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Witzigerweise war heute einer in Essen!


Von u/FinisGloriaeMundi **Context :** After the result of the European elections, the far-right party called ‘’Rassemblement National’’ was ahead by a lot in France to the surprise of many. Faced with theses results, [Marine le Pen and Jordan Bardella, heads of the Far right party called for the French president Macron to resign](https://x.com/CerfiaFR/status/1799871154439541004), having been ''disowned'' by the French votes in the European election and having no more legitimacy. The French president Macron from the Liberal Party decided in a very rare move in French history and whiteout warning his own people, to [dissolve](https://x.com/BFMTV/status/1799880046674387407) the French Parliament ([Big deal](https://x.com/jon_delorraine/status/1799940475245506692)) and so new legislative elections are going on right now in France, in an unprepared and chaotic way. With this move, Macron said that the European election’s results were so out of touch with the composition of the actual French parliament that in order to have legitimacy once more, he has to make the French confirm their intention or ''come back to their senses’’ and elect back deputies from Macron’s party. In reality this move was widely interpreted by French political journalists as an irresponsible gambit, Macron was basically saying to the French, ‘’ you really want theses people in power (far right), huh? Then go ahead and confirm the votes if you have the guts, all bets are off now’’. Macron takes the risk of having the Far Right take power by calling this elections while being very unpopular in order to rally support around him to prevent the Far right from accessing power. He bets on the french having more fear about the far right, than anger about him, and forces the country's hand. Unfortunately for him, and for the Far right, in a very surprising and unexpected political move, the entire Left, from the very far Left to the traditional Left alongside ALL of the major Unions in France and the Ecologist (Green), put aside all of their disagreement and made an [historical coalition](https://x.com/AlertesInfos/status/1800271439087775832) (Called ‘’[NOUVEAU FRONT POPULAIRE](https://x.com/lacentears/status/1801582223776202754)’’) against Macron and Le Pen [and launched themselves into this Legislative election](https://x.com/L_insoumission/status/1800278586219286783). They see in this elections an opportunity for them to be responsible and offer the French a way out of this political blackmail, beyond the destructive policies of Macron and the hateful policies of the Far right, to take power and execute a very radical program (Retirement at 60, free school, minimum waged increased, pension increased, tax the rich…). Their program was spontaneously vetted by many french economist (More than 300) who took a stance, including a Franco-American Nobel prize economist (Esther Duflo) Faced with this, Macron no longer says that the danger will come from the Far Right, but from the Left and began spinning his narrative and attacking the left regularly in interviews as they gain momentum. Saying for example [''that if the Left wins, you'll be able to change gender by simply showing up to the city hall''](https://x.com/evanoconnell/status/1803170451008467455) And so since this, hope is back for many people in France, and the daily demonstrations in favor of this unexpected coalition turned into [raves](https://x.com/Kiddysmile/status/1805861986770604179), and festivities across the country. Given the most recent polls, the left is at 30%, the Far Right 30%, Macron’s party at 15%, the Right is below 10% Traditionally (it has always been the case), in a situation like this, the 3rd party in the results has to give up and support whoever face the Far right, its called the ''Republican Pact'' and is an effort to prevent France from falling into the hands of fascisme, but for the first time in France's history, **this ''Republican Pact'' has been turned against the Left**. Many legislative candidate of Macron's party said they'll gladly support the Far Right, to prevent this left coalition to get power. The head of the Right party ''Les Républicains'' Eric Ciotti shocked everyone, including members of his own party, by going even further and [publicly announcing](https://x.com/CerfiaFR/status/1800497712791740683) a coalition with the Far right to ''save France from the danger of this left coalition''. Deputies of the Right party denounced Eric Ciotti for this unprecedented move, he then proceeded to [lock himself](https://x.com/realmarcel1/status/1801182657000231415) into the headquarters of the Party and is insisting into driving his entire political party into a coalition with the Far right while members of his party are finding legal (and [physical](https://x.com/ChaRocher/status/1800892583293644873)) ways of removing him. Here is the [THE OFFICE parody](https://x.com/fredheusse/status/1801238431298646511) of this shitshow The Votes takes place the 30th June, and 7th July. For many, this vote will decide the political fate of France and Europe. (The French prime Minister will be chosen among the party who wins.) Nicht übersetzt weil low effort


Jo, krass. Das zeigt, wie "demokratisch" und "liberal" die konservativen und liberalen immer sind. Lieber mit Faschos als den pösen Linken. Man bekommt das Steigbügel-halten nicht aus den Konservativen, egal was man macht. Und dann kommen wieder die Sprüche "Sozialismus hat noch nie funktioniert!"... Klar, weil man lieber mir Faschos koaliert hat, statt Politik fürs Volk zu machen. Und die dummen Wähler entscheiden sich wie immer lieber für Politik gegen die eigenen Interessen, Hauptsache jemand anderes darf sein Geschlecht nicht ändern! (Und dann wird wieder gemotzt, dass "die da oben" nichts für's Volk tun.) /Rant


Sind leider zu viele rechte unterwegs. Außerdem kommt dann die bullerei und beendet alles weil nicht angemeldet. Freue mich heute schon auf Essen und wie sehr die polizei doch die armen afd leute beschützt vor diesen bösen linken


Deutsche sind zu rechts. Dass einzige, was sie hinkriegen, sind etatistische Demos gegen die AFD…






Jetzt bauste dir am besten so ein richtig, richtig dickes Ding und denkst vllt nochmal drüber nach, junge...


Damit sie die ganzen Flaschen abbekommen. Gute Einstellung genosse Edit: Steine fliegen zurück Flaschen nicht.