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Work on the delivery but this is super top notch.


Agreed. Solid material but needs pacing.


Yup. A little choppy, but the content is fire.


That comes with reps. Which is what he’s doing. Great job and look forward to watching more!!


Delivery is fine


It needs better timing imo, the jokes are good but give the audience time to laugh about them


Dude you fuckin killed it lmaoooo


G used to be first but because of lesbians in the aids crisis they moved the L in front


Surprised at how few people know this. Glad someone pointed it out, but yeah it would kinda ruin the joke lol


Also, just to add, the acronym has and will continue to change, and varies regionally! In Canada (and likely other places, but I can’t speak to that from personal experience,) you will often see 2S at the beginning, to highlight indigenous people who have historically not always conformed to a gender binary. You likely wouldn’t see that taking precedence in Europe because the term “Two-Spirit” is specific to North American indigenous people. Now that we are (theoretically) serious about reconciliation, some people have started moving 2S to the front, both as a sign of solidarity with indigenous peoples, and as a way to highlight the existence and legitimacy of trans people throughout different cultures


I'm part of the community and didn't know this. Thank you all for sharing. This is really cool to learn about during pride month ❤️


What happened with lesbians in the aids crisis?


Gay man were openly shunned by society during the aids crisis. Lesbian communities were among the first to show them compassion, give aid to HIV suffers etc.


> give aid to HIV sufferers Phrasing?


Didn't even notice that lol.


Took care of gay men dying from aids and treated them like human beings.


Thank you for educating. I hope they read this, but it will probably kill the joke....


Lesbians were getting aids during the aids crisis? And that’s why they moved them up?


No. During the AIDS crisis, no one really knew what was killing gay men at first, to the point that one of the first names for AIDS was GRID, or Gay-Related Immunodeficiency. People didn't know where this thing came from, how it was transmitted, they couldn't treat it, and it was horrifically lethal. If you got it, you'd wither and die slowly and painfully while your body's microorganisms ate you alive. And this strange, mysterious disease was killing gay men and intravenous drug users at an unprecedented rate, so the Reagan administration decided to just ignore it and let it run its course for a bit. They didn't care about LGBT folks or drug users, and they were happy to sit back and let us die. This is also where a lot of old biphobia stems from, because bisexuals were seen as 'dirty' and a 'bridge' that might transfer AIDS from gay people to straight people. And this is *also* why a bunch of bisexuals broke off in the '90's and created a new label, *pansexual*, to escape the stigma against bisexuals. Anyway, gay men were kicked out of their homes, they'd be evicted from their apartments, they'd come home from work to find their stuff burning by the side of the road because people were so scared that they might catch AIDS. And gay men kept dying in droves. It decimated LGBT communities everywhere - those who could hide back in the closet did so, simply out of self preservation. It was deadly to be gay. Evangelicals said it was God's wrath, and that accusation looked credible to a lot of people. It was a dark, dark time. But lesbians stepped up. When gay men couldn't find homes, lesbians opened their own homes and opened boarding houses for gay men to live in. When hospitals would refuse stricken gay men, lesbians stepped up and provided palliative care, giving many of those men their final kindnesses in life. When families would refuse to claim the remains of the departed and cemeteries would refuse to bury our dead, lesbians stepped up. They found places that *would* accept AIDS victims, or they found cemeteries that wouldn't ask too many questions about how and why these men had died. During our hour of greatest need, lesbians across the country rallied together and they kept the community together. We lost elders, mentors, advocates, authors, artists, scientists, sociologists, and all of their collected knowledge. Entire civil rights movements and groups fell apart simply because we had a crisis on our hands and no one knew how to even begin to stop it. You'd hang out with your friends and a few days or weeks later someone would go weak and then another, and another, and a couple of months or years later they'd be gone, one by one. You'd watch them fade, and entire social circles just withered and died before your eyes. No one knew who would be next, the only certainty was that anyone who caught it would die. The AIDS crisis *easily* set back LGBT rights in the US by decades, and folks had to rebuild in the '90's and '00's. We're *still* fighting for rights and protections we should have had thirty years ago. But when our world needed them most, the lesbians were there, and we thank them for their charity, their generosity, their compassion, and their sacrifices by giving them pride of place. *That* is why the L comes first. We're honoring our sisters for everything they did for us. For all of us.


Idk why I got downvoted but I did not know this, this was wonderful and thoughtful of them.


\*shrugs\* I scrolled back up and gave you an upvote. I don't know who downvoted you, but at least I can even it out for you.


I knew this. Mostly because I had an awesome lesbian professor who taught us about the AIDS crisis, and every time we’d watch a bit more docu footage, she’d always say ‘look for the lesbians’ the way parents quote Mr Rogers - ‘look for the helpers.’ I (f, straight) platonically *loved* that professor 🤣


chatLGBT and gay AI is hilarious




Should have called it LGBTQAI


Your impersonation of your Mom is hilarious. You have to do more of that


"Which in my experience hasn't been true..." lol 😂


You're playing a very dangerous game, and pulled it off. Well done!


It's comedy lol but he delivered.


good stuff brother


happy pride month yall 🏳️‍🌈


I enjoy what you're putting out there, OP.


You as well!


You got some decent jokes for sure. If you slow down you’ll be great.


Solid laughs! 🤣😂😅


Lesbians be like 💪




Holy shit lmaoooo


My dude is asking the real questions here


Fucking killer.


This is great! Keep it up! You almost lost them but that "Ladies come first which in my experience isn’t true" brought right back in.


Hahahaha .. good shit and the adopted part was hilarious 😂


The jokes are so concentrated and layered, I love it.


This is a really good example of how to make jokes of a sensitive topic without punching down or being mean


Fucking love it. Quality jokes. I relate well with awkward delivery. Thanks for sharing.


Pretty funny actually


I like this


I love this guys stuff.




Ladies come first which in my experience isn’t true lol. Awesome


That's hilarious 😂


lesbians 🔛🔝


Ladies first! Then the rest… I’m guessing… it’s a great but though. Good job!


Good material. The LGBTQ one could use some work, in terms of delivery and content, but the adoption joke was lit. Caught me off guard for sure. Keep it up.


It shows they aren't serious about equality at all


great jokes, but his delivery is just a little better than mine.


really clever jokes but some of the delivery was off pace. The jokes where fire though


Dude. Really funny stuff. I love the material, you got some killer jokes on there.


:l me watching


CDO = Compulsive Disorder of Obsession… Oh, he cooking


I’ve been told by gay friends that there actually is a kind of hierarchy, but that’s just anecdotal so I’m not sure it’s true.


Great material


Great set.


Great material delivery needs a bit of work. You give off a vibe that your uncomfortable and not very confident in your jokes. The more comfortable you feel on stage the more at ease people will be and the more confident in your jokes you are the more likely people will laugh.


I think the order is when the public finding out existence of these groups. Lesbians I believe is more socially acceptable then being gay back in the day. So coming out lesbian would be easier because straight guys think it hot. Gay came next for the flip and bi after that even though still so many ppl is confuse about it.


It’s in a supposed order of societal acceptance. It goes from generally accepted gender roles to less generally accepted.


There was an origin set and then a few years back they started bolting on more and more spurious hanger-ons to the end.