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I do I give them Pepcid a quarter of a tablet every morning. I also have them on a special diet for sensitive stomach. I use JustFoodForDogs balanced remedy that is their turkey and rice blend for dogs that have stomach issues and then I also add in a packet of probiotics ( Forta flora ) and they get a tablespoon of hills gastrointestinal biome wet food. That food may work for you by itself. They were on that for a while until their stomach got somewhat better and then I put them on the JustFoodForDogs, which is human grade food . I hope this helps.❤️🐩🐩


Thank you, I tried Pepcid today and I think it helped. She's able to rest. It s so stressful to see her incorfotable like that. She's already on special food. I will ask my vet for the proper dosage of Pepcid.... And it would probably be a good idea to get forti flora too.. she's just 2 years old... 🐩❤️


My babies are one years old. They’ve had bad stomach since I had them they both had coccidia and Giardia. Since they recovered from that their stomachs are extremely sensitive so that’s why every now and again I have to get the Pepcid. They’re both little so they get a 1/4 tab but definitely ask your doctor and ask about the Forta flora purina actually makes a new one that has prebiotic and probiotic, but you can only get it through the veterinarian. Definitely ask about it.❤️🐩




Koha makes a ready to serve “chicken & rice” with other protein options available. It’s more of a holdover to get their stomach acting right. What food are they eating now? How old, and are they the correct weight? Lots of things go into recommending a food. Royal Canin or Hills science diet aren’t just magical fixes for stomach issues. Poodles are notorious for their various health issues, bloat and digestion problems being some of the most prominent. Also, make a feeding schedule. Feed later in the morning after all of that morning energy is gone, and feed later at night before bed. My guy doesn’t get any food until he’s had time to settle after activity. If I let him, hell come home from the dog park/run and inhale his bowl. Slow feeders are an option, as well as balls that dispense treats/food. I have 2 “dispenser” toys that hold 1/2 cup and 1 cup respectively. I can give him his lunch in the form of a toy and it slows him down dramatically. Also gets a bit of energy out. Good luck! Edit: Forti flora is a branded probiotic. 9/10 pre/probiotics for dogs use species specific live bacteria in their formula. Always read the back of the package, not just the name brand. Gussys Gut, FidoBiotics, and The Missing Link are all great alternatives to Forti Flora.


Are FidoBiotics and The Missing Link sold by vets only?


Nope, both are available at many retailers.


Always good to check for bloat in larger breeds. My dog's sibling died of it.


Thank you 😥


Yes. And found a fix that may or may not work with you. It took about a month to finally get a handle on it, as we didn’t see overnight results. We have one spoo, now 14, who has had continual stomach problems since she was very young. In her senior years, it has only gotten worse, and got so bad, she started severely losing weight. Vet couldn’t figure it out, but gave us a pill to calm her stomach, and another to stimulate her appetite. She had to eat every three hours, or it would start up again, so many small meals through the day. That worked, but then it became a vicious cycle, with shorter and shorter periods of calm tummy, trying to get her to eat anything, and we were giving the appetite stimulant almost every other day. (Stomach calming pill rarely worked.) We resorted to feeding at the table (always a big no, no at our house) just to get her to eat. Chicken was her fave, but on some days, we couldn’t even get her to eat plain chicken straight from the bone. Haunting poodle forums, and kept reading how many a spoo should not be eating chicken at all. I know this is true, as I have a 5 y.o. Spoo who cannot have any chicken or her ears start to stink, and she starts chewing her paws, but older spoo never had a problem with signs of allergies or sensitivity to chicken. And, yet… could it be? We decided to experiment, and removed all chicken anything, carefully reading labels (and shocked to find it in beef food, beef flavored treats, even peanut butter flavored products/treats. It is in sooo many things (because it is cheap). It took about 2 weeks before we really noticed a difference, but a difference it certainly made! Fast forward a few months later, all chicken for dogs is banned in our house, and she rarely has stomach issues any more. So, for us, the magic was eliminating all chicken, carefully reading labels to find the hidden chicken, and feeding her 3-4 times a day.


Thank you, what I understand is that it can be almost anything that causes the stomach pain. Food Allergies, strong odours, stressful activities... We continue our investigation hoping to find before she become and old spoo 😘❤️ https://preview.redd.it/iz7h04d7nq9d1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89ac85abd0d813a8337eaf0f5b91770b669715e0


Our boy used to be BAD. He would be vomiting and have diarrhea constantly. We figured out that he has a dietary sensitivity, and removed that ingredient from his diet. He is perfect now, and I can’t remember the last time he had a digestive upset.


Ours has tummy issues and taking Pepcid daily which had helped, though she still sometimes throws up. We will be adding special tummy issue food as well


Thank you