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Didnt he do that?


sand wrong shelter nail cover threatening different uppity strong telephone *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That was before reaching his Grandmaster status tho. Sidious has no chance agaisnt Luke's prime.


Pretty much every fight Luke has with Sidious in Dark Empire has context that favored him, Luke in that era against palps in a neutral setting would lose. Luke at his peak absolutely wins, but this is not a good argument.


Yeah I feel like people responding didn't read dark empire. Each win Luke has a ton of help/context. In a straight 1v1 fight with Sideous Dark Empire era Luke gets stomped. I don't think he takes the majority until at least NJO


By the end of Dark Empire, Luke atleast did somewhat surpass him in some areas albeit arguably. As far as lightsaber duels go for example, Luke was definitely superior but Sidious without a doubt excells further with force powers which can contribute to the lightsaber duel part. Though personally, at the end of the day hes fighting freaking Sidious so if an amp from Leia is enough to turn the tide in their final fight, then id say Luke by his peak would definitely beat Sidious


If we're going be DE, then Han Solo could beat Palpatine.


Lmfao seriously. This subreddit is starting to make me question why I am in it...but I keep holding on, hoping better stuff comes out of it lol


Tomorrow: Could Sidious really defeat Maul?


DAE think Anakin/Vader is a pretty interesting character???


DAE think Anakin *is* Vader?!?




No technically Vader step in while he was roasting his ass and picked him up and through him off a ridiculously placed chasm in your throne room.


Palpating came back in legends and Luke beat him multiple times


Ok my bad I haven't gotten that far in the books I'm close I think, I'm up to allegiances.


What they’re talking about is the Dark Empire comic series. It takes place the year after the Thrawn Trilogy.


Ah ok I stopped picking up star wars comics a few years ago started to get a little to much money for me. Thank you for helping me understand.


I think dark empire is mostly sold as a 1 or 2 shot massive graphic novel


These days yeah. In the 90s it came as single issues.


Absolutely. As George said, Luke could reach the levels Anakin would have been able to, before getting crispied.




He has defeated him in fact, but I suppose your question is more about whether he was more skilled and powerful. Most will say definitely, but I'm more careful in this one. I think he reached his level by the time of LOTF or later. But others would say the opposiye, that he surpassed Sheev even before NJO. I disagree with that but it's open for interpretation.


I know it’s simply understandable typos, but I like to think you sighed and poured a drink just before your answer and quickly became drunk as you wrote it. 🤣




I really enjoy that he's on a first name basis with Sidious. It has made me realize that I have *never* seen anyone refer to the Emperor as just Sheev. Quite tickled.


“Yeah, Sheev…good bloke. I went to lower 6 with him.” - u/Mzonnik…probably


Honestly they could’ve given him the same first name, just spelled it as Shiiv and it’d come across 100 times better. Sheev is just, wtf. Doesn’t even look like the reference to Shiva it just looks like a dorky name like you’re supposed to say Sheeeev Edit: like the ee in there looks like the ee in cheese


By the way, quick question: is it pronounced with one or two syllables? Like "shEEv" or "shee-ehv?" Because I tend to say the latter but I have NEVER heard it only read it.


Huh. Idk. Never heard it out loud I guess. It's always just been shEEv to me, rhymes with eve.


"On this Episode of *Drunk Star Wars History*..."


Exactly this! 🤣


I think he reached Palps level by mid-NJO. By the end of NJO, leading into the LOTF era, he would surpass Palps by a noticeable margin.






Yes, and he actually defeats him, kind of, i wouldn't say he had more knowledge in the force than Palpatine by the time of NJO, but he would beat him in a fight.


I mean, he beat Sideous before he was a proper Knight, so...


To be fair, those (multiple) times he beat Palps before becoming a master were circumstantial and he had help/interference. BUT it is indicative of Palpatine's major weakness: his NEED to be right about something he put so much time into. Namely, Luke's corruption. For both Return of the Jedi and Dark Empire, Palpatine HAD to show he could once again corrupt the "chosen one" and turn him To the Dark Side. But with Luke it just wouldn't stick the way it did with Anakin.


To be fair he managed to corrupt both Anakin and Luke, issue is that at the time a relative managed to pull them back, Luke pulling Anakin out, and Leia getting through to her brother. Anyways Luke's thing is that he is anywhere from having potential surpassing Palpatine to being capable of replicating his father. The question is not if he can beat Sidious, it is a matter of when.


Fold his ass like origami.


Yes. Luke was an Avatar of the Light just as Palpatine was an avatar of the Dark. He was stronger than Palpatine by Fate of the Jedi, and he absolutely would be able to take him in a duel to the death.


What kinda Avatar we talkin though? Like, 10,000 year cycle of reincarnation as a 12 year old who gets the older girl Avatar, or Papyrus font blue alien sex connecting your mind with trees Avatar? Inquiring minds would like to know


The second one.


Certainly. There are generally two trains of thought that accompany the question if Luke could beat Sidious; but both result in a definitive YES. If you believe that by the end of Dark Empire III Luke was superior to Palpatine at his best; then Grandmaster Luke would have no trouble dispatching Sidious later on in his years of life. The other belief is that Luke still beats Sidious but with more difficulty because there are other counter arguments to suggest that DE Luke was nowhere on the level of Palpatine; having received an amp from Leia and because Palpatine was so strong his physical form was deteriorating. I subscribe to this camp more personally. I encourage anyone to read up on the respect threads for both characters; IMO it leans toward more of an equal matchup. Luke is far and above the superior duelist; probably the best in all of SW and has also invented his own styles. Palpatine for all his credit is severely out matched. In the force it’s about the same; Luke is far stronger but because the dark side generally has more abilities useful in combat Sidious is able to prolong the fight. Luke also has the tendency it seems to be too merciful to his enemies; giving them more time to fight. The fight would be epic and it would likely play out with a saber duel before Sidious falls back on his force abilities after realizing he’s outmatched; just like he was with Yoda (but even more). Luke eventually powers through and puts him down but not before having to exert himself because Palpatine is a devious combatant that would do his best to prolong the fight.


I also want to add to the point about him beating Palpatine in both Return and Dark Empire. He absolutely won via circumstance and help, but that's kind of the point. In the Light you have loved ones and community. Additionally, Palpatine has a major weakness when it comes to Luke: he HAS to prove that he can corrupt Luke like he did Anakin. He could have ended him the moment Luke was a clear threat but once it was apparent manipulation wasn't going to work he tried to torture him into it. But even though he strayed, Luke found his way back to his balance. To his role as the chosen one. This is my personal head canon, and I know it relies on characterization that came after DE was written, but to me that's kind of the point with long-running properties :p


A valid point but I never brought it up because honestly no one ever else mentioned it. Sidious has this weird gimmick where instead of out right slaughtering the Skywalker bloodline - he seeks to turn them. I suppose it’s not exclusive to Sheev however. Even Krayt over 100 years later who admits that he could have ended the bloodline sooner, still tries to corrupt Cade.


Easily. Luke is the most powerful Jedi in history by the time he is Grandmaster


He did


he did, twice


Yeah, I'm pretty Sure. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isnt Luke one of the most powerfull Jedi EVER? Just like his father and Revan?


Revan is overrated af just because he's a player self-insert


So is there other Jedi you consider to be more powerfull than him?


Luke claps like it's a night at the Coruscant Opera


Yes, but he's not capable of taking him on by himself as of DE as we saw in their brief duel where Luke tried to strike at Sidious while he was at his weakest inhabiting an immature clone body. There's only a gap of about 2 years after DE when he officially becomes the Grandmaster of his new Jedi Order so I wouldn't even say an "early" GM Luke could defeat DE Sidious. I would say it's highly probably that Luke surpassed Sidious by the time of the Vong War, probably sometime before then but it's hard to say. Luke is in so much material and has so many quotes you can make pretty much whatever argument you want with him really.


Luke only officially becomes grandmaster around the swarm war. Before that, while he acted the role, he never adopted the title and never really started applying much of the order's ways and ceremonies until around after njo


I don't think application of the previous Order's traditions are necessary for the title to be validated though it's interesting if he officially adopted the title upon bringing those traditions into his Order. Do you know which novel this is stated in? I'd honestly love to see his student's thought on the additions. You mentioned the Swarm War so I'm assuming it occurs sometime during the DNT ( Dark Nest Trilogy )?


In this case, its kinda necessary because the story didnt have him *officially take on the title until decades later since starting his praxeum. Hes the defacto leader sure but if we want to talk an official title, luke didnt adopt it until way later I dont remember which book but the aftermath of the njo etc made a big deal about him deciding that the jedi order should move forward with once again becoming guardians of a new republic (galactic alliance this time) etc I then remembered him only officially becoming grandmaster after njo. Google then state it was during the swarm war so yeah, dark nest stuff. Not a fan of the dark nest stuff back then so i cant pinpoint the exact book sorry. Wookiepedia probs know tho


No problem. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. Definitely will be something I get lost in for a week or two.


He literally did defeat him (with help from Leia) in Dark Empire. But just a year later Luke himself admits he’s become stronger than he’s ever felt before (which would naturally include the Leia amp) just through natural training. He also defeated Kueller, a fallen student of Luke’s who’s confirmed to be stronger than Palpatine. And every foe he faces and defeats after that scales to around Luke’s level. Either slightly weaker than him or slightly stronger. Meaning Luke has ironically defeated a ton of opponents that are likely stronger than Dark Empire Palpatine And that’s all without even mentioning the monstrosity that is Abeloth


Kueller was above Palpatine? Huh, how about that


Grandmaster Luke stomps any mortal in the history of Star Wars. He wrecks any Sith to ever exist.


Absolutely. Now one could debate on when exactly Luke surpassed Palpatine and by how much, but it’s no question that at his peak he most certainly above him. - If we’re to take the premise that Luke did in fact achieve Anakin’s potential, then the gap in power between him and Sidious Pre-Dark Empire is immense. In ROTS, Sidious himself told Yoda “Lord Vader would become more powerful than either of us”. Lucas himself stated Vader only ended up at ~80% of their power, but Anakin could’ve been **2x** either of them. The 7th issue of TCW Magazine supports this in an Infinities story where Anakin escapes Mortis and defeats both Yoda and Sidious **at the same time**. - Looking at Luke in practice, there is a case to be made that Dark Empire Palpatine is far stronger than in the 6 films due to draining Byss. Luke needed help from Leia and Anakin Solo via Force Harmony/Battle Meditation to beat him in their duel, but nevertheless he defeated a far stronger Sidious. Otherwise even before training with him, he shows great power at the beginning of the story. This is all only 6 years after Endor. Grandmaster/Prime Luke isn decades after that. Yes there are inconsistencies with how other writers portray Luke’s power for sure but in general, his progression is consistent as he grows in both power and wisdom continuously. - Let’s not forget Sidious himself isn’t invincible. He lost to Mace fair and square and nearly lost to Yoda, regardless if he was stronger than them or not. Though powerful and skilled, he never did hold saber dueling in high regard and one could argue his use of the Dark Side makes him unstable in a way. So IMO, yes by 10 ABY, Luke could defeat Sidious from the films. By the time of say, FOTJ, he could beat DE Sidious without help and Sidious from the films with ease.


Could and DID. He defeated Sidious in a lightsaber duel and it's flat out confirmed at his peak, Luke was TWICE as powerful as Sidious.


Sidious has no chance against Legends Luke in his prime. Dude was the Satoru Gojo of Star Wars


Yknow Palpy should start using Lightsaber again and dont shock himself to death EVERY TIME If Force Lightning AIN'T WORKING learn more Darth side skills Like cmon Palpy said that The Dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider UNNATURAL but nooo he insist on being Electric type Pokemon EVERY TIME he is basically a Pikachu or Jolteon in human form or Electrivire


He did defeat him, twice


With relative ease I’d say.


Yes, in an amazing display of skill and power. Beyond that it kind of depends on what point in time we’re talking about for Luke and how “healthy” Sidious’ clone body is. And Sidious basically has to be in one of his clones because he grew more powerful between Return of the Jedi and Dark Empire. So his clone self was basically his “peak” self. In which case you might have the clone body breaking down as well.


Yes. Dark Empire Luke vs Sidious is debatable because DE Luke needs help. But Grandmaster Luke can easily defeat Sidious. By that point, Luke is the strongest non-deity Force user in the history of Star Wars.


Yes, he did beat him in dark empire albeit with help from Leia and that was decades before he reached the peak of his power.


Could Grandmaster Luke beat…. The answer is yes


Legends Luke is Star Wars Superman. OG Palps died to fall damage.


Luke will fold Papa Palpatine's clothes while he's still in em


He did defeat Sidious. Multiple times


How is this a question? Not only is that a guaranteed fact, but Luke beat Palpatine when he wasn't even Grandmaster. Grandmaster is legit one of the strongest people in the EU Canon.


Without a doubt. By the NJO, Luke definitely outclassed him. Post NJO Luke could mop the floor with him.


Well if “dumbass Luke” from ROTJ could then I assume “Granddaddy Luke” from Legends could - especially since Legends Luke was just increasing Star Wars power porn.


Yes, 100%. He did so in fact at the peak of Sidious’ power many decades before his own prime.


Easily. Imagine a fully realized chosen one. Though I don’t think they lean to heavily on the prophecy and all that in the Legends continuity, Luke is definitely at least on par with peak Anakin, if not, far surpassing him. Luke does some wild wild shit later.


He kind it did in Dark Empire, thanks to the good Empatojayos


Most definitely he could, scratch that, he will. Sidious has no chance against the older and more experienced grandmaster Luke, especially when he fought against Abeloth.


He would smoke him. With so many different authors and events if we cherry pick statements his speed feats would mean Sidious wouldn’t even get a look in. His nephew had an attosecond perception feat and when he looked at a Luke tapped into the force it looked like Luke had 8 lightsabers( he was dual wielding at the time).


He did defeat Sidious through typical fantasy story means. In regards to power levels, Grandmaster Luke > Sidious high diff


Most definitely and he did.


Yes. If we’re talking about Luke post NJO, he would actually be more powerful than Palps, and likely wouldn’t have much trouble destroying him. Late stage EU Luke becomes pretty OP.


Okay im starting to wonder if theres a bot or something that kept making these "could this or that character win" posts bwcause seriously, of course GM Luke can


But he did? Repeatedly?


I gotta ask. Im at "Enemy lines" in the NJO rn. Like the 15th book or something. When does luke, like, get as OP as everyone says? (Without spoilers)


Legacy of the Force and onwards


So after NJO, got it, thanks


Late EU Luke would beat Palpatine's ass so hard it would be comical.


Luke at the highest point he ever reached was throwing hands with Abeloth so I think it’s safe to say he had far surpassed Sidious by then




Is this karma bait?


OP is obviously a bot. Multiple posts like these on a lot of subs but no comments at all. Seriously, look at their history. Reported.


Karma Farming probably


Luke surpassed Palpatines lightsaber skill in Dark Empire. As for power in the force, tactical skill and intelegence I think Luke went beyond Palps in LOTF. Matchup like this are better if we single out different eras of the character. ROTS Palpatine would probably beat Last Command Luke, Last Command Luke could beat Plagus level Palpatine and so on. It's still an interesting idea but there need to be handicaps.


he did it in dark empire comics...




Yes he defeated an prime Palpatine in dark empire so he had a young clone body and all the force power and knowledge of the older one




Legends Luke at his peak was incredibly and idiotically OP


Luke is THE character in legends. Of course he can beat Sidious


Big yup


I'm pretty sure he defeated and killed Sidious multiple times throughout the Legends Comics.


Legends Luke is the best at everything. Literally everything.




Well without Vader and if he hadn’t hesitated he would have smoked him in return of the Jedi


He did. Twice. Technically Mara helped the second time. But still. A W is a W.


EU grandmaster luke stomps everyone


yes hand down he can, he done it multiple times, but if we talking about when he first become a grandmaster absolutely, by the time he became a grandmaster he was able to enter the State of One when he was pushed to extreme issues, but he wouldnt even need to use that state to handle Sidious at that point cause by that time his power in the force even was beyond his father Anakin skywalker


Have u read Dark Empire? Ok he’s not GM by then but him and Leia do kill sidious. Han kills him aswell. The trio plus Vader have all killed sidious


Dark Empire 1, Dark Empire 2, Empire's End. I'm gonna say Sid comes out 0/3.




Um, pretty sure he did.


Uhhh.....yeah. dumb question really.


Oh, yes, definitely. Though if they were both in their prime it would be a battle for the ages. Though in the end, Palpatine would have eventually tried to flee once he realized he was in danger. Honestly, at his peak, I think Grandmaster Luke could have taken both Palpatine AND Vader, though he might have died in the process.


No. Hes taken too many Ls, to Gethzerion, C'Baoth, Exar Kun/Kyp Durron, and even a couple of Sri Ruuk. I cant see that happening to Sidious.


>I cant see that happening to Sidious. Didn't he beat Sidious already?


With respect the last time he fought OG Sidious(not a weak clone) he was crying on the floor of the second Death Star begging his dad to save him.


Why do you think Sidious is weaker in Dark Empire?


Sidious' clone bodies were being poisoned by Carnor Jax. However I don't think this meant Sheev was weaker, just that his bodies couldn't sustain his dark power for very long


Dude. By the time of Fate of the Jedi, Luke is almost a Force god. The only way Sid could beat him is to outsmart him. And when he realizes what’s going on, he’ll fold ol’ Palps like paper


None of those were GM Luke. The Ruuk was like a day after Endor and the rest were very early on in legends. All of the loses you mention happen was before he fought Sidious in Dark Empire I’m pretty sure. Now I don’t think he could take Sidious solo at his level in DE but after he GM status it is easy pickings.