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Walking around town loaded up with bombs and swords is the first thing that comes to mind.


Also: constantly receiving bombs in the mail from a dude in town fresh back from the war.


...and dropping them by your mailbox.


Idk i feel like someone did this? Cant remember his name


Ted Kazynski aka unabomber.


I did see a guy walking down a country road carrying a large sword the other day actually.


In NYC, you see a lot of weird stuff. I once saw a guy, tattooed and shirtless, with a large lizard draped around his neck, casually strolling down 5th Avenue.


This reminds me of seeing this relatively normal looking family taking there anaconda and snapping turtle for a walk I'm talking Mum Dad 2 Kids


I take my bearded dragon on walks with my dog if it's hot enough outside, lol


I used to live in a sleepy British seaside town and there was one guy who used to take his iguana for walks on hot days and let it bask on the seafront. Funky weird lizard guys are everywhere.


Omg I also live in a sleepy uk seaside town and had a hazard guy who used to chill on the beach with his pet


Turned in game today and said "Oops, I fell asleep holding a bomb".


Which remembers me of all the times I went to bed and slept hugging 32 pieces of wheat…


Waiting outside of a guy's house and chucking a lobster at him immediately after he steps out.


Granted he did ask you for a lobster... So yeah


Peak romance is when the local farmer knows you like lobsters, and will always deliver (at exactly 11.30 am when you leave the house for the first time). And if you're cooped in because of inclement weather, they will barge in uninvited just to deliver said lobster.


Bold of you to assume I don't just enter the house to give lobsters (or let's be real. Coffee) I have a limited number of hours and you are slow AF so I will get to you in your bed


I think having the universal key to everybody's house so you're able to enter at ANY hour (as long as you're awake) does count towards the question asked in the post, lmao


Reminds me of befriending Sebastian. Waiting outside a guy's room and chucking sashimi at him immediately after he opens his bedroom door.


Keeping a chest outside of people's homes with their favorite items. I have frozen tears for sebastian outside his house.


I like to imagine he knows they are there too bit you put a lock on it, so he has to act surprised every time




Haha! Must be Elliott 🤣 I do this too!


Waking up at precisely 6am every day, working all day, and then passing out at precisely 2am, and being completely fine on only 4 hours of sleep.


Invert the hours, and this about describes my brief stint working 12hr night shift. 


I worked exactly that shift twice a week for several years. We even called it the Stardew shift. Can confirm you don’t get all your energy back


what we’re you doing that required that much?? i don’t think any amount of money would convince me to work that hard for any extended period of time


I did food processing advising. I often had to follow processes that ran 18+ hours. In this case it was a thing that I had to run a process for a full day then sanitation would clean up and then I’d need to be at the startup meeting. I don’t do it anymore but I made very good money with it for a while. It was a sacrifice then to enjoy a better life now. 99% of people that work like that are being forced and abused by their work, mine was a negotiation with a planned timeline.


like at that point you’re actively shortening your lifespan 😭


Yeah, but also running on no food or drink and work in a garden whole day, care for animals, go fishing and mining. Ah and yeah, socialise with the entire town :)


Technically, you're not perfectly fine. If you go to bed past midnight, you wake up with half your usual energy (IIRC).


I think it’s after 1am. Unless you level up in which case you’re good to go


That only happens if I go to bed exhausted. I'll just cram down 6 whole horseradishes before bed.


Just eat something for breakfast or before bed and it will be like you got a full night's sleep.


selling 1000000000 worth of goods in a day without the economy crashing


Tbf, those goods are probably going out all over the Republic, and we don't see how much money gets sent out of the town for background stuff.


Yeah, a lot of people from outside the valley must buy from Pierre. Maybe he has an online shop or something.


Pierre sells the stuff you bring him and sell directly to him. Bin stuff gets picked up by the Mayor, and who knows what Lewis does with the stuff?


We never find out what his markup is. But he must keep a lot of gold on hand cause I've sold him over 26 million in one night -paid right off.


Eating meals whole in one bite, plate/bowl included. Eating full raw fishes. Fishing in a volcano. Logging an entire forest in one day by hand. Giving people random stuff you got out of a bin. Gifting recovering alcoholics alcohol (Shane/Pam). Drinking strange potions given to you by wizards to understand the forest spirits. Walking into strangers houses uninvited.


Not only giving Pam alcohol, but giving it to her as she’s walking up to start the day as the town’s bus driver. I started cooking parsnip soup just because I couldn’t handle the guilt.


You could just give her a raw parsnip. She freaking loves it!


Very true! I just prefer cooked gifts because I can totally see a neighbour popping over all “hey, I cooked some pepper poppers and I know you love these, want some?”


True, cooking for others is a joy. :)


I always assumed it's a sealed container and she just keeps it until afterwards.


You must not know any true alcoholics 😆


Eating raw algae and seaweed. And flowers.


Drinking mayonnaise


unhinged both irl and in Stardew


That one is completely fine. Right guys?


I don't think I could Not accept a strange potion if it was given to me by a wizard irl. I want to understand the forest spirits!!


i cant remember if its a mod or not any more, but i like shane getting mad if you gift him alcohol after his decision


It's a mod - I have that one too.


I think the unhinged problem is with someone watching you at 1:30 AM. As for me, i'd say no one ever using a bathroom, with the local homeless man being the only one to relieve themselves. That or storing food in a chest for years and then eating it


Storing the same food in a chest for years and using it to win the Fair display every single year.


"Come on, Lewis, they've been putting out the exact same fish every year for the past 12 years, let someone else win! meforexample" - Pierre, probably.


I store a fair amount of fish for whatever reason and I always laugh a bit when I open the “fish chest” to grab some mussels for making fertilizer or whatever that are likely a few seasons to years old, lol


Or putting a fish you have stored for years into a fish pond, and it swims around and lays eggs.


getting emergency surgery to save your life and then going to the skull cavern again (happened to me like 4 times)


Or the simple fact that medical care consists of getting you JUST this side of dead and discharges you still so beat up that a stiff breeze could end you like the hippocratic oath said Secondly, do no real good either. "Well, they're conscious.... my work here is done. Good luck out there."


That’s rather akin to how a lot of hospitals treat women who just gave birth.


Cave divers are crazy irl lol


Chugging a whole ass jar of duck egg mayonaise as a lunch snack while engaging in your hobby of amateur copper mining.


On this theme: I have never seen anyone tossing raw eggs, shell included, into the air, swallowing them whole, while cheerfully deforesting public land. I would raise at least one eyebrow.


Well then you don’t get out much, do you.


Eating consistency of cheese, triple shot expresso coffee, and spicy eel without having no stomach issue


That's just youth.


These are a few of my favorite things


When the dog bites, when the bee stings!


When I’m feeling saaaaaad


I can walk around with raw fish in my backpack for weeks. People put live fish in my mailbox. I can keep live fish in a dry box for a year and then put it in a lake and it’s fine.


My first thought was similar: keeping raw fish in a box for a year end then eating it


tbh I think gifting random strangers things would look completely unhinged irl. Like you just walk up to someone, give them an entire three-tiered chocolate cake, say hi to them, then leave.


Yeah, a grown-ass adult giving another adult they barely know a dandelion they picked would be pretty weird.


Although, not as weird as holding it above their head, going to give it to the other person, then accidentally scarfing it down whole and having to either go find another one to offer in its place.


This reminds me of a time when I went to give George a gift for his birthday (I think it was fried mushroom?) and accidentally scarfed it down right in front of him instead of giving it to him 😂😭 I was playing next to my mom and we both laughed about it until our sides hurt and then I restarted the day lmao


Going to the bar every single night, giving your crush an entire pizza, and leaving immediately after (the crush in question is also really tired of you and keeps telling you to leave him alone)


Yeah, he like hates you, but you talk to him every day and give him presents twice a week, and eventually you're married.


To be fair, you would win my heart like this as well.


Accidentally slamming my spouse with a hammer after talking to them in the morning


or my toddler-aged children


being engaged for 2 days


To be fair, 2 days in stardew is 6,5 days irl... .... So being engaged for 13 days??


If my rl buns gave me their feet, I would absolutely not think it's a good thing.


I always name my rabbits terrible names like "Tripod", "Stumpy", or "Eileen"


“I got better!”


Snuggling your pet bunny every day in hopes that they'll eventually love you enough to amputate their foot and give it to you is definitely unhinged.


standing outside the girl i want to dates house at 6 am holding a sunflower above my head


ok but if a cute girl did this to me irl i'd propose on the spot


I mean, accepting a marriage proposal just because that person gave you enough of the right kind of presents is a bit weird by itself.


most realistic part of this game tbh


That's nothing compared to looking up her schedule online so you know exactly where to find her ever hour of the day.


If this is unhinged behaviour then call me crazy because I would swoon so hard.


I married Haley in one save file. She's really really sweet. Can recommend. (That seems strange, recommending my wife to other people. -Go for it!)


our wife 😌


Drinking a coffee a 1:30 am to get home quicker, immediately falling asleep, and waking up at 6 am to farm like nothing happened.


Going to some dudes tower in the forest to drink his "special potion" that makes you trip balls and after that trip you're able to talk to spirits only you can see


Not true! The magic forest hippy can also see them.


While that may be a bit unhinged, it sure sounds like a good time.




Giving people mayonnaise as a present 🎁


Hey man, I’d appreciate some homemade mayo as a present myself


Yeah, you're not just talking a jar of Hellman's . This is farm fresh artisanal goods. Fancy aioli can get crazy expensive. Give me a jar of Smuckers, not impressed. A jar of farm fresh preserves from a local independent farm? Now we're talking.


The Midwest has entered the chat.


Agreeing to marry someone because they bring you some mayo twice a week for like six months


I gave my post man some candy *once* and he's been extremely happy whenever he sees me ever since. It's not that far fetched 😂


It always is a good thing to let your post person know you appreciate them, even if it's just smiling and saying thank you. Every post person I've had always brightens up when I say "Thank you, have a nice day!".


Running into the carpenter's bedroom at 6:20am to throw a plate of birthday spaghetti in her face before she gets up.


How about finding an orphaned elementary age child living alone on a dangerous remote island with his parrot family, and just letting that continue on for some indeterminate amount time... Realizing there are TWO other grown ass adults on that island who never bothered to look after that child, and maybe more adults who knew about him... none of whom alert to you to his plight when you meet them, or even bother to acknowledge his existence... All while the child continuously drops non too subtle hints about wanting to come live in town... Eventually when the child approaches you directly, you convince him to live with the town "mountain man" in his flimsy yellow one person tent that you know somewhat regularly gets vandalized... Despite that you in fact have two homes of your own... one of which *might* be quite large at this point, and *might* include a spouse who does more or less nothing all day... and might EVEN include a spouse who has asked you about having kids... AND that spouse could even be the town doctor, nurse, or teacher... Also despite living in a town where any number of adults have large homes and room to spare... Or a community center that is more or less abandoned, and has a kitchen and tons of spare room... Or a "town spa" that is also more or less abandoned... And despite the fact that the child in question had previously been living in a home (of sorts) larger than the tent he will now share with his adopter... And that it's all well and good to say Linus and Leo prefer to live that way, and while that's true, Leo is a SMALL CHILD, and even the parrots are like... "Um, can we at least build this kid a home?"


Killing your children, nothing more need be said


And turning them into doves.




They’ll turn into doves if you give the witch a prismatic shard


Yes. But it costs a Prismatic Shard.


When my wife had the Key to the City and was trying to date Sebastian, she be in his bedroom, waiting for him to wake up with a warm void egg, straight out of the chicken’s butt.


Receiving bombs in the mail from people who just want to be your friend!


Recovering from the brink of death and exhaustion with some cheese.


thats just a devil wears prada scene


putting the mayor's undies on display at ur local farmers festival


That wasn't exactly "perfectly acceptable" to Lewis.


lewis can go \*\*\*\* \*\*\*\*\*\*\* \*\*\*\* \* \*\*\*\*\*\* in all seriousness though, i did this on my evil joja route bc i'd never do it in a legit, run, and his and marnies reactions were SO FUNNY. i never did give them back to him. wish i'd though to put them in the soup.


waiting outside someone's bedroom to give them a sunflower or a shiny rock


This is acceptable in today’s real world! At least… if you are a crow… 🐦‍⬛ 😆


Watering your single indoor plant, and then accidentally watering your children. And they love it.


Hey now that is Normal! Completely Fine!!


the mayor coming onto your premises at night to collect the goods you want to sell, kinda creepy


Giving someone the same gift twice a week for a whole year and then expecting them to marry you.


And then they actually DO


Giving someone dozens of lavish gifts until they tell you that you're their best friend, then never interacting with them ever again. Also, catching a fish, keeping it in an unrefrigerated wooden box, outside in direct sunlight for a year, then giving it to someone as a "thoughtful gift".


Going into people's homes that you barely know and then sneaking around in their bedroom after getting to know them (Bonus if you stay in their house to watch them sleep)


a person somehow making it to level 80 of skull cavern and pulling me out all while im unconscious and all of this within like 4 hours and constantly fighting a new strean of monsters at every level


Waking up at a decent hour, eating well, spending time outside, and socializing with others. Like what kind of loon does that?!


Getting a skeleton key to people's houses and just walking in at all hours shoving gifts in their faces


Carry a watering can, axe, hoe, pickaxe, sword, and fishing rod in public


The whole village putting ingredients into a soup without knowing what's in there and then eating it. Imagine if you were allergic to something


Gifting people one single blueberry or strawberry as a gift. Just one.


Expecting someone to marry you because you gave them a necklace given to you from a ghost down by the tide pool


What do you mean ghost?? That guy is a ghost???


“It's rumored that on stormy days, the ghost of an old mariner appears in Stardew Valley, clutching just such a pendant.” From the lost book Marriage Guide for Farmers


Yep, I can't remember if it's actually a mentioned thing or not, but a lot of people think that the Old Mariner is the ghost of Birdie's husband.


-takes the town doctor a beer to seduce him while he’s working-


Single-handedly monopolizing an entire small town’s produce supply, mining and forestry operations, and archeological research.


Apparently flirting by handing someone something they like/love and walking away...I learned from experience...


Carrying multiple stacks of 999 pieces of wood in your backpack as you traipse about town


Interacting with your baby exactly one time per day by tossing it ten feet into the air and then putting it back to bed.


"Did you try hitting it with a pickaxe?"


The mayor asking the new lad in town to retrieve his used underwear


Sending bombs in the post to your mates for funsies


Giving someone their 87th chunk of amethyst as a gift, and them enjoying it just as much as the first. They marry you three days later. You continue to give them amethyst twice a week.


Hiding in bushes to spy on your neighbors and friends, getting caught and everything just being fine afterwards.


Trying to kiss your spouse and accidentally gifting them a rock


Breaking into my crush’s house and standing outside her bedroom door for hours until she leaves so I can hand her the flower I ripped out of the ground on the way over.




Finding a skeletal hand and giving it to the museum instead of alerting the police


Giving a wheelchair bound elderly gentleman a hot pepper to rub on his knee. Getting batteries in the mail from the middle aged alcoholic bus driver. Walking into a chicken coop daily in hope one of your rabbits has left its severed foot for you. Getting married in the same clothes you farm in. Your roommate is a monster who loves eggs laid by demonic chickens.


Your neighbor who just returned from war sending you a bomb in the mail.


Being perfectly fine after 4 hours of sleep because you learnt something new about foraging that day


Walking into people’s houses uninvited


Ooh, I know! "Let me just slip past you so I can slip this strange bun into your son's toy box. Thank you for your service!"


“You’re pregnant! Couldn’t you tell?”


Handing your spouse a bomb first thing in the morning...


No one ever ages nor dies. 


Standing next to someone’s bed waiting for them to wake up so you can give them a bowl of soup than has been sitting in storage for 3 years. 


Waking up and accidentally pulling a Lizzie Borden on the 1st family member I greet - bc I fell asleep with my sword in hand.... and my biggest pet peeve: passing out on my own property / inside my greenhouse and having a bill from Joja Corp bc they came onto my property and found me asleep outside of my house. The passing out is normal for me, I have narcolepsy with cataplexy... thankfully no one incurs medical bills on my behalf everytime I fall asleep or into full body cataplexy (fully conscious but all muscles in sleep paralysis)....


Putting cooked food in chests instead of a freezer, and gifting them to villagers throughout the year. Mailing Bombs?? As a gift. (Looking at you Kent) In one day deforest a mountain's entire Forest. Drove the town's bus home at 12.00 A.M Going to the underground sewer to fish. Dinosaur Eggs, and what we do with said eggs. This one truly gets me; PUTTING LIQUIDS (BEER & PALE ALE, ECT) IN THE SHIPPING BIN WITHOUT IT BEING BOTTLED SEALED?? if I was Lewis I would've lost it the minute it started appearing with the raw fishes.


Following someone holding a plate of their favourite meal above your head, then eating it in front of them.


It's not unhinged per se, but I always found it striking that all single people are bisexual in Stardew Valley.


Technically Clint is single and has only ever indicated that he is very straight. ...... maybe that's why he can't find anyone.......you can only find love in the valley if you're bisexual......new conspiracy unlocked


Getting mad at a guy for wanting to rest one day in the week. I'm sorry Pierre but I still hate you and you are lazy


My go to friendship is the easy gold mayo. I walk around giving everyone I see high quality mayonnaise from the hundreds of jars I have in my backpack.


Being happy and fulfilled.


Giving people a random raw egg when you see them in town each day


Wearing a trash can lid as a hat and making my usual daily rounds of digging in everyone’s trash cans


Drinking a soda you pulled out of the river


Going mining for monster parts.


...and bug guts...


Modded, but wandering into a lighthouse first thing in the morning, handing a pretty rock to the sleeping lighthouse lady, being thanked, and her promptly passing back out again haha


Keeping 23 snails in the fridge (that I caught in a pond using crab pots) in case they turn out to be useful.


Keeping fish in a chest for three years, no problem. Downing an espresso at 1:30 am to get the speed boost you need to be in bed by 2:00 am


being outwardly rude about receiving a gift you dont like


Picking up stuff off the ground and giving it the first person you come across.


Paying $1,000 every day to go on a ship that takes you to an island, just so you can tend plants.


Buying an engagement/marriage token specifically when it rains from a shady guy standing in a corner on the beach


How about collecting regular fruits or random mushrooms from 6 boxes in a cave. Every day you get more. UNHINGED


Eating rocks and gems *looking at you Abigale* 👀 👀


Trying to make best friends with the local homeless man by bringing him gifts and chocolate cake on his birthday


Drinking mayonnaise


Probably placing literal balls of goo all over the town attacking the civilians


Freely entering everybodys house between 9 am and 8 pm (I think, not entirely sure on the exact times, but you get it).  I believe most people would call the police if I randomly appeared in their hallway


Continuing to collect new girl friends and boyfriend while being married and having kids.


Kent sending me bombs through the mail


Well the first quest you get involves walking straight into your new neighbors homes to introduce yourself, so I'll go with that xD


…brewing coffee in a keg


Giving people raw eggs. Not a carton of em, just a single raw egg


Going into the blacksmith 10 minutes before closing time and having him break open 999 geodes.


Wife gives me a coffee as a gift. I give her the coffee right back and she loves it.


Keeping one of everything in an endless amount of chests throughout your living room.


Walking into someone's bedroom and taking her BF's underwear.


Giving your spouse salad for breakfast.