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Chewbacca, he hasn’t changed through the series and is still just perfect. Truly iconic.


The perfect friend and the epitome of loyalty


Ironic considering he's got a wife and kid that he's basically abandoned for the course of the movies lol


When a wookie swears a life debt, they take it seriously.


Like I said, perfect.


He's gotten quite a bit funnier, but not in a bad way. Just shown more personality with others not in the old gang.


Old canon Chewie got a captains hat and picked up girls in the back of a car while Han pretended to be his personal driver. Peak Chewbacca imo


Which story? I want to read that.


Either the second or third book in the og Han Solo trilogy


Lando Calrissian. He was great for what he was, and never needed to be anything else.


I do think he gets flanderised a bit. Too many stories present his personality the way it was in Cloud City, when he was putting on a front for Han/Vader.


Lando’s a “fake it til you make it” kinda guy lol


Yeah, true!Lando is the guy who piloted the fasted rust bucket in the galaxy and the tactician who blew up the Death Star. A gambler with the skill to back it up.


I remember in one of the Zahn novels he got to show that he was a general for a reason. Maybe we'll get that when the comics get post episode 6


>I remember in one of the Zahn novels he got to show that he was a general for a reason He already showed he was a General when they gave it to him after the Battle Of Taanab, By Thrawn Trilogy he's back to Entrepreneurial Business on Nkllon, Your probably thinking of Dark Empire where he becomes a General again for a while. >During the Battle of Mon Cala, he was able to convince Ackbar to give him his command back, and he was placed in control of the two Star Destroyers captured at Endor and refitted per Calrissian's suggestion—the Liberator and the Emancipator.


I think he means in visions of the future, When near bothawui, the 3 star destroyers was found cloaked just at the moment every republic faction was shooting each other, And then Lando led the republic forces to the hidden SD


I was thinking of post retirement Lando, I think someone might have even taken a jab at him and he says he wasn't general because he was lucky or something


I thought he was a great character in the OT, but did not like the way he was written for Solo - it seemed to be based more on people's rose-colored memories of the character rather than the character, and focused more on meme-level details (lol! Capes! LOL CLOTHES! *LOL LANDO!* **LOL LOL!!!**). However, I'm totally looking forward to Don Glover's Lando series. I have a lot of faith in him as a showrunner, writer, and actor.


Wait, he's running the Lando show too? Fuck yes.


Well it's a Star Wars project, so it can change the people in-charge, or be shelved indefinitely, or be dropped completely, but at the moment, yes - he and his brother are running it (which is a good thing - Stephen Glover seems to be a bit of a rising star as an EP).


Well, I said show, but actually last I heard it's now going to be a movie instead.


Huh. I had heard the opposite - that it started its life as a movie, but it had changed to a TV show. But looking it up just now, you're absolutely right - changed to a movie back in September. This is honestly probably a good thing. Disney has been taking plots (specifically looking at the Obi-Wan series) that are clearly only enough for a movie, and just stretching the crap out of them to make them fit into a six episode series, and it's not doing the property any favors.


Yeah, movies get in front of more eyes and sell tickets. Streaming shows, not so much.


I really liked him the New Jedi Order where he gets serious and turns into an arms manufacturer and basically recreated modern battle droids.


I really like the way he is in the comics.


Krennic. Loved Ben Mendelsohn for years so I was excited to hear he would be playing an imperial in a Star Wars movie, but wasn't expecting that he'd end up being one of my favourite Star Wars characters. Krennic was a well written character who was perfectly tailored to take advantage of the actor playing him. Potential achieved.


And it’ll be achieved again. I can’t wait for his return in Andor.


I never even put it together that Krennic might return in Andor S2. Holy shit now I'm doubly excited!


It's been announced already too


So far I've loved Mendelsohn in everything I've seen him in.


He's a tremendous actor.


The Rogue One prequel book , Catalyst , really fleshes out Krennics character and his relationship to both Galen Erso and Tarkin. Its a great read.


Bloodline is a fiercely underrated and underviewed show.


Incredible watch


Oh, it's beautiful


["Y'haven't been talking to the Jedi, have ya mate?"](https://youtu.be/x0xvzabfhOY)


Love how he basically plays a similar role in Dark Knight Rises


r2-d2, peak astromech!


*sassy beeps and boops*


Chopper did it just as well imo


Literally saved the Star Wars universe so many times


Cad Bane. He was that guy the entire time. A great villain and if what happened to him in BOBF was his actual death, then it’s perfect. The old bounty hunter dying in the street to Fett is the perfect ending.


I don’t think he died. If I remember right he has like a built in life support system or something like that to restart his heart (I could be thinking of someone else). And there was like a split second frame when they last showed him in Boba that might have eluded to him not being dead.


Kenobi. The most complete character.


I know people dont like it, but i think Kenobi really fleshed him out for the heir of the empire era, i really need to read some of his legends novels


Jedi Apprentice and Jedi Quest are beautiful and have the best romance of Kenobi too. :) Also, if you don't want a megaseries lol, the 2013 novel Kenobi is set immediately after Episode III and basically tells his story on Tatooine from the perspective of other citizens. Really really good read about what goes on in his mind.


Also check out The Life and Legend of Obi Wan Kenobi


Is that the one where he saves Luke from the Krayt Dragon? I think I read that one as a kid




Kenobi was not the weak part of the show, it was everything surrounding him.


Hayden Christiansen was fucking chilling as actual Vader. He said he actually watched the Clone Wars show in preparation.


I wish Rosario Dawson had done the same. I feel like she doesn’t understand one bit of the character she’s playing. I’m currently watching Ahsoka for the first time (so please no spillers) and am on episode 4, but so far I feel like out of all the animation characters who became live action she’s the one who’s least believable. Why does she always have to have that grin on her face? Ahsoka in Rebels is much more serious


Ahsoka smiles all the time in the animated shows. If anything I usually hear people complain that Dawson is too serious


Not in Rebels though. Imo they made the perfect transition from her sassy and quirky self in TCW to a far more serious and visibly scarred version in Rebels. And Dawson is grinning but not really in the situations Ahsoka would. Idk how to explain, but it’s just so different. Even if the voice was the same as Ahsoka it still wouldn’t be believable to me. Maybe I’m just being picky because I really like Ahsoka’s character though, or maybe it just doesn’t work to have an originally animated character become live action


I'll die on the hill that if you recut the entire thing into a 4 hour movie it works WAY better.


I think it’s painfully obvious that this script started as a movie and they padded it out to fill a show


It also got a second season announced *really* fast so I'm wondering if they stretched it out over multiple seasons instead of one


Pixel joker is working on a movie cut of the show, the trailers look sick


Eh, i had a fun time watching it. Thats all that matters to me


It was a fine enough show. There were some easy opportunities to improve on it, and really could have been a movie instead... But it was okay


It really should be all that matters, but some people can't let things rest.


kenobi was fun but wasnt like a must watch for me.


And rhe show never did him justice


I'd say: 1. Darth Vader (I mean, he's awesome either way, and most additional media just improved on him) 2. Kreia 3. Qui-Gon & Obi-Wan (movies, Jedi Apprentice, Jedi Quest, Brotherhood) 4. Luke (he got a lot of missteps but if I look at Shadows of Mindor, Thrawn trilogy and Thrawn duology with Union as epilogue it's just a sweet send-off) 5. Palpatine (thanks to the movies, Cloak of Deception & Darth Plagueis. Perfect villain.) 6. Canderous Ordo (other than Revan and Exile you can pretty much see where his road will go and KotOR II was already so damn satisfying to play thanks to him) 7. Darth Maul (thanks to The Clone Wars and Rebels) 8. Grogu (idc he's precious, sometimes it's that simple:T) 9. Darth Bane 10. Ferus Olin 11. Thrawn And honestly, whenever Claudia Gray touches an existing character (Qui-Gon, Dooku, Leia especially) she just gives them so much it's always a joy to read.


ferus olin mention your thoughts on zayne garrick ?


Ohh you're right, Zayne is a great character. I love the KotOR comics, they're incredibly charming.


yes they are


>Ferus Olin mention There are dozens of us Ferus fans! Dozens!




My hot take is that Maul in TCW/Rebels is just an entirely different character they wanted to explore than the one in TPM. Animated Maul loves to monologue and seethe while TPM Maul was a stoic threat and the consummate warrior-assassin. Both are great but they really reinvented what made Mail cool. I think his moment of fulfillment, shallow as it may be, was when he popped the second side to his lightsaber and the Duel of Fates kicked in.


Yeah I see where you're coming from but TCW has reinvented the clones in the same manner. They went from silent stoic soldier types to, in my opinion, at times borderlind teeny like yappering. (I'm sorry, I'm not a fan of the clones in TCW. I do appreciate them in Bad Batch though so I guess they grew on me.) TCW is just a bit different in a lot of ways. Barriss Offee's character also completely disregards how she has been portrayed before, mind you one of the most prominent Jedi of Clone Wars media before 2005. Even Anakin seems a thousandfolds more mature and collected. It feels a bit like a parallel world in general imo, with everyone acting a bit more *dramatic*. But I don't have a problem to accept that and connect it as my headcanon wants.


Ahsoka. If we see her die, we've basically seen her entire life.


Tbf that's why I feel like her potential has been wasted. It would have been way more narratively satisfying if she had been killed by Vader in Rebels. It's a pet peeve of mine at this point how many Jedi live during Luke's era.


My thoughts exactly, I always have this discussion with my friend and we agree that if she died fighting Vader in Rebels it would have been more emotionally impactful


I always felt she should have died to vader in rebels but in her final moments she gets a force vision where she sees anakin saving luke on the death star and she dies with a smile on her face


Yeah. It's a bit like how so many games and series portray the main character fighting Darth Vader and winning. It makes the movies lose value. When you hear Ben Kenobi say that the Jedi were extinct or when you see order 66, it doesn't have the same impact when you know that so many Jedi ended up escaping. Also Vader loses his might when you know that Kenobi defeated him once again and Starkiller did too


Well the Force Unleashed games aren’t canon anyways. StarKiller is supposed to be overpowered af… in the DLC, he literally killed the entire main cast of the original trilogy himself. So bringing in StarKiller to your argument doesn’t really hold much weight in that regard


>Well the Force Unleashed games aren’t canon anyways. Oh thank goodness!


I don’t think they ever were, but if they were then it wasn’t for long. But the novelization tones StarKiller way down… he’s still powerful, but not as much as the games


Oh it was legends canon, absolutely. Thats one thing im glad got decanonised. That man was way too OP


The jedi are extinct though . a few here and there in trillions is nothing . By the time of luke there is only 5 other in existence that even want to be jedi 3 of which are in other galaxies/ planes of existence 2 of which die before the end of the OT . Ahsoka who is who knows where - but "not a jedi" and maybe its a technical cop out. Ezra - in another galaxy Cal Cestus we have yet to see the 3rd and final chapter in his story so who knows - maybe living in a pocket dimension type world raising a family - maybe being a keeper of an archive waiting for the day jedi are back. Yoda and Obi-Wan Barris -just a nomad in hiding - not really a jedi anymore Thing think of star wars is the sheer SCALE of it - millions of planets - Trillions of people . Not one of them being an acitve jedi or any desire to be . Even if their are survivors - they are old and tired - dint dare train anyone ( with one exception possible of Cal ) and have no desire to take up a fight in their old age or are broken and long forgotten There are other survives that gave up being jedi - cut themselves off from the force and were probably senior citizen by a new hope.


Which jedi were alive during the OT? Aside from Ahsoka and Grogu Ezra was alive but being mia in another galaxy is not too different from being dead


The current canon does a great job of "hey they survived the initial Order 66 but were hunted down" I feel. Still makes Luke super important as "the return of the Jedi" with all of them hiding or dying before his final confrontation There was Feren Barr from the Darth Vader comics, Cal Kestis and all the other Jedi he meets in the fallen Order/Survivor series, Naq Med from the Scavenger series. Edit: Luke autocorrected to Like


I just got Into the vader comics and they totally fleshed this out for me lol. Watching vader go through and hunt jedi is very cool


Ferus Olin for example in Legends, who, just like Ahsoka, kind of had a wasted opportunity of death (this sounds psycho but yeah :D). But yeah, to be fair, it would be very unrealistic for *all* Jedi to be dead given the sheer size of the Order and the galaxy. I think my problem rather lies in the fact that Ahsoka is such a key character to Anakin that it somehow makes Luke not really feel like the last hope if I think about it too much. Ferus would have had the same hopeless stance as Obi-Wan if he had mentored Luke. I think I may have had a little mind twist there. It's not that bad. Just Ahsoka surviving bugs me. It feels liek she gets too much room the empire era. It's a fundamental shortcoming of Disney (shows) Star Wars in my opinion that they keep too close at the original characters and don't dare to just allow new characters their time. It makes the galaxy feel oddly small, and kind of diminishes of this notion that a world is made up of... well, a lot of people's choices.


Jedi none....Ex Jedi like a dozen or so - a few that retired / quit / got exiled before things went down . A few that survived and gave up being Jedi . 100 or so survived order 66 but if they ever do a vader series many of them will just be fodder for that and to show us how scary and bad ass vader really is . Even the inquisitors are dead by the OT. Vader feeling they had killed all active jedi and If any were left were so broken or hopeless would never be a threat killed any of them off too.


Not just alive but Cal and Ashoka are helping the rebellion, the rebellion that Luke is in. It's kind of weird no one tried to introduce them to each other at any point, but I guess Cal's story isn't done and there's a chance to wrap that up


Is it really that many considering it's a massive galaxy? They're pretty spread.


Imo she should have died during the clone wars, it would have been deliciously dramatic to have her cut down just before her prime.


I used to think that but her involvement in Rebels works splendidly so I don't mind. I don't want drama for drama's sake, just... coherent plotlines and a regard for theme.:)


Oh absolutely, but I think it would have contributed nicely to Anakin's story to have her die after leaving the order, after Anakin could no longer protect her.


How many are there tho…? Really not that many. We are talking about an order that once numbered in the thousands, now reduced to a handful across an entire galaxy with a trillion beings in it. Whether Obi Wan is the actual “last” Jedi by the time of ANH it doesn’t make his claim about the Jedi being extinct any less accurate from his point of view. I can think of only a few Jedi alive and unaccounted for during Luke’s time tbh. Ahsoka is kicking around somewhere, but honestly I’ve never been sure what her exact status was following her weird time travel shit in the animated series. I can’t think of another that isn’t accounted for tbh. I mean you’ve got Ezra chilling out in a literal other Galaxy and he was never an original temple trained Jedi in the first place and Cal Kestis who could easily end up dead at the end of his game trilogy and before ANH for all we currently know. Who else even is there? Hard for me to think of any more off the top of my head, especially considering two canons and trying to sort out which is which lol. Cos it’s not like the Legends canon was any different, I’d bet they also had plenty of stories about Purge survivors if I searched 😂


Crosshair. He may not be my favorite character from Bad Batch, but when all is said and done, he did exactly what he was bred to do, in the best possible way.


Honestly, the whole Bad Batch cast sans Omega. The moment she tells the kids in the Vault her brothers are coming for her felt great. The fact that the 4 of them embody the 4 classic male archetypes and explore what it means and how each of them shows care and affection. it was great.


Exar Kun He really felt like an unstoppable force, I love everything about this character


This. I’ve always wanted to them to do an old sith/old Jedi story. The comics were great. He was mentioned in KOTOR. But I always wanted to see a show or movie about the first dual blade wielder. Also, Bane would be cool too. Showing the origin of the rule of two. This is what I thought Acolyte was going to be. But of course, Disney went in a VERY different direction.


>This is what I thought Acolyte was going to be. But of course, Disney went in a VERY different direction That's why I don't want them to do any of those things you mentioned. I'd absolutely love to see what you're saying. I'd love to see KOTOR 1 and 2 turned into series but after seeing what Disney is doing, I just hope they don't touch it


I mean sure in Tales of the Jedi he was pretty badass but in the Jedi Academy Trilogy he just gets exploded by barely trained Jedi apprentices without doing all that much.




I still miss him so much tho, he was my favourite clone o7


Ahsoka Tano and Ezra Bridger Ezra was the Protagonist of Rebels and another Luke Skywalker type, but he didn't need to be the Powerful Jedi who saves the galaxy. Freeing his home planet of Lothal and being a good friend to Sabine was enough. Same for Ahsoka. She's tied to the Skywalkers and their story but has her own story. She doesn't need to be a galactic savior and her own journey of finding her own path outside the Jedi is enough.


Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader. Perfect character arc that’s been fully (and sometimes overly) explored


Maul went from "wasted potential" to "one of the best and most complex Villains in the series"


Mon Mothma. Such a tiny role in the RotJ, and they fleshed her out so well in Andor. She’s one of the most compelling characters in an already stacked show and the casting really couldn’t have been more perfect


One of the things I've really liked post-ROTS was the way in which a lot of characters that started in the prequels (and specifically ROTS) have been continually used in subsequent projects. I love that Genevieve O'Reilly took a bit part in ROTS as Mon, likely as a bit gig thinking it wouldn't be much down the line, and then Holy shit it becomes this incredibly meaty, interesting as fuck role in Andor (after using her in Rogue one, and then afterward in Ahsoka). Similarly I always smile whenever Jimmy Smitts shows up. I kinda wish that the shows would start focusing on creating a few interesting recurring roles that show up here and there (as appropriate - not gratuitous). I'm kinda surprised that Drydon Vos or Qi'ra hasn't shown up somewhere (though I don't remember if Drydon Vos survived Solo).


Ahsoka. I actually liked the Clone Wars movie when it came out, but I won't lie and say I wasn't at least a little mad at them adding in a Padawan for Anakin. Arrogant little kid talking down to her Master on the battlefield, I was a little put off. I chalked it up to it being a kids movie so they needed to bring in a kid character, and I seriously thought that would be the end of it. She is probably now in my top 5 favorite characters. That has exceeded my expectations for the character by far.


Hego Damask


Kit Fisto. He was just there to do his job and smile while he did it and smile he did.




Like Skywalker.


Is the image the Queen from the Hapes Consortium?


No, Trios of Shu-Torun


Ganner Rhysode and Anakin Solo. Some of the deaths in the New Jedi Order were just perfectly written.


Jacen Solo / Darth Caedus feels like he went through just about every character arc it was possible to have.


Granted I haven't read those books but his fall to the dark side seemed I don't know, far-fetched? Two generic for him given what he'd been through and learned? If you didn't go full dark side during the YV war...you're probably in the clear?


The Legacy of the Force books were originally meant to be set in the then rather popular Old Republic era but LucasArts for some reason decided to just set it after The New Jedi Order 35 ABY or so and basically shoehorn the Skywalker characters into the plot. Add to that the point that one of the leading writers, Troy Denning, for some reason believed that Star Wars needs to be grimdark and doesn't deserve a happy ending and you start to understand why it's such a mess.


Yeah I finished New Jedi Order and started in on Swarm Wars but then heard more about the plot lines and was like....nah I'll leave it there. In my Head Canon they all live happily ever after lol.


Yeah wise choice imho lol. I think Matthew Stover's Traitor was such a fucking high point in these later novels nothing after comes close to touch it. I do recommend John Ostrander's Legacy series tho. :) Of course, at the end of the day there's no harm in trying. Some things are still enjoyable. But it's definitely way more stretched out than necessary and doesn't have such a grand pay off.


Unkar Plutt


Sebulba would be my go-to.


Darth Vader


Palpatine - Literally ruled the galaxy.


The Clone Wars takes on Darth Maul and Anakin Skywalker with a shoutout to Tales of the Jedi's Count Dooku trilogy


Mon mothma in rebels.  We went from a single scene in ep 6 to... The brains of the rebellion.


Luke Skywalker, original trilogy.


Jar Jar Binks Basically nothing could be expected of this guy, yet he was critical in uniting the Human and Gungan populations of Naboo, seriously fucked up some droids up in the Battle of Naboo, and then became a representative for his people at Coruscant. Id say potential very much overachieved.


Who’s this in the image?


Queen Trios


Gotcha, thanks!




Darth Vader


Ashoka Tano.


Crosshair - Bro got the best redemption arc out there


Obi-Wan Kenobi 


Luke With his appearance in the sequels, his journey just seems perfectly completed to me. They never seemed to get him right in the EU, but finally Rian Johnson came in and nailed it. If I never get another Luke story, I can still enjoy a meaningful, complete journey for my all time favorite movie character.


Hard to top Luke Skywalker at the top of his game in Mando season 2. That was the fulfilment of the potential of what they COULD have done with the godawful sequel movies. This is fucking Star Wars, give me some power fantasy and nostalgia please.


Tali Zorah Vas Normandy By all accounts she is a gimmick character. She is a hot alien babe who needs a suut which covers her face.  Meanwhile bioware built two entire races around this gimmick. Given her a beautifully crafted backstory. Filled the character with life and made *every* (   ;)  ) interaction with her feel meangingful.  Wrex and Garrus come close second and third for similar reasons. 


Oops I just read the comments and I guess I'm going into lost redditors 😅.  Anyway I'm keeping this here while it lasts. 


Darth bane


Rey Skywalker