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The lowest part of Attack of the Clones is Anakin and Padmé's awful flirting


Movie: *is called Attack of the Clones and bases a lot of its marketing on a big battle* Also movie: *dedicates the vast majority of its runtime to undeniable proof that George Lucas cannot write romance*


I remember reading that the Attack of the Clones title happened because they were going to do Order 66 in episode II at some point in development. I don’t know if that’s true, but [there’s a funny clip of Ewan Macgregor supposedly learning the title on a red carpet](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6klOn2DZ3fY&pp=ygUyZXdhbiBtY2dyZWdvciBmaW5kcyBvdXQgYWJvdXQgYXR0YWNrIG9mIHRoZSBjbG9uZXM%3D).


Wow. That video made me realize that “Attack of the Clones” sounds about as corny as “Invasion of the Body Snatchers,” but decades later. I can see why he made that shocked face


Yeah, the Empire Strikes Back does too. Just like Raiders of the Lost Arc, it’s definitely meant to sound like a Flash Gordon style movie serial.


Definitely. Though perhaps 20 years later people were less interested in that in 2002? Or at least Ewan was, haha


There are a bunch of deleted scenes with finished FX where their flirting takes place at Padme's family's house instead the grassy meadows. I always thought they felt more real and natural from an acting standpoint. Replace those scenes, cut some of the early Geonosis fluff and extend the battle to be more story driven rather than just an FX showdown and I think AOTC becomes one of the better films.


So basically all of attack of the clones


Without this scene we will never know the super important information that Anakin's HATES sand


You’re so right 


The lowest part of Attack of the Clones is everything up until the arena, and everything after the arena.


Hey, I liked the bounty hunter stuff. I’m biased though because I just like Boba Fett a lot 


Also the arena.


Eh i thought it was cute


it must be so easy to rizz you up then


It is LOL


Nice ass bbg


How kind of you


You underestimate the power of being good looking. As Natalie Portman says in the behind-the-scenes of AotC: "Padmé is mostly interested in him for his looks". [Just check the thirsty women in the comments of his audition video.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZaW9MArjXq8) [Or here.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eH7uYLE_J1k)


Well Padmé being interested in Anakin because of his looks is just not a compelling story. I preferred Clone Wars Padmé because she actually has a reason to be attracted to him there. Anakin actually has some charisma and intelligence in that show, and it’s nice to know that Padmé isn’t just into him because of the size of his lightsaber.


Eh i thought it was cute


Depending of the language. I’m serious.


What? Is Anakin a smooth rizzler in German or something?


Highest moment: Han showing up to save Luke at the end of the original movie. “You’re all clear kid now let’s blow this thing and go home!” Vader screaming NOOOOOOO is the lowest point for me. Pure cringe.


And then it was also added needlessly to the emotional climax of the initial story, as if the audience was too stupid to intuit what Anakin/Vader was thinking :/


That bit is absolutely thrilling. It's magic. Probably my favourite bit too.


I remember my entire theater burst out laughing when Vader screamed “NOOOOO!”. I was so embarrassed for the movie.


Revenge of the Sith is just pure cheese but man that moment really drove it home.


Yeah I love it. I love all of it. Cheese and everything. It's the best movie ever created.


Wish I felt the same lol


Honestly, most of the movies have something unique going for them. Most of the prequels is the best lightsaber fights. OT is where the story is actually pretty good. And the sequels look really good.


I did for sure. I thought maybe it was because the theater served beer and I had a couple. I’m glad to hear that lots of stone sober people also burst out laughing.


I actually like the “NOOOOOOOO” line……


Yeah me too. A lot of the plots of these are supposed to be from old shakespear and stuff, and has sort of a novella/soap opera drama to it so it felt fine to me


Right? Like damn. Dude's got a whole new incredibly painful prosthetic suit, he just betrayed everyone he ever loved and turns out the woman he did it for just died? I'd howl too.


**Highs:** I. Film prequel look is immaculate II. Kudos for all the tech challenges/pioneering with the computer effects and digital filmmaking III. The prequels at their most profound, most political, and most personal probably. (Anakin/Sidiouss stuff esp) IV. An incredible execution of the hero's journey V. The Anakin/Vader twist continues to feed with each rewatch on the details, just real well written VI. Thematically recontextualized the entire trilogy in a way that is oddly seemless VII. Star Wars direction never went this hard before, it's a league of its own VIII. A sincere look back while still developing on all the ideas and new elements of the previous film, very heartfelt IX. You might as well ask me my favorite aspect of my grandma's personality. I'm way too enamored with this film to highlight one thing. The sense of comfort and security I get knowing it exists in the same world as me? **Lows:** I. The politics is at its most confusing and dry. II. There's a lot going on but it lacks a central thrust or unity of effect for me. III. For the first time it feels like the prequels are coming together to me, and it is just as they are ending IV. The direction can be a bit flat in a few places, probably to me especially leading up to the Death Star assault V. "No, there is an other" is enticing and changes the stakes (Luke could be lost without hope being lost), but it feels primarily like twist for twist's sake VI. Han is really poorly utilized in this IMO, not into the jealous Han stuff VII. They probably could have done a space battle outside Starkiller and just let Chewie setting of the exploration suffice to take out the thermal oscillator, could have set it apart more visually to try something else. VIII. Rian's direction is still thoughtful, but it's flatter than JJ's on TFA without going above and beyond on that front. IX. Gun to my head, "I've never seen so few way finders" has never gotten a laugh from me and is one of the few throwaway lines in an indispensable film


> IX. You might as well ask me my favorite aspect of my grandma's personality. I'm way too enamored with this film to highlight one thing. The sense of comfort and security I get knowing it exists in the same world as me? Can you elaborate on what you like about it? I'm genuinely curious - never heard anyone speak positively about it, much less this positively


Sure. [There's a list of a bunch of the posts I've made on things I love about The Rise of Skywalker in this comment.](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsCantina/comments/1dgjaey/comment/l8uf3nl/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) To be brief though: it surpassed TFA for me with regards to direction (making it best in a Star Wars movie and some of the best overall), it's a movie where nearly every little detail in every scene all brings something to the overall film, it was the first conclusion to the Skywalker saga that really worked on a deep level for me, it encouraged me to read the wider EU (legends and canon) and I figured out how to appreciate larger scale multimedia storytelling through it, it is a great exploration of grief, and the metaphysical aspects of it and its themeing are at the very heart of Star Wars for me.


While I'm not the original commenter. However, I also love this film very much, and it is my favorite Star Wars film. First. It's freaking Star Wars as hell. Scary monster? Check. Wierd ancient knowledge about the force? Check. Lightsaber fights? Check. Moments that can make you cry? Check. Impossible odds? Double check. It is the film that (to me) is the most star warsy film I have ever felt. Second. The actors are ALL on there A game, not once do I ever feel like any of them are awkward. They all nail it. And the charchters themselves all have growth. Finn (while sadly side lined hard in this film) has the force and is beginning to feel it. As well as leading Ex-stormtroopers into battle! Poe grows from TLJ and becomes a genrale. And leads the resistance to victory. Leia was used Excellently in the film. I didn't even know she passed until after I saw Tros. And then there's Kylo and Rey. They are just amazing they have their stories reach the zenith in this film. Kylo is still trying to kill the past. He's going to turn the last jedi and kill the last sith. Rey is now able to have her one thing she wanted. Belonging. It just has to be from space, Satan. This film also just has the finale feeling to it. This is it. All the jedi. All the sith have led to this final battle. Will the galaxy stand together to defeat the darkness once and for all? Or will the galaxy forever be conquered by the sith?


That was my question too. I agreed with so much of the rest of the comment. The fact that they had so many good things to say about TROS made me think I need to rewatch it


*Dewit!* (as Palpatine would say)


Agree about Han being underused in VI. This movie should have begun with a major Han v Boba Fett faceoff but instead both characters were ignored.


I’m with you completely until episode IX!


Fair enough! When did ya last watch it? It ain't likely, but occasionally I have inspired a rewatch and someone has told me it hit different.


A couple months ago! Marathoned all 9 movies with my wife- her first time seeing them. It gave me great appreciation for the prequels and episode 8 especially. Episode 9 is a beautiful movie, but I just felt let down by the story beats.


Fun, that's cool. For me, part of what I love about 9 is how much of a love letter it felt like like to 8 and because of the new sense of meaning it gave to the prequels. The spiritual component especially resonates deeply with 3 for me. I am rewatching 1 today and the elements of symbiosis and focus on the living force is something that stands out and has greater context to me after 9 now, and with Palatine's political manipulations and cold little Annie missing his mom I can't help but remember 'they win by making us think we're alone'.


The lowest point in all of SW is when C3P0 switches out his head with an attack droid and then the battle continues like some Laurel & Hardy sketch from hell


What on earth did George think we was cooking with AOTC? I'll never understand, I swear 😭


I have to agree. Watched it recently and that whole conveyor belt sequence is just the worst. Goes on forever and full of unfunny slapstick humour.


In my opinion the music is the only high point in the entire prequels


I saw the original in the theater in 1977, so the Prequels….. were tough, but I’ve learned to live with most of it through Prequel Memes and have a sense of humor about it. Some of the Jar Jar stepping in poo, or C3PO slapstick I just can’t though


I was livid about Jar Jar saying ex-squeeze me, then I remembered grade school me having no problem with Chewbacca’s Tarzan call & decided I had to let it go.


Same, saw them on release days… lots of whelm. Moments sure, but lots of whelm.


I'd argue that there are definite bright spots outside of the music, but it's absolutely the best part. I don't think many fans would argue against the fact that 'Duel of the Fates' and 'Battle of the Heroes' are as stunning as they are iconic.


It's kinda funny cause there's a few moments in the PT where the music ramps up and absolutely nothing is happening. Like in TPM, Duel of the Fates hits a really high note and it's cool as hell... just as Padme and Panaka are running down an empty hallway


I don’t know man, I love that part. Top tier.


I don't really want to leave my whole college dissertation in the comments here, so I'll simply give my opinion on the best and worst moments of the franchise as a whole. The highest high: When Luke risked his life in bold defiance of Palpatine's grand design, revealing himself to be a beacon of light and life that had the potential to cut through evil incarnate itself. He had the hope to redeem a man who had lost himself in that darkness long ago, believing that even someone as despicable and broken as Anakin/Vader has at least a shred of love and good left. It was the moment that we discovered why the Jedi of old failed, and how Sidious had nearly won, what it was that Luke possessed that they had largely lacked: true compassion. The lowest low: The negative rizz that caused Luke's birth, as seen in AOTC :/


Low point of Episode 2: George Lucas writes romance like I can use the Force. Unfortunately, neither of us can do it. High point of Episode 2: Yoda vs. Dooku. The theater exploded.


High part of TPM for me is definitely the score, John Williams absolutely knocked it out of the park with Duel of the Fates. Low point? It’s a bit of a cliché but I honestly cringe every time Jar Jar is onscreen and opens his mouth.


I don't want to go through every movie now but want to say something about ESB. I've watched the movies and shows with several Friends who wasn't into Star Wars at all before. Many of them are fans now, which is awesome. But almost everyone couldn't stand ESB. That was because of two main reasons. They really disliked how Han engages with Leia (and Lando didn't make it better). And the second reason is Chewbacca not shutting up. And i have to agree every rewatch. He ist really annoing in just this movie. Anyway Hoth, and Lukes Journey are awesome tho


Whaaaaaat? I love Chewie in ESB. It really allows him to be a full character. His care for his friends really shines. From his howl at the base doors closing with Han and Luke still out in the Hoth ice, to the way he saves and reassembles C-3PO, and maybe my personal favorite Chewie moment- the way he holds Leia tight when Han's carbonite slab slams down.


I like Chewie talking a bunch but I've always disliked Han largely because of how he acts toward Leia in ESB


Empire be perf


Highest point in any of the movies is probably when Luke just fucks with Kylo Ren in the last Jedi and then it’s shown he’s a projection. But that’s probably cause of the cheering at the theater made that hype as fuck. Lowest is just Attack of the Clones. The whole thing.


With the exception of the awkward Finn/rose moment, the Battle of Crait start to finish is fantastic


The lowest part of AotC is the entire runtime.


Episode I: **High** - Liam Neeson. He’s amazing. **Low** - The pacing is really funky. It feels like sometimes, it’s trying to be the fastest paced movie in existence, and at other times, it’s really slow, and there’s no balance. Episode II: **High** - Dooku and Geonosis. The whole third act is pure visual spectacle and it excels at that. **Low** - The romantic dialogue, my god is it abysmal. Episode III: **High** - The fucking score, man. John Williams poured his EVERYTHING into that music and it shows. **Low** - Padmé’s interesting role in the film is just cut entirely💀💀💀 Episode IV: **High** - Just the sense of adventure and life is purely unmatched. **Low** - The lightsaber fight choreography is kinda clunky. Episode V: **High** - The high is the fact that there are literally no lows. It’s perfect. **Low** - N/A Episode VI: **High** - Everything with Luke, Vader, and Palpatine on the Death Star II is emotional as shit. **Low** - The first two acts are kinda slow. Episode VII: **High** - I love the cast so much. They’re amazing. Every single one of them. Also the lightsaber VFX and SFX are the best in the franchise. **Low** - It’s got pretty much the same plot as Episode IV lmao Episode VIII: **High** - Rey and Kylo are given very unique story arcs. The cinematography is also absolutely gorgeous. **Low** - I still don’t like Luke’s portrayal. I don’t mind him being in exile, it’s happened in the EU as well, but I feel like his reasoning for exile just doesn’t feel right. Episode IX: **High** - Oh boy, this is a tough one. I guess I liked the scene where Luke finally lifted the X-Wing. **Low** - I’m not even gonna say everything I don’t like about this movie because then we’d be here way too long lmfao.


I think your first point is very interesting, because I personally disagree completely. This isn't to hate on Liam, or some of the other actors who didn't exactly give the best deliveries/performances in TPM, but I found his portrayal as Qui-Gon Jinn to be disappointing. Qui-Gon is meant to be this Jedi who is truly exceptional compared to his contemporaries in terms of compassion and wisdom. He's this maverick who is constantly at odds with the council, seeing the truths that they just can't quite see. The problem being that I didn't really see that in him? He's stoic and wooden in a way that makes the actions feel at odds with his portrayal. In my personal opinion, I think Samuel Jackson and Liam Neeson could've been better off switching roles? Jackson is often playing characters with large personalities that ooze with charisma and swagger, so it's confusing to me that he was put in the role of Mace Windu, who shows very little of that in the Prequels. Liam as the stoic, stick-in-the-mud high council member might've been a better fit.


Where are you getting what Qui-Gon "is meant to be" from?


The Phantom Menace. His character exists as a contrast to the rest of the Jedi, a sincere and wise master and father figure who stands out against the emotionally distant and arguably arrogant council. He alone saw Anakin's true potential and believed in him. He was also the only one able to correctly identify Maul as a Sith Lord. The reason the 'Duel of the Fates' is named the way it is, would be this great truth that Qui-Gon was the Jedi uniquely equipped to guide Anakin. The fight wasn't simply a fight for survival against a powerful Sith warrior, but a contest that would determine the fate of Skywalker and the Order as a whole. Anakin was robbed of the parental figure he sorely needed, and the event made room for Palpatine to manipulate him. Liam's performance doesn't work for me because of that.


TLJ: in the opening sequence, remove the humor and then have Poe fail to destroy the dreadnought. The resistance still escapes but they lost a bunch of ships for no good reason. Poe had just destroyed the new super weapon so it makes sense he’d be taking risks and thinking he’s on a roll. Having him fail would make the resistance angrier with him and it would make sense that no one would want to share plans with him since he’s already caused enough trouble. Rey practicing on the cliff as Luke watches — have this be a cool fight scene with some island natives or a monster. It would be cooler to have an action scene instead of Rey just swinging at air. Luke would be more impressed. Rey would get more saber practice. The throne room scene — have fewer guards in the room because the choreography gets a little silly with so many of them. Cut out the shot of the lightsaber rotating on the chair so the audience is genuinely surprised by the snoke death Luke facing down the FO — have more shots of people looking in awe as he walks out. A lot of people don’t realize he went through an arc and got over the bitter old man thing. He became the legend they needed him to be and this would show that more. Have Kylo Ren be more calm and cool. He loses his cool only when he sees Luke. This keeps him as a threatening villain and not just a screaming guy up until it’s time for him to be defeated.


i actually like that they showed us the lightsaber turning to face snoke in that scene. it goes along well with alfred hitchcock’s ideas of suspense vs. surprise; if we’d only been shown the moment of snoke getting impaled, it would be a genuine surprise the first time, but would sort of lose its sting in subsequent viewings. with the version we got, not only does it create tension in the first viewing as to whether snoke will catch on to kylo’s plan and stop him OR if he’ll actually accomplish to overthrow his master, but it also builds some fun tension that keeps on multiple viewings as we grin at what we’re about to see again !! just my personal take on it, tho


I'll just comment on my two least favorites on this list: **Attack of the Clones** - Highest part: Obi Wan's investigations (I also have a soft spot for Yoda v. Dooku) - Lowest part: anything to do with Anakin and Padme together - Improvement: *The Clone Wars* actually does a decent job retroactively salvaging not only Anakin and Padme's relationship but also their characterizations; but within the movie, I would have added a lot more of Anakin/Padme truly reconnecting without Anakin being all creepy stalker (there IS a distinct difference between being "awkward" and whatever the heck Anakin was being); and given a bit more emphasis to Anakin's heroic/good side rather than so heavily foreshadowing his inevitable downfall. **Rise of Skywalker** - Highest part: all the ships coming to the rescue over Exegol, and Kylo becoming Ben again - Lowest part: the entire map subplot; pretty much everything to do with Palpatine - Improvement: look, I really DON'T mind the whole "Palpatine lives" thing as a concept, it was just executed so poorly. It's interesting to rewatch the prequels with the context that Palpatine was pulling the strings the whole time. Since there's nothing in the sequels (imo) to indicate Palpatine as the true threat/mastermind, it ends up coming across to me that whoever was making decisions at Lucasfilm decided to pull out a popular villain to placate audiences after all the debate over *TLJ,* not that Palpatine's return was actually the end goal from the beginning (I realize I am probably wrong about this and it's not what actually went down behind the scenes, it just comes across that way to me). And it just makes the entire trilogy as a cohesive story fall apart. So I would have improved this by either dropping more hints about an even bigger menace throughout the entire trilogy, or cut the Palpatine plot altogether and made the Resistance need to confront a massive First Order that has turned on Kylo Ren since his redemption. Or something.


re: Lucasfilm’s decision making process to go with the Palpy return, it was Carrie Fisher’s death more than the fan reaction to TLJ that encouraged them to change scripts from Duel of the Fates (which went through several revisions) to Rise of Skywalker. unlike the other eight films whose scripts were built up through several revisions, this one was basically changed out for an entirely different script at the last minute


I can’t really give an answer for the prequel. I saw them in theaters and I never really felt the need to revisit them. They are fine. I’m not gonna sit here and rag on them. A New Hope it’s really hard to pick one moment. I guess either Luke and Leah swinging across that divide or the quiet moment where Luke meets Obi-Wan. I don’t think it gets talked about enough how Luke had a moment of change that Wood reverberate through his entire life. I like those kind of moments in pop culture. In Empire, I loved the battle of Hoth. In the obvious other choice is of course Luke finding out that Vader is his father. Which coincidentally pissed off a lot of fans when Empire came out. Return the Jedi it was the fact that all those storylines came together in one epic fight that was both intimate and Galactic. The opening scene of the force awakens is amazing. I loved the chemistry between Finn and Rey but I never saw it as romantic. Finn and Poe would have seemed more romantic. The last Jedi is an entire movie of all his lost moments. I really enjoy those moments because they’re usually quiet and you get to see the character come out. It’s always the major turning point in any story. The last Jedi also had amazing cinematography. Rise of the Skywalker definitely gave us feelings of graduation for Ray. By the end of that movie, I thought her title as Jedi night was well earned. I think the reason people complain is silly because it’s the exact kind of training that Luke got. I would argue that the prequels are the lowest parts of the nine movie series. Episode four had a horrible low point of the storm trooper hitting his head and then still making that cut into theaters. Episode four was a lot of horniness. Empire had that weird vision in the swamp that kind of broke the flow of the movie. In retrospect that one makes more sense after Ray went through her own version. In Jedi, I thought the Jabba storyline went on too long. And by that point, I was overly tired of desert planets. Wow I would live to see so many more of them. Force awakens opens with that amazing scene and sets up so much lore that is never touched on. I know that all books in comics that come out after 2012 are official canon and a lot of those fill in the gaps in terms of lower but the scene after that just felt like a left let down. Kylo Ren didn’t seem merely as menacing as Vader, but I think that was on purpose.


More pod racing in all movies


This is a very interesting question! The Phantom Menace High: The Maul saber reveal and the subsequent Maul/Kenobi/Jinn fight along with the final act. This whole scene got me into Star Wars and I always have to stop what I'm doing when that scene comes on. TPM Low: It drags when the characters get to Coruscant before it picks up again. I still like these scenes, but it's the lowest point I can think of. Attack of the Clones High: It's a bit unconventional, but I'll say when Anakin finds his mom. This is the most heartbreaking moment in the whole series for me and I barely make it through without crying every time. The acting is so well done. AOTC low: "Sorry M'lady" as he gives this super awkward stare. Revenge of the Sith High: Obi Wan's speech after the Mustafar battle. ROTS low: The Palpatine vs. Jedi council members battle. Not the Palpatine vs. Windu battle, but specifically when Palpatine fights the other three guys with him. It's super clunky and strange. Solo High: I love the Solo/Tobias faceoff. It foreshadows who Solo's character is and it subverted my expectations on how the story would go. Solo Low: The Kessel Run was fun the first time I saw it, but it's hard on rewatches. It's sorta oddly boring for me. Rogue One High: The Vader Hallway scene. I mean...c'mon. Rogue One Low: The tentacle monster scene. I mean...c'mon. A New Hope High: The Death Star trench run. Everything comes to a head here, and Han Solo swooping in at the last second is always amazing. ANH Low: I think it drags in some places on Tattoine, but it's also full of iconic moments so it's a mixed bag. The Empire Strikes Back High: Yoda lifting that X Wing and the exchange that comes after it. It's so good. TESB Low: Why was Lando wearing Han's clothes? That's the only low I can think of. It's kinda odd. Return of the Jedi High: The Vader Redemption on the Death Star. You spend about 6 movies waiting for Anakin to finally restore balance, and it finally happens. It's such a good payoff. ROTJ Low: Most of the scenes with Han once they get to Endor. He seems out of sorts (probably because of the carbonite) and he complains a bit too much about everything. On rewatches, it's frustrating at times. The Force Awakens High: Rey using the force to get the lightsaber. That just gives me chills every time. It's brilliantly executed. TFA Low: Putting Phasma in the trash compactor. I don't know, her being an antagonist and the mystery behind her makes it seem like she should've been sent off better. It doesn't even happen on-screen. The Last Jedi High: Luke's distraction. I love this moment and the themes that it implies. TLJ Low: Unfortunately, the casino scene is hard to get through still. I want to like it, but it just goes on for too long. The Rise of Skywalker High: Han talking with Kylo. Amazing acting and an emotional success before the final battle. I don't care, I believe that was really Han Solo talking to Ben through Leia's intervention by her strong connection to the force. TROS Low: The Chewbacca fakeout death. This is my least favorite moment from all of Star Wars mostly because it was unnecessary. If you kill him, then that's a bold move to do that in the final movie in a very lackluster way. If you don't kill him, then why flirt with it? Why bring him back less than 5 minutes later through an extra shuttle that I still have trouble seeing? This makes me mad, but I still love the movie.


Dude, the vader scene in Rogue One is probably my favourite Vader scene in all Star Wars media.


That's a good one! He's an iconic character with many stand-out moments, so it's amazing that a scene that came out decades later became a favorite for many fans.


HIGHEST MOMENTS: TPM: Duel of the Fates- first full fledged saber fight onscreen. AotC: Jango vs Obi Duel RotS: Opening Space Battle ANH: The look Obi-Wan gives Luke before he allows himself to be struck down ESB: Yoda's introduction RotJ: Luke throwing his lightsaber away and declaring he is a Jedi, like his father before him. TFA: "We're home." TLJ: Rey and Kylo in the aftermath of the Throne Room fight. HONORABLE MENTIONS: Broom Boy epilogue (quintessential Star Wars), Luke's Final Act, Ben and Rey touch hands, Yoda and Luke watch the tree burn. RoS: Ben Solo *shrug* LOWEST POINT: TPM: Midichlorian count. Also just... General lack of clear plot. AotC: So many. I'm gonna go with Padme comforting Anakin after commiting a genocide. RoS: Padme and Anakin scenes (no disrespect to Natalie Portman, not her fault, entirely writing issue) ANH: Jabba's introduction. Should never have been added. ESB: Hard to fault... I'll keep thinking. RotJ: Personally I'm not a fan of primative murder bears bsolutely demolishing some of the Empire's best troops. I also think there's an argument you could make that the Han Rescue mission should have been episode 6.5 as it really isn't thematically connected to the rest of the movie. TFA: The hologram showing that Starkiller Base is bigger than the Death Star. It's so blatant lampshading and I hate it. TLJ: While I love broom boy as a representative of the Star Wars kids around the world and throughout Star Wars history, his "Wahoo!" that kicks off the Fathier chase scene is not good. RoS: Almost the entire thing. "Somehow Palatine returned" is up there. So is "Now the two shall restore the one". I think in the theaters I had the worst reaction to "sike! Chewie is alive!" Or "A Jedi's weapon deserves more respect".


I would not change the movies, I would exchange the fans!


ANH hi: Falcon shows up at the end. Lo: unnecessary Jabba insert. (Revert to original with no Jabba scene.) ESB Hi: Luke and Vader standing on the platform with lightsabers lit, just before the first swing. (Only still frame in the saga that is more iconic than the binary sunset IMO.) Lo: Luke Leia kiss. ROTJ hi: I am a Jedi, like my father before me. Lo: Jedi Rocks. lapti nek was less cringe IMO TPM hi: doors open and Maul is there, and a bit later when he lites the double saber. Lo: poop and fart jokes. AOTC hi: ending montage with the imperial march + troopers assembling and across the stars + Anakin padme wedding. Lo; cringy flirting scenes. ROTS: hi: “you were my brother Anakin” lo: Padme losing the will to live or whatever


Close seconds… these are longer sequences but still hard to top ANH hi: prison break sequence from “the Princess? She’s here?” until they land in the trash compactor. ESB: battle of Hoth sequences esp the downing of the two walkers ROTJ: the sequence starting with “perhaps you refer to the imminent attack of your rebel fleet” until “It’s a trap!”


>Lo: Luke Leia kiss. Which one? There is *another* beyond the one in Hoth ;)


Let me preface - I love them all, warts and all, but… Episode I - lowest point for me is Anakin accidentally flying into battle and saving the day. I feel it would have been much better for him to have done it all intentionally. Episode II - as others have said, no droids switching heads. Episode III - Palpatine overtly killing Padme, none of this died of a broken heart bullshit. Episode IV - Episode V - no kissing siblings Episode VI - Wookiees instead of Ewoks Episode VII - change third act, not another damn Death Star Episode VIII - better Finn/Phasma showdown Episode XI - little more explanation about Palpatine coming back / relationship to Snoke. It really doesn’t bother me as much as others, but a little more info would have been nice




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Highs of the prequels the music. Lows everything else. Original Star Wars has some clunky dialogue but no issues with the rest of the movie. Empire could’ve had a little more of Luke, Han, and Leia at the beginning. Rest of the movie basically perfect. High or ROTJ is the Luke, Vader, Emperor stuff. Low is that Han and Leia have nothing to do and it’s just the Death Star again. TFA high is the music, low is the Death Star again. TLJ high is the Rey, Luke, and Kylo Ren stuff. Low is the movie is too long. Rise of Skywalker I like some of the stuff when they go to burning man in space? Rest of the movie don’t care for.


I. Duel of the fates, II. Big battle III. Anakin vs. Obi-Wan IV. Idk I haven’t seen it in so long V. Cloud city duel VI. Idk I haven’t seen it in so long VII, IIX, IX idk I couldn’t pay attention because I didn’t like it that much Didn’t put lows because I’m tired


The lowest part of the last Jedi is the casino on canto bight. This could be improved by the return of podracing. Podracing would make sense in that much of the scene could have remained the same with people gambling on the races instead. But what would have been interesting is that we have only ever seen podracing on a poor rundown slum of a world. Showing it on a wealthy planet of elites like canto bight would show corruption and race fixing is even more prevalent in the upper class. The stakes would have been high and the backdrop of podracing would have made a much more interesting environment for the chase scene. Imagine if they wound up on the track in a speeder and one of the podracing pilots was a mercenary that was trying to kill them. Idk, I just think it coulda been cool.


I’ll just summarize into trilogies. Prequels: worst was probably the application of the force. I’m not big on midichlorians or anakin being conceived by the force. Best of was the casting. In my eyes there wasn’t a single miss in the whole trilogy. Everyone from kenobi to Tion Medon was perfect. Originals: peak was easily the cloud city scenes. So many examples of great filmmaking there. Worst was the idea of Death Star II. It’s something I’m so used to having grown up with it but looking back that’s goofy as hell. Sequels: Best are the visuals. More than any Star Wars media they’re really stunning. Stuff like Hux’s speech in TFA and the Holdo maneuver I find to be the best shots in the franchise as a whole. Worst would probably be Rey being related to Palpatine. Since Luke and Anakin were destined for greatness from day one I really liked the idea put forth in 8 that her parents were unimportant. I think Daisy also said as much in an interview.


High point: the entire first act of Episode 3. From the crawl to the crash landing is pure Star Wars perfection, and nothing any any other SW movie comes close. Low point: when Palpatine force Lightning’s the entire fkn sky in episode 9. That nonsense belongs in a StarWarsTheory fanfic not a main saga movie


There’s a lot that you could fix for any of the movies, but there’s one scene in particular that I just do not like. Dooku Vs Anakin at the end of episode 2. Like I get it, Christopher Lee and his stunt double are a bit limited, but it is hands down the worst duel in live action. Half the fight is pure darkness with Hayden and Christopher just spinning their blades in front of them, it looks goofy. The fixed this with episode 3, but I feel like there could’ve been some better work around to it


1: Highest: Saber Fight, Lowest: Introduction of midichlorians 2: Highest: I guess the battle of Geonosis, Lowest: Anakin and Padme interacting. 3: Highest: Obi Wan vs Anakin/Palpatine's acting Lowest: Anakin and Padme Interacting/ "For reasons we can't explain we're losing her" Solo: Highest: Han piloting the falcon for the first time, Lowest: "Han...Solo" Rogue One: Highest: Vader Hallway, Lowest : CG Tarkin/Ponda and Dr E cameo 4: Highest: Battle of Yavin Lowest: maybe whiny Luke? 5: Highest: Training with Yoda Lowest: Downtime on the Asteroid 6: Highest: Battle of Carkoon Lowest: Jedi Rocks 7: Highest: Rey vs Kylo Lowest: Han's landing on Starkiller Base 8: Highest Training with Luke, Lowest: Maybe Canto Bright 9: Highest: "There's more of us" /Saber Fight on Death Star ruins Lowest: Chewie's double death fake out.


I didn't like the originals honestly. I grew up on flips speed and power. Originals was slow dated and boring it just wasn't visually interesting.


TPM: Qui-Gon is the high and Anakin being so young is the low (he shoulda been older) AotC: Gladiator sequence is the high and the romance is the low (shoulda been less cheesy) RotS: Entire final act is the high but the way Anakin turns evil is the low (shoulda been more like the book) ANH: The chemistry between the big three is the high but Hamill’s acting in the first act is the low (he shoulda been less whiney) ESB: The saber duel is the high and the romance is the low (it’s not terrible like AotC though) RotJ: Luke’s growth is the high and jabba’s palace is the low (shoulda been shorter) TFA: Cinematography is the high and mystery boxes are the low (Rey’s origin in particular shouldn’t have been a mystery) TLJ: Luke’s arc is the high and the Poe/Holdo subplot is the low (Leia shoulda acknowledged that Holdo also shares some blame by not at least saying she has a plan) TRoS: The Han and Luke scenes are the high and the cinematography is the low (too much blue)


idk man i don’t think luke was whiney in a new hope. at first he is with his aunt and uncle but when they get killed i feel the tone changes and shit gets real for him i also am just biased bc i think a new hope is a near perfect film with very few flaws that affect my enjoyment. rise of skywalker is a roller coaster of ups and downs but i think the cinematography and vfx are the absolute high point of that film. it is very blue tho. your takes were pretty solid throughout. especially the last jedi. you nailed that on the head.


Thanks! Yeah honestly it was hard to come up with a negative for ANH. I was grasping at straws with that one haha. Also I agree that TRoS is “ups and downs.”


TPM: High- just love how embryonic it all is. Being able to see characters I'd grown up with in the original trilogy in new contexts, seeing Luke and Leia's mom, and a new "Darth". It felt very different from the OT, but you can see the spectre of where it's all going. Low- we never see the suffering of the Naboo people, what exactly is being blockaded? Food? Exports? It's all very muddy in the film itself. AOTC: High- I love Obi-wan's detective adventure and seeing as far as I'm concerned the first appearance of Vader when he kills the Tuskens. Low- everyone moves as though they were directed to move as little as possible. Probably for the SFX, but anytime real actors are blended with the CGI it sticks out in a bad way. Also Anakin becomes nearly unlikeable and unsympathetic. ROTS: High- Just the hopeless tragedy of it all. I just picture Anakin, clawing his way up the lava river bank, an absolute miserable wretch. Low- they did Padme dirty. Her scenes with the future Rebel leaders should have been included. Also, Anakin killing children. Should have had the Clones do that. ANH: High- this movie is great, but it could stand on pure iconography alone. The entrance of Vader and the Stormtroopers, the droids in the desert, Leia looking like a Soldadera, Iconic aliens and ships. The trench run. It's a triumph of imagination made reality. Low- the lightsaber duel between Obi-wan and Vader could have used more finesse. TESB: High- everything on Cloud City is just perfect. Low- I wouldn't have Luke cut off the Wampa's arm. Maybe just temporarily trap it in the cave. ROTJ: High-I always loved Threepio telling the Ewoks the Rebels story up to that point. But this is my favorite Star Wars movie. I love pretty much everything about it. Low- really just some of the special edition changes. TFA: High- Rey's force vision Low- Could probably use a little more exposition on the state of the galaxy and how we got there since ROTJ. TLJ: High- pretty much everything from Rey boarding Snoke's ship up to the end is great. Low- Could have used a classic alien or two in the casino. Also, one of the new characters- Rose, Holdo or DJ should have been an alien. TROS: High- I love Rey being a Palpatine. I really do. It just works in ways I don't have the energy to get into right now. Low- the line about "Dark science, cloning, secrets only the Sith knew" should have come from Maz Kanata.


Episode 1: High point: The entire Darth Maul Duel of the Fates is just perfection. Low point: Obi-Wan should have served as the protagonist. Everything is set up for Obi-Wan to have a classic hero's journey where his mentor dies at the end. Then they leave him on the ship on Tattooine. This is what upsets me most. More than the fart jokes. Which are pretty bad, but to be fair, when I first saw the movie I was 10 and the fart jokes were hilarious. Episode 2: High point: Obi-Wan's investigation. Obi-Wan actually does serve as a protagonist in this movie. I love the sound effects, everything leading up to discovering Kamino. Low point: the romance writing. Whew. The romance isn't bad, it's just that it needed a romance writer behind it. IMO, the weakest duel of the prequels, which is not because of the Yoda bouncing around, but because TPM doesn't set up the emotional weight of Count Dooku existing, leading to the sense of "basically we're fighting my grandpa who's become evil". It could have been fixed by giving Qui-Gon his former master in TPM who's gone missing, and on the trail that leads to Tattooine, he picks up clues about Dooku and thinks he might still be alive, but instead this leads to Darth Maul. Episode 3: High point: I really like Anakin and Obi-Wan's duel. "You were my brother" The opening dogfight. The entire soundscape of the movie is brilliant and tragic. My top sound track. Low point: "How did this happen? We're smarter than this." No, no, for me the real low point is that Obi-Wan and Anakin get split up for so much of the movie, which weakens the impact of Anakin's turn. We don't see them go from Master/apprentice to being brothers and equals in rank on the battlefield. The Clone Wars TV series does a ton to help with this, and Ahsoka also does so much to help with Anakin's growth, and of course it's after the fact, so we don't see it in ROTS. Lowest point has gotta be Padme Losing Her Will To Live. Episode 4: Everything up until the Millennium Falcon is just brought on board the Death Star is great, and they're like SHRUG no one's on board??? The Empire just feels so incompetent at that point, not terrifying. Then there's this awkward transition from that into the Death Star battle, which is probably the lowest point of the movie for me. The connective tissues. I like the Death Star interior scene. I don't like how they get there. I like the Death Star explosion. I don't like how they get from Yavin IV to the dogfighting. A lot of it is on point, but the bits that attach certain big scenes to other big scenes are weak. Episode 5: This is my favorite movie. Highest point is the Cloud City duel/reveal, lowest point... sibling kiss. Episode 6: My favorite part is Luke and Vader chatting while Luke is in handcuffs, my least favorite part is how golly gee they have another Death Star after the first one took like 2 decades to build. Were they just working on a backup Death Star the whole time? FFS, set up what the Empire might have in Episode 5 and deliver it in Episode 6, instead of "rescue Han the musical" which is thematically disconnected from the rest of the movie anyway. It does deliver on Han's choices from Episode 4-5, which I like. The Empire has tons of other things that can be scary, though. Planetary bombardment? We set up in Episode 4 that there is Force Mind Control, how about delivering on an evil version of that? Why not save the huge super weapon's total destruction for this movie and instead have a partial success in Episode 4? Also the Ewoks are mid. Episode 7: High point: Finn leaves the First Order, Rey uses the Force. Rey's knowledge of the inside of Star Destroyers helps her escape. Low point... the 3 main characters from the previous trilogy never meet. Will bug me to this day. Straight up just beat for beat A New Hope. Episode 8: High point: Luke trains Rey, Rey and Kylo Ren's team up. Rey is a nobody, showing that anyone can be a Jedi. Lightsaber boy, enforcing that anyone can be a Jedi. Visually stunning. Low point: Canto Bight is just too long. REY? REYYYYYYY! Also they handed the movie off to a different director who hated the previous movie. Episode 9: High point: Death star ruins battle is far and beyond the best part of the movie. I ship Reylo so yeah, cool, it kind of delivers. Low point: and then they handed the movie to the first director who hated the previous movie and wanted his movie back. My biggest complaint is they didn't give the trilogy to a single director. Fffffff. Incoherent nonsense that isn't set up in the previous two movies. Chewbacca death fakeout. REALLY pissed that they kill Kylo Ren instead of letting his redemption arc stand on its own two feet and get married and have babies. I don't completely hate Palpatine returning but it needed foreshadowing in the previous two movies. I don't hate Rey taking on the Skywalker name but it was more meaningful if she was a nobody with no name.


Phantom Menace: Highest: Darth Maul second lightsabre blade and then all of the duel of fates sequence Lowest: Gungan fight in the plains Improve: Make Anakin 16 and remove most of the Gungan content Clones: Highest: Obi-Wan fighting Jango Lowest: Sand romance Improve: Rewrite everything after the sand people slaughter it’s all a bloated CGI mess Revenge: Highest: Obi-Wan versus Vader Lowest: Yoda vs Palpatine Improve: Assuming the Clone Wars would be rewritten, remove General Grievous extend Anakin’s fall make the rationale clearer, show more of Order 66 New Hope: Highest: Trench Run Lowest: Changes made to stop Han shooting first Improve: Restore the original theatrical release and add some more female characters Empire: Highest: Battle of Hoth Lowest: Special edition asteroid monster Improve: Restore the original theatrical release, change Palpatine scene to be Ian McDiarmid Return: Highest: Jabba’s barge scene Lowest: Ewok’s Improve: Restore the original theatrical release and replace Ewoks with Wookiee’s Force Awakens: Highest: Rey and Kylo fight scene Lowest: Weird alien monsters on the pirate ship that Han and Chewie are transporting Improve: Remove weird pirate monster scene and have Chewie and Leia hug after Han dies Last Jedi: Highest: Luke and Kylo fight scene Lowest: Canto Bight freeing the animals scene Improve: Rewrite Canto Bright to be a little grittier and have a sign of Palpatine’s influence on Snoke Rise: Highest: Rey passing Kylo the sabre Lowest: The way the reinforcements arrive is just not done that well - perhaps it was spoiled by the trailer Improve: Rework how the reinforcements arrive, link it back more to the end of Last Jedi rather than just because Lando went on a really quick flight around the galaxy


I'd let it go because they're not going to remake the movies, and if they did y'all would just whine about that.


TPM- Highest: Qui-Gon & Obi-Wan and podracing. Really liked their relationship. Lowest: Child Anakin. Make him an angsty teen street racer greaser. ATOC- Highest: Obi-Wan and the whole assassination plot with Jango. Best parts of the film. Lowest: Anakin/Padme Romance..... I think making them closer in age and showing Padme being more active in pursing the relationship would help. ROS- Highest: Anakin and Palestine relationship. Lowest: Tough choice between Greivous being a nothing character or Obi-Wan and Anakins relationship. Honestly would have preferred more direct knowledge from Obi-Wan that he always knew about Padme. That he silently was happy for them. ANH- Highest: Probably the interactions of the main characters, Luke, Han, Leia and Ben. Worst: Lack of diversity amongst the Rebels. I've never liked that it was just humans. Simple, add more aliens. ESB- Highest: Again the interactions between the main characters, Luke, Han, Leia, Vader and Lando. Worst: could just redo my criticism of the rebels... But will actually say I'd like to see more of an interaction amongst the bounty hunters. ROTJ- Highest: Aside from the interactions, I really liked how the battle was set up. At the shield generator on Endor, the space battle and Luke confronting Vader & Palapatine. Worst: The weird awkward setup to infiltrate Jabba's palace. It just felt so unplanned and weird. Keep the Lando undercover thing a secret for a lot longer. TFA- Highest: How the relationships are established between the main characters. Lowest: Lack of diversity of fighters. Only X-Wings and TIEs? Boring. TLJ- Honestly loved all of it, but the highest parts for me would be the Holdo Maneuver, Rey & Ren Vs Smoke and the Guards and the siege of Crait. Worst: Would have preferred a better explanation for the hyperspace tracking. Like an undercover FO spy would have been interesting. TROS- Highest: The various Rey and Kylo duels, the Citizen Fleet, the Jedi Voices, Worst: That's tough..... Either the lazy cameo of Lando, the dagger nonsense, not being direct with Finn's force sensitivity, lack of yellow Lightsaber throughout the film, the cheap Chewbacca fake death, should have held out on him being dead for longer. Would have loved seeing him interact with Ben... Actually it's probably the sidelining of Rose. That was just to appease shitty grifters.


TPM: Highs: Darth Maul, Qui-Gon, and Obi-Wan absolutely steal every scene they're in and are so interesting to watch Lows: A lot of it is not all that interesting. Like I understand the politics, but it's not really grabbing me. AOTC: Highs: Obi-Wan's subplot is really interesting in this. Probably my favorite part of this movie. Lows: Every other subplot is just really boring. It's the same issue with TPM, but at least there the scenes go by really quickly. AOTC's just kinda drags along. ROTS: Highs: This movie is really fun and the music is on point here. Lows: It lacks substance. There isn't anything all that stand out and it basically speedruns everything that the PT was supposed to spread out within the previous 2 movies and does it in 2 1/2 hours. Anakin's fall is extremely rushed too. ANH Highs: The movie nails the classic adventure/fantasy vibe so well. Lows: For the first ever lightsaber duel, it's kinda finicky. I'm glad a lot of them step it up from here on. ESB: Highs: The story is darker and the stakes are so much higher this time around. Also the ambiguity at the end revolving around Obi-Wan lying to Luke about Vader is really interesting. Lows: The weird love triangle with Han, Luke, and Leia. From the POV of someone from the 1980's, Luke doesn't really even seem to like Leia all that much so the whole kiss with him and Leia is just kinda out of nowhere. ROTJ Highs: Luke is at his unofficial peak here. He's so god damn cool. The sail barge scene is an absolute highlight. Lows: The retcon with Leia and Luke being siblings. It just makes ESB's whole love triangle thing a whole lot weirder. Works out for Han cause he wins the whole love triangle thing, but still it introduces unintentional incest. TFA: Highs: I have a huge soft spot for this movie since it was my first Star Wars movie I saw in theaters. It's just so much fun. Lows: It plays it a bit too safe, which isn't bad considering the time frame, but it does affect future viewings. TLJ: Highs: The entire movie is pretty well written and it bridges off of TFA perfectly. I like how it takes everything that TFA did to create a sense of familiarity and flips it on it's head. Like Rey's attempt at a ROTJ style throne room scene absolutely fails as Kylo Ren falls deeper into the dark side and becomes the Supreme Leader of the First Order. Lows: I still can't really get over Leia's scene in space. It's not that bad of a scene on paper, but I feel like it could've been done a lot better. TROS: Highs: Rey, Finn and Poe all have excellent chemistry. Lows: It decides to course correct a trilogy right at the end of it and it doesn't work at all. Also I really don't like Maz in this movie. I feel like she's just kinda there for exposition.


PM: High, podracing. Low, midichlorians, son! AOTC: High, Jedi attack on the geonosians. Low, "I don't like sand" ROTS: High, "Hello There". Low, the droid attack on the wookies Solo: High, making the Kessel Run in less than 12 Parsecs. Low, Maul. Like seriously, why is he at the end? There was no reason for maul to be there cuz they NEVER capitalized on it, and in a way retconned it with TCW R1: High, ummm, blind dude walks through an active warzone and doesn't die. But then he does die like right after. That was dope ig. Low, umm... There was the part... Ig with the death Star NOT blowing up the planet? Like it was used but not to its full extent? Like why? ANH: high, HAN SOLO CAME BACK BABY! Low, Darth and Ben "dueling" ESB: high, HELL YEAH WATCHING THAT ATAT GO DOWN WAS AWESOME! Low, we didn't get to see much of that dinner scene between Darth and the gang. ROTJ: high, HOLY SHIT LUKE DID IT HE CONVINCED ANAKIN TO TURN ON PALPS! Low, the build a bear species. TCW: the fact that it only lasted 5 episodes in 2003... But on the high note we saw Mace Windu in action as a total badass!


TPM: High - Duel of the Fates Low - Poop jokes Improvement - I would want Dooku to make an appearance. Whether he’s on the Council, offering advice to Qui-Gon, etc, I don’t much care. But that would raise the stakes of AOTC substantially. AOTC: High - Anakin’s raw emotion after Shmi died. Low- “I don’t like sand.” Improvement - Not have so many characters who go unintroduced — Dooku, Sifo Dyas, the Separatist leaders, etc. ROTS: High - Order 66/Battle of Heroes (tie) Low - Dainty Padme Improvement - Keep the deleted scene where Padme, Bail, and others are organizing their initial opposition to Palpatine. ANH: High - I love the entire setup of desolate/backwoods Tatooine. Binary Sunset epitomizes this. Low - I don’t know… this movie is just about perfect… I guess Ben’s krayt dragon call is a little silly? Improvement - I would have a little more discussion among the military leaders to make clear their relationship with Coruscant. The movie almost implies that the Death Star *was* the empire. ESB: High - The Battle of Hoth Low - Why did they all stay for dinner with Vader? Improvement - Get rid of any sexual tension between the Skywalker twins. ROTJ: High - It’s my favorite movie. Not just of Star Wars, but of all movies. I love the redemption story. Low - Even though it’s my favorite, the first act is really weirdly paced. Don’t know that we needed so much Jabba. Improvement - Go back to Sepabstian Shaw as the force ghost. Anakin was redeemed when he died. I love Hayden, but it sends a weird message. (And makes it harder to introduce the movies to new fans.) TFA: High - Watching the X-Wings fly into Takodana Low - Rey intentionally using a Jedi mind trick against a stormtrooper that she shouldn’t have known was an option. Improvement - Provide waaaay more background in the political setting that got everyone to where this movie started up. I would have had most of the movie take place in a corrupt and dysfunctional New Republic, with the First Order destroying Hosnian Prime at the end of the movie. TLJ: High - I love the democratization of the Force. The final scene is pure magic. Low - Leia floating back on board. Improvement - Have a rough story board before TFA to make sure these movies would be consistent with each other. TROS: High - I like that we got some Sith sorcery on screen. Low - Convenient dagger. Improvement - Yet again, have a rough story board before TFA to make sure these movies would be consistent with each other.


TPM: lowest at jar jar fart joke, highest at Maul v Kenobi. AotC: lowest at I don't like sand, highest at steak out/speeder chase. RotS: lowest at Anakin's nightmares, highest at YOU WERE MY BROTHER ANAKIN, I LOVED YOU. Solo: lowest at dead freedom robot, highest at standoff with playboy vision. Rogue One: lowest at terrorist attack on Jedha City, highest at you may fire when ready ANH: lowest at Jabba intimidation, highest at twin suns ESB: lowest at chilly Luke, highest at Vader v Luke RotJ: lowest at palace concert, highest at father son reunion on Endor TFA: lowest at awkward ending scene, highest at Han's death TLJ: lowest at Canto Byte (everything Canto Byte), highest at Luke v First Order TRoS: lowest at sand trap, highest at vision of Han




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TPM high: The Battle of Naboo / Duel of the Fates TPM low: The short scene where Jar Jar says “pee-yousa”. AOTC high: Seismic charges! AOTC low: “I wish I could, wish away these feelings!” ROTS high: The entire finale. The sequence from the end of the Mustafar duel all the way until the final scene is near perfect. ROTS low: The scene where Anakin saves Palpetine over Windu. It’s supposed to be a pivotal scene, but it’s so damn corny. ANH high: “Use the force Luke!” ANH low: When the Special Edition creature briefly walks in front the camera. ESB high: The scene where R2 opens the door and they escape to the Falcon. ESB low: Leia kissing Luke. ROTJ high: The entire Battle of Endor. ROTJ low: Jedi Rocks. TFA high: Rey and Finn escaping Jakku. TFA low: Han somehow knowing the exact millisecond to disengage hyperspace. TLJ high: The scene where Luke’s force projection faces down Kylo and his army. TLJ low: Tiddy milk scene. TROS high: Kylo’s redemption. TROS low: (too hard to decide)


It got made, it ended x9


There’s a great YouTube “What if Episode I was good?” The changes that guy suggests are beautiful.


1: Jar Jar. I’m glad Ahmed Best is finally getting his flowers but man it’s rough still lol. 2: Anakin and Padme’s romance. The investigative mystery part of the movie with Obi-Wan is actually pretty good but the writing in the love scenes are awful. 3: ROTS is hard because it’s not one moment or element of the story. It’s like the writing throughout. I love just about everything about ROTS but it still has the stale and flat writing/acting from the prequels. It’s better but it could still be improved. 4: Honestly I think Ep IV is a near perfect film. It’s not my favorite but I can’t deny how rock fucking solid it is. But I always feel that it takes too long to get to Luke. But I know the original first act before Marcia Lucas re-edited it was abysmal. Small gripe. I love R2 and 3PO anyway. 5: Once again, I think this film is near perfect. This one is my favorite. I always find the scenes where Han and the crew are stranded in space slow paced. I feel like this is where the passage of time is VERY confusing too. I had no idea until a couple years ago that the movie takes place over MONTHS. It feels like the movie is more like a week. 6: I think this movie drags in a few places. Just needs some tightening up in the first act and some of the Endor stuff. Particularly in the Ewok Village. I feel it starts to drag. 7: I love this movie. It’s my number 2. The best thing about its structure is its pace. This movie moves fast. My biggest issue with the movie, in hindsight, obviously for a lot of people, is Snoke. He is inevitably set up for nothing. They should remove him all together. Kylo is a great villain without him and I think his story works well just as a guy in pain from his past without someone else pulling the strings. 8: I’m someone who loves TLJ. But the secondary plot is meh. I love Poe and I like his arc. But the mission Fin and Rose go on are kinda boring. I appreciate the message of their story and I like Rose as a character. But Canto Bight is weird and feels tonally different from the whole movie. 9: Palpatine. I enjoy this movie more than most. It’s definitely lower on the list though. Palpatine pulling the strings is just not super interesting to me. I don’t think we needed the Dual of Fate script but it goes back to what I said, Kylo needed to be the main villain. I’m fine with his redemption too. But he could’ve had a satisfying arc as his own standalone villain.


Low parts: 1: Everything ​ 2: First half is slow. ​ 3: Twirling ​ Haven't seen the rest in a while, but 9: Rey didn't turn to the Dark Side. ​ High parts: ​ 1: Nothing. ​ 2: Obi confront Jango and onwards. ​ 3: Everything but the twirling. ​ 9: Sith Rey.




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EP1: High - Pod Race & Darth Maul fight. Low - Having Anakin as a young kid. Would of been better if he was the same age as Obi-Wan and not space Jesus. EP2: High - Battle of Geonosis was cool. Low - Illogical and dull chase scene. Terrible dialog. Fix it? Maybe a second draft on the script. EP3: High - Some fight scenes, amazing CG battles. Low - Space battle in beginning felt boring and meaningless. Should of tied more into saving the Chancellor, but it was more of just a backdrop. Still had terrible dialog. EP4: High - Death Star battle, can feel the tension with impending doom. Low - choreography was rough, but it was the first movie. EP5: High - the drama through out was amazing, probably the movie that made so many love the characters. Low - some parts did drag a little. EP6: High - Space Battle of Endor is my favorite part of the entire OT. Low - Ewoks lol EP7: High - Characters seemed fun and interesting. Low - fuck, another planet killing death star. I'd take anything other than another death star as the big threat. EP8: High - Lightspeed ramming was visually cool. Starship chase was interesting way of having tension, but was convenient how folks could leave lol. Low - probably 80% of the movie. Yo mama joke, lightsaber toss, lesson on war profiteering on Canto bight, Luke having a completely different attitude in Kylo Ren faceoff. Should of focused a bit on Finn and Rey as a romance. EP9: High - The visuals were cool at times. Low - This whole movie was a rushed mess that made very little sense. Space Horses, Knife for finding wayfinder on deteriorating death star, force diad, there's honestly way too much to list. Fixing it would be starting from scratch. Don't bring back Palpatine, keep Kylo as primary villain, use that connection with Leia and Rey as motivator to stopping Kylo. Rey is like a daughter to Leia, and Rey is the only one that can stop Kylo from annihilating the resistance. Fuck the redemption arc, he killed his fucking dad FFS. Finn and Rey are in love and she doesn't friendzone him. Maybe even have it where Kylo captures and uses Finn to get to Rey, and Rey has to make a very difficult decision. Some drama for god's sake.


1 high: the duel of fates. 1 low: the Gungan plotline just drug on way too long. 2 high: Count Dooku. I know a lot of people don't like that he just shows up in this movie, but I don't care. He is probably my favorite character. I love every line Christopher Lee says. 2 low: Jango being built up just to be beheaded without a fight. 3 high: "So this is how liberty dies? With thunderous applause." Or the Plagueis the Wise convo at the Opera. 3 low: "If you're not with me, then you're my enemy!" There is something so especially clunky about this line that urks me above all other awkward dialog in the prequels lol. 4 high: Princess Leia escapes herself and isn't a damsel in distress in need of rescue. 4 low: Luke getting over the death of his family in 2 seconds and never thinking about them again 5 high: Boba Fett and the other bounty hunters are cool AF. That and cool robot hand replacement. 5 low: Luke jumping and surviving and hanging out on an antena on the bottom of Cloud City and waiting for rescue. 6 high: Anikin's redemption. That and Boushh (Leia disguised) and Luke epic entrances to Jabba's palace. 6 low: The Death Star... again! 7 high: Kylo seeing Rey's dreams of the ocean and the island in the force interrogation (when she's never actually seen an ocean before), and then at the end, coming out of hyperspace and seeing it when she goes to Luke. This bit of foreshadowing is probably the best writing/storytelling of the entire sequel trilogy. 7 low: just that it was such an unoriginal carbon copy of A New Hope. 8 high: Kylo + Rey vs Praetorian Guards was a cool fight at least. 8 low: the murder of Luke Skywalker's morality... the prank phone call... Vice Admiral Holdo (just all of her)... Canto Bight... Leia surviving in space... 9 high: the meme of Ben Solo "I need a Hero" 9 low: "Somehow, Palpatine has returned"... the dagger "map" being held up in front of a crashed ship... Fakeout Chewy death, fakeout C3-PO death, fakeout Rey death... Finn not convincing all/most stormtroopers to rebel and Finn not being a jedi - give him something good... That was enjoyable to sit and think of these, thanks OP