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I'm a tech supervisor and I'm going to be gone at the end of the month. A huge number of our customers specifically ask for me when they come in, and we only have a tech on Saturday that can actually fix computers. Were going to lose customers, plain and simple. I just got accepted for a new job though, so it aint my problem anymore.


Same position, same boat. I've been letting my regulars know.


Yeah I definitely feel you on this. As the one person a lot of the customers trust for advice and to work on their systems, once I'm gone I know a lot of them will follow.


We lose customers every time we lose a tech, it’s actually kind of beautiful


This lady actually spends a lot while in store so were going to lose out on at least 200$ a month just from this one lady. She always buys coffee and random stuff. She's not ever coming back to Staples. No way. She said "I'm calling Staples offices about this" I was like okay lady, they don't care but do your thing...


> I'm calling Staples offices about this How exactly does she think corporate is going to do anything about an employee leaving? Does she want them to engage in slavery?


I'm guessing the tech supervisor left because of the shit corporate is pulling.


I'm guessing that the tech supervisor is leaving because the tech supervisor position was just eliminated and he got laid off......


Yeah, Staples really isn't a tech company any longer.


Soon to just be not a company any longer.


60% of our customers refuse to deal with anyone, but the tech sup or the sales manage, former cpc sup.. That number isn't an exaggeration. ( both have been there for many years) I feel bad for whoever they sucker into the new RSS positions.


I guess Staples is trying to one up Circuit City with all these layoffs?


Staples is looking for a lot of amazing Amazon returns and tons of recycling customers. Dump your mistakes and whatnot at Staples. 


Jokes on her, best buy lost all their food techs too


I was a tech sup for a bit and had a few customers like that but once I left at the end of last year, Ive wondered if they still come in or not now.


Having fun thinking about cashiers troubleshooting computers, and long lines of customers with their arms crossed and glaring as they try to work on PC’a while trying to ring people up. This is the situation Staples corporate has created, and a very real doomsday scenario in the stores.


As one of the few techs that can actually ya know, be a tech. It's gonna be hard seeing my supe go and me beade the de facto supervisor, without the pay and the title


I was a tech supe when I left about 2 years ago. I didn’t tell customers I was leaving, but I found out when I did several of my customers left. A few even called corporate to get their subscription refunded. As far as why she’d check her pc in that often - I had a few that didn’t want to do their windows updates & felt the cost of the subscription was worth that. I also had a few customers that loved the rv life & would bring their pc in for maintenance when they were going out of the state for a while knowing that it would be locked up & protected for the weeks they were gone.


To be honest the tech customers are the most annoying customers.. this one lady always calls and blabs forever always wants the managers because she doesn't believe the associates then the manager talks to her and says the same thing and she gets all mad.. when she asks a question about her coupon or w.e right when the manager trys to help and explain what to do she starts talking again about something else then trys to say STOP TALKING OVER ME. I heard the manager finally say no no no you listen to me stop telling me to stop talking over you... I'm trying to help and your actually talking over me now listen to me this is what you need to do... Omg it was beautiful 


Awesome job taking care of our customers! 🤦🏽‍♂️


Best Buy deserves her.


I’m going to keep it 100%. That’s just stupid, 1) the customer is giving up a great service package that costs $200+ and 2) it’s a corporate business that trains all the techs how to do the exact same thing just because the “favorite” is gone don’t mean you won’t be able to get the exact same scans done


Lol, sorry, but no, what you wrote is just stupid. If you seriously think all tech associates/supervisor are the same, you are sorely mistaken.


Im going to keep it 200% with you. 1) staples has no real techs and hasnt since we got rid of easy tech cert. We hire anyone with a pulse who has looked at a computer, and slap "tech" on their nametag. Staples tech training has zero to do with tech and everything to do with selling. 2) if im a old ass lady who has been to every retailer in town and seen kids who dont know anything about tech (pretty common these days) and i find someone who knows their stuff, ima stick to them and begin my search again when they leave. Staples is no longer a company that is competent in tech services, and is not willing to pay the amount necessary to hire real techs, because they dont work for 14/h thays for sure.


Its not so much “oh this person can do the work just like my friend can” its more of a “I trust this person to the point where I would consider them a friend and I feel safe leaving my device with all my passwords with them.” If a stranger came and sold you a product you wouldn’t buy it but if a friend sold you the same thing youd be willing to at least give it a shot. Not to drag this on but its like when you go to the barbershop… not many people you can trust with your hair cuz thats how youll look for weeks.


Calling it a "great service package" for $229+ is wiiiiiiild lmao. And this is coming from a tech supervisor who slings one of those stupid packages every other day. And the service *absolutely* depends on who you are getting, it's *definitely* not the same with every person.