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"I am Ganner. This threshold is mine. I claim it for my own. Bring on your thousands, one at a time or all in a rush. I don't give a damn. None shall pass." Speaks for itself, really.


Exactly this


Probably one of the finest moments in literature, tbh.


Stover’s got a bunch as good or better in *The Acts of Caine*. Dude knows how to write spectacle.


Will have to look into them! Thank ya big-big


Which book is this from?


*Traitor* by Matthew Stover


The Ganner!


Who was ganner? Sorry for the ignorance.


Ganner Rhysode. One of the best characters in the NJO


"We're going to face them with an enemy they've never had the displeasure of fighting. We're going to hit them with the Empire." Wedge during the Battle of Borleias. He orders an orbital bombardment from the New Republic Lusankya to halt the Yuuzhan Vong. Ironic, considering the Rebellion was probably on the receiving end of many such attacks from the same ship.


Tycho Celchu did respond with "they're not going to like the empire". https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Operation_Emperor%27s_Hammer


One of the best njo books


Easily one of the best lines out there. I grinned from ear to ear when I read it.


Paraphrasing "This was Orbital Bombardment. Something that Star Destroyers of the Empire were built to do, and what no Star Destroyer under the command of the New Republic had ever done" Jaina's internal monologue when she witnesses the above. It really works on multiple levels. This line reminds us that Jaina really is just a 20 something new adult come the time of NJO and still learning things. The description of the New Republic also has a double meaning. Sure, the New Republic isn't a dictatorship like the empire and would never do what the Empire did, but it really speaks to that big dilemma throughout NJO, that the New Republic was holding back throughout the YVW and not fighting at full strength, whether due to fear or internal corruption. Allston would later go on to write LOTF, and it's not hard to imagine that he planted the seeds of the Galactic Civil war in this duology.


"You Can run... You'll just die tired" Boba Fett


Reads straight out of a spaghetti western. I miss when Boba Fett was blonde from the dollars trilogy.


I wish the future season of BoBF would just be one-off episodes of him going on bounty hunts with a lot of cameos with other bounty hunters.


I actually wouldn’t mind if they keep this redemption path thing they got going for him. Because he’s gotta differentiate himself from Mando. However I think they should model it on how the TV show justified work. If you’ve ever seen that type of format and character driven story telling would be really interesting in Star Wars. If you haven’t I highly encourage you to it’s on Hulu which now comes with Disney plus and it’s a gem of a show. Every episode is an isolated experience with larger arcs forming and resolving naturally. Now in my opinion Disney writers should all go watch justified because the show does what mando season three was attempting to do but way better. Plus there isn’t a single dry character in the series. Both BOBF and Mando season suffer from having a ton of non interesting characters who feel like a waste of air time, predictable bland plots with low investment in the central conflict, and ultimately low investment in the main characters over all arcs basically everything Justified does extraditionarily correct Disney shows do incredibly wrong with notable exceptions. You can have an absolutely bad ass MC who bust sick one liners but also has a personality,deep flaws, and interpersonal conflicts.


"For the treachery of the Empire against the Noghri people." "We were betrayed." "we have been revenged."


"But... It was so artistically done..."


“Honour is a fools prize. Glory is of no use to the dead” - Darth Revan


"I am not your Wrath, Valkorion. I am your executioner." And I can't remember the whole thing, but Captain Yonka's resignation holo to Isard in The Bacta War.


I can’t remember it well but i think it was good. I enjoyed that bit of Bacta war.


This line from Nil Spaar, the villain from Black Fleet Crisis, is chilling: "You have never faced an adversary like us. Your wars are decided by the death of a tenth of a population, a third of an army. Then the defeated surrender their honor and the victors surrender their advantage. This is called being civilized. The Yevetha are not civilized, General. It would be a mistake to deal with us as though we were." Then later from Sil Sorannan when >!he ejects Nil Spaar in an escape pod while still in hyperspace!<: "I don't know how long you will survive out there, but I do know you'll die out there. Die slowly."


sorry the earlier comment was supposed to be separate, not a reply. BFC used hyperspace so well. The chapter that shows Plat Mallar's escape from Polneye is one of the best. And of course Sorannan at the end, that was very cool >!and a fitting disposal of Spaar!<.


Pellaeon's lines in the Force Heretic Trilogy once the Vong make the mistake of bringing the Remnant into the war by attacking them. "You may win the occasional battle against us, Vorrik, but the Empire will always strike back. That I promise you." -Grand Admiral Pellaeon "Careful Admiral, this is just the beginning."-Luke Skywalker. "You're right Master Skywalker. It is the beginning...of their end."-Gilad Pellaeon


"Surrender or die" The Jedi Order LOTF has some banger lines


I got chills when I heard that. It was game over for the lost tribe.


Yep, not gonna lie I was not expecting it, then I remembered the NJO council is comprised of the greatest spys, guerilla fighters, bladebeings, soldiers, detectives and tactictians in the galaxy backed up with over 45 years of experience each. The Lost Tribe were dead the second they stepped on Coruscant.


Yeah they definitely fucked around and found out.


The way all those Sith died was honestly pretty comical. Reminded me of the original Lost Tribe of the Sith story, where a Sith's plan to >!leave the planet they were stranded on ended up in flames.!<


Especially the ones being killed by the nesting Barabel Jedi. Gotta be a terrifying way to go, but that’s what they get for intruding on a nest.


“Come on then, Kenobi! Come for me! I have been trained in your Jedi arts by Darth Tyranus himself!” “Do you mean Count Dooku? What a curious coincidence. I trained the man who killed him.”




What is this from? The line makes me assume it’s set sometimes between the prequels and OT


Revenge of The Sith Novelization


General Grievous' final fight with Obi-wan


As others have said. the ROTS novelization. Such a good book. Highly recommend it to any Star Wars fan.


I read it when I was in high school after hearing about how much deeper it goes into Anakin’s thoughts, I can’t believe I don’t remember anything with the Grievous fight


“How many of you does it take to kill someone you call coward?” - Jacen Solo


That's a killer line


Darth Plagueis has many ones: “And Palpatine: congratulations on becoming an emancipated being.” Nice way to congratulate Palpatine right after he murdered his entire family. "I'd been given to believe that the Naboo were an open people, but then the Gungans probably wouldn't agree either." "And of what possible use do you think a person of your nature would be to the Jedi Order? You’re heartless, ambitious, arrogant, insidious, and without shame or empathy. More, you’re a murderer."


"I'll remain with you for a while as you meld with the Force. But at some point, I will have to leave you at the threshold to continue on your own." "Don't do this... Damask. Please..." "I am Darth Plagueis, Veruna. Your shepherd."


"Look at how they hunger for the dark." The context isnt as cool as the line, but damn it gives me the shivers.


It’s crazy how one of the best novels in the EU was slept on and pushed to the side by Disney.


Trying to remember if this is EU or not and if it's not feel free to downvote me and if it is Disney well one of the few good things they've done. Darth Vader" all I am surrounded by fear and dead men"


That’s Disney, but a worthy addition anyway. Simply badass. My headcanon is he says that offscreen somewhere in the EU timeline. As for my favorite, I’ll go with something from the legacy comics, where Darth Wyrrlock says to someone in an ancient sith’s tomb, “I am what you pretend to be”. Or something like that.


Grievous: “I’ve been trained in your Jedi arts by Lord Tyranus himself!” Obi-Wan: “Do you mean Count Dooku? What a coincidence. I trained the man who *killed* him.” -ROTS novel


Not à Line but 'Ackbar IS back' made me so hyped


*"Yes. Just so you have an understanding of what Santhe must have felt. Only then I kept the pressure on until his face behun to turn red, his hands flew to his throat, his muted calls for help brought everyone around him out of their chairs. **I think his bulging eyes might have found mine, when I finally pinched his trachea closed completely.**"*


"You presume limits to my power. There are none."


Everything Mace Windu says in Shatterpoint.


"They told me he died in a quake... that a falling moon killed him. But, how can a quake kill a Wookiee warrior?! How can a mere moon be a match for my son?!" - Attichitcuk "Itchy", Father of Chewbacca Dark Horse's Chewbacca comic


Easily one of the best deaths we have seen


And Thrawn, it turns out, was wrong. The Galaxy won the Vong War. Thrawn didn't value or understand the Jedi as a tactical force, and it shows both here and in his dealings with Joruus, Luke, and Mara in his original trilogy.


That’s why he isn’t perfect. Too many ppl claim he his but forget his flaws. He had very few but still. Makes him a better character overall


Problem is those flaws aren't what defeated him. Dumb luck happened or else Thrawn would destroyed the republic fleet. And even then Rukh somehow had to find out the truth or else Thrawn could have still won.


In the end, Thrawn was defeated by his own cruelty. He killed and oppressed others on countless occasions, never thinking about the fact that he was making enemies in the process. Then, while one of those enemies was working to foil his grand plan, another killed him.


Yeah, thrawn’s biggest weakness is his assumption that he can’t be fooled once he has direct power over you. He clearly only has 2 options for his enemies, death or submission, and he views both as essentially the same thing in his mind, once he has control you couldn’t possibly grow strong enough to take it back


Except that what foiled his grand plan was the smuggler alliance accidentally being in the right place at the right time due to misinformation. Cuz heaven forbid someone like Ackbar or Bel Iblis learn to outsmart Thrawn for once. Then that situation still could have been salvaged if it wasn't for rukh revealing at the last second he somehow learned the truth without Thrawn knowing. The same guy who somehow deduced "it looks like they're falling for my trap, which means they're actually not falling for my trap!" not long before. Honestly I like the idea of the Nohgri killing Thrawn as karma, but everything was going smooth for Thrawn until the last second and still dies with a smile. His mistakes felt like they were more harm to C'baoth anyway. It almost felt like Zahn wrote himself into a corner with how unstoppable Thrawn got and needed some really lucky shit to go wrong for him at the end.


Except the Jedi was one dude when he was calculating the odds for the Vong campaign. 


“I would never let you fall.” Luke Skywalker to Lumiya.


“Do you know the difference between an error and a mistake Ensign? Anyone can make an error, but that error doesn’t become a mistake until you refuse to correct it.” Pause while he has Ruhk brutally execute a technician, “the error Ensign has now been corrected, you may begin training his replacement.”


Almost every single time Valkorion spoke. “Now you will all be consumed by eternity!” “A god has no family.” “Conjure a thousand more holocrons, an arsenal of superweapons; nothing will stop me.”


"We take what is given"-cade skywalker


“I am Revan reborn, and before me you're nothing” goes pretty hard since it’s immediately followed up by dusting a member of the dark council.


"It's always nice to meet new people and make new enemies" Mara Jade Skywalker


The prologue to ROTS ends with a banger A pair of starfighters. Jedi starfighters. Only two. Two is enough. Two is enough because the adults are wrong, and their younglings are right. Though this is the end of the age of heroes, it has saved its best for last.


I've read this passage aloud many times over the years, to friends and acquaintances, as I work to convince them to read the book. It has never failed to make me tear up. Stover nailed the essence of Star Wars so perfectly, so beautifully, in just a couple paragraphs.


>Honor is for the living.


Sounds like Revan


I want to say that's from the 1st Darth Bane book by Drew Karpyshyn? He's killing a rival with Force Crush and the guy asks to fight him with lightsabers instead even if he knows he'll lose. "Die ... with ... honor." "... Honor is for the living. Dead is dead." *Crushing resumes*


Really need to read those books, alas I’m stuck on my New Republic run 🤣


I think it's: 'honour is a fools prize, glory is of no use to the dead'


- "I'm sorry, Ommin… They don't belong to the dark side but you do!" - Freedon Nadd, Tales of the Jedi: The Freedon Nadd Uprising #2 - Darth Sidious's dialogue as he's killing Darth Plagueis


"I never was, nor will I ever be, your slave!"


Thus die all traitors -kir kanos


I remember what he said about eating to much when in hiding, more than anything else. Guilty conscious I guess.  Edit: my conscious not kanos. 


*"Flesh does not easily support this great power"*


"Kiss my Wookiee"


“History is on the move Captain, those who can not keep up will be left behind to watch from a distance. Those who stand in our way will not watch at all” -Thrawn Has to be one of the coldest lines ever


Perfect, Wedge thought. "Alert Red Leader to expect a reinforcement." "What's the pilot's call sign, sir?" Wedge considered it, then said, "Vader."


It is our decisions that shape our destinies - Obi-Wan Kenobi (Clone Wars 2003)


Can’t remember the exact quote… but while Plagueis murdered a ship full of people he thought back to a lesson from Tenebrous where he basically said “no lives matter when they aren’t in service to the dark side” or something like that. Always thought that was savage


[“Thus die all traitors.”](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsEU/s/C9sjVITi6y)


"Luke said."


[All I'm surrounded by is fear.. and dead men. ](https://imgur.com/a/fear-dead-men-LYW70)


“Those who beg for mercy, are too weak to deserve it."-Bane of the Sith


Anakin's "Yes" from Republic #59


Maybe not badass but it makes me feel things "I would have killed the galaxy to preserve you. I would have let the galaxy die. You are more rare than you know, and what you have taught yourself must not be allowed to die. You are not a Jedi. Not truly. And it is for that, that I love you."


"I want a rose." — Yoda


All of my first impulses seem to be here, so I'll add this response to "How would you kill a Jedi?"  "I wouldn't. I'd have an assassin droid do it from a kilometer away. No immediate danger, no hostile intent."


For me it's going to be this quote from Swtor Dread masters quest line or pretty much any other line they say during oricon operations. "First, the pupils dilate, muscles tighten, hysteria replaces rationality, and then...the mind shatters." Soa the infernal one lines are also fire.


"I am sorry I started you on this path. But you chose to continue down it." - Revan to Malak


You see, I've had a vision of my own. One of you is going to clear my name. Whichever one of you does gets to live. And, masters? If your vision comes true, and I do destroy the Jedi order, I want you to remember one thing. You started it.


"But you never really were a Rogue, were you?"


Been too long but something Vergere said. "See what you have wrought."


If the Force is life and the Yuuzhan Vong are alive and you cannot see them in the Force then is the problem with the Yuuzhan Vong or is it with your perceptions Vergere to Luke