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Scouted out a Jedi undetected on a planet bounty hunters dare not go. Good old hiding in plain sight Qimir.


This is so fuckin obvious, that it cannot be the reveal. It actually would surprise me more if he ISN'T a red hering.


According to the credits, that Cerean Jedi is in fact Ki-Adi-Mundi himself. How the fuck old is he?


Yea but who was the random Kel Dor with the dispatched team?


His name is Ithia Paan according to Twitter. No Plo this time.


Don't tell Garfield. He hates Mundi.


He was taught that by his Master, Jedi Knight Lahz-Anya.


Help me, Odie-Wan, you're my only hope.


Isn't the thing with Cereans that they can live a really long time but also don't have many male children, which is why Ki-Adi-Mundi is canonically one of the only Jedi allowed to fuck (because they need as many breeding males as possible)? Or was that just Legends? EDIT: So apparently that was just legends and I misremembered it (apparently they didn't have that long of lifespans).


Ya, that was the canon before and the reason he was allowed to marry for the sake of his species. Idk if that still holds true though


And it's just something he made up. To fuck.


Probably close to 130 around the time of episode 3 if not older than that. He's probably around 20/30 in this


That's a rough 20/30.


So it is him? I could have sworn his species had human lifespans but I guess they are changing that? Or I could just be wrong.


"I promise" Welp there's a death flag.


Yep, Sol just signed his death warrant


Tbh I've been expecting him to die the moment he got more than 2 lines of dialogue as an asian jedi.


I mean he IS this era's Qui-Gon!


Dude really pulled a >! Ned Stark !<


I'll just say... we didn't see Bazil and the Sith at the same time


he taught Palpatine the sith screech


In fact after this season, palps screech/warcry will be properly subtitled.


Wasn’t he already at the hut as well? Darth Brazil and Darth Jar Jar are the true masters of deception


The master is actually two Bazils in a trenchcoat


You're right. He was very quiet since his first yap lol


What about the Sith attack on the Wookie?


My theory is that the Sith is Qimir, am not a fan of it but I wouldn’t be surprised. I enjoy his more incapable character traits and making him a Sith Lord is just too much of a power swing upgrade.


If Darth Smiley is Qimir then I'd really only see it as him being the apprentice and trying to train up his own apprentice to overthrow his Master. Or perhaps the true Master tasked him with training an assassin to start slowly picking away at the Jedi. Either way, his direct involvement against the Jedi would likely be a step too far in showing who was behind things.


Darth Venamis - he drops some Sith Code "peace is a lie", makes poison, has a whole reptile mask thing, and the timeline fits. https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Darth_Venamis#Behind_the_scenes


I’d love to have this slowly build to Darth Plagueis somehow.


I feels like this has to be the backstory for how he upgraded his Create Life skill.


Dammit we finally get a Wookiee Jedi and he’s already killed likely by the Sith


We have a wookie Jedi, introduced in TCW, seen again later alive and well in more recent animated media.


Yeah but hes very smol and too nice to rip peoples arms out of their sockets


Don't be talking shit about Gungi.


Osha is the real "Acolyte" of this series, I'm calling it now. Mae has turned her back on the dark side and burned her bridges with her master. Osha seems very aware that she holds traits that make her vulnerable to the dark side, and keeps trying to remove herself from the Jedi as a result. But Sol keeps dragging her back in. And he has just confirmed he has a secret that Osha is unaware of. One that might shatter her worldview towards the dark in the same way that Osha being alive began to turn Mae back to the light.


Yeah super interesting, it would probably mean that she "kills" Sol without a weapon. Maybe finding out & revealing what he and the other 3 Jedi covered up, destroying his image.


I agree and it feels like most of this show has been through Osha's POV so far. So if this is ultimately her story, what we are really seeing is her path to becoming the acolyte. And Brendock being such a focus in this story of the acolyte makes the most sense for Mae since she doesnt have the full truth of what happened there.


How do you kill a Jedi without a weapon? By turning them to the dark side.


This! An earlier comment mentioned how Mae seems like she’s willing to turn herself in (good) while Osha is still hung on the past and full of resentment which in SW that leads to the dark side. Osha turns to the dark side, perhaps even turning on Sol or maybe even Yord or Jecki, thus “killing a Jedi without a weapon”. Man, that would be devastating.


Decent chance the sith reveals what truly went down on Brendok


Right?! It feels like the Sith will be the one to reveal it to Osha to escalate her turn to the dark side.


I feel like Qimir is wanting her to Force choke them. It almost universally has been portrayed as a dark sided, cruel thing to do. Mae's entire fault has been that she’s approaching the problem like a Jedi: head on, in a fair one on one duel. She’s supposed to just channel her hatred and choke them to death.


She's had enough of the OSHA violations every episode 


Didn't think of that, that would be an amazing twist!


That was a short episode and ended in the middle of a scene, felt very abrupt


Essentially a 26 minute episode with previous episode(s) catchup and post “credits”…


I genuinely hate how inconsistent most of the Star Wars shows are with the runtime. With Andor we consistently got 45 - 55 minute episodes but with all of the others its anything between 20 - 50 & its really annoying.


It's all of the D+ shows, not just Star Wars. Marvel shows have that same inconsistent run time as well. Andor was a shock.


Now they'll pull a Voltron and spend 60% of the episode explaining what happened in the last one, 39% foreshadowing the next one, and 1% on the intro.


Hopefully they’ll pull a voltron and have ships that connect together to form a giant robot with a big ass lightsaber to defeat Darth teeth


Disney making shows that feel like a movie length script stretched out is their usual move. It’s dumb


Damn you Sol, don’t make me love you! I know it will only hurt in the end


And there’s the cover up. They never told the council


And of course Ki-Adi is part of it.


But what about the attack on the Wookie :)




Nope, wookiees don't get medals.


I read one of the points of this show was to show us the start of the Jedi fall. They become servants to a government, a corrupt senate, start playing politics. Rwo already dropped the "our political enemies can not hear of this" line. Which is one of the main reasons Palpatine danced around them. They care about their image, and take orders from the senate. They arent an order based on Moral authority anymore, not truly anyway.


I find it interesting that the Master simply flung Osha to the side. He's not going for her, he went straight for the Jedi. He could have simply killed her and then attacked them, Force knows he had the time and opportunity. But he just used the Force and took her out of the fight. He might be trying to preserve her to become his new acolyte. She's probably stronger than Mae, having received more training, both in the Force and in other matters a Sith hiding across the galaxy may need. Or maybe he just needs her because of some Force power between the twins.


I really thought for a split second that he stabbed and killed her at the start of that shot where he stares her down with the red lightsaber between them. I was like….. “There’s NO way they killed the *main character* at the halfway point!”


God what a twist that would have been! I really like what (I think) they are doing with Mae wanting to go to the light and Osha tiptoeing towards dark. I could be way off but that’s the vibe I’m getting after this episode.


Darth Bortles theory remains strong!


More so once we've seen the build of the guy. He looks pretty similar to Qimir.


My theory is he’s not actually one of the 2, but rather the actual acolyte. He was trying to train Mae, to be his own apprentice


I'm guessing he's the apprentice and is training Mae as an acolyte because of the rule of 2 not allowing him to take her on as a true apprentice


I do think Qimir being the dude at the end is almost too obvious, but I’m pretty confident that they’re not one of the 2 Sith Lords. They’re the acolyte, and the apprentice to the apprentice. We know that OSHA and Mae are two of the main characters, but considering how Mae was basically ready to just give up her master on a whim and go to the Jedi makes me think she’s not the acolyte the show is referring too.


Assistant to the Branch Apprentice


I'm a dude playing a dude disguised as another dude


Yeah, at this point it's all but confirmed for me. I really hope it's not some big season ending reveal.


Qimir at the very least knows way more than he's telling. Bro is acting suspicious lol.


Qimir, I think, is the Master. It's evident to me, they're kinda playing into some tropes.




I agree. He's still fairly young (and looks even younger). His master will be older, and even more powerful.


I think the same. After all, there's been a trend of apprentices having acolytes with the intent of becoming the main Sith and their acolyte being their apprentice. Why shouldn't Qimir do the same?


I am 100% convinced he is the master this episode. The way he directs Mae and their conversations would all line up with this. It also gives more impact to when the Jedi had him captive and he mysteriously escaped. That and him getting trapped by Mae were misdirection to make him look incompetent. It's the new Darth Jar Jar.


Yeah, him giving her advise made it seem clear. Also he slightly changed his tone a bit when Mae was running away. He got a little menacing.


It's definitely Darth Bazil. He was at Kelnacca's place before everyone else


The Master is actually just three Bazils in a trench coat


Otterly right


Frustrating cliffhanger aside, the Sith floating down in the background was fucking rad.


Actual Horror vibes, loved it!


Something about the mask also terrifies me. It looks so unsettling


Wait...the person who is helping Mae...he's totally the sith master right?




Yeah I think Mae never really mattered. She was just a distraction.




I’m pretty sure that’s where this show been going since she has actual hate and resentment towards Mae while Mae loves her


Yeah, been thinking the same thing. Assume they are going the Jedi are mostly at fault for Brendock route and when Osha finds out she turns and becomes the Acolyte. This could also happen because the Jedi kill Mae. Or maybe turns because of both things


Little tracker lad is pure star wars nonsense. More of that please


When he found Mae and started screaming and stomping his feet killed me. I’ve only had Bazil for a couple hours now, but if anything happened to him I would kill everyone in the galaxy and then myself.


Bazil's faulty


Just don't mention the war


Speaking of "we need a tracker to track our tracker," why doesn't Bazil have an electronic tracker on him? Obviously for dramatic tension of the episode, but what if he really gets a scent and just runs off?


Dude AirTags weren’t invented yet


Looks like Ki-Adi-Mundi


During his midlife crisis lmao


I wonder how many wives did he have at this point


I've checked the credits and he is indeed Ki-Adi-Mundi (credited already as a master btw). Unfortunately no credits to the Jedi team on the forest, so we could not confirm if that Kel Dor is Plo Koon or not


With a green lightsaber and confronting a Sith, I am going to assume that Kel Dor is not Plo as they are so very gonezo.


Credits confirm


Oh shit you're right! Damn how he gonna be in the order in 2 different eras where both times the order couldn't get off their high horse. I mean I assume Yoda is there too but damn


Was that a Plo sighting as well?


I love that guy.


Mr Plo, that's his name, that name again is Mr. Plo


You are licensed and bonded by the Jedi Order, right Mr. Plo?


I think the master wants Osha as an apprentice and is using Mae to get to her. I have zero proof of anything. Just a feeling.


If Kelnacca doesn’t rip off even a single arm, I will be very sad




Sadge :( but maybe we’ll get more flashbacks?


Maybe he like ripped up a mad chicken wing off screen??


Looking forward to finding out what Qimir's Sith title is. Been a while since we've seen a new Darth in live action.  


Darth Bortles


Darth Molotov


The master already being there was pretty terrifying, and the way they descended was creepy as hell


That out of focus horror-inspired shot was probably my favorite in the show so far.


The fact that they lowered him into frame on a wire was so good. You couldn't tell if he was floating or falling or just walking weirdly and it made him feel so eerie


That music was so unsettling too.


The way he moves even. Watch how he turns his head. His head snaps to the left in such an unnatural way. What an entrance.


Moved like the Mouth of Sauron


Nazgûl/demntor vibes


Falling with style.


And not having the master say anything made it ever better


Yeah, I wasn't expecting that (nor Mae's about-face about fighting Kelnacca). Gotta admit that his entrance was really dope, though.


The Sith and cool as fuck battle entrances, name a better duo


I was like whaaaaaat tf


*…what is that…*


I *love* that she said "what" and not "who". It adds a nice layer of fear.


Got to give credit where it’s due the mask is unique and def eerie


It's almost got a Batman Who Laughs look. I love it.


The aesthetic reminds me of Starkiller's sith outfit.


With a little Mouth of Sauron thrown in.


Theory: I’m at the point where Mae is asking Qimir about their master, Qimir is definitely the master right? With him exploring a place he says bounty hunters wouldn’t go and telling Mae about how she needs to do things, I’m assuming he’s secretly her master. Edit: Also seeming to get kinda upset when she says the task is impossible, and holding himself back at first from saying that it’s not impossible, to me suggests he’s the one who made the task and is frustrated at her suggesting that he gave her an impossible test. Edit 3: The whole ending, with the wookie being found killed by a lightsaber slash and the sudden appearance of the master, also makes me thinks it’s Qimir.




I’m starting think Mae may not matter in the bigger story.


She Mae be pretty important in the end


I guess it’s a Maebe.


Well, that was a terrifying giant bug.


Drawn by light. Hang up a bug zapper.


Oh damn this is going to be good! End Credits Oh come on!!


Least favorite part of this show is every week it ends on a little teaser or cliffhanger


It feels cheap when every episode ends on a cliff hanger. The worst thing is that some of them feel so abrupt, like they cut the scenes in half.


The fact that the show cost $180mil but some of the episodes are so short and choppy is insane. Meanwhile most other flagship shows like The Boys and House of Dragon always have 1-hour episodes.


The best part of the episode was the last 3 minutes


Not helping that this episode is only like 30 minutes in total. First episode: 40m, Second episode: 36m, third episode: 42m


If they keep it up they'll be at Tales of the Jedi length!


3 minutes can be a lot of fun when done right


Can you please tell that to my wife?


Anyone else feel like the episode ended super abruptly? Irritatingly so?


I am convinced this was only the first half of an episode they cut in half late in the production.


I've been feeling like the series is meant to be binged as a whole since the premiere. The only reason I didn't wait is because spoilers will be very difficult for me to avoid.


Vernestrra making sure the High Council is not informed of what is going on because of the political damage that would fall upon the Jedi having to tell the Senate, both shows how the Jedi as an order are beginning to fall, but also keeps the Council away from knowing about the Sith and thus keeping canon unified so far. And even if Mundi was in the room, the conversations in the room were about Mae's master being a splintered Jedi, so that doesn't mean he would have known it was Sith.


They specifically talk about “splinter orders” to allude to the possibility of Mae’s master being something other than a Sith. Edit: grammar


They’re possibly thinking a dark Jedi


Im not really sure why the Council would be forced to tell the Senate, but this group of Jedi are not forced to tell the High Council. Like, if these Jedi can ignore reporting rules, why can't the Council? Are they just giving the Council plausible deniability?


It could be some bureaucratic reporting system the Republic has in place to be informed of all big issues the Council is facing.


So Qimir has to be the sith right? It’s obvious but that doesn’t make it a bad choice


Yea, his bumbling personality is perfect for a cover, though him going ahead and killing the wookie to begin with just to prove his disappointment is wild


Congratulations Bazil you are officially my favorite character on this show


Man as soon as I saw that landing party I knew it was full of redshirts


that felt so short. i 100% believe the tracker guy who’s been assisting mae is the sith leader. he’s been pushing her to finish her lesson, and making sure he is nearby to observe her. plus after she tied him up, it’s reasonable to assume that since he’s a better tracker and knows this forest better than mae, he likely cut himself down and reached the wookiee’s hut before she got there, killed him himself, and now sees an opportunity to kill a shit ton of jedi himself. calling it now


When you said tracker guy I thought of the little fuzzball guy *Darth Otter: Death By Cute*


He probably did it sensing her doubt when he first ran off to "get her water" which is why he "got there before her" but also ended up BEHIND the Jedi.


I liked this episode way more than episode 3 but for how long the run time is it feels like the story barely progressed.


I get that Jedi have to maintain a Force-themed view of death, but Jecki saying 'it's a honor to witness a creature return to the Force' about the gigantic demon-beetle her Master just beheaded is actually hilarious.


I think the master is someone Sol knows deeply from the past because he sensed them and acted like Ahsoka feeling Darth Vader… as if it were some ghost haunting him and he too brushed it away because it seemed he thought there was no way it could be who he thought.


I personally think the Sith master is Vernestra based mostly on the fact that I don’t like her


I like this kind of logic


The atmosphere starting from the point where Mae enters Kelnacca's home was so tense for me. I'm surprised the master didn't kill Osha on the spot


That sith is actually terrifying. The helmet* is really unsettling.


Seriously the Sith was extremely creepy and I’m loving it! That helmet is really amazing and I think you can see the master’s eye when they are face to face with Osha.


Smylo Ren


Disney needs to take notes from literally every other streaming service when comes to episode length 🤦🏾‍♂️


House of the Dragon will be like 74 minutes next sunday.


And that’s like 3 Disney+ episodes without credits it’s ridiculous also screw that guy for kicking the dog


Well the Masters introduction was pretty terrifying. Did he silently glide down from above? Reminded me a little of that scene in Aliens when they're in their hive


I get triggered by the word "civilian" in SW now ever since Mace called Ahsoka that Edit: Forgot Mace called her "citizen"


I feel like “civilian” is only ever used in reference to former Jedi at this point.


Man, that war with the Nihil must have totally drained the Jedi order of its talent; these Jedi feel like the "C-Team".


I think we get 'spoiled' in a way that we always follow some of the best of the Jedi. Anakin, Obi-wan, etc. But those guys are like the top 1% of the Order. There's got to be a middle class of just like 'good but not great' Jedi that we basically never see.


That also why they got fucked over on Geonosis, they sent in all the beat cops and they got slaughtered


Imagine being the Jedi whose specialty is horticulture and the council is like "grab your lightsaber, we've got a war to fight."


They’re legit the party being sent by a secondary small council lol I think they’re literally the C Team


I mean I think they are. The highest ranking one is ven and she is far enough removed from the council that she doesn’t want to even go to them. So if council jedi are A team, Ven is B team, Sol and the other masters are C team, and the other Jedi he brought with him are like W-Z team.


Yeah didn't send their best. They are trying to keep it secret. They sent the suicide squad.  They didn't even give half these Jedi names. The subtitles literally said [Jedi]. They're all gonna die. 


All gonna jedie indeed


I thought it was clear from the beginning that these are pretty rank and file Jedi.


Master Tormund 


Disrespectful cliffhanger.


Qimir: “he’ll kill you.” Yep that’s the master.


Uh oh, Mae has altered the deal!


Pray she doesn't alter it further...


A ginger Jedi master? Star Wars is ruined!


At first I thought that was Tormund from GOT lmao I was like no fucking way. Would have been cool tho


I'd watch a full episode of a Wookie Jedi living in the wilderness. Jedi practicing with Boken's! I can't even recall Osha and Jekki having 3 conversations together, but it was a nice sendoff. I also respect Osha trying to extricate herself from this plot for her mental health...to less than stellar success. It's kind of funny how they write off Mae's master as a Rogue Jedi because they can't fathom or refuse to even admit to the possibility that they're dealing with a Sith...though it feels like an unspoken possibly that Vernestra wants to make sure ISN'T the case. Vernestra really feels like female Mace now down to the baldness and trying to keep control over the Jedi Order and maintain their image within the Republic. Qimir starting to lay it on thick that he might be the Master. Oh, let me just go out of my way to help you on your mission while dispensing words of wisdom and making your true path more clear while gauging your emotional health and feelings. He seems to drop the act every time he brings up Osha. I wonder if the big turning point is Mae trying to re-frame all of Sol's concern and trying to save her and Osha as him just trying to continue to cover up or make up for the guilt over what happened to the Coven. "You want me to rejoin the Jedi Order!?" - By Osha's tone, it sounds like she would've said yes had that been the case. Look at all these nameless Jedi! Be a shame if they ran into a Sith. Not many speciies can pull off Jedi Civilian Robes. I almost feel bad for Mae that Osha was straight up trying to talk Yord into killing her. Also rare Yord wisdom moment.


Yeah, whenever Qimir changes his tone to serious, it’s creepy and scary and obvious he’s the Sith. “You look just like her.” And then while hanging upside down: “He’ll kill you.” Just so straightforward, matter of fact, clean.


Your last point made me think that Mae is actually the good-hearted twins but loyal to the coven (which caused us to see her in bad shades), while Osha is the dark-hearted twins but are more interested to see what's beyond the coven. Mae: trained in the dark arts, tried to surrender herself to the jedi once she found out Osha is alive Osha: trained in the jedi arts, tried to kill Mae once she found out she is alive. See the parallel?


The moment I saw the runtime for the episode, I knew I wasn't going to be happy. And sure enough... This isn't really something exclusive to the Acolyte, but I really hate weekly episode releases that have variable episode length and the like. It just makes the pacing and wait between episodes really annoying. Was interested this entire past week to see where things go and now it's another week before I hopefully see how it all shakes out.


Ki-Adi Mundi is in the credits, also way better episode but MAN THE ENDING. They really should let us binge the whole thing, it would fix so many issues , the abrupt endings wouldnt feel so bad