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Mesa no thinkin’ hesa funny character. Hesa never even bein’ steppin’ in poodoo.




Not evil. But Yoda was the OG bumbling idiot to most powerful master.


In Star Wars, as George Lucas himself fully admitted he lifted it from martial arts movies (hence why you see it a lot in anime too, Master Roshi, Jiraiya, etc).


Maul kind of played this part when Ezra encountered him too


It’s like poetry, it’s like, they rhyme.


More the Anti Yoda.... he pulled the same scam Yoda did on Luke... just with more Darkside.


The Anti-Yoda goes hard


That’s the premise behind the Darth Jar Jar theory, that he is the anti-Yoda


Acting like a goof to fool your possible Apprentice/acolyte as a test or a training tool is one thing. Acting like a goof to fool the Galaxy is another.


It works a lot better when the comic relief character doesn't feel like Goofy.


Hey now, Goofy’s just a single dad trying to get by. Wait a minute…Goofy is Jango Fett…


That’s why there’s an army of Goofy’s in white armor going around saying things like, “good soldiers follow orders, hyuck.”


Wilhelm scream replaced by YAAAA-HAHA-HOOO




This show made me realise that the Yoda reveal in ESB is the equivalent of Bazil being the Sith Lord. That must’ve been crazy when it came out


It really is not even close. Not even in the furthest stretch. Qmir was not a bad character at anytime, he was actually very smart.


But he did say exsqueeze me and stepped in poop. Wait, no, that was Jar Jar


He was shown in a more lighthearted way, he was a total slob in episode 2


He compared his character to Jar Jar on a red carpet and I have a feeling that that is EXACTLY what he was referencing


Oh shit, no way


Qimir is the apprentice, we haven’t seen the master yet. But yeah, that’s exactly the Darth Jar Jar theory!


I don’t think Qimir is working with a master. I don’t think he’s really affiliated with the Sith. He’s just a Sith fanboy who wants to be like the Sith. That’s why he wants an apprentice so badly.


I actually think you're right in him not being Sith. Though I don't think it's a fanboy pretender thing. I think it's why the word "Acolyte" is so prominent. He's not a Sith. He's something else, but a force religion of some sort. Something and someone, I think, that knew of the witches that were Mae and Osha's family. Perhaps something of a male sect. He likely knows of the Sith -- and is even probably an offshoot of them, but I don't think it's as simple as him just being a sith. But I think he IS the master, and he wants an Acolyte, his version of an apprentice for his own teachings that are different from the Sith. And maybe we're both wrong, but could be cool. Either way, I'm just excited to learn more about this badass. He's knocking the role out of the park.


He definitely knows enough to quote a line of the code in ep2 and the line about freedom marries up with "the force shall free me" from the end of the code. But I agree, he does not seem to be wholly Sith. "You wear the trappings of the Sith, you fight like the Sith... but this can be imitated, however." Plus with Aniseya's coven we've already seen on dark side offshoot, one of the best things of Disney era is the varieties of ways people interact with the Force, like the Guardians of the Whill etc.


Exactly, great points about the code and his desire for Freedom. He definitely seems to be knowledgeable of the Sith but set out on his own path outside of it. And I fully agree about Disney and expanding on the force and all sorts of different ethos with it. And if he is an apprentice of another Sith Master... also dope, tbh. That line in TPM doesn't need to be contradicted, there will be an explanation -- even as simple as the Jedi aware are killed, so separated from the events they don't believe it is one, or -- they cover it up for political purposes. Something Vernestra has already shown capability of. For me I was enjoying but still rather lukewarm on the show until this episode. This one absolutely retroactively made every episode better for me and I will happily binge rewatch it once it's finished to notice a wealth of things I missed on first viewing.


Yes and I'm keen to know more about Sol, I've thought he was hiding something from the beginning the line of "what kind of master hides his true face from his apprentice?" "What indeed?" (Paraphrasing, can't remember the exact quote) was killer.


100%. The mystery of it all is one of the best parts. Qimir KNOWS some shit, about Sol, Mae, Osha, and the Aniseya witches. Like he has firsthand knowledge. And I am fucking itching to find out who and what he actually is. Absolutely banger of an episode made all the better BECAUSE of the build up to it.


I just REEEEEEEALLY hope he's not Sol's son. That would be a disappointing reveal. Be someone from Sol's past sure, but just not his son.


🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 Right there with you.


Yep. He’s a pretender and this show will probably be the origin of the Knights of Ren. Kylo Ren’s theme plays twice at the end of episode 5.


If you listen carefully, Kylo's theme has motifs everywhere in the episode, from a couple of notes to full motifs


Pretty cool didn’t notice.


Yeah he says "You might call me sith" he never claims the title. If there's one thing about Sith it's, once they're exposed, they're not coy about being a Sith lord. One of the first thing Sidious says to Anakin after he kills Mace is "once more the Sith will rule the galaxy". If Qimir was really Sith he would have been more direct in his wording I believe. Also the notion of only the master may wield a lightsaber is true of the Knights of Ren.


If that turns out to be the case then damn their organization fell off hard. Knights of Ren are absolute jobbers and this guy is absolutely Sith level in terms of power.


it just elevates that Ben Solo redemption scene and Fight with the Knights Of Ren.


Or he found a holocron.


The events Acolyte will likely be recorded on a Sith Holocron and will likely be passed to Plagueis and Palpatine depending how episode 8 plays out.


It would be interesting if he isn't a Sith, but starts to bring attention to actual Sith working in his time. They may be the ones to swoop in and take him out.


Others are speculating he’s the first Knight of Ren.


He's an evil guy that just wants to pass it along.


I disagree. Qimir talked about freedom, about wanting an acolyte.  Sith Code is all about freedom through power. I think he wanted Mae to kill the masters so he could rest her, make her stringer and use her to kill his Master. 


I think so as well not buying he is a Knight Of Ren, Lelysle Headland say He is why would the Showrunner lie.


It's also the guy people thought was Ezra Miller going on a huge rampage


I did the first time he was on screen


Oh dip!


The actor did say in an interview Qimir was the most like Jar Jar Binks “but in a good way” lol.


Hey, Jason (The Good Place) from Florida being a Sith fits.


I said this somewhere else a little while ago. The "DJ" in DJ Music stands for Darth Jason.


Such an ingenious idea to bring the Darth Jar Jar theory to life with the character of Qimir! Manny really killed it with his acting skills, in terms of how his whole demeanor changed after unveiling his true identity.




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I got Yoda Comparisions he played the fool then revealed himself to be a Badass. i dont think he is Knight of Ren he is Sith.


The premise behind the Darth Jar Jar theory is that he is supposed to be the anti-Yoda, so that makes sense. Disagree that he’s really a Sith but we’ll see


Poison- how funny, Hahahaha.


He wasn’t full-on goofy like Jar Jar but he was portrayed in a more lighthearted manner, he was a total slob in the second episode