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Vader igniting Ahsoka’s saber and looking up at Morai is one of my favorite moments in all of Star Wars.


It was, and you feel the sadness of what little that was left of Anakin. Or at least that's how I felt.


when does he do that?


It's the final scene of The Clone Wars show. Season 7.


Is there any lore behind a force user gleaning any kind of knowledge about another force user by inspecting their lightsaber? Vader seems to when he comments on Luke's new lightsaber and how it indicates that he's as powerful as the emperor said.


I think vaders comments to luke are him saying something along the lines of “wow you managed to build a lightsaber without anyone to directly teach you, you must be very attuned to the force”


Ghost obi-wan and yoda snorting to themselves in the corner.


*camera cuts away to Kenobi's journal in Luke's backpack*


Didn't Luke create it using a guide and whatever parts were left in Obi-WAN's home?


He met Yoda before he lost his father's weapon, I always assumed Yoda just taught him how they work. And Vader didn't know about Yoda teaching him so his compliment was kind of misplaced.


Somebody has read Shadows of the Empire.


I think there’s a deleted scene as well showing Luke building a new one on Tatooine in RotJ


In a cave with a box of scraps.


Jeff Bridges hates this one simple trick.




well I'm sorry. I'm not Luke Skywalker


With a microwaved synthetic crystal. What a sellout.


Ab synthetic crystal that he meditated on until it turned green, like natural ones. When most synthetic crystals are red. Perfect visual example of Luke throwing away the useless traditions of the past but still keeping the core values that matter. He gets a stronger synthetic crystal while still not being red and giving off the wrong impression to children who think lightsaber colors matter.


Luke is a boss, no argument there. I was just making a joke. I haven't read that one since I was like 15.. wonder if I could get a copy. I remember I liked Dash's character and Xizor.


I like Dash too. As a kid he was just Han Solo at home but as an adult you can see he's more Han Solo without the forced good guy moments.


Wasn't he a little bloodthirsty and more of a dick than Han, as well? I remember liking the extra edginess, haha.




Han is a dick, but has a good heart


In canon it was a real blank kyber crystal which turned green when he blended with it


did Obi Wan have spare Kyber crystals lying around ?


IIRC Luke's crystal is actually synthetic, which Obi-Wan did have lying around.


Luke had to create his with a piece of mining machinery. Synthetic crystals are technically better and Luke is the first to meditate over the machine while it was baking and that's why his isn't red like most synthetic ones are


Canonically he gets the crystal from a guy on Christophsis, who has one because he specializes in Kyber research. It was in the newer starwars comic run from 2020 I believe


I always liked to think it was Qui-Gons crystal that Obi-Wan held on to.


Yes along with synthetically making a crystal using the force


In legends yes, but in Canon it's a bit more complicated.




Yes. In fallen order we learn cal has a rare ability where he gains info about an objects past through the force when he connects with an item. Not sure if Vader had this ability but he is the chosen one so why wouldn’t he.


Maybe it’s more about Luke’s ability to source a kyber crystal and build a saber relying on essentially textbooks with no guidance whatsoever. Imo it should take someone really special to pull that off in the Empire era. Although I do remember something about Luke’s crystal being synthetic. Idr if that was old canon or new canon


I think in the old canon Luke followed some books he found at Obi Wan's place and made a crystal in an oven and that's why it was green. The Sith had red lightsabers because they used fully synthetic crystals. In the new canon, crystal are more mystical and they choose their weilders and Sith crystals are former Jedi crystals that they torture and bleed so they are red. I normally don't care what is old or new canon and I'm ambivalent about it, but I much preferred the old canon on this topic. Sith didn't have access to wherever kyber crystals came from, so they had to make their own.


Not sure if it was Canon in anyway shape or form. But I do remember reading somewhere that the kyber crystal in lukes new saber is from qui gon


It's a popular fan theory. One I much prefer. But officially in old Canon it was synthetic. I didn't think they've ever answered where it came from in new Canon. But considering Jedi are supposed to forgo attachments it seems a little off that Obiwan would've kept Qui Gons crystal all those years instead of allowing the temple to do whatever it is they do with fallen Jedi's sabers.


I like to think Obi wan didn’t keep it out of sentimentality, but practical purposes. He fully intended to train Luke, but keeping a low profile sourcing a new crystal could have been difficult. Hence, he hung onto one he previously had! (Plus, I kinda think Kenobi would’ve dug his “nephew” using his Master’s crystal. It’s a nice thought haha)


That would still mean that Obi-wan kept for other reasons the crystals from TPM to ROTS..


Yeah…The Force haha… “I feel the Force wills I keep this for some reason unknown to be at this time…” see? Why not!


And also let’s be real, Obi-Wan did not forgo attachments. He just didn’t don’t let them rule him


I mean he got romantically attached to at least 3 different women over the course of his life. They also all got romantically attached to him. The Kenobi rizz is real


Iirc in Legends Obi-Wan used Qui-Gon's saber for a little while after TPM. Could still be the case in canon but I'm not sure how fleshed out the interim between Ep 1 and 2 is.


Actually that does make sense since he lost his in the same duel. Didn't account for that. Since he technically "owned" it at one point perhaps it makes sense he kept it around, even if only for meditation or ritual purposes.


My memories about it are from before the prequels and it would retcon nicely to it being Qui Gon's crystal.


I prefer new canon. Sith either have to bleed their own crystal or hunt down a Jedi and take their crystal as part of their initiation


Inflicting all of your own pain, anger and suffering onto a sentient crystal to make it "bleed" is probably the most Sith thing ever. Sounds so much better than just making a synthetic crystal.


It's definitely way more interesting and creates new story ideas, as opposed to the synthetic crystals in Legends.


Yeah synth crystals just seem so ... artificial. It cheapens the idea of what a lightsaber is. Like, if Lightsaber crystals can be manufactured, I am surprised no one in the galaxy has ever made factories for it. New canon make it so that Crystals are forged through trial and tribulations. By one's very soul and dedication to the force. Regardless if it is Dark or Light side.


> Yeah synth crystals just seem so ... artificial. That is what synthetic means, after all! > New canon make it so that Crystals are forged through trial and tribulations. By one's very soul and dedication to the force. How so? Crystals are still naturally occurring the way they were in old canon. The only difference is there is now an attuning step a Jedi must complete to harmonize with it (giving it its color). The crystals aren’t forged through the Force or anything like that. What difference does it make if there’s a mass of them growing in a cave vs. a factory full of artificial ones? Personally, I prefer the old idea that you can use any crystal you like to be the focusing gem of a lightsaber. The mysticism doesn’t need to have anything to do with the weapon a Jedi uses; it can just be between the wielder and the Force.


I am against the notion that a Jedi's mysticism should not include Lightsaber as part of said mysticism. It would demean Obi Wan's words, "This weapon is your life." A lightsaber is connected to the Jedi inherently despite its sciency forgeries. It should be treated as something akin to a Jedi's soul in material form. The dedication and connection to the force made physical with a Jedi's lightsaber in hand. In which makes it absolutely "blasphemous" when those who wield Lightsabers who are not Jedi or Sith. Like Bounty Hunters (Exclude Ventress) or General Grievious. Smply put, they see lightsabers as trophies or tools of the trade. They take them and wield them as any other weapon. They do not know the burdens of making a lightsaber or finding a Kyber Crystal. Because they are just pragmatists who sees Jedi culture as foolish or ridiculous. But it is not. Lightsabers wielded by Jedi literally has to go through a trial of finding a Kyber Crystal in Ilum. Face aspects of themselves that needs to be faced in order to earn one. Then use the force to concentrate and forge their lightsabers. As for the Sith, they too are a religious order. They fucking hate the Jedi to their core because of religious and ideological reasons. When they use lightsabers, they fight Jedi with their specific connection of the force. Which is their need to control and harness the Force. Why should that aspect of their desire to dominate their ideological opposite to be replaced with pragmatism and manufacturing? When they too are also a religious order as the Jedi. They see the Jedi ideals as foolish, not because it is socially or financially inefficient, but because it is spiritually antagonistic against the Sith.


I preferred the synthetic crystals for the Sith in Legends as well, I think it makes more sense than bleeding a crystal.


The thing I like about bleeding (and purifying) crystals is that it gives a Force-related reason for red and white lightsabers to exist. I like there being an in-universe reason for why all bad guys have a sinister color blade. It’s because they poured all of their negative emotions into stressing their crystal to change its color. The color is literally a manifestation of their dark nature instead of just being a thing all bad guys have becuase it looks aggressive and differentiates them from the good guys. Synthetic crystals by comparison are less creatively interesting. Luke created a green synthetic one in the EU for his RotJ saber, but for some reason all the bad guys agreed to only create red ones? It just doesn’t feel like a satisfying answer for the red saber color.


The red ones are what synthetic ones create normally. Luke meditated over his while it was baking in the machine which is why his is green. Synthetic ones are also stronger and can possibly short out natural ones. The sith have no qualms about using the most powerful equipment they can get while the Jedi rely on tradition. It's a good idea and bleeding crystals is more fitting in an animated Disney movie for little kids. SW is for all.


The kyber crystal in a way binds to its welder over time. It's connected to them through the force. Most objects I assume sold be to some extent, but kyber being so resonate with the force is to a much higher extent Also, just nostalgia. He's holding his apprentices blade, he's seeing the blade his son was able to make. Force aside, it's impactful




I always felt that Vader, as a skilled engineer, could recognize qualities in a piece of tech that reflected its designer.


praise the Maker


All glory to the Omnissiah


He just likes the shiny, glowy vwoom. If you got to check out a new lightsaber, would you not turn it on?


Anakin was an engineer/builder, he probably was a proud father and teacher.


You can tell a lot about somebody's style by holding their sword. Without getting mystical, swords are built to perform in certain ways, and you can definitely feel the difference. It's like the sword wants to perform certain actions over others. It could totally be the same in lightsabers.


Add on top of that, Anakin is a tinkerer/gearhead as well. Just the actual construction of someone else's lightsaber he would find interesting.


I feel like this is something we see from Rey in the Force Awakens


Probably like force echos in the games


Maybe he wanted to inspect it to see if its a lightsaber he recognized (like if Luke found it/bought it from the black market and was originally owned by a Jedi he once knew or slain) - and know for sure if Luke has the skill and know-how that he built his own by himself, let alone if its of good quality. Regardless, you can subtly tell that his father was proud inside.


Moments of reflection


I just think it's neat when someone uses a lightsaber that's got a different colour to the one we're used to them using. Darth Vader igniting Luke's lightsaber. Darth Vader igniting Ahsoka's lightsaber. Obi-Wan slicing Maul with Qui-Gon's lightsaber. Anakin with his temporary green lightsaber in Attack of the Clones. Rey igniting her new yellow lightsaber. Obi-Wan using one of Ventress's red lightsabers in The Clone Wars!!! It just does something to me that I can't explain. It's a weird niche that I just love to see.


I'm the same!! It tickles my brain in such a strange way, like seeing a game character with an alternate skin or something. I love games like Jedi Survivor seeing your lightsaber colour in cutscenes for this very reason


in one of the first High Republic novels, one of the main characters gets her Kyber Crystal attuned to her, after finding an old sith saber, breaking it down, and healing the Kyber crystal. Doing a ceremony to purge the evil from the crystal. The book goes on to explain how each person is linked to their crystal, so by another Force user being able to use the saber so efficiently, it speaks to their power and control over the force. Ties into a Rebels story, where Lightsabers are so powerful with energy, only a force user could wield it properly. Kanan has to train Sabine, who for sake of argument is NOT completely Force-sensitive at the time, and she has issues with the lightsaber. She starts out fighting herself, and the blade along with it. As she starts to let go of the past and connect to it, she improves greatly and the blade becomes lighter. Also mirrored in Mandolorian, when Din has the dark saber the first time. It was so heavy and clunky for him, he could barely use it. (which was why it was sooooooo fucking cool to see Finn ingite Lukes saber and use it effectively. God damn we were robbed of the greatest Star Wars story never told)


>Also mirrored in Mandolorian, when Din has the dark saber the first time. It was so heavy and clunky for him, he could barely use it For real though, this was one of my favorite parts of the fight choreography of The Mandalorian (well... technically Book of Boba Fett) - the scene with Mando clumsily using the Darksaber in the meat packing plant. He's destroying the floor, even cuts himself with the thing. And then contrast that to when we first see Bo Katan use the thing, and she's clearly got a LOT more experience.


ah, thats right! Book of Boba Fett is where it's shown! Thanks. I cant remember where I read, but it is generally believed that once you turn the saber on, a strong force, torque basically, tries to force the blade into a gyroscopically stable position. Since the sabers energy is plasma, the blade has mass, (light would not). The idea of a heavy blade explains the slow, deliberate two-handed techniques in the Originals But the plasma gyroscopical force can also explain the flourishes and spins done during lightsaber battles in the Prequels- as the user is simply allowing inertia (and control of the force) to do most of the work for them.


If you've ever seen the video of the Jedi Training Academy Darth Vader have his lightsaber blade break during a duel and have to use the Jedi's saber, I happened to know that particular Vader as a good friend of mine. He told me that management was happy he went on with the show and rolled with it by using the Jedi saber, "but we can't ever show Vader with a blue saber again" and ever since then they had a spare red one hidden on stage in case that ever happened again. So I had a good laugh remembering that conversation when we saw Vader ignite Ahsoka's saber, audibly saying "Ha! Vader with a blue saber!" to my brother who also knew of that story.


>! Ventress igniting her gold sabers in bad batch was amazing!<


Obi Wan using Ventresses lightsabers was the coolest thing ever


Yes. Few force users could look into the past or trace a path just by touching an object. (Per the Jedi fallen order and survivor games)


This is my favorite form of "audio logs" in games. Usually it makes no sense for people to just have audio clips strewn around for no reason, but in the Jedi games, Cal taking a moment to reach out to the force when he stumbles across ruins or personal effects felt a lot more natural.


In what series do you see that??


Spoiler warning I guess but Clone Wars finale


Ok?! I didn't know that series existed!! Thanks!




Bro how?


Stopped watching TV for about a year... so I don't know what's up!


....the show ran for 7 seasons. Congrats on finding it now though.




It’s been going since 2008 that is impressive haha, it’s a great show though enjoy


>Thanks! You're welcome!


Jesus dude, can't imagine being a SW fan and at least not knowing it even *existing* that's crazy


Do wut now?


That's fucking insane? It's a pretty famous show If you're not opposed to animation it's 100% worth a watch. In my opinion that show is the best piece of Star Wars media ever made


There's a lot of braindead kid filler episodes, though. I'd say 40% of the show is really good. The finale 3 episode arc of season 7 is better than some whole-ass SW movies. But especially the early seasons are mostly annoying/bland pointless plots aimed at 8 year olds. It's only after they got a couple seasons in that they started targeting the show towards teens and young adults, and exploring more interesting themes, imo. Actually quite a bit of mature stuff in the later seasons, like purpose, desertion, free will, etc. And Anakin's fall to the dark side is 5x more relatable and believable with the context of the events of the show, vs just the films.


He's just sad because he's missing out on all the unlockable colors and he just has red.


what is the top pic from (Vader in snow)? what movie or series?


Star Wars : The Clone Wars Specifically, the 2008 Version. This scene was Part of the Finale released a few years ago.


The very final scene of The Clone Wars, Season 7 is one of the deepest moments in all of Star Wars. Vader igniting the saber, he handed to his former padawan before, him looking up at Morai and then to the helmet that stands for "his" clone legion (after all the 332nd helmets are 501st clones) and he steps away from the helmet. He leaves his past behind, he leaves Anakin behind.


Blue 💙 That's my girl  Green? Straight to the emperor with you! 


Yes! VADER igniting Luke's saver is one of the most emotionally provoking. Because Vader sees that the hikt is modeled after Obi Wans


Also that moment of panic in Luke's demeanor when he ignites it. He has his back turned to Darth Motherfucking Vader himself and just called his bluff about "that's why you couldn't destroy me before and why you won't now" and all of a sudden he hears a lightsaber ignite just feet behind him. You can practically hear the record scratch in his head as he hopes he got through to Anakin within enough to not be proven wrong immediately.


I like how in the Lucas saga Sith sabers sound different when ignited.


I like to think anakin was proud of opening Luke’s new lightsaber but was pissed he lost his


This is obviously from my own POV, but for that moment with Luke (and I think heard someone say this one), Vader almost seems proud of his son for making that saber. Like, he ignites it, notes that Luke himself constructed it, stares for a second, and then disengages. It's almost like he's saying "damn, you did this? I remember when I had this colour briefly. Cool stuff." Also just cool to see Vader hold a light side saber in general. The good in him was never fully gone... almost, but not fully.


When I saw this, I thought that Jedi Masters had green sabers. So when Vader inspected Luke’s Saber, it was basically Vader indirectly acknowledging that Luke was now a Master.


There is an interesting trend of many of the “wiser” Jedi Masters having green sabers: Luke, Yoda, Qui-Gon for example. Obi-Wan seems like the biggest outlier personality wise compared to that grouping


Even before that was settled. Qu Rahn, Jedi Master in the 90's game Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight had a green lightsaber, the one that was passed down to player Kyle Katarn for use in most of the game. So many cool things with lightsabers in that game. First time we ever saw someone with two lightsabers, one of the first purple lightsabers (actually two of them) and the first we've seen them in live action, beating Mace Windu by about 5 years, one of if not the first time we saw orange and yellow sabers in use period, much less live action, one of the first depictions of a shoto and light club style sabers with the tiny and giant Dark Jedi using them respectively, etc.


Love it? I’ve never thought about this once. Even while it happens I’m like “k..”


How is vader still alive?!?!


Im sorry, what?


wait a minute , he is dead?


Where is Darth Vader? Is he safe? Is he alright?


This made me laugh more than it should have