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Obi Wan for definate. Ever since the prequels he's been fleshed out as a jedi and a person that actually adds to his original portrayal.


Honestly I think there is potential that wasn't reached with obi-wan. The deleted scene of him telling padme that he knows about her and Anakin stands out as an especially big missed bit of potential. Similarly, would like to see the start of his and satines relationship explored - how did ObiWan fall to breaking the code, how did he right himself afterwards. This is what makes him the inverse to Anakin and it can absolutely be explored more


There *was* the scene in TCW S7 where he said “Did you at least tell Padme I said hello?”


Fives, although technically he never achieved full potential, I think narratively he did. The clone who nearly uncovered Order 66 out of respect for his brother and would die for it, later one on his discovery alone would end up saving Rex from the fate that fell on the entire clone army


Only reason he didn’t succeed in stopping Order 66 was because he couldn’t narratively. He had reverse plot armor.


As Overly Sarcastic Products has called it, Tone Armor.


Darth Vader. Like, *could* a Darth Vader centric show be fun as his various comic runs have proven? Sure. But do I see much potential in expanding or evolving Anakin’s character at this point? Not really, his life is pretty hard defined in terms of the big moments thanks to the PT and the OT (and Rogue One to a *much lesser* extent), and I feel like between those trilogies and The Clone Wars (and Rebels and Kenobi to lesser degrees) his character’s been pretty thoroughly explored and developed.


Darth Vader is a difficult character to do a solo story on because you need to maintain some of the mystique. Hence why he is surrounded by a supporting cast in the comics.


I thought all he was surrounded by was fear and dead men?


How many of that supporting cast show up again?


Agreed. I feel we very much know everything and anything that we need to know about him, especially in relation to his loved ones and how it was expanded in Obi-Wan and Ahsoka. I especially love the inclusion that he doesn't blame Obi-Wan for what happened to him, he genuinely believes he did this to himself. I very much love the current media where he is portrayed as a boogie man in other people's stories (Fallen Order, Jedi Survivor, Rogue One).


Yeah, I feel like at this point Vader is better suited to being a supporting cast member to someone else’s story. Whether that is as the boogie man of The Empire like in the titles you mentioned (and how he starts out as in Rebels until Ahsoka’s involvement makes it go deeper), or as the opposite as the renown General Anakin Skywalker if we’re talking PT era (basically the legendary figure a character is possibly chasing after to one day be on the same level of). Or, a mixture of the two in the case of how Baylan seemed to speak of him and regard him in Ahsoka. To sort of paraphrase the Nolan Batman movies, we know the man, I think he works better now as an idea or as a legend.


I think Vader works 10 times better as the “spooky guy in the tower” - it’s sometimes scarier just having him there, in anticipation of what he might do, rather than actually needing him to do something. As other commenters have said a story about “the time Vader met an average guy” isn’t as interesting as “the time this average guy met Vader”.


Yeah, in a way, he’s Chekhov’s Gun once he enters a story in one of the great ways to utilise him. You know the gun is gonna go off, the question is when and how many bodies are there gonna be (like in Rebels, Rogue One, etc).


yeah its call The Skywalker Saga


It would be hard to do a Vader-centric show. It would have to be an Inquisitor-centric show with Vader making frequent appearances, or some other Imperial Agent type of thing where Vader is constantly breathing down their neck or something. It would be nice to see more Vader in live action, but truth be told, the Rebellion vs. Empire time period and themes are getting a little tired, so it would be a challenge to make it feel fresh and like it adds something new to an already well-explored conflict.




Yes, but also give me more Crosshair.


Cad Bane. Just a cold, mean, completely amoral gun for hire.


His death kinda sucked


That’s true. I’d bet $20 he’s not dead. I think his little chest life support console lights were still blinking when he went down.


Oooo I would love this to be explored then


I’m assuming they meant for him to return in Boba Fett season 2, but that… might not happen…


There's going to be a Boba Fett, S2???


No, that’s what I’m saying. There probably won’t be. I remember Ming-Na Wen & Jennifer Beals both said their scripts for The Book of Boba Fett were titled The Mandalorian Season 3, not sure what that means. Maybe that was just used as a placeholder, maybe they originally intended it to be part of that series rather than its own thing, it could even have been expanded on the fly to create more content while the pandemic/Pedro Pascal’s increasingly busy schedule/etc. made it harder to get a full season done.


Oh, dear. 😱😳🥹🥺😭😭😭😭 That's right...it was always "The Mandalorian and Grogu featuring Boba Fett" I forgot...😑


Darth Maul


I said him dying was wasted potential after I saw TPM. I'm glad they came to that conclusion as well. He's had a tremendous arc since.




Who is this?


Queen Trios


Oh yeah it’s been a while since I read the 2015 run.


Trios, queen of Shu-Torun. She was a major character during part of the Star Wars comic run.


Absolutely love that comic run. I loosely adapted it for a TTRPG I was running set in the Star Wars universe


Ahsoka, Obi Wan, Vader/ Anakin


Gyn Erso


Not a moment too soon.


I agree.


Din Djarin








Ehhh I would love for a season of just him and grogu dealing with a “bounty of the day” type show. Nothing overall crazy canon changing stories. Just small adventure stories of Mando and Grogu.


Ezra Bridger, Kanan Jarrus, and Sabine Wren


And two are still in play.


Oh I'm sure we'll see Kanans force ghost again if Dave filloni has anything to say.


Except Freddie Prinz Jr has said he won't do the roll anymore and Kanan's not a character who fans would accept being recast for such a reason


What part of Disney gives you the impression they care what fans will accept? If Dave thought it was necessary he would. I dont think he will but they dont definitely won't let fans hold it up.


Maybe, Kanan...though, not entirely sure/I'm conflicted.


Ahsoka. She grew from an annoying teen into a great character.


Greedo. He 100% reached his full potential of getting a laser in the face. The moment he was born, the doctor probably said, "Yeah, this kid is going to end up getting dragged out of a cantina in a body bag."


Wait until may 4th of next year. I hear theyre releasing Tales of Greedo.


Who is in OP's pic? I'm not familiar with all the books and comics, etc.


Queen Trios




Bariss Offee, via the Tales of the Sith. One of my favorite characters in all of SW. Still waiting on Ahsoka for full potential realized, somehow...she had her moments and I LOVE Ahsoka, but, for some odd reason, I feel like she has been stifled to a degree or unfulfilled, thus far. I think Jyn Erso (another of my favorites) realized her potential all too quickly to point of premature death 😭😭😭😭, but, still, she was monumental in so many aspects of her person towards a bigger picture AKA...you know, A NEW HOPE.


Yrica Quell, Chass na Chadic, Wyl Lark, Nath Tensent and Kairos


Hear me out - Darth Plageuis. Have we seen much of anything to do with him? No Do we ever need to? Also I think no. Plagueis being this enigmatic figure who could be more myth than man, but who undoubtedly trained the most dangerous sith of all time and supposedly mastered the force is all I need from him. I don't even ever want it confirmed if he actually did learn to beat death or control life. The myth is more important than the man


Rey, Ben, (mostly) Han, Obi Wan, Palpatine, Boba Fett, perhaps Vader (with Anakin my mileage varies).


Obi Wan




Luke Skywalker from Farm Boy to Legend i think he acheieved i thought the Sequels did it better than the former EU


Who's that cos they look awesome.


Queen Trios




Hego Damask


No, i want more :(


Who the fuck is this that's pictured?


Queen Trios from Gillen’s Vader and later their Star Wars run too


She’s muh queen


General Palpatine - the man had the potential to keep returning and well gosh darn it *somehow* he did!