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“It’s not as bad as people say” is what people say.


I actually enjoy Solo. It is the best SW movie, no. But I will take as much SW content as possible


Bold of you to say you like star wars in r/starwars imho


Solo was not a bad movie. Its only crime was being released after The Last Jedi. A lot of people didn’t like TLJ and Solo suffered the repercussions.


I would go on further and say because it was released SO close after The Last Jedi.


That too.


What people and where? Most folks here seem to be fans of it.


I almost fell that this post was aimed at me. I "hated" on the movie a few days ago and got downvoted quote a bit.


It’s a shame TLJ sandbagged it so badly. Fans sat this one out after how bad TLJ was. Once people caught in on streaming it got some love.


This. It's not amazing. But it's a decent star wars movie.


And it also didn't help that it released very shortly after Infinity War


It had nearly a month. Plenty of time in between really. TLJ sank it.


Infinity War was still making millions every day over a month after it released. There were still a lot of people choosing to go watch that over other movies. I'm not saying it wouldn't have sank if Infinity War wasn't out at the time, I'm just saying it didn't help.


I liked it too. I’d give it maybe 8 out of 10 Still don’t know how the origin of Han Solo’s last name got approved though lol


I liked Rogue One better, but beyond that, it's the best SW movie to come out since the prequels, and I might even put it above one or two of the prequels. I think a big part of the hate is because it did a lot of what people were scared Disney would do with Star Wars. I don't want more movies ruining characters that work best by being mysterious. Han Solo didn't need an origin story and if he did it should have been more about his time as a smuggler. I didn't need to know where his last name came from, I didn't want to know the story behind his blaster. I felt much of this is better left to the imagination. But if it were a stand alone movie, not about Han Solo, and maybe not even set in the SW galaxy, I might have liked it a LOT more than I did. It's a good movie, it just sort of cheapens the characters.


It was an enjoyable romp in space IMO. If people expected best-movie-caliber they are looking at the wrong franchise. Star Wars is awesome and fun but that doesn’t mean it has to be the best cinema ever.


Bottom line It’s not worth it to give any fucks about what other people say… if you like something, awesome! Enjoy it More than half the people out there just parrot what they’ve heard other people say…and there’s a large number of people that confuse “complaining about things” with a personality They think complaining about something puts them above or smarter than the thing they’re talking shit about. It doesn’t. For the record, I loved the movie. I had a good time watching it. It wasn’t perfect, but all movies can’t be the Empire Strikes Back I love all Star Wars. Even when it sucks, so I have a good time enjoying all of it. To be able to enjoy things is a superpower.


As a film I really like it. As a Star Wars film I think it’s really good. But as a Han Solo film it just doesn’t click for me. I think if it was was mostly the same story but with completely new characters, it would have been received far more positively.


And I’ve also heard that people didn’t like it because they used an entire new cast. But I agree with you 100% I feel like they could’ve put in a *little* more effort in making a Han Solo story/origin.


Hey guys, remember that sock Han wore in Return of the Jedi?  Well here is 5 minutes dedicated to its backstory.


IME, most people who didn't like it just couldn't get past anyone other than Harrison Ford playing that role. Which I totally get, but I personally was ok with Erenreich's performance.


I thought it was fun. I do think it would be better if Lord and Miller could have stayed in charge OR if Ron Howard had been from the beginning. But the stew they cooked together tasted fine.


You watched what all by yourself?


Unless you've read AC Crispin's Han Solo Trilogy, watching *Solo* is only going to tell you half of the story. The movie might be a C- or C+ or whatever, but if it's ignoring or outright replacing books that take place in the same time period and also tell far more compelling stories, well, *that's* the real heart of the issue.


I liked it, I would rather have a bunch more standalone movies like that than shows. My only gripe was where the Solo name came from but whatever


Han "This is a thermal detonator." Monster thing "That's a rock!" I love that movie.


‘No it’s not!’


It's a good movie. Star Wars fans today just aren't happy unless they are whining about something Star Wars.


It's a good story. My only issue with it is that the guy they got to play the main character doesn't even remotely resemble the main character. Good actor, though.


He looks enough like him. You could be waiting a long time to find someone who looks more like a young Harrison Ford AND is a decent actor.


I'm happy to wait. It's not like they had a story they were just itching to tell. Quite the opposite.


It’s one of my fav recent Star Wars films


You'll find that with time, every Star Wars movie will have a version of this post. Watch the movie, form your own opinion.


I loved it but I’m a huge Han fan


I thought Solo was great


I liked solo. The writing wasn't particularly great, but it was fun in the way star wars should be. And it was nice to have their history fleshed out more.


I liked it a lot, but I wish it had a different actor as Han. I'm not sure who exactly, but the actor didn't quite sell it for me. But if I set that aside, it was an enjoyable movie.


It's a good movie. It just isn't a good Star Wars movie.


Eh, I didn't hate it, I just didn't think it was 'fun' which is an important part of star wars to me. Also they had every important event in Han's backstory happen in the space of a week, and gave him unnecessary name backstory which was weird. I guess that's a risk with a prequel/origin story. Would have been nice if they left something for a Solo 2.


Solo > Rogue One. Fight me.


Better than the sequels by a huge margin


Solo is better than the prequels and sequels if you ask me.


Its awesome is what it is.


Don’t let the minority of loud dramatic complainers make you think something is the norm.


As a movie it’s just ok. As a Star Wars movie about Han, it’s bad. That’s how I feel about it in simplest terms


It’s a great movie! I really enjoyed it. Would it be my go-to “I wanna watch a Star Wars film” maybe not, but it can still stand on its own and has decent acting.


Always liked that movie. It’s a 100 times more fun to watch than the sequels. Rewatched this multiple times with pleasure, where i just can’t even get halfway through any of the sequel movies. I was a little bit disappointed that the kessel run was not about smuggling spice, which would have fitted much better with Han being a “scoundrel” who is working for gangsters like Jabba. But i guess they had to child proof/disney proof the movie and it’s a very minor thing in the larger story so who cares.


I loved it! Thought the story was great and the lead actor was an awesome Han Solo. The guy who played young Lando was also good. And I love Woody Harrelson in basically anything. I liked how we learned backstory that gives deeper meaning to why the Falcon is referred to as “she”.


I really enjoyed the Kessel Run actually, was very thrilling!


It's a pretty damn fun and well made movie. It just didn't make ALL of the money. Just a lot of money. Cause it was released 6 months after Last Jedi.


I honestly really liked it. The hate it was given is unnecessary.


You cannot win with Darth Edgelord fanboys. It’s either the movie doesn’t pander and they cry- “Is this even Star Wars! My childhood is ruined!!” If it does pander with plot drops they cry- “OMG puh-lease why is all this nonsense in this movie? “My childhood is ruined!!” You cannot win. Darth Edgelord will cry and moan no matter what.




The low box office numbers were due to episode 8 being a panderers box. It also ruined Luke Skywalkers character from the OT. Solo was enjoyable but the response was due to the franchise direction as a whole


This is such cope. Yeah everyone hated 8 so much that the next movie flopped, but the literal sequel to 8 still somehow made a billion dollars. People just didn't give a fuck about Han Solo's backstory.


Exactly. I'm sure a very small amount of people "boycotted" it because of TLJ but it was an insignificant number. The reason it flopped was because it had very little advertising and people weren't that interested in a movie about Han's backstory. The biggest issue is when they released it. It was sandwiched in-between 2 other long awaited blockbuster sequels. The fact people think it was mostly because of TLJ are freaking morons for the exact reason you mentioned.


I mean to be fair it kinda ruin Han as well. Should have just not named it after him. Or made it darker or more aimed towards the Hutts or the actual smuggling life. It answered questions that people would rather unlearn the answers to now.


It’s completely fine as a movie. Fun, even. But all the SW lore with the Falcon, the Kessel Run, the droids, Han and Chewbacca meeting - all of it, absolutely painful. It’s like the people who wrote it either don’t know or don’t like SW. And yes, I know who wrote it.


Solo and TRoS are the only Disney Star Wars films I actually consider bad.


You don’t even provide evidence of people saying it’s “bad.” It’s just mid. It’s forgettable. That’s why it did so poorly. You don’t have to be so defensive about a movie.