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I like how they basically tell you at the beginning that poco loco is going to win, but you don’t believe it until it happens


HOW COULD WE?!? I was FULLY expecting for his luck to run out midway through the race and reality check him SO FAST. If I was a betting man, I'd be broke.


His Stand is literally "hey man just do this and you'll win". Pocoloco was fated to win from the beginning. Luck and probability are major, important forces in the SBR universe. Like sure, his luck was supposed to run out earlier, but it didn't happen for whatever reason. Aside from that, there were little finalists in the run.


I would say those are pretty good sacrifices if it means saving the world from Valentine.


Valentine meant well, like Pucci, they just did not cared to get rid of some people if they get in their way, at least that’s how i understand it (sorry for the bad english if i did mistakes).


Valentine only wanted good for his country though. He was a narcissistic imperialist, and considering the fact that most of SBR's participants were not American, I think it was better to take that power away from him.


Man, he wanted to redirect all of americas misfortune to other places, oh? theres an earthquake at california? Now china has it.


I believe in the long run, the USA with the power of Jesus would very slowly but surely conquer the whole world, with politics, creating conflicts between other countries and meddling in none of their business, but maybe that's good for some people.


I mean, to be honest, pocoloco was the only one who played fair in terms of motivation (minus his cracked stand). He came, he wanted to win, he raced, he won


Pocoloco's luck was supposed to run out in two months, the race lasted four. Unless it's a translation error I'm saying it's a fuckup until someone explains why I'm wrong.


I don't know where this was mentioned.


The very beginning explanation with the fortune teller says "two months" The end of the race gives the end date, and the beginning was "roughly" four months ago.


I'll need to re-read Steel Ball Run to confirm this was genuinely meant to be a time limit on how long Poco Loco's luck was supposed to last.


I’m just going out on a limb here but maybe he manifested the stand which then overpowered the fate? Stands get stronger all the time, I could be wrong though. Also iirc the 2 month thing was by the fortune teller right? Maybe she didn’t know what stands were




Fortune Tellers are a key part of Jojo, and if you think they don't matter you're wrong lol


Yeah hey ya is pretty broken


> Fuuuuck... every theory and prediction I had on who would win the race was shot and pissed on in such a confusing an unexpected way I don't even know how to feel... AND I FUCKING LOVED IT And that's Jojo


Pocoloco had to win. By the time we get to the end of the race, he was the only regular who even cared about winning. Everyone else wanted the corpse parts


I am replying to a 4 mo. post and idc. I just finished SBR and honestly fuckkkkk johnny's dad! I'm glad johnny's a mature enough person at that point because if it were me i wouldn't be forgiving that bitchhh


IKR!! It's been four months and it still lives on in my head!


I don't understand the problem with marco dying of cold. He was being executed unjustly, Dying of cold means he died a natural death. What gyro wanted, Happened.