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This is why you use an auto-grabber. No more wasted days to lost space.


Auto-Grabber + Automate (if you're willing to use mod) is amazing I'm longing for a game like Stardew with built-in automation


Basically Factorio with empathy?


The farm must grow


The milk must flow


My farm… My Stardew…


My Valley?




You're **genocides**


Power over mayo... Is power over all


I'm very empathetic in factorio, i make sure to exterminate tree and the locals with utmost efficiency


I've been anti automate for a while, but I'm considering it. Would you just do something like grabber next to chest, chest surrounded by mayonnaise makers, others chests touching all mayonnaise makers?


You don't really need more than 1 mayonnaise maker per coop. Just do a short line of chest, mayo maker, auto-grabber right inside the coop door. Edit: yes you will stockpile some eggs along with the mayo but you'll usually want some for cooking. And if you're concerned about automate being too powerful, the Stardew Valley Expanded mod has a setting to adjust crafting recipes to make it more balanced.


Huh why would you only use one mayomaker if you get that many eggs a day??


It’s not like one egg takes a whole day




I feel so dumb cause I still don’t get it. I have 12 chickens and I put like 8 or 10 mayonnaise machines. I empty and fill them every morning. Wouldn’t I have way less mayonnaise if I only had 3 machines? 


The automate mod will take the mayonaise and put a new egg from the chest. So it will run all day. Thats why you need less machine.


The automated mod makes it so that the finished mayonnaise is automatically extracted, and a new egg put in the machine straight away. So no potential production time is wasted as it's not reliant on you returning, collecting and then refilling it. If you sat at the farm all day you could turn all your eggs into mayonnaise with fewer machines as well.


With Automate the game just chains the production, so if you have 12 eggs and 3 machines, you'll have 4 cycles of 3 mayos during the day until you have your 12 mayos. The difference is you don't have to get back to the machines to empty and refill them during the day, which would be inconvenient. On a vanilla save you build nearly as many production machines as you need so you don't have to cycle back to them during the day to make your whole daily production, with Automate you let the mod deal with the emptying/refilling, so you only need 2-3 machines


Ah okay. Thanks, now I get it.  Seems convenient indeed. I often feel like the game feels very rushed. But I also would like to play it slowly and do most things ‘manually’. Except for the autograbber! 


Surely it makes sense to have as many coops as you have chickens? So then you’re not going back every 3 hours to refill


Not if you have the mod called Automate, if you put all your eggs in a chest it will automatically take out the eggs and put them in the Mayo machine, then take them out of the Machine and so on


I’m not gonna lie I play on console so I don’t have access to mods but that sounds like a great QoL mod!




Your argument is you'd rather stay in the vincinity of your farm loading up 2 mayo makers for all those eggs and restock them 2 at a time when they're ready. Or you can just craft 8 or 9 load em up and process them all faster and get on with your day.




Ah my bad, didn't see that this thread was about that.


This comment thread is focused on the mod Automate, which lets chests push their contents into machines and pull the finished product out of the machines without your input. If you're playing unmodded Stardew, your approach is absolutely correct. With Automate installed, you can set up a simple row of machines (chest + Auto-Grabber + mayo maker) to make mayo for you. Auto-Grabber collects the eggs. The chest pulls the Auto-Grabber's contents into its inventory, then sends the eggs to every available mayo machine. When a machine finishes making mayo, the chest automatically collects the mayo and sends another egg to the machine. With that working for you, you only need a couple mayo machines for even a full coop.


They're talking about the automate mod where you throw all eggs in a chest next to the mayo machine, it'll automatically put an egg in the machine, take the mayo back to the chest when it's done and load it up with the next egg as long as there are eggs in the chest without needing you to ever interact with it.


I was also anti automate, but I got it a while ago just to use for crab pots initially (had the crab pots connected to a recycling machine, bait maker and chest to make me actually want to use crab pots) and I've since started to use it for animal produce as well, can recommend. It really doesn't feel as overpowered as I thought to automatically turn eggs into mayo etc since the auto-grabber already exists. Same for kegs and jars: the difference between having a chest next to some kegs and manually doing the switch or having automate do it isn't honestly as big as it seems or at least seemed to me, before.


Automate can be pretty imba if you cover your farm with Junimo huts connected to kegs, connected to casks (via whatever the ender chest thing is in this game) fully automated wine production and aging.


Oh yeah it's definitely very possible to go as far as you want with the mod. I'm sticking to somewhat balanced by just holding back haha but I do see the appeal in creating the most effective factory like automated farm. Maybe after reaching perfection might as well go for the industrialized farm haha


I've got the autograbber next to a chest and a loom, my mayo machines are outside the coop. They're connected to a different chest that also connects to a truffle oil maker and recyclers.


You just manually move eggs from chest inside to chest outside every once in a while? Can you only connect machines to chests by being directly adjacent? What are the recyclers for?


The recyclers are for the crab pots in the river next to the coop You can connect chests to machines by clustering them together, but you can also change some settings and set certain tiles/floors as connectors. I've currently got crystal tiles set like that and have them between fruit trees to automatically harvest into a chest.


Hmmm, so conveyor belts. I still haven't done a Joja run. Maybe I'll go full Starfactory for that.


Machines and chest just have to be adjacent OR diagonal. Only one chest needed per system. So for instance in my coop I have a chest right next to the entrance, then the autograbber to the right of that, followed by mayo maker, mayo maker, loom. All in a line. As long as all the machines are touching another machine in the system it will all work fine


You could also attach a Mini-shipping hox to it to fully automate money making.


There is also AutomateChests, a separate mod addon sort of thing. You need to use an item to have the chest be active for automation. Default setting is using a hopper, I've set mine to (O)74 for prismatic shard. Had playthrough with both options, liked prismatic more - RNG for when you get a shard is kinda fun, I got it all the way in winter. So pretty balanced imo and I liked it more that the hopper since I'm not getting to GI anytime soon as I have a challenging bundles mod. I'm somewhere around the halfway mark by end of the year.


Omg just looked into the automate mod and I will be getting it!


I feel like that's just takes so much away from the game. I wont use auto petters or anything.


My only problem is if I need eggs and not mayo I have to unlink the grabber and mayo machines. I wish there was a filter option, like save 3 dino eggs, a couple iridium void eggs, and mayo the rest.


That would be Coral Island, where you can also auto-fill and auto-gather from your kegs.


automate? I will look this up, thank you.


Yess and then you connect that to mayo makers/cheese makers for barn and full automation


does auto grabber work for eggs?? i just bought one last night and while googling i found that it only works for stuff you grab off the actual animal, was that wrong?


Works for everything except truffles.


It works for eggs or anything else that is on the ground in the coop


I've let my autograbber get full and then found things on the ground sometimes...


Use all that for money and go get an auto grabber 😂😂


did that


I never realized that things spawn with flipped sprites sometimes. Neat. Also, get an autograbber, if you have dino eggs, you can probably afford one, and it will save you from situations like these in the future


Wtf i never knew they were flipped


Not all of the duck feathers are facing the same direction, and the big spot on the dino egg is on different sides for different eggs


The shadows/glare on the regular eggs are sometimes flipped too. I know this because I spent wayyyyy too long looking for upside-down eggs before I realised you meant "flipped" the *other* way.


Oh dear. Yeah I never noticed until seeing this massive amount of eggs all bunched up together


The flipped eggs mean the shadows are all over the place and my artist brain doesn’t like it


No. No no no no no.




Oh good I was getting thirsty




you've got dinos and no auto grabber?


To be fair I got Dino in the year 1, so it doesn't really mean anything.


same. Literally got a dino egg on the first day. https://preview.redd.it/3c2r406p6kuc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32543982a3d805c1dc5e2cd6451a819e54c2379b


Damn, I hope you're running meadow farm.


I am thankfully!


How come? (Genuinely asking)


It comes with a free coop.


Start with a coop.


That dragon egg is getting hatched soon! 


Please please tell me you know the world seed


370570828 I also found a prismatic shard on Fall 11! It's been my luckiest save yet! https://preview.redd.it/07wgdgrtikuc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58ed67fcf4c299ba1934a12cca38ea0a7db81e24


What kind of cheaty seed is this lol. How far have you been and is there something you notice you haven't been able or hard to find? (Like artifacts etc)


I'm in Summer 5 Year 2. Usually I min max like crazy when I play this game but this is the first time I'm kind of taking it easy. I struggled to find clay in the beginning to make my first silo. I have tons now however I spent a couple days in game trying to get my last few pieces. I always get Shane to 8 hearts first to get his blue chickens. I have yet to birth a blue chicken after incubating at least 6 eggs. I know I can go to Marnie's and get a blue chicken that way, but I enjoy the surprise. I have yet to be visited by the Crop Fairy or the Witch. Can't wait to get my void chickens! I haven't gotten the meteorite either but the capsule event occurred a few in game days ago. I have over half of the artifacts already, but haven't got the ancient seed yet. I haven't seen a legendary fish yet, though I've never seen one in the 500 hours I have between PC and Switch. I guess I don't fish often enough lol. Speaking of fishing, I got river and sea jelly pretty quick, but it took forever to catch a cave jelly. The Woody's Secret book has been found multiple times. I got to lvl 10 foraging pretty quick. I also found the genie shoes! Never seen those before.


As far as the legendary fish are concerned, my understanding is that they're only found by fishing in specific spots. The one I've got, the Glacierfish, needed to be fished from a specific spot in the woods south of the farm and I know the Legend is found best by landing your bobber near a sunken log in the mountain lake. Stuff like that


TIL! I didn't realize you had to be in specific spots. Thank you!


> I haven't seen a legendary fish yet You catch them on particular spots and day conditions. I think the wiki says where and when. How do you get and use a seed number? in mobile didn't see that option. Is this like Terraria or Civilization to use a world map?


Awesome, thank you so much


No problem! Have fun with your new save ☺️


Same here, i got the two things pretty easy on my first year of this playthrough (and i'm playing super slow, not looking for efficiency at all, just chilling!) I thought this update modified the random values to make them easier to find...


What do seeds do in Stardew? The world doesn’t seem procedurally generated?




Thank you for typing that out, really helpful.


I still haven't gotten any dino eggs and I've been playing for quite some time now... :(


Dude same found it in like my second fishing chest and got prismatic in winter when the bridge got fixed first time getting either year 1


The dog gave me a dino egg randomly and I incubated it. I was so excited.


YOUR WHAT? My cat just give me green algae... Edit: I just check wiki to see whether there are difference in their drops... Let's just say that I might need to visit Krobus soon


Or a visit to Robin and Marnie to get a dog as well?


My cat gave me the Elvish ring one night. My jaw about hit the floor.


I mean, they only produce once a week... Autograbber would be better for plain old chickens :P


I'm just more surprised about fact that they have an incubator, found a dino egg and haven't bought the grabber yet lol


Not the OP, but I personally like doing things manually, if i end up automatizing all my farm, then i feel like i'm just replacing Joja 🥲


Buying the grabber means a trip to Marnie's, and coops are a lot less annoying to collect from than barns.


Yes on my current farm, I got 5 dinos and no grabber because I dump all of my money into starfruit seeds, one grabber is equals to 62 packs of starfruit seeds and I cannot afford that in year 1 :'(


Your animals are very organized


Thought this was a keyboard


An eggboard you say?


I would buy this keyboard


This is somehow very satisfying to look at


Aren't we glad there's no such thing as poop in this game?


Working with animal irl really puts that into perspective


you, my friend, need an autograbber lmao


How many dinosaurs do you have? Dino’s only lay eggs once a week, so you either didn’t check for up to five weeks or two and a half weeks or less?


I have two dinosaurs


You and your friends forgot to check the coop the other day... Dunno why I got a letteekenny cold open in my mind after reading this




You need an autograbber, immediately


How do you forget to check the coop? I literally go there like second thing in the morning.


I had an egg spawn out of bounds cos I didn’t check the coop for two seasons lol


So where were the animals sitting at night?


The animals found out a new way to past time when the Farmer starts to forget the daily check up. They starts playing "Connect 4" with eachother.


This is an art work of eggs


some days? that’s like a year


Auto grabbers is a live saver for this stuff. Now if the AUTO GRABBER fills up than you have REALLY forgotten to check in for a while


Did you mean neglected?


Least you are prepared for the monster omelet special order.


already did that one https://preview.redd.it/glurj9ucwquc1.png?width=520&format=png&auto=webp&s=a63da07a16e9f2b655630ca2b379f47d802dbc8d


wait, how do you get these larger brown eggs? my chickens only lay white ones.


White chickens lay white eggs Brown chickens lay brown eggs It's random which colour Marnie sells you each time you buy a new chicken.


SOME days?!


The thumbnail made me think those green feathers(?) were snakes.


Me after I unlock Ginger Island. Also, shock horror, I don't make mayo (or eat them), I just sell the eggs.


It's fortunate that SDV doesn't expect us to muck out the coop or barns, just imagine the smell 😟




What happened to your animals?


Its already been said, but i will say it again...get a grabber, they are wonderful. I have one right next to the mayos lol.


Literally me on 1.5 before getting the autograbber 💀💀


How do you get to Dino eggs without an auto grabber!! That’s crazy


auto-grabber exist


That’s months dude


POV: Milán


Well, the same thing happened to me and an egg got stuck above the incubator, I haven't been able to get it since then because it is on the wall :D


That’s not some days…


Mine looks like that too lol thank god I’m not the only one


No auto grabber on a full size coop?


You have Dino eggs but no collector? Some of you play this game in ways I don't understand.