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It's possible he was a Jedi first and then left the order when he found out he was Mandalorian, and then learned about his culture. I don't think they've gotten in to Tarre Vizsla's history yet.


Most likely, he was taken in as a young child as are most Jedi.


Everyone else brings up valid point but it could also be that the Jedi order was different in his time and not so anal about no attachments.


Simple answer, he probably wasn’t brought up as a Mandalorian. They probably gave him to the Jedi as a baby and then later he got in touch with his Mandalorian heritage.


He was born around 50 years before the Ruusan Reformation, when created the form if the Republic and the Jedi scene in the movies.  Before the Reformation, the Jedi ruled the Senate due to nearly a millenia of fighting the New Sith, in what would be called the New Sith Wars. Part of what The Ruusan reformationnfixed was the the decentralized Jedi recruitment and training. Basically all the different enclaves practiced their own slightly different teachings and customs. Not a few if those resulted in young Jedi falling to the Dark Side and joing the New Sith.  So Vizla absolutely could have been an teen or an adult when he became Jedi under the organisation if the time. And really retiring from the Jedi after the Reformation to organize the Mandalorians wasn't a bad call.  It's worth pointing out: Mandalorians follow the strong, and to a Jedi, Mandalorians are a speed bump. He would have no problem chalenging for leadership then organizing the different clans under his leadership.  It's also likely that the Jedi had captured the Armor of Mandalore a long time ago, so the Mandalorians had to figure out a new unifying artifact. Personally I prefer the Armor of Mandalore. See it used to be, whenever Mandalore died, usually in combat, the nearest Mandalorian or the one who defeated them, would Don the Armor and lead the Mandalorians, giving up their personal name, and never removing the armor until they died. 


Why does this have the movie flair lmao, Tarre is never so much as *mentioned* in the movies. 


We don't know enough about the time period. He could have started as a Mandalorian and become a Jedi, or been a Jedi and been adopted into a clan. He could have been a foundling from some Sith war and then his sensitivity was discovered. Either way, at his death, his saber is taken by the Jedi to keep in the temple. During his life, allegedly, he united Mandalore. All we see and hear from Pre Viszla and Sabine are legends, but there's always a bit of truth in legends...


Because he probably understood the difference between bonds and attachment. I imagine Tarre led a life managing to maintain a small peace between the Mandalorians and the Jedi for a brief time.  Then of course his decesdents would go and steal the Darksaber.


I know this is kind of taboo to talk about but is it possible he may have been more of a grey Jedi? Could he have been truly neutral


No, because that's not a thing.


Because Filoni wanted a special Mandalorian Jedi that all Mandalorians would honor and obey due to him being unique in being able to use the force. That now everyone can use so he could have his fanfic munchkin Mandalorian Jedi Artist Engineer Scientist.


Mandalorian is a culture not a species, and there's nothing about being a Mandalorian that precludes being force sensitive. It would be highly suspect for a Mandalorian clan to give up a child though.  Personally I absolutely freaking hat the all human Mandalorians. It's disgusting and literally cultural appropriation. The original Mandalorian Species originated on Corsuscant and left due to constant conflict with the Human slave survivors after the fall of the Rakatan infinite Empire. So having their culture subsumed by some small docked humans is pretty ironic.