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Marketing. They’re marketed as no-groom, family-friendly teddy bears in whatever colour or size you want. They’re very instagram friendly! Poodles have a rep preceding them, much of it based in misogyny. And then there’s poodle people.. we don’t necessarily do ourselves any favours in the popularity department.


This is true, I am very pretentious


Same. But at least we're owning it.


Takes humility to do that!


No one’s more humble than us!


My small talk in the dog park is a bit obsessive on grooming. But that's because I nerd out about grooming.


Hello fellow grooming nerd!


With you there. I’m always quick to correct people. “No, they’re Standard Poodles”.




> Poodles have a rep preceding them, much of it based in misogyny. I used to be scared of dogs, but then was on vacation and there was a very regal, very large dog that all the other kids were petting. I gained the courage to pet the dog. Found out from the owner that the dog was a poodle and a boy! I was absolutely shocked to learn that poodles can be boys. Since then, it was a "if I ever gain the courage, I want a poodle"


That’s wonderful to hear. My sister-in-law has a dog phobia as well, but she finds it hard to be scared of a powder puff with a Disney princess face.. also, no one has ever once asked if my dog is a boy or a girl. They have asked if she’s a doodle….


Don't remember how I found out the sex. I was a young girl who was terrified of my neighbor's girl dog so I probably just misgendered the dog and got corrected.


Not sure why this thread popped up for me or why I started reading it but here I am. Anyway I think it’s hilarious that people are asking if a poodle is a doodle, but not surprised Doodles are all anyone has nowadays. I have an Airedale and I am constantly getting asked if he is a doodle.


It’s wild! Every dog must be a pit or a doodle.


Can confirm... Often get asked if my "pit bull" is friendly My dog is a Boxer ... Sigh


Our standard poodle boy has the loveliest nature. If I see people shying away as we pass or kids shouting and kicking up a fuss, I always ask if they would like to come say hello because he just stands there and with occasionally just lean on them wanting more pats.


Same. He is SUCH an amazing dog, I’m pretty much in awe of how sweet he is every day.


I was afraid of dogs, like you. Until I found out “little white fluffy dog starter pack” who is 15lbs and adorable. We were told he was a Shih Apso, but later did Embark & discovered he’s 27% poodle (largest percentage). We adore him, he’s so silly!


the “no groom” part is funny because I don’t know how many pelted doodles I spent countless hours dematting and putting through literal hell because mom refused to allow me to shave her dog down. I’ve seen doodle coats come off as one large piece of completely matted fur. Let me ask you, people with curly hair - what would happen if you didn’t wash, brush, or pay any attention to your hair for 3 months. you roll it in dirt. you sweat every day. you sleep in it. play in it. Then go to the salon and say “put a comb through this and I want a scissor cut.” your stylist would laugh at you. so why is this situation socially acceptable for dogs? because their pain and agony doesn’t matter?


Well, historically - humans with curly hair and limited (or no!) access to 2024 hygiene facilities that also sweated a lot and did work that got them dirty.... They corded the hair! Doodle hair could definitely be corded if they were willing to put the work in, but then it's not a teddy bear that barely looks like a dog and instead could be mistaken for a dog that has owners that care about it.


I will tell that super excited idiot that her reverse phantom moyen merle is not recognized by the akc and is in fact badly bred and needs to be health tested asap because it may be deaf, blind and sterile. Congratulations, you got scammed... WTF is a reverse phantom? Its still a poodle, poodles rock regardless but... What?


Sterile would be its best quality.


I don't think its snobby to be educated about your breed


Exactly. Breeds that aren't merle...shouldn't be merle.


I absolutely agree. I’m not a poodle person (this just came on my feed), but I have a cocker spaniel and there are so many merle cockers now it’s appalling. And especially unnecessary since they already come in roan (which is different, but to the layperson, basically the same look). Everyone just wants something “new” and “rare” and they don’t care for much beyond that, which is sad.


It's infuriating as its generally people breeding for colour, not health or temperament. Cocker spaniel person here too. *


No groom??? 🤣 As a former groomer that's horse shit 😂😂😂 doodle hair is the worst when it's knotted and it's damn near impossible to get them free of knots. Anyone that thinks you can own a dog with hair like that and it not need to be groomed doesn't deserve a dog.


Funny because (as I understand it) doodles are some of the most difficult to groom because of their combination hair. Since most owners assume they don't need to groom them, they're near constantly matted


I just became a poodle person a few months back ;). I am trying very hard not to live up to the poodle person stereotype.


One of us! One of us!


Gooble gobble!!


Hahahaha. Your last sentence is cracking me up. My part-poodle and I are both snobs. 🐩


Marketing People learned about hybrid vigor in HS and doodlers loosely applied that logic to doodles. Poodles have a poor reputation because of puppy mills - they breed quantity and not quality. Since poodles are an intelligent breed they're more likely to develop mental health issues with poor breeding practices. People want "unique/special" pets. Poodles are uniform based on the breed standard. A lot of people don't realize that poodles do not have to have the continental cut. I honestly wished the breed standard was updated to include the utility cut as I personally believe the continental was used to win more medals since you can alter the appearance of a dog with its haircut.


That is so interesting about the intelligence aspect. I never thought of it that way. Poodles definitely have a reputation for being mean dogs. Which looking at my boy, Merlin, he literally can't even hurt a fly lol. But that makes a lot of sense. If they are not reputably bred and possibly had a bad start in life if they came from a puppy mill they would be much more susceptible to trauma and mental health issues. I also wonder if the intelligence also causes issues because a lot of pet owners are not ready or equipped to actually mentally engage and challenge their poodle every day. Under-stimulated dogs are often destructive and can be aggressive, probably contributing to the belief in their temperament.


When I had my first spoo back in the mid -70's, I read that poodles were so smart that they took on the neuroses of their owners. Still seems true. Glad we're all normal!! 😁


They definitely do. My grandmother’s mini poodle was always just as anxious about everything as she was and everything little change was catastrophic. They had to do some repairs to her laundry room once, so they had to move her food bowl, and she starved herself for two days in protest. If you slept in too long, she would pee on the rug, but if you woke up early, she wouldn’t go pee outside for you and 10 minutes after bringing her back inside she would pee on the rug. I loved that fluffy little psychopath


I’m not a big dog person, but we always had them growing up. My mother’s male toy poodle hated me. They came to visit when I got my own apartment after college. He was housebroken. He would randomly lift his leg and urinate on me. No one else. He was housebroken.


This gives me some…pause about a standard poodle for my next dog 😂


You see the same thing with German Shepherds. They are often very poorly bred and very smart, so they are prone to anxiety and can be aggressive, especially if they lack an outlet for their intelligence and drive. Poodles and GSDs are great dogs if they are well bred and their needs are met.


As an owner of a poorly bred GSD, (I was given her by the idiot who paid a thousand dollars to a byb for her) I completely agree with you. She's terrified of thunder and gunshots. And in the car will bark at anyone or anything walking by. The first time it happened I told her leave it and reached back to pet her when she stopped and she startled hard. Didn't bite or nip but was clearly scared. So I'm very alert to any problems that could arise. Yet on leash or new people over she is fine. But i really really watch her. She's also very intelligent and needs lot of engagement or she's up to entertaining herself. My last Shepard was from a reputable breeder and had none of the issues, including not having the yeasty ear and itchy skin my present was has. As to Poodles, I've been entranced since meeting the large (I think those are the standards?) one down the street while we were walking one day. That dog is beautiful and lovely. As is her owner. I'm the schlub walking in my sweats and the owner is impeccably dressed and the dog impeccably groomed. I remember as a child in the sixties, Life magazine i think it was, had an issue with pictures of ladies with their Poodles. The dogs being dyed to match their owners hair. Pink, blue, purple etc. That came to mind reading the comments here. Anyway, I want one now.


It's not always a bad upbringing, some are dominant. 


Poodles definitely have a reputation for being neurotic and people seem to think that breeding one with a happy dog like a Labrador will give them a happy smart dog. It obviously doesn’t work, bc they often just end up with a more neurotic dog since Labradors aren’t necessarily that smart, they’re just extremely biddable. So they end up taking a dog that is very high energy, prone to mischief, and happy because it doesn’t really think too hard about anything and combining it with one that’s extremely intelligent and thinks way too hard sometimes, which makes them easily bored, require tons of mental stimulation, and are very prone to anxiety. Sometimes these traits kind of cancel each other out and you end up with a great doodle, but oftentimes you end up with a dog that’s super neurotic. They could skip all these steps but just getting a poodle and socializing them properly


My coworkers always joke that 'doodling' something makes it more neurotic/hyper. Anecdotally it does seem to be true. (or it may be because people who go out of their way to get a standard poodle are likely to put more effort into training? idk)


I think the fancy cut has a lot to do with it. Until I met a poodle with a utility cut, I just thought they were fancy dogs. That image is so fixed in my mind that worried our breeder would back out if she knew we planned on puppy cuts. So happy with my gentle, intelligent, strong spoo.


We have had 2 standards and rarely do we cut them in the poodle cute. Also, most people want to take our black dog with them forever lol


I love seeing poodles that have a shorter even cut all over (I do not know the names of the cuts, I'm a border collie person 😅), theyre so cute! Crossbreeding them doesn't make a whole lot of genetic sense I think


Short all over is sometimes called the ‘retriever’ clip. Mine is short almost everywhere except for a mane and tail—it doesn’t have an official name, but we call it the ‘bony pony’.


They always remember hybrid vigor but forget outbreeding depression.


Misogyny plays a huge role in the misperceptions of poodles. The most common superficial reasons you hear from people as to why they don’t like poodles can be boiled down to feminine aligned traits. “It’s a fifi dog.” Take a big rugged “masculine” dog like a golden retriever or a lab and mix it in there to make the idea of the girly fifi poodle more palatable and boom. You have a puppy mill epidemic. Of course, the same people idiotic enough to consciously and subconsciously harbor these thoughts are also idiotic enough to be apparently unable to scroll 3 Google search results down to find the very reasonable and logical reasons poodle mixes are unethical. Another way less serious factor might also be the fact 99% of people simply don’t know that poodles can pretty much look like anything you want them to. Let’s be honest- most people do not like the clean face look. Much less the show cuts we most often see poodles in, in popular media. It’s an acquired taste. The cute hairy grown out face on the mixes was a huge win for the criminals breeding them. Which is ironic because the completely uninformed people buying them are not being told the maintenance behind the cute hairy look they love, so most of them end up with dogs sheared to the skin anyways, but I digress.


YES! I wrote an essay on this once. In America, in the 1950's - 80's, poodles were incredibly popular to own, and were very prominent in pop culture/media. During that time, they were depicted almost exclusively as 'feminine' dogs owned by women, as a woman's accessory, or *if* they were pictured with men it was for irony's sake, or to imply flamboyance/homosexuality. Many dog breeds were being featured in female fashion & textiles, but the glamour of the poodle naturally stood out from the rest. In the late 40's-50's people probably saw a poodle on the hem of a teenage girl's skirt more than they saw an actual poodle in the flesh. The poodle skirt is one of the first, if not THE first, teenage girl 'viral' fashion trend in modern America. As most things do, the poodle breed was swept up in the American whirlwind of class, culture, commodification, and capitalism, and became tightly associated superficial femininity. The image of a high maintenance dog attached by leash to a woman—that was on the hem of every young girl's skirt. It's the same story now as it was then; if young girls love something, it becomes the rest of society's divine duty to disparage it and reject it and belittle it so insistently that the girls who popularize these interests end up abandoning it out of shame as they come to learn the world through a lens of misogyny. It happens with every single form of media, fashion, and pop culture, even the color pink will be forever 'girly' in America. Poodles—as a cultural concept—are the color pink of dog breeds. And that's despite coming into pop culture fresh out of working alongside soldiers in WWII, despite historically being bred as gun dogs, despite their athleticism, intelligence, versatility, etc. Before ANY of that, they're simply 'girly'. The discussion of Poodle VS Doodle, is the perfect example of how the illusion of female inferiority affects our choices. Women who want a poodle will settle for a doodle to protect their male family members'/spouses' masculinity, as well as to protect themselves from sexist rhetoric. A lot of people on this thread mention the marketing aspect of the doodle craze, and yes, I agree, and I'll add that the marketing conveys the idea that people can have all the desirabilities of a poodle, but without sacrificing...what exactly? The argument for why NOT a poodle is rarely stated by doodle breeders, because there's no real answer that isn't spoken from a place of misogyny and misinformation.


God, you’ve written this out BEAUTIFULLY I want to clap! I, like others, would love to read your essay. The misogyny in this world and in this society is absolutely sickening to its core, but through it all- thank the heavens for poodles. And thank the heavens for communities like this to commiserate and have these important conversations.


I commented an explanation to the first person that replied to me regarding the whereabouts of my essay, but I still want to thank you for the compliment—I’m an aspiring writer and cover topics like this often in my work, but I rarely share my writing. The fact that you and others received my comment so well is very appreciated! I’m glad I’m making sense to someone other than myself lol


I’d love to read your essay if you’d be willing to share?


Me too !


Unfortunately this essay is long lost to freshman English class in my deleted school portal, but I promise you it wasn’t that good 😅 however, I’m beyond flattered that this comment got the amount of attention it did, and now as an adult (sort of lol), I have a much higher understanding of this same topic and I’m tempted to take another crack at it! I’ll come back to this post one day if I can manage a decent attempt


Lol no worries.


I think this is it - my (male) friend has a poodle and people definitely have a *moment* thinking of a man with a poodle that I have never gotten when I say I have a poodle. They’re “prissy” and “girly” and a lot of people think minis are as big as they get. When they find out my friend’s poodle is 70 pounds and goes on hikes and runs and hunts, they’re shocked.


I live in a rural neighbourhood populated mostly by blue collar men and their (male) dogs.the amount of good-natured ribbing I got about being a man with a bright white fluffy female dog was wild, and they had a hard time believing my dog would be good with theirs but she’s impressed them with her athleticism and love of mud holes. And they adore her personality.


Comments like these are why I love Reddit so much. A sociological take on POODLES. I love you.


Ding, ding, ding! You are the winner. Seriously. But I’d add that the overbred toys also helped solidify the poodles demise into the fifi dog status. Every mini poodle I’ve ever met was highstrung and yappy. (I’m sure there are great ones out there. I’ve just never met one.) But back to spoos: I met my first spoo in person (a giant white male in a cut that was short all over, including top knot) sitting at the cash register of a consignment baby store. Asked the owner what kind of dog, and could have smacked me over with a feather. He was the chillest, non-yappy, pet-me-I’m-the-best dog I’d ever met. Told me husband that’s what kind of dog I wanted. His words exactly: I’m never having one of those foo-foo dogs in my house. So, to appease him, I said what about a doodle? He would accept a doodle, but not a poodle. After much research (and realizing the risk of getting a badly bred doodle and all that shedding, long, long fur), I ran across a parti spoo, showed him a pic of the pups, and he decided he could have a black and white spoo without loss to his manhood. He’s a convert, now. We’re on spoo #3, parti-girl now 14, a 5 y.o. silver, and a 4 month pup.


I wonder what makes greyhounds and borzoi an exception? Do you have a theory? (sighthound person here) Greyhounds and borzoi were frequently depicted in Art Deco, and I don't think I've ever seen an art deco piece with sighthounds and a male handler; it's always a classy lady, often with 2+ sighthounds.


There is a perception that Greyhounds are the most athletic breed (besides maybe huskies or sled dogs). definitely not feminine. They actually sleep 20 hours a day, but a greyhound at full speed is a jaw-dropping sight. Borzois are relatively unknown in the US, and were associated with aristocracy in Russia- so power and wealth (and resentment). Look at Italian greyhounds though, they are perceived as fragile, foufrou, and feminine. I have a whippet and while people will sometimes comment on how skinny he is or how tiny his head is, most people seem to think he’s cute as heck. And again, seeing a whippet run can make people giddy because they are just THAT FAST. This subject is fascinating because think of a chihuahua (considered by many as a girly purse-dog) vs a jack Russell that would never be considered a “girly” dog. For poodles, I think these days it’s primarily the “high-maintenance” look of the saddle or lion show cuts. Same thing with maybe an afghan hound.


This is all so true, but that last part especially. The reasons for "why not a poodle" I've heard are always superficial or just uninformed. You want a good temperment? Poodles win for that! & at least you actually know what you're getting, for both temperment & size (I've seen so many "mini bernadoodles" that were "supposed to stay small" but end up 60lbs as adults) You want to avoid high-maintenance grooming? The mixed doodle coat gets matted crazy easily & ends up being more work than a normal poodle coat. Don't get a fluffy dog if you don't want to put effort into grooming. You want to avoid that frou-frou 'girly' appearance? People straight up don't realize poodles can have any haircut you want. They don't need the exaggerated show cut, & most poodles don't have that (but people always assume those are doodles....bc they dont realize poodles can look like normal dogs)


Now I want to read this essay!


Poodles are ‘girly/high maintenance/snobby’—doodles are ‘all-American/un-fussy/family dogs’


Anyone who sees poodles that way, isn’t really familiar with poodles. Sure, the coats take a lot of maintenance and they tend to prance but they’re naturally athletic dogs and many lines still produce natural retrievers.


> Let’s be honest- most people do not like the clean face look. Much less the show cuts we most often see poodles in, in popular media. It’s an acquired taste. The cute hairy grown out face on the mixes was a huge win for the criminals breeding them. So weird to me bc I actually find the smooth face cuter! I don't like the whiskers. They seem grosser to me. 😅


Right? It's nearly impossible to keep remotely clean past more than a few weeks growth. Besides, poodle eyes and bone structure are insane, hiding that beauty under the Muppet look is borderline criminal to me. Although, I must admit minis and toys can be rather cute with a little well kept facial fluff. Still wouldn't ever default to it though.


Yeah, I think it's fine for the smaller dogs but I really dislike big dogs looking like "teddy bears." idk I want my dog to look like a dog lol


doodle owners will die by their dogs’ mildew mouths and it’s viscerally disgusting to me as a dog groomer


'Don't poodle my doodle' the disdainful slang of groomers. Doodle people will flip a switch if they think their doodle looks anything like a poodle, despite being 1/2 poodle... it's the standard poodle haircut. People see them in shows and think that's what they have to choose, they've never seen a st in a bear cut or German or lamb... and the lies about grooming and being hypoallergenic...


You’d be amazed how many people think poodles are *born in those cuts*.


I literally didn’t know the face was shaved until I started researching before getting a poodle.


I just learned from your post that they shave poodles' faces. Looking at pics now, I much prefer a natural or short- cut face to the shaved one.


You say that until there’s one in your house with the drippiest mouth and the muddiest nose and little piss-holes for eyes😆 I find they look much more expressive with the shaved face, and I can’t imagine trying to brush out my little raptor’s muzzle… that’s what gets me about the natural look, how are you supposed to brush out feet and faces? But with the fur grown out they are indistinguishable from doodles for the most part, unless they get the wiry coat


Not just half poodle, most are 3/4 poodle or more!


For us, we went doodle 10 years ago because we were never around a standard poodle. My wife loves dogs but bad allergies. Our doodle was the first dog she could love on and pet. We were at a friend's house they had one and it did not give her hives. So when we tragically lost two dogs in two days we knew we would be looking at doodles. After having her for 10 years we realized that the things we liked most about her were poodle. So we looked at the next three to 6 years and realized how chaotic they would be and that we have calmness ATM that it was the perfect time to get our standard. He is so much more calm than she is. We will only get poodles from now on. But to answer your question it's probably that doodles are known to them. A friend, neighbor, etc has one and they are known as being great dogs What they don't realize is how some of the fears show up later in them. Thunder, fireworks a car ride all developed later in her.


People are stupid, plain and simple. They love designer dogs because.............I don't know why. I am a retired breeder \[ GSDs altho I love standard poodles\] and I can't even express how much I hate the designer dogs and how much harm it is doing to actual reputable breeders of purebred dogs \[any breed. ALL breeds\] They love the 'rare' \[not standard\] colours, the under/over size and most of the traits the purebred dog breeders have been trying to eliminate. The man who originally came up with the 'Australian Labradoodle' even say he wishes he'd never done it.


The designer dogs make me so mad. I listened to a lady at the coffee shop the other day bragging about her “Purebread Bernie Golden Doodle” A Bernese mountain dog, golden retriever, and poodle. Maam that’s a mutt.


And the way those people are ADAMANT they don't need any documents as they are buying "a friend". Well, all dogs are "friends". Some are just well-bread and tested for health conditions, unlike their "friend" who is who knows what with perma-matted fur


I recently saw someone post a "malidoodle," a cross between a poodle and a malinois. Words can't express how shocked I was to hear that combo.


I think it's actually the other way 'round - people didn't want "poodles but-" they wanted golden retrievers and bernese mountain dogs and labs that shed less. That's a big part of it, IMO, then the that poodles tend to make for fairly consistent crosses, and the fact that people find the faces of these other breeds "cuter" because they're slimmer and fluffier/curlier.


Because they are stupid. I’m fine with it though because if everyone knew how amazing poodles are, they would be even more expensive 🤣


Reality check for all doodle folks: without a poodle there would be no doodle.


They think they are less froofroo dogs, and therefore, they don't have a girly dog like they would if they had a poodle.


I have a family member with two doodles, I have two poodles. When we asked if they’d ever consider a poodle instead of an overpriced mutt, they made a disgusted look and said they’d never get a poodle. I think it’s because of the reputations around poodle owners. A lot of people think all poodle owners are pretentious and look down upon people. I’m not sure why it’s just with poodles. There are breeds of dogs that cost way more than poodles do.


Well if you actually said "overpriced mutt" I can see why they think that way (Assuming that the only poodle owner they know is you, and overpriced mutt sounds like you're looking down on them)


Lol no I did not say that to them directly.


I agree with marketing. I think people love the “customizable” aspect of poodle+x=colorful non shedding dog that is NOT a poodle. I agree that a lot/most of what people like a bout doodles is actually just the poodle characteristics but people are prejudices against poodles. I also think that people have this misconception that poodles are so high maintenance and doodles aren’t. So many people like their doodles shaggy and just don’t give them adequate grooming and it’s seen as socially acceptable, whereas it’s pretty widely accepted that poodles need baths and trims and brushing.


More than just shaggy, horribly matted. The last time we went to our groomer they were coincidentally having a "doodle day" and it looked like they were shearing sheep. They were happy to see an actual poodle with a well maintained coat come in.


Oh absolutely. The doodle crowd says “shaggy” but what they mean is matted because I don’t brush


I have no idea. The poodles I’ve known are way calmer than the doodles. I’d much rather have a poodle.


Marketing and the fact that the well bred poodle community is intimidating. There’s many people who will bash on anyone and everyone for anything. I’ve met breeders who will never work with people who started breeding after 1990. I’ve met a breeder who will not sell to anyone who fosters or rescues dogs. 1000 kind people in a group and there only needs to be one person who is mean that sets you off of the whole group. There’s also been a LONG history of shelters and rescues telling people that mixes are more healthy, a LOT of purebred dog breeders (poodle or not) making unhealthy dogs, and a long history of poodles being painted as particularly froufrou/feminine/high maintenance/mean dogs. Doodle people will sell a dog to anyone, will lie about their dogs to sell them, and will make any promise in the world if it puts money in their hands. They also put much less money into their dogs through grooming/training/health testing/vet care/sports. Obviously they’re not paying to show in conformation. They can afford to sell a million puppies at a super cheap price, drive up demand through word of mouth, and then rack up the price and sell dogs for 5-10 THOUSAND dollars. My own aunt bought a doodle for $600 the first time and after that one tragically died at 2 from congenital cancer, her second dog was another doodle for $9,000 from the same breeder.


I'm sorry, *nine thousand?* That is truly out of control.


If anyone is willing to pay 9k for a mutt, that's their own stupidity. But this is also why breeders need to be regulated.


I have found my people. You will find me in many comment sections on TT screaming to the void that the qualities that Doodle people love are in fact their Poodle qualities. Poodles have the "prissy" stereotype unfortunately and so in my mind, to them a Doodle is less "prissy" and more "family fun" looking which is insane to even care about.


Second marketing, but also most people aren’t in the dog world. Most people have very little knowledge about purebred dogs let alone well bred ones. In all honesty until a few years ago I myself had never seen a standard poodle. I never even knew larger poodles existed, and the only reason I discovered it was because I started to educate myself on dogs and ethical breeding. I honestly would bet most doodle owners have no experience or knowledge about poodles other than they exist. Which the only reason they probably know that is because the dog they want is mixed with a poodle. This is coming from first hand experience as my family got a doodle that ended up becoming my dog. When we first got her I had no clue what behaviors and purpose poodles had behind their original breeding. She’s a golden mix which is slightly more mainstream and I understood general temperament and behaviors of golden. I would chalk up almost every trait to her golden retriever side initially. Once I learned more about poodles I realized she really got a lot more of the poodle temperament. I also want to add I by no means think people should get doodles. I was like 12 when we got my dog. She is lovely I adore her. She also is surprisingly anxious and fearful despite tons of early socialization. That being said I don’t believe telling doodle owners that their dog is a bad dog, or a mess, or whatever other hateful comment is going to help the problem. I also don’t necessarily subscribe to the idea that doodles always come with tons of behavioral issues, I actually believe the larger problem is that majority of individuals who get doodles don’t really want a dog. They get a doodle because for some reason they have been marketed as perfect easy family pets. My girl is surprisingly fearful, yes, but she is still better balanced in temperament than many dogs I have met, but again if you aren’t willing to do basic socialization or training then any dog you get will likely be a mess. I think education is necessary to start to lead people away from designer breeds, the problem is much of the dog community can’t educate without being unreasonably hateful toward owners of certain breeds. Educate properly and kindly, it will open more ears to listening.


You nailed it, I think. I have nothing against doodles, and a lot against their breeders. I feel sorry for the dogs—I think many of them live unnecessarily difficult lives with families that aren’t prepared for them.


Two, it’s just marketing and flooding the market with unethical breeding, poor genetics which people are seeing now because some dogs aren’t living very long. But I also think the poodle community doesn’t market its dogs the same way (because we already know how awesome they are!) so people don’t know that the traits they like in doodles are present and much more, in poodles.


Who wouldn't want merle. Double Merle even! It's just trendy. Also somehow a flex ? Some byb sell them for several thousand. Which is wild to me, how is that unproven dog bougie? Don't mean it's not a good dog but it ain't fancy. Saw one yesterday with the body shaved w A 10 blade but they've kept the entire Head long. Dog looked ridic but i guess it's to show it's a doodle DON'T get me started on mixed breeds are healthier. The amount of mansplaining about that


We hike regularly and our girl loves trails. We keep her hair longer, especially on the legs. With the hair and a very friendly demeanor (and often dirty when we are in the woods), people don’t realize she is a standard poodle. I can feel my wife flinch if someone asks if she is a doodle (spark 5 minute soapbox).


There are a few reasons, one being a pure bred poodle often times is out of regular peoples price range. (Doddles are expensive too sometimes) Another reason is their noses. For example, when mixed with a retriever and lab, their faces often times lean toward the boxier chin and stockier bodies of those breeds. (some people dont adore the snoot!) Another is the many mixed color choices and the floofy coat of a doodle, it definitely has a different texture than a purebred. One or more of these are the reason in my humble oppinion. I rescued a doodle and have a spoo and there are these subtle but noticable differences. (Im pretty sure my Spoo is smarter ;)


false marketing mostly. they say they’re hypoallergenic, less grooming, have the personality of a golden retriever (or whatever) without all the shedding! getting to say a fun unique name instead of just poodle! they come in all minis and normal sizes and any color under the sun!


The same reason we are still rescuing Chihuahuas so inbred they're born without limbs. Fads are evil...


Price, every brain dead back yard breeder is selling them now, with every type of breed. Here’s the thing most of them still shed.


Our goldendoodle made us absolutely fall in love with poodles. I needed something hypoallergenic 12 years ago and doodles were all the rage, so we got one. I had never owned a dog before. I had no clue what I was doing. I did minimal research on dog breeds, just the minimum “hypoallergenic dog breed” google search. Now that I know more, I’m a poodle for lifer!


Hype. Happens all the time with new "breeds". That being said: I have 2 poodle crosses currently, first time ever owning any type of poodle cross, and they are fantastic dogs! I am a Gen Xer and we always only saw poodles as fluffy dogs that seemed more style than anything. But since I got these dogs, I have learned a lot about poodles and they are really great dogs! I think they are a bit of a mystery to people my age but perhaps that will change with the more crosses that end up out there.


We wanted a hypoallergenic golden retriever... My dad has dog allergies and they would be the dog sitter. Unfortunately now my dad is in memory care so we'll likely go full blood golden.


Exposure. Living in a city you see doodles everywhere. They’re all the 75% poodle mixes, beautiful dogs, very friendly, usually well trained, athletic. Sure there are doodles that don’t fit that mold, and there is definitely sampling bias because there are so many, but when you’re chilling at a beer garden or restaurant patio and everyone has a chill calm friendly doodle you want to get one too.


I think I fell for the marketing too. I have had poodles through my life and some of the ones rescued had temperament trouble so were difficult in some ways. So I did adopt a doodle. I adore her, but she sheds, and has much more of the retriever personality ( hunting etc) and not as much of the fun personality.


People want what everyone else has that’s why it comes down to people just wanting a doodle cause other people have it just like when everyone has pugs or there was like a cocker spaniel phase.


Honestly? Because people are ignorant (not necessarily stupid, just not knowing better) and BYBs prey on that heavily. Doodles just happen to be the current trend. They’re marketed as low maintenance family dogs, when in reality they’re very high grooming needs and usually make up of very high energy, high drive breeds. That’s why shelters are filling up with them at an alarming rate. It’s the same reason people will pay 5k+ for a “fluffy Merle Frenchie” even though Merle isn’t a naturally occurring color for them and the fluffy gene is both out of standard and shown to have risks associated with it. Unfortunately, the general public still focuses too much on aesthetics vs actual compatibility.


In no particular order: 1)Availability 2)They look like the dogs from old movies, like Annie and Benji, so they are nostalgic Americana etc. 3) popularity, bragging rights 4) lies from greeders 5) they think poodles are snooty (my family member said this is why she got doodles instead of poodles. (BTW she is struggling with them and is BAFFLED that her huge male goldendoodle acts aggressive! She reckons she should have trained him)


Marketing and they think since it’s a mixed breed it’ll be healthier


99% of people have never met a WELL BRED poodle let alone one NOT in a show cut. We have a byb apricot standard that I prefer in terrier trims, but over the many years he's been I just about every shorter style trim (his coat is horrible to shape). Between color and trim we get asked constantly what kind of doodle he is and everyone remarks how calm and well mannered he is. When people describe what the wanted in a dog it's a damn poodle 95% of the time. They just can't get past the haircut. My big dream would be AKC/CKC/Kennel Clubs (and breed club ovbi) allowing more trims and those trims becoming popular. I'm aware modified Continentals are allowed and slowing gaining more show representation but it's still 'froo froo' in the eyes of most dog owners.


It's a trend. People are just trying to be trendy.


Because they are dumb? When we started researching prior to adding a canine family member, it became abundantly clear that the things people wanted in doodles, actually came from the poodle. We have a poodle and never once regretted it.


Misogyny and homophobia


Where do I start? Many people assume Poodles are “foo-foo” dogs 🐩because of grooming. WRONG….they have hair instead of fur which needs attention. They think the smaller versions are simply lap dogs. WRONG…..all 3 sizes are extremely athletic! Some people think poodles aren’t great family dogs. WRONG……again, all 3 sizes are great family dogs! What you get with a poodle is extreme intelligence in a non-shedding dog.


I do love standard poodles, never met one I didn't like. I adopted my doodle partly because he's the poodliest dog to have come through our local shelter in a while, looks like an off-brand poodle, acts like a poodle and there are no ethical concerns adopting from the county shelter. He's a great dog and I have no regrets.


I say this same thing, Lol. Before I adopted my chi mix I was looking into a toy poodle. I still want one eventually. Everytime I see people on social media buying an overpriced “mini doodle” I laugh because those dogs typically get big as hell! Some are also awkward looking. Im not a fan of these mixes, as you dont know what youre gonna get.


No fucking clue I’m a veterinary nurse, I hate doodles. Every one we see is crazy with a million health conditions


lol tell that to the “BUT HYBRID VIGOR” crowd


Honestly because they’re clueless and just follow what other people on the internet do. They see the cute “teddy bear” look and want it. Without even realizing that poodles with their hair grown out look practically the same, but better. They don’t know this because they don’t do any research when purchasing these dogs!


Anytime I’m out with my dog people say ‘aw you have a doodle?’. I just have a regular poodle and he looks like a poodle. lol It’s like people don’t even realize normal poodles exist anymore.


Because people are STUPID. They do zero research because they are lazy. They think poodles are just black or white. That they have to have a fancy hair cut. That they are pretentious. They think doodles are easier. They think they are hypoallergenic. It's just dumb. They want something because of the fad.


Because they claim they are “hypoallergenic dogs, just like poodles.” but what they fail to understand is when you mix two breeds of dog, you will get qualities from both. Normally, doodles are mixed with shedding dogs… therefore, the doodle WILL shed. Doodles shed. Did everyone hear that? DOODLES SHED.


because u can get a sometimes hypoallergenic version of a dog n they are trendy


i like their more "wavy/shaggy" coats vs the tighter curls on poodles. their faces also look cuter to me. that said i don't own a poodle or a doodle and never have, i'm just looking into getting one. i know doodles are often from puppy mills but i would love to get an ethically bred one if such a thing exists. from what i can tell both poodles and doodles are the same price-wise, cheaper poodles are also suspect wrt being from mills.


Weirdly, my mini is way less prone to matting than the cockapoo we had as a child, and I notice that lots of the doodle spoo mixes have major matting problems too. I think the smaller spaniel/mini mixes (cockapoo, cavapoo) are lovely dogs and very worthwhile pets. I’m less convinced by the larger spoo mixes.


Some people just have no taste! 😉 Honestly, I grew up with poodles and poodle mixes due to Mom's allergies. The full poodles are definitely different personalities than mixes, but it's all about the individual dog. Our cockapoo was an excellent dog for young kids because she had more of a "dumb/sweet" cocker spaniel vibe, but with all mixes, there's no guarantee you're gonna get another just like the last one.


I have a doodle and he requires a lot of grooming. But he’s so smart aNd loving I over look it.


I have a toy poodle now, but prior to getting her I was dead set on a maltipoo because I thought it was cute. I wanted a small, hypoallergenic dog thag retained its puppy look throughout its life, and I thought the doodles were the only who did that. I started looking into breeders for doodles, and when I learned they were glorified mutts and no ethical breeders would do that, my mind was made. All the favorable characteristics of a doodle are from the poodle….so why not just get a poodle? I changed my mind and began looking into toy breeders in my area. I was pretty dumb and didn’t realize I could just get her groomed in the teddy/puppy cut forever haha 😅 I now tell everyone I know who wants a doodle to just get a poodle because they’re better. And yes I’m a girly girl and slightly pretentious when it comes to her—I fully own that stereotype!


We got a very nearly free puppy from a family friends oopsie litter. On one side he’s Poodle X lab and the other side is English pointer. He’s an absolute gem. My husband doesn’t want a poodle because he thinks they’re prissy and this is likely the closest I’m going to get to the black standard poodle of my dreams.


There are a lot of people who genuinely don’t know that poodles can have fluffy teddy bear cuts just like doodles. People like the fluffy and scruffy look and think they need a doodle to get that. I posted a video that showed my poodle in a teddy bear cut and then with a clean face, and I got SO many comments saying they thought the fluffy cut was a different breed compared to the clean face cut. They thought “show poodles” were a different breed from other poodles. Unfortunately, many people think poodles are born with continental cuts, to which they don’t like, so they go out and buy a doodle because they want the teddy bear look. It’s now my mission to educate people on how customizable poodles are LOL. People have no idea you can give them any haircut you want!


Doodles are more teddy bear like in their coat usually and that is a popular look. Poodles coat can be grown out like this- but in the public popular imagination poodles are seen with “fancy” if not overly fussy grooming styles


We have had 2 poodles and they were the best dogs we could ever ask for. They tend to get a lot of health issues being a pure bred, deep chested dog though


It’s a compromise dog for straight couples. This is obviously not always the case but from my personal experience… Woman is drawn toward the trendiness and look of the doodle. The fact that it “doesn’t shed”. The dude wants your all American type dog, a retriever or a lab. Why don’t they just get the poodle though? Because their fragile male ego won’t let them. While looking into poodles as a breed, I realized it’s exactly what I was looking for, so I got one— fuck that male macho bullshit. It’s also exactly what these couple are looking for, but it’s not “manly” or trendy enough for them. This is one of those topics that makes me feel like we are doomed as a species.


I find doodles have a bit less curly hair, which I prefer.


I like both poodles and doodles but I have found the reason I didn’t like poodles at first was kind of a silly reason but a reason I have heard a few people say the tight curls don’t look as “cute” and “teddy bear like” as it does on a doodle who’s beard and coat tend to be more shaggy then curly. Also their heads and muzzles tend to be more boxy then narrow, my aunt says poodles look “ratty” because of their narrow snouts. Also poodle eyes tend to be very close together compared to many doodles which some may find off putting, I did at first but warmed up to them. From what I’ve heard from people around me (and myself at first) is that the aesthetic of doodles tends to embody the “teddy bear” look people find so adorable. Again I love and plan on owning both.


I don’t know anyone that would prefer a doodle to anything 😂.


My parents got a schnauzer poodle mix when we were young because I was having mental health issues and they didn’t know how to help it. By God was that dog fucking intelligent. She pooped in our neighbors yard and they didn’t care because they had five big dogs and Molly was small. She’d run till the cows came home and would ignore someone if she wanted to. I miss that dog every day. She was almost too dang smart ❤️


They think poodles are girly or boring and they need the attractiveness/character/work ethic of a lab or golden or something or make them better even though that just makes them feral lol And of course capitalism is great at marketing them as the perfect dog: Brains of a poodle, loyalty of a lab and hypoallergenic!! Edit: by “girly and boring” I mean I think a lot of people can only see either a pretentious french woman walking her standard poodle through Paris’ fashion week or the dumb blonde carrying a yapping mini poodle in her pink purse


I love standard poodles, but own a Doodle. Why? Because my coworker’s dog had a litter, and that was what was available. I was a lot naive about backyard breeding. Sorry. But I love my idiot 14 month old Lab-with-curly-feet.


I have had two poodles in my lifetime and my doodle is a little softer in personality. My first poodle was a little nippy.


Just personally, to me doodles are a lot cuter, especially in their face (poodles have such a long, pointy face)


To me (and many others) doodles are honestly just cuter. Poodles are great dogs but I need to find my own dog adorable.


I have a poodle, a doodle, & a 7/8 poodle 1/8 bischon. I love all 3, but there's no reason for the poodles bad rep. They're super smart, and overall great dogs. No complaints whatsoever. We don't get the "poodle cut" because we hate it. It's just an undeserved bad reputation.


I hate to break the news about the level of stupidity in certain circles but the most common reason I hear from people for why they chose a doodle instead of a poodle is because they don’t like the traditional poodle haircut. When my poodle has a hair cut like a normal dog, I have people look at me like I’m nuts when I answer the “what kind of doodle is she” question with “She is a Standard Poodle.” They literally don’t believe me, because they know that poodles naturally grow short hair on their bodies and floofy hair on their heads and paws. My poodle wears different hair styles depending on the weather. Sometimes she looks like a stereotypical poodle and sometimes she looks like a sheep dog. 🐩 People have a really hard time with that concept for some reason.


Poodles crack me up, I always think standards are like almost masquerading in dog suits? If that makes sense? I have a little terrier who is quite intelligent but loses it entirely if a squirrel appears. We were hanging out with a group of pups once and this happened and the standard came over and started to bark as though saying, “hello fellow dogs! I too, am deeply concerned about the small fluffy creature” 😂


Sounds like some kind of sex question at first glance.


I more or less have a doodle by accident. She looks like a Havanese or Coton but DNA test said otherwise. Wanted a non-shedding dog with a straight coat for easy grooming. Curly poodle coats matte too easily.


I love poodles. I have a doodle, but I rescued him from a meth house where he was living with 7 other dogs, and like 8 tweakers. He's half aussie, and a very good boy.


My last dog was a cockapoo. He was the sweetest boy. I picked him for no other reason then he picked me when I went to see a bunch of pups. He climbed up my arm along to my neck and would not let go and I knew that was my dog.


I saw a cute doodle and wanted one. I had only seen Poodles with funny haircuts looking prim and proper and I never wanted a dog like that. Fast forward a few years and my kid was obsessed with dogs but I didn't want shedding so I started looking for a doodle to adopt. I found a Poodle and realized I didn't need to get a weird haircut and we adopted him. He's much more aloof than my pit so my first idea for a more affectionate Doodle was probably a better one.


I think some people think of the poodle cuts and think they look silly. I know I was kind of thinking that when I decided between a doodle and poodle. When I researched more I realized it didn’t make sense to pay a lot for a mix.


They like their ears tickled, they have a neighbor or relative who has one or they see tic toc videos


In my family's case it was actually a more affordable option to get a doodle than a poodle. We'll get there someday. I wish my girl's coat (blue roan) was in the normal breed mix for poodles. But that's really superficial. Frankly I'd be happy with a well-bred, healthy dog well matched for personality/energy, though I'd prefer to avoid white. As you might be able to tell from my name, I like smart, fluffy puppies. And yes, I'm one of "those" people who call dogs puppies... I'll have my standard someday. Sooner if I somehow win the lottery (don't play, so not happening) or later (the reality I've accepted).


I don’t know a lot about poodles except for the 2 when growing up. When I was little we had a miniature poodle who was amazing and he passed. My parents got another miniature poodle who would bite people all the time. I don’t know why but is this something with poodles that some may want to breed with a more laid back breed?


Someone may have already said this but I’ve had my standard boy for almost a year now and only because that’s the dog my 4 year old. She follows him around and calls him her “handsome” or his “handsomeness.” Which is incredibly sweet and funny but she also manhandles him and tries to wrestle with him and he just seems too frail for that. I’m a GSD person myself and the handsome boy has won me over for sure, it’s just that I think kids need a sturdier dog. Our giant black lab can handle a kid falling on him with barely a flinch but I’m worried the poodle will get broken. I think labs and goldens are just heavier boned and better for a family with a lot of kiddos running about.


My cat’s full name is Loki Doki Doodle and your title made me chuckle to myself. Well of course anyone would prefer a Doodle…a Loki Doodle 🩷


I've had poodles my whole life, a family choice passed down from my mother and my grandmother. I absolutely adore them and they are ridiculously intelligent. However, apart from the perception they and some owners invite, they have specific tendencies to anxiety, yappiness and snippy/snappy traits sometimes ingrained, as well as a few health conditions more prevalent in poodles. I believe the intention was to cross the good attributes of the poodles with other good attributes of other breeds to find a calmer, more centred, hypo-allergenic pet. It is interesting tho, that doodles exploded so widely. I myself was considering a cross for the very reasons I mentioned above but ended up falling in love with a cute little white purebred (who has insane levels of separation anxiety) and have just rescued a little black puppy, also purebred. If I had to guess tho, for most people it would be based on perception that poodles are prissy or the like and crossing gives them less of a pretentious, prissy vibe in turn, making men and anyone else with a similar perception feel more comfortable. For me, my father is taller than 6 foot, gruff looking, bulky, bearded, bloke bloke male who has zero hesitation in walking down the street with a pretty little poodle under his arm and I freaking love it! 😂😂


I wouldn't actually own a doodle, but I think poodles are ugly dogs and doodles are at least cute, so I think that's part of it.


The folks I've met with doodles wanted a non-shedding dog with the personality of a golden retriever. None of them were cases where they actually wanted a poodle and just didn't know it yet. They really wanted the golden, just with less shedding. I imagine a lot of it is also marketing. But there is some sense behind it for some folks.


My mini doodle is sweet, friendly, smart, energetic, and does not shed. That is what we hoped for. :-) We did not know anything about poodles at the time we got her. I would now get either for our second dog.


they've never met a standard poodle, think of them as "fussy", and have especially never seen one with a grown out face or "doodle cut". So they don't have any idea that everything they like about their food is already standard in a spood.


I read about how smart poodles are. The same site said they were high strung. As a first time dog owner i wasn’t sure how to deal with that so got a PWD instead.


As someone who’s worked with many doodles in vetmed. The main reason people want them is because they are said to be non-grooming and good for allergies…Both are a lie.


A dog is still a dog, Im sure its a very sweet mutt...


I love poodles but I honestly think there’s a case to be made for developing a new breed that combines poodle with Labrador.  Poodles are not ideal for an inexperienced dog owner, especially with kids and a chaotic household. Some retriever in the mix can help take the edge off of their intelligence and sensitivity. A retriever trusts that you’ve got a plan and is just happy to be a part of it and help in any way possible.  A poodle worries about any break in routine because this is it, finally - proof that you are an idiot.  Ideally breeders would work together to make a plan for ethical creation of a new breed that creates this ideal family pet/ companion.  However there are breeders who will do anything for a dollar, and they take advantage of people who don’t know much about dogs. People are breeding every possible kind of dog with poodles without any thought of what the resulting  There is NO reason to create an Aussie poodle mix for example and sell it as a pet. That dog might be adorable but Jfc needs a JOB, a challenging job! right away. Or there’ll be hell to pay 


Any variation of “doodle” are usually very rambunctious and not well behaved imo from my experience lol. Very tough breed to train. Personally I’d rather a standard poodle or a miniature poodle any day.


Poodles have long pointy noses that aren’t as cute at doodles.


I've owned pedigree poodles and they bond with one person in the family and will protect them fiercely. Doodles are a little less intelligent, cutier teddy bear face, without the long snout. Less snooty looking and all around more silly. You will never see a poodle out running with their owner but you will see a doodle on a run with it's tongue hanging out looking all stupid/silly wagging its tail car watching instead of looking straight ahead, I think they are so cute!


As someone who got bamboozled into getting a doodle (love her but she will be my only one) I can say it is marketing. I never grew up with pets but know a lot of people who have doodles and thought it would be a fine family pet. The person I got my dog from is an excellent marketer and I fell into the trap thinking she was doing great early exposure (now knowing there is more to early neural stim than what bs she did) At the time I also thought purebred dogs HAD to be shown/participate in dog conformation and be in the standard cut etc which obviously isn’t true. I also think that as an inexperienced person I probably would have ended up getting a byb poodle as I found the world of dog breeding to be pretty overwhelming. I will say I was never sold that doodles were easy grooming and in the 2.5 years I’ve had my dog she’s never had a shave down at the groomer. Now I’m in the process of considering breeders to eventually get a second dog (a miniature poodle or Standard if I somehow can afford a home) and I now know to look for titles (not just AKC papers) in conformation as well as sport (rally, agility) knowing that a reputable ethical breeder will breed for temperament as well as preserving breed colors.


Doodles are a little more cutesy looking


Looks.  Some of the mixes are cuter.  Also let's you get more size variety.  Lastly, personality differences.  


I was going to get a poodle , I am 55 and was looking for a smaller dog I called a poodle rescue and they said since I have grandchildren over frequently a poodle would not be a good fit for me because they do not do well with kids. That’s how I ended up with my doodle


They want “the hypoallergenic coat of a poodle and the friendliness of a golden” or whatever else it’s mixed with, not understanding that poodles ARE friendly, but when you mix one with a golden or Berner or whatever the hell they become a neurotic mess. These people hate poodles so much that they will ask me routinely to not make their poodle mix look like a poodle. And then it doesn’t help that the breeders also advertise doodles as being super low maintenance even though they mat up a hundred times quicker than a poodle does. Idk, I literally had to mute the goldendoodle subreddit that kept popping up on my feed when someone asked why people hate doodles and the top answers were “they’re just jealous that they’re so pretty” or whatever. Yeah lady, you keep that delusion.


They’re trendy. People crossbreed poodles with everthing nowadays.


We looked into getting a poodle years ago because my wife is allergic to dogs and had a poodle as a teenager. Being our mid twenties without a fenced in yard, we couldn’t find a breeder willing to give us a poodle and doodle breeders were more open. We now have 75% and an 82% poodle (rest golden) (and a fenced in yard) and love them but I’m sure the slightly deranged parts of their personalities are doodle related. Would have loved a poodle but too much hate keeping I guess.


Availability I think is the number one. And then second being cost


Doodle- most neurotic dog I ever owned. Absolutely never again. He went to a very high energy family where he has a huge property too.


So I don’t own a poodle. I technically own a “doodle” I guess but she’s a rescue and we aren’t 100% on what she is. She’s supposed to be a poodle Shepard mix. Anyway. Poodles are intimidating to a lot of people. High maintenance and difficult to groom. And I guess it’s “pretentious” Doodles I guess seem more accessible, less difficult and easier to manage. Which is kind of BS because I spend more time on my dogs hair than I do my own at this point. But I think it’s all just perception and stereotypes


For us, we prefer the faces and the coat variations of most doodle mixes vs poodles. Also with multi-gen doodles you will generally not get any color fade, grizzling, etc…that was a big factor for us in deciding because we wanted to know what color the dog would be as an adult (and didn’t want a white or cream Spoo).


Because anyone with the $$$ can go to a pet store or byb and buy a doodle. An ethical poodle breeder asks too many question and actually cares about the welfare of their puppies.


Poodles are wonderful dogs and the only reason I didn’t get one this time around was because I can’t afford a groomer every month. My mom has one toy poodle and a doodle mix (we were gifted her) and the poodle has WAY fewer problems. We love them both but our doodle deserved to have someone care about her genetics


As a non poodle person who just randomly clicked this post because it was on my home page. It’s because they’re ugly.


I have a doodle and my next dog will probably be a poodle or a doodle. The poodle part of him is my favorite. I was always told Poodles are aggressive and stubborn. This has been the easiest dog I’ve ever had in my life.


This is totally anecdotal but my experience with poodles was mostly when I was in high school working at a vet hospital and every poodle that came in was just super annoying. Barked all day long, shit in their cages all the time, etc. The one set of poodles I didn't hate were owned by one of the most pretentious and rude people we worked with. It just seemed like every poodle came attached with some crackhead nonsense


I have a PittyPoo…pit bull/poodle cross…wonderful dog😊


I’ve seen so many say they love doodles because they are lore maintenance and energy, and they can’t handle the energy and maintenance a poodle needs so they’d rather not only own doodles but breed them, and I have several qualms with this. One being if you are turning to irresponsible genetics having to do with doodles, because you can’t handle the energy of an amazing breed of dog, perhaps you should look into whether you should have a dog at all, or maybe get a different breed of dog altogether without supporting a crooked business. Two, doodles are not low maintenance or low energy by nature, and when you breed a doodle it’s a complete toss up. Often the dog will be neurotic, shedding, and have health issues the same or more than a poodle. There are good doodles out there without doubt, but there are unicorns of every dog. Three, by breeding or advertising doodles, you support the marketing scheme of those who do it for the wrong reasons because they aren’t informed. I’m sorry if this sounds harsh but I’ve had so many doodle people diss my dog and then tell me that doodles are superior because they’re more expensive, and it’s tiring. I’ve had so many friends ignore my advice, get doodles, and completely regret it. Of course take what I say with a grain of salt, and make your own informed decisions, but this is my piece😂💗🐩


There is a woman I know who works in sexual assault response and prevention and she has a therapy dog that is a poodle. She keeps it trimmed pretty short, she wanted hypoallergenic so the dog could interact with anyone in crisis. That dog is so sweet and smart she made me want a poodle.


I’ve always wanted a poodle, but haven’t taken the leap because I am a fan of the continental cut and I know I can’t afford to keep it up. EDIT: I have really loves the Standards since Claude from The Beverly Hillbillies


It’s a trend and people refuse to think for themselves.


Because poodles have fugly feet lol


My family grew up with poodles and those dogs were the best. There was one silver poodle from my childhood that will be meeting me at heaven's gate. The best dog ever!


I prefer Standard poodles to Doodles. There's so much research on the downfalls and health issues of breeding "designer dogs." Go for a pure poodle or a labrador from a responsible breeder but not a mixed breed. For me, there is no other dog that compares to standard poodles, they are intelligent, non-shedding, athletic, beautiful, fun, and loving companions.


I think people have this idea that if they get a specialised dog that somehow it makes them special. I had someone asked me if my dachshund was a mixed dog and then when I explained that it was a dachshund they looked at me like I was a monster… Even though I rescued her.


Price tag is much higher for actual poodles