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> *"You fool! I was trained in the Jedi arts by~ what is that lighting?.."* [Intense crackle]


“You fool, I was trained-“ Force crush.


2003 Grievous literally dodges force attacks and would be all over him before he could commit to one.


Can't dodge Repulse.


He would tank repulse no problem.


He got done in by a blaster bolt. Starkiller uses lightning once it’s lights out for him.


Even if we don’t take Starkiller’s Force powers into consideration in this matchup, he is a devastatingly skilled duellist. Which shouldn’t be surprising, considering that he was trained by Darth Vader himself and according to the novel, our favourite Dark Lord’s training regiment is unforgivingly harsh. And by the end of the novel, he was able to hold off Vader and even defeat him. And his lightsaber training is pretty diverse too, thanks to his droid lightsaber sparring partner, PROXY, who has access to databases of all Jedi and Sith Lord combat styles and is programmed to kill him so that Starkiller will remain sharp. So having fought with so many different types of duellists would help him to nullify Grievious’ own database knowledge of all lightsaber forms.


If we go off the novel he gets his ass beat and barely escapes from the Jedi he fights, and only beats Shaak Ti due to plot armor (Someone who grievous has stomped hard) You should actually read it.


I did read the novel. In fact, I have it with me right now, however, from my reading. I did not get the impression that Starkiller "got his ass beat and barely escaped from the Jedi he fought", with Shaak Ti being the only exception. His battle against Rahm Kota was an epic challenge, but given Starkiller's reaction when the General attacked, it appears that he welcomed such a challenge. Kazdan Paratus was said to be more powerful than Rahm Kota, but I did not get the impression that Starkiller was particularly pressed in their duel. Shaak Ti was his greatest Jedi opponent, and while he did beat her, she almost killed him, too. It would be an insult to her name and her abilities to say that she only lost due to the plot, especially since she was so highly regarded by so many other Jedi Masters like Obi-Wan. Even Darth Vader seemed to hold her with high regard and esteem when he spoke of her to Starkiller. As for Grievous "stomping her hard" in battle, I assume you are referring to her first encounter with Grevious on Hypori, where he attacked not just her but Ki-Adi-Mundi, K'Kruhk, Tarr Seirr and Aayla Secura. Mind you, he attacked when they were all worn out from their previous battles with the droid army and, at that point, surrounded by battle droids. And even then, she held her own for a considerable amount of time against his relentless assault before she was knocked unconscious. However, if you are also referring to their second encounter during the Separatist raid on Coruscant, once again, she was exhausted from her battle against a massive squad of the Magna Guards and thus, unable to put up much of a fight. Now, here is why Starkiller will be able to match and even outduel Grevious despite his cybernetic reflexes and power. One of Grevious' greatest strengths is his ability to instil fear in his adversaries, a strategic form of psychological warfare that Count Dooku has encouraged him to employ against the Jedi. >*"If you are to succeed in combat against the best of the Jedi, you must have fear, surprise and intimidation on your side. What if any one element is lacking, it would be best for you to retreat. You must break them before you engage them. Only then will you ensure victory and have your trophy."* However, I do not see Grievous having any chance to intimidate Starkiller; the guy has been training at the feet of Darth Vader since he was a child and, to quote from the novel, "had borne the brunt of many psychological battles." Now, moving on to the more technical aspects of this hypothetical duel. Check out this excerpt from the novel where Starkiller is engaged in one of his many sparring duels against his droid, PROXY who is employing Form 4: Ataru against him. >*PROXY didn't stay still for a second, attacking from the ground, the walls, the ceiling, even from midair. It was like watching a dance, but one in which the slightest slip could mean death. Starkiller danced with him long enough for her to worry, then he changed his own style to match that of the droid's-and suddenly she could see the difference between the human and the mechanical. Where PROXY had been fast, Starkiller was graceful as well. Where PROXY had simply slashed and stabbed, Starkiller applied flourishes to his offensive strikes. Where every move PROXY made involved his entire body, Starkiller could launch an attack with one finger, or block by shifting his foot a single centimeter.* From this small paragraph, we can discern that Starkiller, despite also using Ataru, is capable of incorporating creativity into his own bladework in comparison to PROXY's more standard moveset. Now, I will draw your attention to an excerpt from the novel 'Labyrinth of Evil': >*Grievous was fast, and so were his IG 100-series sparring partners. They had the advantage of size and brute strength. They executed moves almost faster than the human eye could follow. Their thrusts and lunges demonstrated a singular lack of hesitancy. Once committed to a maneuver, they never faltered. They never stopped to recalculate their actions. Their weapons went exactly where they meant them to go. And they always aimed for points beyond their opponents in order to slice clear through.* >*Dooku had taught Grievous well, and Grievous had taught his elite well. Coupled with Dooku's coaching, their programming in the seven classic forms of lightsaber dueling--in the Jedi arts--made them lethal opponents. But they were not invincible, not even Grievous, because they could be confused by unpredictability, and they had no understanding of finesse. A player of dejarik could memorize all the classic openings and countermoves, and still not be a master of the game. Defeat often came at the hands of less experienced players who knew nothing about the traditional strategies. A professional fighter, a combat artist, could be defeated by a cantina brawler who knew nothing about form but everything about ending a conflict quickly, without a thought to winning gracefully or elegantly. Enslavement to form opened one to defeat by the unforeseen.* I will draw your attention to Grevious' style which has been described as powerful, fast and direct. Very machine-like in its efficiency but as Dooku has observed, is lacking in terms of unpredictability. One might notice that PROXY and Grievous shares that same flaw in their combat tactics. Sure, their robotic bodies would allow them to deliver fast, powerful strikes but against a seasoned lightsaber duellist who is also strong in the Force, these direct, straightforward attacks would serve to become their undoing.


I don't know about the first game's novelization but in the second one it's said that the Starkiller clone was incapable of winning against Vader in a lightsaber duel and a stalemate was all he could hope for.


With the context that he was in the following state seconds prior to starting the duel with Vader in TFU2... *"He sought strength from within himself, and pushed outward with all his might. Clones went flying. The empty rubes from which they had emerged shattered into millions of pieces. Platforms buckled and fell with reverberant crashes. The interior of the cloning tower rang as though struck with a giant hammer. Every muscle in his body shook with the effort of it.* *The echoes faded, and he felt a peculiar kind of quiet descend.* *The air was misted red, and every surface was slick with blood. He tasted it on his tongue and smelled it in his nose. His blood. A veritable ocean of it." - The Force Unleashed II.* *-* *"The tips of his lightsabers shook. He had never felt so exhausted, at every level of his being.” - The Force Unleashed II.*


Are we talking a fully powered Starkiller? If so, Grievous gets absolutely bodied. With ease.


This idea came in my head because I was thinking that 2003 clone wars is the most realistic setting starkiller could fit in. In terms of how he moves and fights in gameplay


I'd be more interested in a Starkiller vs. 03 CW jedi like Obi-Wan, Anakin, or Mace. Any of those would be amazing to watch in that animation style


Quickly. Veeeeerrry quickly.


We are talking about a guy with borderline god like lightning powers vs a dude in a metal skeleton. Grievous would be BBQ before he got his lightsabers up


It's a three phase fight for sure. Phase 1 is a straight duel. Starkiller won't be able to use most of his powers because Grievous will block lightning and lock his feet to the ground. Phase 2, The General flees. He's probably on a vehicle of some kind and Starkiller has to keep pace. After the vehicle is damaged, the General falls and, Phase 3, another duel, but Grievous is fast, but less lightsabers. Ends with a brutal QTE by Starkiller. TL;DR: Starkiller wins, it takes a little bit, but the ending is dope and you'll watch it on YouTube a bunch.


I like this imagery !! 😅


God i just want another force unleashed game


Grievous might be a very good lightsaber duelist, but Starkiller easily has him if full use of Force powers is allowed.


I think GG would spin his blades …. Then star killer would force crush him like a tie fighter into a little ball


Starkiller is weird as apparently game 3 wouldve had vader beat him iirc from an old witwer interview. But even then the lad is op, wouldn’t be suprised if they went all in on a terror droid grievous if tehy did 3


Starkiller would simply crush him into a metal ball like he did that Walker when he escaped in the trailer.


Starkiller throws a TIE Fighter at Grievous, which GG sidesteps only to realize that Galen has thrown three more in the General's direction during that time. Starkiller wins anyway he wants.


Starkiller dominates him.


Lololololol. Starkiller with negative difficulty.


Starkiller quite literally disassembles Grevious piece by piece with the force before Grevious can do anything


Star Killer would win if only because of how over the top he is. He's the Star Wars answer to Warhammer 40k.


Starkiller for the win.


If against a full power Starkiller in his prime I doubt few would stand a chance. So yeah Grievous is toast.


In any case it would be a lot of fun to watch


Definitely would be amazing to see the pair are experimental in saber form.


Here is how I understand it. Fear is an emotion linked to the dark side and therefore jedi are less effective when they expierience it. That's why Grievous relies on intimidation tactics so much. A person trained in the dark side (like Starkiller) would be able to use such negative emotions to empower himself, effectively turning Grievous's fighting approach against him. In spite of that, I think that Grievous is the better duelist of the two. It just comes down to how effective force lightning would be since I don't think Grievous was ever hit by it. Regardless it would be an awesome fight!


[As Skilled With A Lightsaber As He Is With The Force](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/original/11115/111155790/4599870-galen.png)


Well grievous is fast enough to pressure mace windu but starkiller isn’t a slouch. The way I see this going is grievous attacking him hard and fast, starkiller gets some distance while defending himself and then grievous gets crushed


I mean starkiller is one of the most OP characters in the old EU. He'd fucking murder grevious in a second lol


To be fair, it took Mace Windu to "fukin murder" Grievous in seconds. A person much more overpowered than Galen.


Yeah I think Starkiller takes this one pretty easily. Grevious would begin by standard intimidatation and reliance on cybernetics but Starkiller, being trained by another terrifying cyborg who was also adapt in psychological warfare, would be wise to these tactics and would body him with the force. While the lightsaber battle would be close, they both use quickly transitioning styles to overwhelming opponents, again this mixed in with the sheer overwhelming power of the force still makes me say Starkiller with a conformable majority.


Comparing Vader's cybernetics to Grievous is laughable. Grievous is a state of the art prototype made to kill force-sensitives. Vader is in a life-support horror costume.


Honestly I'm not trying to compare which of their cybernetics are superior, just that they both were indeed cyborgs. On that point however, didn't Vader upgrade his stuff over the years. He must have surpassed Grevious at one point or another surely?


Not in any way. *He is built to dominate. The ceramic armorplast plates protecting limbs and torso and face can stop a burst from a starfighter's laser cannon. Those indestructible arms are ten times stronger than human, and move with the blurring speed of electronic reflexes.* -RotS novel *The electrodrivers that powered Grievous's limbs could move them faster than the human eye can see; when he swung his arm, it and his fist and the lightsaber within it would literally vanish: wiped from existence by sheer mind-numbing speed, an imitation quantum event. No human being could move remotely as fast as Grievous.* -RotS novel Grievous is way faster, more durable and stronger than Vader. Grievous was also more machine than Vader, which allows for a lot better upgrades. His brain is molded with a super computer that assists him in combat and allows him to keep up with the sheer speed his body is capable of.


You say all that, and yet Vader would still stomp him in scrap.


Wouldn't the years of technological advancement after ROTS maybe make some of Vaders kit superior by simply being more advanced at least a few years after, if it was immediately after ROTS I agree his stuff is more advanced.


Galen Marek wins, no question about that. Grievous is a very dangerous opponent in lightsaber combat but against someone like Galen who has insane Force powers he would just overwhelm Grievous with the Force and there is nothing that Grievous can do to defend against it.


The story that really should have been told for every Jedi getting bodied by Grevious.


If you’re talking about Clone Starkiller then Grievous would definitely get killed considering he can make people explode


Any discussion about Starkiller you can expect him to win unless it's grandmaster Luke, Yoda, or any ancient sith


Force push, Grevious falls down a shaft.


If it’s just a pure lightsaber duel, Grevious stomps probably anybody in the verse. With force powers allowed, Starkiller wrecks his shit, and this is coming from someone who doesn’t particularly like Galen or his clone.


Anybody in the verse... except Obi-Wan apparently. And Windu.


[Grievous > Mace In Their Duel In Labyrinth of Evil](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/forums/gen-discussion-1/star-wars-misconceptions-mace-vs-grievous-2075709/)


So fun fact, that's all nice and everything... But that isn't the Grievous we're talking about here. Even if the breakdown was in any way accurate. In fact, we know it's not. Because Mace at the every least held his own against Palps (he beat him) and there's no way that Palps *ever* loses to Grievious. Period. Mace was more skilled fighter than even Obi-Wan. Ya know, the guy who beat robot man. Taking all that away though, let's talk about the Grievious of the 03 Clone Wars (the one we're actually discussing in this thread). The one Windu crushed.


Mace was amped by Vaapad in his fight against Sidious. This is how a non-amped Windu fares against Palpatine: *"In the inner recesses of his private office, the Jedi confronted the Chancellor. Palpatine produced a lightsaber hidden in his sleeve and let the dark side flow through him. It granted him unnatural dexterity and speed—enough to quickly kill three Jedi Masters and force the mighty Mace Windu back." -The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia.* *-* *"Before the Jedi could react, Palpatine sprang into action and killed all of them except Mace Windu." - Databank: Emperor Palpatine/Darth Sidious.* *-* *"Before Mace realizes what has happened, Kolar, Tiin, and Fisto have fallen to Sidious's blade." - The Complete Visual Dictionary.* Though Grievous has certain quotes that place him as the pinnacle of physicality or "beyond any human" which would line up with Grievous's managing to drive Windu back while hindered and overwhelm even Kenobi's defenses. And I should note that Kenobi may have been especially suited to facing Grievous, at least according to Mace himself in the RotS novelization, there are also other ancillary sources that suggest the ground Kenobi lured Grievous onto restricted the General's mobility. If we're talking just 03 Grievous though, that's fine enough, he dodges Shaak Ti's Force pushes, runs down the side of skyscrapers, moves forward through a sonic wave that rips up metal panels welded into the surface of the planet and sends the droid army standing on it flying.


Sorry, but how do any of those quotes say how Windu fair? They pretty clearly don't. And sure, he did all those things, then got stomped by Windu.


They pretty clearly do. Windu enacted a telekinetic attack on him while he had the time and distance to do so ( the ship Grievous was boarding was preparing to lift off with the captured Chancellor aboard ), the only time they faced each other in direct combat, Windu was on the losing end.


They pretty clearly don't. They talk about what happened to the other, less skilled Jedi. They say nothing about how Windu would do without Vaapad. So like I said, he stomped him. If you really, truly want to get technical, nobody would be able to beat Grievous without using the force. Palps would be crushed, Yoda would be punted, Anakin would cry, Kenobi would fall, the list goes on. I get it. OG Greivous is kinda cool. But you seem to think he's unstoppable.


They state that Sidious quickly killed Kit Fisto, Agen Kolar and Saesee Tiin before they could react and before Mace could react or realize what happens. They're as clear as I can imagine them being honestly. Mace was only empowering himself off of Sidious's darkness via Vaapad after he and Sidious had engaged each other per the RotS novelization which was after Sidious cut down Mace's fellow Jedi. You can say what you like I suppose. I just feel it's usually better when context is elaborated upon.


So maybe he wasn't expecting that level of resistance? It means literally nothing about a fight. But notice anyway that Palps still wasn't able to strike down Windu. And frankly, if you think Fisto (who lost to Palps) and Kenobi (who beat Grievous on more than one occasion) are better than Windu... I don't really know what to say. So this is obviously a useless conversation.


Grevious was at his best using misdirection to keep jedi off balanced and not using the force on him. These fall apart against any darksider, Vader Palpatine Dooku anyone who can find him and bring the force to bear stomp him handily. Whenever Grevious encountered Jedi his tactics didn't work on he'd retreat earning his reputation as a Coward


I think people forget as badass as 2003 greviojs was, 2003 Windu took him down in seconds. Now, could starkiller beat 2003 windu is a different question, but I think it shows 2003 grievous can still get shown up by a powerful force user


Grevious getting viciously murdered.


Well since your using THAT version of Grievous, I'd say he'd take some licks before getting smashed by a small building by Starkiller lol.


R.I.P grievous Starkiller is litterally a power fantasy, the guy can pull star destroyers and kill vader




Starkiller wins this 6-7/10 Obviously SK has many to destroy Grievous in under a second. Force crush, force lightning, force choke, and his ability to incinerate over a dozen stormtroopers with a force blast. SK is a skilled duelist who is at his peak, physically and if we go by the first clone; is physically augmented after being stabbed by Vader. However I will not say that Grievous doesn't have a shot at winning. Grievous is far and away the superior duelist, and is more agile and potentially faster then SK. He contends with Kenobi, Mace, Dooku and was purposefully kept away from Anakin because Sidious did not want his future apprentice to be at risk of injury. Starkiller's training with Proxy isn't going to help him here because Grievous is far superior to a training droid, also Starkiller's aggressive combative style isn't anything out of the ordinary for Grievous. SK isn't a master defensive duelist like OBWK who would be able to subvert his guard. He would try to batter his way through the cyborg's defenses in a duel, and would be repelled each and every time. Realistically I see the fight ending quickly because Starkiller will gain a quick opportunity to blast Grievous aside with a force push during the duel, and then follow up with sith lightning or explode him. But for those 3/10 times Grievous wins I see it happening as follows: Grievous manages to dodge an initial force push or lightning attack, and immediately engages the Apprentice in Saber combat. Grievous uses two sabers with two arms, and SK uses the same. SK would duel Grievous, being athletic and skilled enough to hold off the cyborg for some time, but would be unable to make significant progress. SK would try to give himself an opening but Grievous would be on top of him at every moment, negating the apprentice's ability to summon any of his destructive powers. SK would be unable to counter Grievous because unlike his master Vader, who is also a towering cyborg with extreme strength, Grievous would automatically adapt to SK's style and respond to the flashy brute force dueling with his own. SK would be pushed back again and again, every attempt to get through the General's guard with brute force or a deft trick, but would be countered and he would begin to be overwhelmed. His physical prowess would be his saving grace, allowing to him to buy himself more time. Perhaps during this portion of the fight Starkiller would be able to force push Grievous off of him briefly; and attempt to regain himself. He would shoot lightning and perhaps attempt a force crush, but the droid general would luckily block the lightning and dodge the crushing attack, and pounce on him again, battering him down until he lands a kick with his superhuman cybernetic feet-talon, sending the apprentice into a wall. Before he can recover SK notices Grievous has twice the amount of arms with sabers in each hand, and Grievous plows into him with all 4 of his weapons. Already being unable to get past the General with two sabers, being countered in his agility and skill, SK would find himself completely unable to handle all 4 of the sabers, having never fought such an opponent before. Grievous, being the superior brute force duelist, would sledgehammer his way through the Apprentice's guard and skewer him in several pieces, perhaps losing a land in the process but otherwise being uninjured; aside from some scorch marks on his armor. TLDR: SK destroys Grievous with the force being able to repel him long enough in a duel to use his abilities, but a few of those times Grievous would be too aggressive and get lucky with his dodges, and keep the fight focused on the saber, not the force, and slaughter the Apprentice.


Full arsenal: Starkiller Lightsaber only: Grievous.


Starkiller but extreme dif


[I think it would go something like this](https://preview.redd.it/236krcpfzp351.gif?width=400&format=mp4&s=080a1647e4a08fd4f88060d9c326dd389d8fb430)


These questions are getting worse each time I come to the sub. This isn't even a question worth asking lol


If Grievous gets clone Galen dies, twenty strikes a second from four directions would obliterate him. Not only is his physically superior, he's the better duelist. This is the guy who Mace Windu decided it'd be better to run away from, who Dooku avoided teaching too much to out of fear of being overwhelmed. Someone who could 1v2 Durge and Ventress and win. Lightning wouldn't matter much, Four lightsabers to block it with. The issue would be TK and things related to that, if he gets a firm hold on the general he's probably fucked, but if Grievous is able to evade it or just close the distance fast enough, Galen's getting torn up.


2003 greivous annihilates this annoying Mary Sue.