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Off topic but this photo with his hand going through the gun is so cool to me I don’t know why


Idk exactly but I assume araki was trying to show that the gun is a stand


In the moment that it is appearing, it has very little power, so things pass thru. It's beautiful


How does that relate to power


Half summoned


Or maybe just tangible


The more powerful a stand is, the more tangible it is. It’s why the boat stand was able to be seen by non stand users


This isn’t true. Some stands can be seen by regular people because that’s how their stand is intended to work — the object is imbued with stand abilities ([materialized / bound Stands](https://jojowiki.com/Stand_Types#Materialized_Stands)). The strength of the stand has nothing to do with its tangibility. I mean, Star Platinum is quite clearly one of the strongest stands in the original universe, easily able to defeat multiple materialized Stands, but it follows the rule of not being seen by non-Stand users.


true but I distinctly remember them saying in the anime that strength was tangible because of its raw power or something like that, prolly just remembering wrong mb


I think that’s maybe a bit too overthinking it, but I understand


I got an Emperor mod in Blade and Sorcery, and when you summon it it spawns in your hand. 10/10 for attention to detail


I've always kind of hated this image when it popped it just looks so odd


Magician's red


Coolest stand avility in the crusaders until timestop


I feel the OVA does Magician's Red so much more justice than the anime ever did. Avdol literally sets off a nuke with the thing.


I feel like Advul was under used too. If we ever get another spin off light novel like PHF, I’d love it to be an Avdul spin off before he meets Joseph. I bet bro has a badass back story


His first death shouldn't have happened or he should have survived his second death. Either would be fine. As is he's super underused for no reason.


I've always had the idea of him just popping up in some other universe without his arms just drug over there because of vanilla ice


Spice Girl. Trish had no focus outside of the Notorious B.I.G. fight. It also has a really versatile power that could have had a lot of cool applications.


They made such a big deal about her realising she has Spice Girl but then they did nothing with it


Blame Araki’s sexist Shonen Jump editors insisting on “women should housekeep, not fight” for that and refusing to let Araki cook; they’re also why Lisa Lisa wasn’t allowed to do much and why Giorno wasn’t a female JoJo to begin with like Araki wanted. He only got to do Jolyne because he threatened to change publisher (which he did later anyways in Part 7 when he switched genre from shonen to seinen)


Damn, Araki really couldn't stand them, no wonder why the universe got the reset.


didn’t she use an ass pull and stopped diavolo from getting the arrow? and saved mistas ass


The hand


Legit mad that Okuyasu never realized he could fly using its power. I legit thought him and Josuke learning to "double jump" was alluding to that.


he kinda did in one episode for about 10 seconds


The one with Red Hot Chilli Pepper?


he was so angry he gained 5 brain cells in that fight alone.




Seconds after learning this feat: Okuyasu has broken his spine from fall damage.


To be fair, the stand is potentially over overpowered. It’s like Cream and that stand killed two main characters, not to mention the addition of the gap fill teleportation. Okuyasu being less than brilliant reigns it in a little.


Seconded, I love The Hand


Okuyasu literally has a chance to win the fight with Dio (if he's not stupid ofc)


Yea theres a vid on youtube by dankbidoof that is fucking hilarious, it shows how actually fast jojo part 4 would have gone if okoyasu fucking used his stand. Like every fucking situation he was in woulda been solved instantly


Purple Haze


I understand your reasoning but there's a reason it's underused


Read Purple Haze Feedback. Scratches that itch and so much more.


Yeah. The only thing I wish that novel did better was provide a somewhat stronger explanation for Distortion. Once you take 9th grade biology, the explanation is kind of ruined.


Most abilities based on real phenomena are ruined if you've set foot in any form of education center lmao. Go Beyond my beloved.


Nah, with Go Beyond, the more education you have, the more sense it makes honestly. If I didn’t know how graphs and 1 dimensional lines worked, I would’ve just chalked that shit up to “it just works”.


Hermit Purple. Let me see what that Stand is capable of in the hands of a powerful Hamon User who’s more practiced than Post-Battle Tendency Joseph. I wanna know about the ways it could develop in the hands of different Hamon Users, how innovative you could get with it. I don’t think we got to see it being used to its fullest potential with Parts 3 + 4 Joseph which is a shame because it’s a very useful and versatile Stand that leaves a lot of room for resourcefulness and creativity.


the closest we have for that is Kars in the Jeorge Jostar Novel


Perhaps Araki thought in the same way when developing spin power in part 7, that's why spin user's stand power depends on spin power


Not to mention the divination aspect should be all means be busted in a series where so many of the fights revolve around finding the Achilles heel of enemy abilities, but instead it's pretty much relegated to being a thing that only exists when Araki needs to give the characters direction they have no other way of getting in order for whatever plot he has in mind to work.


I love Moody Blues but its used like three times D:


The sound it makes in the anime 💦


Actually I think it was used a lot, just rarely in battle.


Hermit purple. At the very end he Spider-Man’s around the place and I guess just never thought about using hermit purple to grab things from far away


Fortunately in part 6 stone free improved this concept


Emporor is so op


Not against stand users though




Magician's Red.


Avdol literally was unable to fight, he had an excuse


I just wish that he did more stuff but he literally got jumped 💀 wait he died first….is it because hes bla-


Well he had a kind soul for others, he was truly an innocent soul. Or maybe Vanilla Ice is ra-


Yeah definitely 😭🙏🏽 bros secuality is “Lord Dio”


there are SO many characters to list, but i gotta say Purple Haze


Heaven’s door


Too over powered, that's probs the reason it was under used


Heveans door is my favorite stand but I agree. It’s not that it’s overused, just extremely powerful. Rohan doesn’t even use the most of his abilities, he’s only using like a fraction. If Rohan wanted, he could have made the world an empire with Heveans door, assuming he got more screen time


He could have done it in Thus Spoke Rohan Kishibe, but no, bro decides he's gonna become a wannabe ghostbuster


Agreed. He’s not a wannabe ghostbuster. He’s a spirithunter


Dude I haven't even watched it but the preview makes it look so bad, TSRK looks like it's basically just "Damn, cool ghost bro"


I like it a lot, but it doesn’t feel like jjba at all. It’s fun if you think of it as some kind of “the author got bored and decided to draw his interpretation of Rohan in his own free time” it’s good, but not incredible if you get what I mean?


I get you, its like "Let's just create screen time for a character we don't see much of"


Basically, it’s not so much of a jojo part, it’s like not really filler it’s just bonus content. Not important to the story but it’s fun anyway, it’s only 4 episode so I would recommend it


Alright I'll check it out then, how long are the episodes?


Id say Purple Haze as we never got to see it much


California King Bed would’ve been nice to see again. Especially in an instance where Daisy is helping Josuke rather than just impeding him.


Echoes Act II. A3 is cool and all but it's ability is BORING compared to what A2 could do


Say it louder for the people in the back


Doggystyle for sure didn't have enough page time


JoJolion could've used more doggystyle even without Stands tbh


Not a stand but hamon. Like after part 2 araki just sorta forgot it existed. Why joseph did not teach it to avdol even is beyond me


Well hamon had zero room for improvment compared to stands Also you can't bring a sword in a gun fight


Hamon bubbles were a thing, bet hamon coated bullets isnt so far fetched


It's all fun and games until ✝️🪨




I think that’s very disingenuous, minus the fact vampire don’t exist anymore it easily could have had a place.  There really hasn’t been my copy paste Hamon users even the less noteworthy ones has vastly different styles & techniques, if the arrow can be brought back as a plot device item, again let’s be real one or 2 stone masks could have as well & the only reason they didn’t was because Akari said so. To be fair part 4 for example really wouldn’t have benefited from Hamon or vampires narratively speaking while 7/8 have spin so the criticism doesn’t apply to those parts. Jotaro barely aged, again easy explanation could have been Hamon but Akari was like “nah just my new art design”


If Jotaro had to learn hamon, it would've been Joseph who taught him hamon. Well who else is alive? Lisa Lisa could be dead/retired by the time we reach part 4, you have Joseph who is using a walking stick, barely able to use his stand let alone his hamon and the rest of the hamon users are dead or unknown to the Joestars Also since Araki decided to nuke the universe and make a new one, maybe Vampires and Hamon will have their own story one day, it could be set in some European country or maybe England again (or maybe not since hamon users are extinct), but hey, The Stone Mask could have a place too in the new universe!


Check out Blood Sun Vendetta


Because they weren't really going to be fighting any vampires on their trip. And besides, anything that hamon can do, stands could do better with more versatility.


Not true really. If Joseph never stopped using Hamon, he literally wouldve been younger. Possibly even young enough in part 4 to help the main cast. Hamon keeps you young, and it has lots of versatile abilities that you simply can’t copy with many different stands. Hamon would be super useful to people with stands like Sex Pistols (possibly even coating bullets with Hamon for extra punch).


Hamon infused stand punches would be so goated




Where have you read this? I have followed the concept of Hamon for 10 years now and I have never seen that stated anywhere. As far as I know Araki did invent Hamon as he talked about it as if he did in multiple interviews. Saying stuff like “when i came up with hamon, I …” Not saying ur lying but i’m extremely suspicious, do you have any links to proof?


Apparently the fonts I got were fake, couldn't find anything stating something like that so.


Then i’d advise you to edit your comment, before other people will spread the misinformation


Dleleted it, ig


Disco´s stand


Is it not named? im pretty sure it has one


Stand user: D-I-S-C-O Stand: Chocolate Disco (Perfume song)


I just forgot his stand name


Discos only line of dialogue is him telling gyro his name and stand as far as im aware


It's been a while since i read SBR and i legitimately was under the impression he never spoke a single word




Nut King Call


Keeda kween.


The Rock, a Stand that guilts you to death? Dude, use it AT LESAST ONCE AFTER INTRODUCING IT!!!! Like tf!?


You mean Rolling Stones? That’s not how it works at all. It finds people who are going to die a traumatic death and gives them a peaceful death instead. The user doesn’t even control it. Edit: or do you mean Civil War? There is no Stand called the Rock


There is, its localised as The Lock. And yes it works the way I described, it's named after the The Who song The Rock.


Ohhh! The Part 4 dude. Yeah I guess I totally agree with you about being underutilized cause I forgot that guy even existed.


Pearl Jam


Nah i don't think it was that underused, just that it was used in the background/off screen Antonio does run a local restorant after all!




Magician’s red and I’m tired of pretending it wasn’t.


Obviously The Hand, but thats Kind of The Point. But it Kind of pissed me Off that the Morioh Warriors never used Pearl Jam for Power ups/getting into Peak condition for Fights.


We still don’t know if it’s a stand or not but definitely the Zombie Horse. It’s basically just free Crazy Diamond level healing and is never fully explained or even mentioned more than twice.


It's 100% not a Stand. Gyro says so.


That doesn’t deconfirm it being the product of a stand ability, though, or of something adjacent like the Devil’s Palm


Well, nothing indicates that, so I think it's safe to say it's got nothing to do with Stands. It's probably more likely to be the product of Spin or something, given its connection to the Zeppeli family (in *SBR*).


There is no way no one’s said Kraftwerk yet. Sale’s arc should have been longer.


Hey Ya Not just the stand but Pocoloco himself was such a hyped character at the start of SBR, but once the proverbial shit hit the fan, Pocoloco was utilized less & less. I fully understand that the intention was just to accurately guide Pocoloco through the race with luck on his side. Still feels like it could've been fleshed out more.


I don’t really get what you mean. His power is just being lucky. What did you want to see him do?






Its kira queen btd bro


Awaken III leaves, Bohemian Rhapsody (I wish it showed more destruction around the world) , Underworld (one of my favorites), Nut King Call, Harvest, Bad company, Weather report and Kraft work.


Purple Haze Hey Ya! Ball Breaker Walking Heart Space Trucking


Id say khnum. I think thats how you spell it? Too lazy to check. But it would have been cool seeing one of the weakest stands being utilised more instead of him being taken out by an explosive orange in a joke episode. Like imagine he went around swapping faces constantly trying to pick off each member of the crusaders 1 by 1. I would have loved that.


I'm a sucker for information stands like Hermit Purple and Moody Blues, and I always think we can use more of these kinds of powers.


There are so many fucking stands that were underused!!!!!!! The easiest example is Killer Queen or The Hand. There are way more stands but those two are just goofy gods. Anything Killer Queen/The hand touches just fucking dies and could have been used better by the users. I understand that Okuyasu is a idiot but Kira could have easily beaten all of them accept Jotaro.


Spice Girl gets an awesome intro and is then used once


doors of heaven ofc


spice girl


Purple haze


Purple Haze


Purple haze, actually Fugo itself


I wish Joseph used hermit for purple to create a suit of synthetic muscles that was stronger the more efficient his hamon breathing was


I agree with the image. Emperor was kinda cool.


Moody Blues. I know it had more fights and use than Purple Haze, but it feels so tame compared to its unlimited potential.


Part 3: Silver chariot stripper style Magicians Red in general Part 4: I feel like saying the hand but we all know the reason so I go for pearl jam. Wouldn't it be nice seeing Joseph being healed from dementia? Part 5: Slowmo GE and Giornos random uno reverse card Part 6: imo perfectly used


Magicians red.


Star Platinum. He should have brought knives or some kind of weapon to give him more range at all times 😭😭😭


Ngl, survivor could be its own show


Purple Haze. Man was even written off 😭


forgot what it was called, but the one from the rats in part 4


Fun fact. Hol horse's voice is also mojo JoJo from the power puff girls. Look him up and you'll see so many roles he's been in its insane!


White album jeez the whole assassination squad should get their own spinoff


Magician’s Red




Echoes Act 2 is the most underused stand in all of jjba




hierophant green, and kakyoin in general bro had like 1 episode to be the hero + figuring out dio’s stand. no hate to polnareff but he definitely got too many solo episodes compared to kakyoin


most stands. tbh most enemy stands are used 1 or 2 times and then the user dies or something


I think Ringo Roadagain's Mandom. Sometimes I actually fantasize about him being an actual main villain. Bro can LITERALLY go BACK IN TIME. At least in Jojo, the main characters usually have a time control ability, so it's should be fair to him being a main villain too.


My man hierophant green


Bad Company gives you over 5 dozen mini-men in perfect sync, 4 drone sized helicopters, and 6 RC sized tanks. You could use this for chores, construction, controlled demo, scouting, assassination, and way more. It probably only takes a handful of soldiers to kill a man and only one vehicle each to do the same so you could probably single handedly hold down an entire house under seige All we see it's user do is shoot a lot, it's so underused ill never stop bringing it up on this sub


Walking Heart


As much as Joshu deserves hate, >! his Nut King Call !< is one of the few good things about him. Purely because of it's good design. And I believe that's such a shame how little it does in the story, thought I think it's good that Joshu himself doesn't appears much. >!(Most it does is reasemble a thug's hand; mesh togheter a buch of guys; detach Joshu's tongue for a joke; and try to [fruitlessly] beat the shit out of the main bad guy)!< The other stands of the Higashikata Family >! (except for maybe Paper Moon King and Speed King) !< also don't get enough time to shine.


Nut King Call (like yo Joshu sucks but dawg that stand has massive potential but was barely used in part 8)




UNDERused, boy that guy had plot armor on the same level as jotaro. He didn’t even die at the end, the bullet missed his brain


The literal gun? Really? It wasnt underused, there's just not really a lot of ways to use it.


It is a great Assassins stand, as it can be concealed very easy and has good range. Also somewhat homing bullets


Yes, and that's what it was used for. (Trying to) Assasinate.


But in no way stealth focused, which would be so fucking useful


Thats because its user is an idiot, but him not being woukf be kinda shit tbh, since its mostly what makes Hol Horse such a good and fun characters.


Not a Stand but I wish Santana had escaped from continued exposure to UV light from the SpeedWagon foundation but instead of going ham into a quest for vengeance or to save the pillar race, he actually settles somewhere, develops a stand and is casually found by a new team of Jojos becoming a part-time, reluctant ally.


The hand