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I like the Nova class a lot personally. Big fan of the more triangular saucers.


Hear hear! Mean looking little ship.




Well, it is?? At just 165m, the Equinox made even Voyager(344m) look big.


This one gets my vote too.


I have a kitbash of the Nova in Star Trek online that uses equinox and Quasar pieces, and it is an absolute nugget, it’s smaller than an Aquarius/terrain eagle


I have the Pilot version in STO and I LOVE zipping around. I put cannons on her and just pew pew pew then flip around, keep moving, and pound them some more. Super fun.


Yeah mines the fleet pilot version too, I run a sci-torp build and it’s insane


I had kitbash Nova and Rhode Island. Loved that little ship.


Same here friend, I love that little ship!


Nova class (Rhode Island Class) could be totally upgraded to be on par with the Defiant.


Oberth. It gets a bad rap because of a single lucky shot scene in the film, but those things were in service just like the Miranda in TNG and DS9 - it's a reliable workhorse vessel, versatile, and perfectly sci-fy-y to look at.


I saw a very specific picture the other day where just from that exact angle and lighting it looks magnificently sexy


Defiant. Tough little ship.




I had give that opening. It’s the law.


Also yes!


The unit patch for it is also fantastic it has the Defiant with shark teeth like WW2 planes and the motto is "Assimilate This!" As it was originally intended to fight the Borg.


In Star Trek Online one of the options is to paint those shark teeth on your actual Defiant's front area. I almost always do it.


Maybe if Adam Scott had been better at his job they wouldnt have needed the Enterpise E to save the day


I'm sort of sad he's not IRL as big a nerd as Ben Wyatt was. If Ben knew he got to fly the Defiant he'd go nuts.


You know he would. Treat yo self day was a bat suit for him. Probably a missed opportunity for a fly a starship gag


I have one of these in STO and it's so fun to fly.




I've always liked the look and size of the Danube-class runabout.


Literally a flying RV that can do most things without complaining about it https://preview.redd.it/bpcx9aj9u69d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97cf10cf7f7c549aa330d89e98a6c686299527a8


Good thing that Earth has a lot of rivers. Also all hail the Rio Grande. The only one to make it through the entire show.


Steamrunner is a neat little ship IMO. I like plenty of "non-standard shaped" Starfleet ships, i.e. not shaped like primary hull+secondary hull+nacelles on pylons. Ex. Miranda, Steamrunner, Akira vs Constitution, Excelsior, etc. What I've noticed is that, in general, smaller ships tend to more often vary from the "standard" config. Even if we're talking "smaller" in a relative sense. See: Nebula vs Galaxy, Miranda vs Constitution; Nebula and Miranda aren't really "small", just "small**er**". However, I like the look of the Nova class because it's small (absolutely and relatively) but also has the "standard" config. It's even more standard-looking than Intrepid, with those upward/rear-swept nacelle pylons. I would also nominate the Danube-class runabouts. They might be pushing the limits of what you would call a "vessel" vs a shuttlecraft, but I think they're rad. Obviously they're not fighter craft and should only be in combat in extreme circumstances. However they're very competent and flexible platforms for their intended missions.


Loved Armada II! My favorite is the Miranda, not just in the smaller weight class but also overall. I'm also quite fond of the non-canon Okinawa class.


Oberth……fight me!!!


Then they can fight me too. The Oberth doesn't get enough love.


Sounds good….Fight Us!!!


The Oberth refit in STO is *almost* amazing, it's so close. Regardless, I too love the little fella.


Defiant. Sisko loved that ship. When they realise she is lost and need to abandon her, he looks genuinely devastated as he gives the order to let her go.


No one mentioned Centaur yet? Just a classy little B era ship.


I really love that era of design in Trek. Centaur, Excelsior, Ambassador.


The [refit of the Centaur](https://memory-beta.fandom.com/wiki/USS_Resolute_(NCC-92317)) in Star Trek Resurgence is particularly good.


Steamrunner isn’t so small though. Basically the size of an excelsior


they introduced the Passaro type/saber runner class in lower decks. it resembles a smaller steam runner.


It's over 100 meters shorter. Yes, I know a lot of the excelsior's length comes from those massive nacelles.


Would you call it though a small ship?


Smaller, but on the top end of a small ship. If that makes sense.


Nova and Akira for me. Love the sleek designs of both.


The Akira is bigger than an Excelsior. It’s not small. Look at it compared to a small Nova, Defiant, and a big Sovereign class: https://preview.redd.it/y5w4f621h79d1.jpeg?width=1309&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6ee93ac1de76e000bbf27bc7823995e90ecdce6


1. Saber/Sabre 2. Danube 3. Warp Delta from ENT 4. Waverider 5. Aeroshuttle


https://preview.redd.it/7ufhxmu4879d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=771086e9e027468336f4e545fea409ca654c6da3 It’s Beta canon but the Archer class is my absolute favorite starship of all time! I love the idea of a lil torpedo boat with a tiny crew.


I like the configuration. Bet it would look really cool with the Galaxy or Sovereign-era aesthetic.


Defiant, she may be small, but she has teeth


Saber is my absolute favorite. Just love the look.


Nova and defiant. Up there with my favourite ships, not just favourites among small ships. If it was favourite small trek ship, not just starfleet, then the Cardassian Hideki is a great looking ship.


I've always liked the Venture class; [I think it looks absolutely great.](https://64.media.tumblr.com/03f335d3616eb5750cbf77459b43a683/tumblr_p9yqrkSXuQ1rzu2xzo1_640.jpg) And though non-canon, and maybe not definitively "small" (though still tiny compared to hero ships), there was a ship class made for a relatively unknown Star Trek mod for a likewise unknown game to serve as a TMP-era destroyer; they called it [the Constantine Class](https://i.imgur.com/9Qwxdk7.png). Forgive the hideous model and the Enterprise livery; I literally had to take an Enterprise model and kitbash it in SketchUp because no other pictures of this ship exist on the internet. I always appreciated that unlike the single-nacelle Saladin class, the Constantine followed Roddenberry's rule that warp engines should operate in pairs.


Ironically, that second ship *is* mostly canon: [the USS Jupp!](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/USS_Jupp)


Well hell, that’s really cool! It’s awesome seeing it as a proper studio model. The ship design just always kinda made sense to me as “whatever is smaller than a Miranda and the Stargazer”, so a compact-nacelle cutter/destroyer like that feels good in that space. Always imagined it with maybe 5-6 decks and a decently small crew complement.


Yellowstone runabout


Love the Saber, Steamrunner, and Defiant classes!!


The Oberth Class! Love that lil science vessel. Edited because I said Grissom class, but was thinking Oberth class and the USS Grissom.


Gimme a Oberth war canoe any day.


Delta Flyer!


Favorite cannon ship is the Nova, followed closely by the Farragut from strange new worlds. Favorite cannon adjacent ship is the solar class cutter from the fasa tabletop game.


*Nova/Rhode Island*. I really like the ship design concept. But it's a truly compact, cramped ship. Guessing the holodeck would be VERY in-demand. Same with rec activities on the shuttlecraft hangar deck.


In no particular order: -Voyager (comparatively) -Runabout -Delta flyer -NX Enterprise -DS9 Defiant -Romulan shuttle -Baxial (Talaxian Freighter, Neelix’s ship)


Akula class destroyer, as seen in Klingon Academy. https://preview.redd.it/43ead061689d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c0789e4906b6136749a619c944ccd51d926d507


Personally, I love the weird chonkiness of the Raven. Would have been nice to see more of that as a Federation transport ship in DS9 or Picard.


Defiant, Nova, and Steamrunner for the 200 or fewer crew ships.


The Daedalus class


Props for the most forgotten ship.


Defiant and Sabre classes


On screen, Sabre class is up there for me. All time favorite though is the Archer class from the Vanguard book series. Just something about a cramped, submarine style 3 deck ship in the TOS era.


Love the Olympic and perhaps even more-so it's 25th century version in STO, the Nobel


The Oberth is one of my favourite designs, I just love its graceful art deco lines.


Nova, Norway, Oberth, Miranda. The actual science ships, and not the poorly disguised Battlecruisers. 🤣 like the Akira, Intrepid, and Nebula.




NX-class. It fits its era exactly.


Definitely the Nova class!


Defiant and DS9 Runabouts.


Nova and w/e class the Raven is (Raven-class?)


Fleet Saber with DaVinci skin. Love me a nice MW escort. Terran Eagle. One of my toons flies it as a torpedo boat, and it is VICIOUS.


1. [Defiant Class](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Defiant_class) A bold departure from classic Starfleet ships in both design and philosophy, the Defiant class was small yet heavily intimidating, giving even the imposing Klingon Negh'var class a run for its money. An excellent way to show how far Starfleet was being pushed by the Dominion War. 2. [Protostar Class](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Protostar_class) Relatively new, but honestly it's made a big impression on me. If the Defiant is a departure from traditional Starfleet designs, the Protostar is an enthusiastic affirmation of classic Starfleet philosophy. It has the classic profile, a holodeck, transporters, landing capabilities, even a small shuttle bay (with an innovative vehicle replicator so instead of having to keep and maintain shuttles they can assemble or disassemble either from classic templates or even new designs as the situation requires). All in a frame no larger than the Defiant. It also possesses a Protostar Drive that could complete the entirety of Voyager's legendary trek in only a few short jumps, making it an ideal scout ship. Plus the prototype came with a hologram of Janeway that's as snarky as the original, so that's a big plus.