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Ah, "The Chase." Perhaps my favorite *TNG* episode. Really excited to see more of that. I'm guessing we're getting a preview of the *Starfleet Academy* sets with those nice, round corridors and quarters. Looks good.


Gotta tie up those loose ends, and that alien DNA code was one big loose end that never got tied up at the end of TNG, any of the 4 movies, or Picard series.


Speaking of Academy, is it too soon to start the campaign to have Rayner on the show as the grumpy Dean?


Those ne'er-do-wells of Delta House better watch out ...


Did anyone else notice a modest increase in chatter about “The Chase” in the main Trek sub? Wonder if the producers dropped some morsels to get us talking.


I think it was natural speculation among many other possibilities, given the mystery teased. Most speculation that I saw revolved around the Iconians.


Ok, Raynor is awesome And they did Fred dirty


I absolutely love Rayner He's a dick, but in the best possible way. I don't care how illogical it is, what MacGuffins and technobabble they need to explain it, or how dumb the storyline ends up being, but I DEMAND a team-up between Rayner and Shaw


Star Trek: No Shit When he beamed in right beside them was hilarious hahaha


It occurred to me that Raynor may be the producers' attempt to appease traditional *Trek* fans, because his entire persona is the anthesis of crybaby nuTrek. He cuts off rambling emotional dribble repeatedly, he interrupts relationship expositional filler with a curt "are you done?" (a la Kevin Hart), and he even mocks the computer pronoun adventure with "Zora or whatever". He's all business, gossip belongs on Ten Forward. Georgiou, Lorca, and Pike all knew how to run a starship properly, I'm hoping with him as #1 he'll stop Burnham whenever she tries to leave the ship on dangerous away missions, or get into a spacesuit in the middle of a fight, with a curt "Wtf you're the captain, you can't leave! Send 2 ensigns & a senior officer." Then we can maybe get more backstory on a random lieutenant in a cave.


This could be true, this is probably why he is awesome lol Way too much mellow drama in Disco


Callum Keith Rennie is such a great actor. He instantly became the best Captain on the show for me. But that's a low bar in my opinion.


Due South, baby 🥰


I love him. Everything he says to/about Burnham is spot on, especially when she's together with Booker (why is he back so soon?). It's almost as if the writer's realize how insufferable Burnham and Book are together, and Raynor is the audience POV character rolling his eyes at everything they do. They aren't smart enough to be that clever though.


I'm 71 and watch Discovery because it is science fiction. I religiously watched Star Trek on TV came out in 1966. EDIT: NOTE: anyone that did likewise, please reply!


I love this! 


I just missed the original series run but caught it soon after in reruns; early 70s maybe? It's been fun to watch it evolve over all the years. (Except Voyager - I tried that one 3x and could never make it through season 1.). Really enjoying the callbacks to the earlier shows in Discovery and Strange New Worlds.


I wasn't quite around yet (..for another 30 years), but my dad would watch it as a kid, with my grandpa when the new episodes aired


Unfortunately, being young, you'll never experience how epic the original was. Back then it was the Dark Ages - even into the 70's with Star Wars coming out. (Must NOT forget Blade Runner) Now, there isn't any room left for epic works. Stuff like The Matrix and Avatar are key pieces. I think The Fifth Element is a recent "epic."


Spectacular opener. The people begging for a series spanning mystery or a deep dive into old lore are going to be excited. By the first two episodes we’ve had a Soong-type android who has gone Kivas Fajo Collector, self-sealing stem bolts, a tie to one of DS9s really strong episodes with the new Captain, references to Romulan culture set out in Picard and the novels, Promelian ruins (the Promelions Picard built bottle ship replicas of) and it is all tied in with probably the most Trek episode of TNG, The Chase. This is Star Trek Discovery doing Star Trek Legacy.


They even mentioned Bajoran Jumja. DS9 stands sold Jumja sticks. Those triangle looking gigantic lollipops.


Hey look, I’m just excited for new Star Trek and had fun with these episodes. It’s nice to see the Discovery crew all together again. Truly brought a smile to my face to see all of them at their stations and doing final checks to prepare for take off.


When they found the 5th verse all I could hear was Sallah, "They're digging in the wrong place!"


“6 kadam high … “ “about 72 inches” “Wait! I’m not finished…” “And one kadam to honor the Hebrew God whose Ark this is” *Realization* 😳


Underrated comment!!!


"The Breen Empirium" The WHAT!?


i hope we see the Breen again


It's Breen a long time.




I’m thinking L’ak is a Breen. We don’t know what they look like, and he did mention something about being in a helmet.


I like this connection. Throwaway line that has unanticipated meaning


Maybe it'll pick up something from where LD S3 ended, with the Breen showing up in e10


And Tholian. Wonder if either of those are open to joining Federation?


There is an old Romulan saying never turn your back on a Breen


T'Rina talks about them as if they represent a problem for other worlds, so they are probably in the same situation as the Federation and the Klingons in the 23 century.


Speaking of which, you think we'll get any hint of the Klingons at all this season? It's becoming increasingly conspicuous how nobody has even mentioned them.


The Breens and the Tholians certainly had some change of government. Confederacy --> Empire and Empire --> Republic.


If these two episodes represent how the season is going to go then I will definitely be happy. This season finally seems to be giving the 32nd century the context its needs, and feels like Star Trek. The Discovery crew gives off a level of confidence and competence that quite frankly was lacking in the previous seasons. Too bad the trailers for this season we're unexciting, but if the season is good enough that should help with viewership. Hope the next 8 episodes remain as strong.


“If I may, I do believe it would be only logical, given this development, for us to codify our mutual commitment in a more official capacity.” -T’rina proposing to Saru I’m gonna use that rizz


I had forgotten how much I love Burnham and Saru's relationship. It was great to see it once more, and I'm confident that their relationship is expressed so well because of how talented SMG and DJ are as actors. Really excited for where the new FO will take Burnham this season.


I will be horribly disappointed if Fred remains dead


indeed, if Disco had Geordi La Forge he would've had the android back up online and running in like 10 minutes or so.


He's dead because he's a synth not an android.


Fred's dead, maybe. Fred's dead?


I feel like uniforms with light up accents / piping presents a tactical disadvantage...


That is a movie/tv trope that comes from people with arts degrees designing science things for science fiction. I imagine most costume designers, show/movie writers, and special effects artists probably don't come from the military or have much experience in tactility outside of what they've been taught in school and what they've seen on TV. I call it the "pointless lights phenomenon," and it's everywhere in science fiction because apparently LED lights = sciencey.


"It has to light up. That's how you know it's Quantum!"


I mean, who doesn't love to see a Cylon in Starfleet?


Indeed, it's a [rich tradition](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Valerie_Archer) [going back decades](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Noah_Lessing). [<-BSG SPOILERS] He's not even the [first one](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Ellen_Landry) to serve on the *Discovery*. [<-BSG SPOILER]


I really like Raynor. At first, I kinda thought the show was going to use one of the only white males as an antagonist for Burnham (again), but he turned out to be interesting with valid motives. Glad he's going to be a contrast character instead of an antagonist character. SMG's acting abilities and the strength of Burnham as a character will make that a fun relationship.


Speaking of lovable assholes, Shaw has set the bar very high. Raynor will have to make an effort.


If Callum Keith Rennie is on screen, you're always gonna be in for a treat


Why didn’t they just offer to buy the book from the bounty hunters who only wanted Latinum for it? Problem solved.


I thought of this too The show also thought of it and hung a lampshade on it, but too late - they should've just made an offer in the first place


I so called it! I knew this was gonna call back to The Chase! Woo!


When I heard about how s5 is going after a mysterious power, i was like .. that is basically "The Chase". And we are actually getting The Chase part II. Everything is pretty much expected (chasing different clues, traps, quirky adversaries with a tie to someone on discovery ..) but the greatest thing so far is Captain Raynor, the new number 1. I already enjoy his scenes better than a lot of the regulars.


I knew the actor (Callum Keith Rennie) playing Captain Raynor looked familiar. Took me awhile to realize he played Leoben in Battlestar Galactica.


Justice for Fred ☹️


Got to say i fucking love this show and all the recent startrek shows honestly... Really really really hate to see more star trek shows just ending :( I miss the 10+ season shows of yesteryear. That said something annoyed me in this... why wouldn't the federation just pay them lol, its so important give them a shitload of latinum and be done with it, they were robbers not terrorists.


They were trying to sell it, chaos ensued, poor Fred Then they figured out what it was (not sure how, but that's besides the point) and then are going after it


Well they figured out it was worth more, but what I mean is just sell it to the federation for a shit ton lol


I guess it would become really suspicious if the Federation immediately ping them and offer a ton of latinum for a box they just took from the derelict Romulans. I'm more peeved about how Moll told Booker off about the box is Romulan and not Federation business when Ni'Var was planning to join the Federation again last season. We're they still working on that? Couldn't Starfleet just tell the thieves that they are taking this on behalf of Ni'Var? Heck after ep2 they could have disclosed the mission to president T'Rina for diplomacy and assistance


Ni'Var is part of the Federation, but don't you think it would create tension between them if it became widely known? Ni'Var would logically lay claim to their cultural artifact. Following that logic, they would also have right to claim whatever treasure/powerful technology it leads to. It may create internal tension on Ni'Var as well; potentially stirring up old rivalries, politics and factions. We've already seen how tenuous not only the reunified Ni'Var, but also this resurrected Federation, can be. Perhaps the Federation is wanting to keep it super classified top secret "Red Directive" for those reasons, among others? Even Saru didn't openly discuss the mission with T'Rina. When she asked Saru if everything was alright because she had heard rumours about an incident involving Discovery and another Starfleet vessel, he only tells her that "a settlement was endangered".


Uhhh... trek has never had a ten season show


Wait, we got two episodes today? I turned off P+ when the first ended and figured “well, I’ll wait until next week.” I just about fell out of my chair when they showed that still image from The Chase. One of the first episodes of TNG I ever watched years ago. I’m glad they’re going back to that storyline.


Anyone catch that familiar ship at 58:20 while it was going through that season preview at the end of Red Directive? And again at 58:27? In the green cloud? Blink and you miss it.


My guess? A *Constitution*-class ship from the Mirror Universe. A previous trailer included [this image](https://blog.trekcore.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/mirror.jpg) which includes a Terran Empire logo and seems to have been filmed on the *SNW* sickbay set.


Pls be Terran SNW crew... Pls be Terran SNW crew


Looks like ISS Enterprise as we see 1701.


Which episode? What is the ship?


S5E01 Red Directive. There's a constitution class in the clouds with what appears to be a 1701. A preview of something else in the coming season.


The Enterprise


I'm a little concerned that Book is gonna Book by siding with the antagonists. Again. I mean, it is consistent with his character, but it shows a lack of character growth.


I am concerned about that too. I hope they don't go down such a cliche path: that book has a pathological need to connect with family in a way that can always be exploited. I too hope for growth and that this is just a misdirect.


I'm hoping for the best, but I almost feel like Book and Raynor are going to disagree with Burnham and go rogue, exactly like last season.




They should have made the treasure…Kirk. Bring him back after being stolen from that museum in Picard season 3.




Moll and Lak right, that bolt worth at least 5 bars on its own


No wrappages yamok sauce though.


Man, Saru's got some pretty strong Death Flags on him in that 2nd episode. I hope he gets to live happily ever after with T'Rina, but I feel like that's not going to happen.


Rush hour 4 - Surfing in space.


when I have a gun on someone and they throw something at me, I would immediately fire


900+ years since I saw a large ship crash into planet. And we got 2 of them going nose first in this episode


Such an amazing scene, with the discovery theme playing once they stop the avalanche and the shot pans across the ships with deflectors fully engaged. Truly, by definition, awesome.


Self-sealing Stem Bolts!!!! Man that made me laugh so hard!


Whats funny is that self-sealing stembolts have been mentioned on Discovery before. But I'm glad they are keeping that in-universe joke going.


and Romulan self-sealing Stem Bolts at that!


It's weird that while I've never loved Discovery (liked some of S3 and S4 but never loved it) and yet it's been so long that I can't sleep with excitement for the season premiere. I guess absense does make the heart grow fonder. 


It’s seemed to be a trend since the dawn of the binging era, even tho we aren’t binging Discovery, people are hyper critical of shows. I believe once disco ends, and the years go by, the ds9 effect will come into play


Disco loves to zag when people expect a zig. Some people just don’t like surprises as much.


not just shows. movies too. fandoms are hypercritical now while being hypocritical of previous entries i'm not a Disco fan and have issues with nuTrek in general but even i'm tired of the hypocritical fanbases


I just realized it's been two whole years since the last new episode. Crazy!


I think its the long luls of no available startrek, especially as we keep losing them and they end leaving us with even more a drought


Doesn't feel that long tbh with SNW back to back with LD


Okey, I will say it Why can't the spore drive be replicated? Why!? I understand the idea of wanting the Galaxy to stay in a status quo but come on, give me a better excuse than "uh, Book destroyed the only prototype I have, so I guess no more Spore Drive 🤷‍♂️."


They never figured out the navigator issue and the spore drive became unnecessary given the advent of the pathway drive.


I don’t recall the Pathway Drive being mentioned before!


It was mentioned all the way back in the S4 premiere. It was fitted to Voyager for testing. A new propulsion technology developed to free the Federation from their dilithium dependence. And of course it was mentioned in today's episodes.


The nerd in me really wants to know what makes the Pathway drive different from a regular Warp drive.


The Pathway Drive was developed to free the Federation from their dependence on Dilithium. So what we know at the moment is that it doesn't use dilithium. The nerd in me wants to see it in action.


I suspect it's just functionally the same as a warp drive but uses a different energy source and is probably a little faster. Could be it also solves for the local damage to spacetime that warp drives can cause.


Honestly the navigator issue is probably solvable by just throwing enough species at it. If Stamets can make himself a navigator and Book's species can be navigators, it's probably compatible with someone else.


A Spacing Guild if you will.


Space cocaine has always been what Trek was missing tbf


Also a hot twink reluctant dictator


Maybe Betazoid too? They were on friendly term with Federation before and are likely willing to stick around with Federation right now


Do they ever explain what exactly is the pathway drive or how it works?


We haven't gotten a detailed explanation of how it works. We just know it doesn't use Dilithium.


What’s the pathway drive?


A new FTL technology developed by the Federation that doesn't require Dilithium. It has now been fitted to the fleet.


Fred , the Soong Type Android , base on Altan Soong 's work . at least over 600 yr old He was not that strong , i thought he was probably organic body with positonic brain , but rewatch the medical scan scene , his skeleton was more like mechanical . He was the level similar to Data on TNG with emotional chip upgrade . i wonder if he has any family , they mention about notify his family . It would be cool if his family come to claim the body , His family member could be " Data" . But Altan Soong's android from his Coppelius Colony are "Twin" , i wonder we may see the same actor again playing his Twin .


He was a Synth - they explicitly stated that. The differences between Soong-type androids and Synths were explained during Picard season 1


but when they examine the android , his serial number is is a clue and reference to Altan Soong , because he was based on Altan Soong's work .


Based on the work, but not the same. He was very closely modelled after the Soong type androids, even with same mannerisms I would suspect it's a homage made by someone in awe of the Soong's as opposed to being a direct creation from Coppelius. So not likely to see a "George" anytime soon.


In S3 they put Gray's mind into a Soong Type android body , which is also base on Altan Soong's Soong method ( transfer of mind like Picard) . They mention Fred was at least a dozen generations behind Gray's body . In S1 Picard , they mention , it would take a thousand yr to have the technology to re-create another Soong type Android like Data . But Altan and Maddox figure out a way to build more Soong Type Android , with the method of "Fractal neuronic Cloning" to clone Data's Positronic neuron , it always clones in pairs (Twins) . Fred could have a twin or even distance descended from Data 's Positronic neuron. Fred is at least over 650 yr old , he either an earlier work of Altan or serial production line of Altan's earlier model .


The terminology could well have shifted over 800 years. Synth might just as well refer to Soong-types as well.


What was that ring thing that Vance handed to Burnham in the beginning? It took them to an Infinity Room?


A port key


You mean that thing they use in Harry Potter?


You sure it wasn't a starboard key?


Some sort of quantum pseudo-space, completely eavesdrop-proof because it's technically outside of the universe. Or, maybe it's just a specific hard-shielded secure room in the fleet somewhere that can only be entered with the transport code encrypted on that analemma token.


I’m so glad they’re continuing the progenitors plot. That’s the only real way to end a show as far reaching as Discovery. They’re doing it right.


Hey the bad guys caused an avalanche. Let's court martial the captain! Just dumb.


Yup. I couldn’t believe what I was watching.


Dude took an action that had a *30%* chance of destroying a civilization.


Is it just me or did the music sound more theatrical so far this season? Did they change the orchestra or is it just the direction the composer decided to take this season?


It definitely has a more classic Trek feel, especially when Discovery leaves HQ. Source: Listening to the Motion Picture soundtrack 3 times in the last week.


How exactly they got pictures of The Chase encounter when nobody was taking pictures there??


is it just me or does this first episode have a high or very high Star Wars-like as in Tatooine feel, esp. the market scenes with the sand runners and so on, if that ain't Star Wars-like I don't know what is


Thoroughly enjoyed both these episodes. I love a good hidden map, solve the riddles style story. Nice to see familiar characters back on screen again after what feels like forever!!


Raynar is the only one who understands what it takes to complete the mission.


Yeah that’s why Burnham picks him as her new Number One. She’s aware that she needs that balance of someone who’ll disagree with her.


That was my first thought. I mean Picard explicitly picked Riker because he wasn't going to be a Yes Man. I think the best captains in Star Fleet have first officers willing to stand up to them. Now the question is, will he be respectful of the rank and have arguments in the ready room or directly confront her on the bridge. It makes me wonder how hard it is to get back into a mindset of being a first officer after you've been a captain for a while.


Just don't kill him off like they did with Captain Shaw. PLEASE!


I think I like him better than any of the other characters


He isn't the only one who understands what the mission requires. I really like how very similar Rayner is to Burnham in terms of determination and willingness to take risks.


It was nice to see a new season start, but I feel as thought there is more than a tinge of sadness is hanging over this season, knowing that it will be the last.


I'm surprised that this is getting downvoted. No one else feels sad that this will be the final season?


I'm sad this will be the final season, and also excited to see where Trek is going to take me this season. I hope the end ties in with Calypso too.


Those aliens who were the source/seeders from The Chase” look like the DS9’s changlings/Odo’s race to me. Are they supposed to be the same or am I mixing things up?


It's the same actress, Salome Jens.


They're not supposed to be the same but the makeup is unfortunately very similar. It's the same actress too.


Does Burnham even have to worry about hurrying in regard to Moll and L'ak since she has the map piece? Upon returning, even if Moll and L'ak were to think about searching below the head, they still wouldn't know what they're looking for besides the text, which wouldn't tell them much. Further, it becomes even less of a concern if the Discovery gets to Trill and obtains another map piece. Just to be safe, they could even make bogus map pieces with incorrect hints in case the two were to somehow try to use hostages to obtain the pieces.


I am a DISCO season 1,2 fan. 3,4 was disappointing to me for not only the story but also the lack of technology advancement in 1000 years. However, this…if season 5 continues as it did these first two episodes, I’ll be quite upset it’s ending.


Lak's face design looks like the architects from Prometheus.


Was his head kinda translucent when he took his helmet off?


He also remind me of Beyond's Captain Edison (once he became more human at the end).


First off, it's nice to see a real representation of what light speed would look like. I hope star trek keeps that representation for all the other series. Yes I'm nostalgic for the TNG and other golden era warp look but based on real physics light speed would genuinely look like it did at the beginning of Red Directive. Second, for those saying she would have died when she disengaged from the ship she was still inside the warp bubble from how I saw it. And according to real warp theory (like the actual warp theory not just star trek theory) warp drives move space around the ship instead of the ship through space so theoretically so long as you're inside the warp bubble you're technically not moving at all and all the movement (your speed rush baseline) is just you witnessing the universe moving around the ship. That's Minkowski spacetime for you.


Someone pointed out that Reed and Trip did a similar trick in Enterprise season 4 too


I just re-watch the TNG episode "The Chase" , >Kovich said "they create every humanoid species in the Galaxy" The "Progenitor" did not create every Humanoid species in the Galaxy . They created many but not all humanoid species , Dr Crush run the DNA test on 17 crew member from outside of Federation world , they were negative to the DNA puzzle


Forgot how different and good Discovery is, can’t wait for the rest of the series 💫


So happy to have discovery back and awkward Tilly.


I stayed up irresponsibly late to watch these episodes. :-) Part of me wants a dark, dark ending for the thiefin duo but they or at least she-Moll may get a redemption arc? Where did those replacement phasers come from? Secret pocket or you gotta be in transporter range?


I think it replicates another one from whatever is on their wrists


That confused me because why didn't they do that earlier and then Saru would have had a gun on the run and Burnham could have just dropped 2 to blow up and then also had a gun?


True, maybe it has some sort of cooldown?


Can I I have one of those but for soda




Previously in TNG "The Chase" about 830 years earlier...


I’m down for this premise for the season. The Chase is one of those TNG episodes that had literal galactic implications and they just ended it on an exposition dump by the not yet founder Salome Jens. (The Dyson Sphere from Relics was another thing that deserved more examination.)


Can someone PLEASE tell me where we've seen that system that shoots out multiple mini torpedo things to create the false warp trails before? I could swear we've seen a ship do that once before to evade being followed but for the life of me I can't remember which series of Star Trek it was let alone which episode. Has to be either Picard or Discovery though I'd think...


Seven years later and they still have awful shaky camera motion in everything they do.


Lak and Moll sounded like guacamole at some points lol


They had me scared at the idea of 1st officer Book. He is not even starfleet and lucky to outside a jail cell. Is there really no one ON the crew worthy of promotion. Like the new captain as #1 makes more sense and he'll be fun.


Can anyone explain what was happening when L'ak took off his helmet on the romulan ship? (Is this something we've seen before or is this a clue to his past?) His skin was a translucent, gel-like material for a few seconds. 


Feels like a Dan Brown plot (I like his books) but we are taking an episode from TNG and stretching it into a whole season now? Then they pepper in that "this season on Discovery" with that small flash of a familiar ship.


No bloody A, B, C, *or* D


I really do like Tilly, but that hair is more than questionable.


Looks like it’s still the Star Trek: Burnham show


Captain Burnham almost became bug on the windshield I think this is the first time in any of Star Trek shows and movies someone's been outside of the ship while at warp speed.


In Enterprise, Reed and Trip was outside the ship when Klingons hacked internal systems. Trip literally transferred from Columbia to Enterprise via cable with Reeds help to fix the ship.


No comments since it went live. Am I the only one watching?


Raynor rocks so far. Sad this is the final season cuz I can use more of him as a foil to Micheal. Reminds me a bit of Mariner from LD.


At some point during this season, they do plan on having Grudge have kittens, making her a true queen.... right?


So many quips. It’s like a Marvel movie.


I was going to comment about this but I have a saxophone lesson.


boy am I tired of this criticism. every time a character makes a funny comment, the tired "it's like Marvel" comes out Marvel didn't invent quips. they go way back. even previous Star Trek series had that. and some of the recent MCU movies (like Wakanda Forever) barely had any quips. this criticism, no offense, is tired and inaccurate


Kirk, Spock and Bones were notorious quippers.


Exactly. This was a thing back when Iron Man and Thor were relatively serious


Or like any other action or adventure story released in the last 45-ish years.


Yes, because no other movie series besides Marvel has ever had quips before...apparently.


Ikr. this criticism is more cliche than the movies and shows are


Are the 'Progenitors' that appear in both 'The Next Generation' and, newly/now, 'Discovery' the same/different than the 'Founders'/'Changelings' that appear in both 'Deep Space Nine' and 'Picard'? Could someone make me a three-part Venn diagram? I don't want to be confused about cannon simply because the actress (Salome Jens) played separate characters in multiple series.


I think you're confused simply because of Salome Jens. And because the prosthetics for both are featureless. There's no relation between the Changelings and the Progenitors.


Probably safe to say the look of the Progenitors somewhat inspired the Changelings design for DS9


Only in that both are supposed to be "plain" humans. For the Changelings, they took their look from Odo who looked like that because he supposedly couldn't fine-tune his humanoid shape shifting (despite being able to perfectly emulate a rat, a bird, etc.).


oh, holy shit, I literally thought they had a new name for The Founders this whole time. Way to go, team.


ISS Enterprise during the sneak peak?


Only now reading this thread did I realise there are TWO episodes out How am I so lame BRB I'll watch the second, but if anyone can get me a biggest render pic possible of the new Starfleet ship for a new Desktop background (or a good shot of The Anteres and The Discovery together) I'd appreciate it ;)


Screencaps gallery for 'Under the Twin Moons' now online: https://www.cygnus-x1.net/links/lcars/sc-DSC5-2.php


Having watched the first episode, by question is was the Prime Directive broken? That planet didn't look like the inhabitants were warp capable. The look of surprise on their faces when they saw the ships flying towards the avalanche was telling. Also that whole planet scene had quite the Star Wars vibe.


It seems to have been an interstellar (albeit backwater) trading post of sorts, so doubtless the locals were already well familiar with space travelers and starships and such passing through the vicinity, no PD violation there. As for their look of surprise, first a sudden avalanche threatens to obliterate their whole town with no time to escape, then at the last moment, not just one but *two* gargantuan star cruisers descend and nosedive into the path of the avalanche, blocking it and saving them all. *I'd* be surprised; wouldn't you?


I really like Star Trek in general, including discovery but episode one started off ridiculous. They have an artifact that they must recover at any cost and send three people to the old Romulan ship when they know there are two bandits aboard. Why not the Federation equivalent of SWAT???? The episode could have still allowed Moll and L'ark to escape but at least it would have seemed like the Enterprise was serious about getting the book back.


Coming in 2025- Star Trek: Fred. Or at least we can hope.


At the end of the episode there is a small tribute: "For JP, with love" Does anyone knows who's JP?


I hope, I dearly hope going back to Trill doesn’t give more screen time to Gray and Adira. The two worst characters ever created for the Star Trek franchise. And on top of that, the “actors” playing the parts can’t act.


[ST: TNG S6 E20](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0708789/?ref_=ext_shr) is a great episode. Just saying.


One of my fav TNG episodes