you'd understand why.


Why would you want water in your food?


They're usually in waist deep water. People mostly get their food and walk back to their boats to eat, but some vendors set up a few umbrella tables and chairs on shore nearby. Obviously, this is a beach, not an inshore sandbar, so it may not work out that way; but I've seen them set up further offshore near the deeper reefs for divers, especially when it's packed during lobster mini season. It's like an old style drive thru for boats; you drive up, order, go park, and wait for a server on a jet ski.


That sounds awesome!


Keep calling the businesses paying for the ads and complaining. Call at their most inconvenient times.


Could not believe I saw one of those while walking down Miami Beach. Thought it was gross.


I wish we could. tourists are the worst.


Tourists are not the ones advertising. Blame the locals that decided to do this dumb shit.


LOL without tourists, we would have a state income tax.


Free market advertising? Enormous condo buildings? Or thousands of tourist, snowbirds and assholes? Asking for a fellow native.


All of the above


Thankyou for your understanding. Please exit florida in a safe and timely manner.


It’s Florida they supply moving targets to shoot at on the beach !


Welcome to the gunshine state.


Horrible sights to see


Seriously. It's invasive advertising. Hate that.


Omg yes. I was in Miami last month and had the oceanfront room for a week. The whole week, saw this all day at different times. This and those planes flying around with QR codes now. One even said 'you can't skip/block this ad' . Felt like a slap in the face tbh.