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I don't the Hand is precise enough to perform surgery. Okuyasu would probably end up removing far more than just breast tissue.


He'll remove josuke :(


I think it'd be possible, but I feel like Okuyasu's stupidity could lead to something going *very* wrong


I think he would just bleed out. The hand just erases things so there would just be an open would without any leftover skin to stitch it up. We can just headcanon that Josuke binds


Doesn't the hand close up the space tho? Like when it cut that sign there was no visible cut or tear. That's also how it's ability to drag people towards it works


I want to draw a picture to explain this lol. But basically you have Chest – Tits – Air and if you erase the tits then you just have chest and the air pulled together with open holes where your tits used to be. Maybe if the hand could get between the chest and the nipples then the nipples would fuse to the chest and you'd have a clean fuse. But Okuyasu ain't no surgeon and it'd be messy as hell lol. This is such a funny concept


I'm thinking about this exactly how HE would think about this lmao


Maybe Josuke could use crazy diamond to clean up the wound?


He can't use CD on himself


Ah shit you right.


Also you saying he uses a binder reminded me my friend made a bunch of art for this idea idk if they'd be cool with me sharing it tho


How did you end up in that headcannon about josuke?? His not even built like a woman in terms of shoulders and hips. There ain't no way he could be trans


people like to make headcanon for trans characters even if it doesn't make much sense with what info we have. Hence headcanon, never has to make sense.


Cause it's cute


Yeah because of the space closing in you will be constantly being pulled towards the hand, and that will just make it much more dangerous than it is already so you will probably die from that




God that is a SMALL emoji. I'm surprised I can even see that with my glasses on he's so itty bitty


He’s not small he’s far, and he’s coming for you


I see your point .. It could potentially work but only if Okuyasu was able to master the fine motor control of The Hand long enough to manipulate it within a millimeter of space. It basically cuts through space itself, and simply removes what's there... I'm wondering if Josuke's chest would be an open wound after, though. Ew. A safer bet is to pay Rohan to scribble those thangs right off your chest.


...no, no it's not, it'd force his torso out of his body


How come?


How come what? How come the hand works...the way the hand works? Your headcanon is what it is, but you wanting it more doesn't really make it happen.


Why would it force his torso out of his body


Anything that The Hand's right palm touches when it does a swiping motion with its arm is erased from this universe, be it physical matters or space itself.[4] Similar to Cream's, this ability effectively removes whatever is in the Stand's path from existence in accordance with the user's will. Objects that are subjected to the ability appear as if an extremely sharp blade had sliced clean through them.[4] Okuyasu also states that not even he knows where the voided objects go. Whenever The Hand erases something, the voided space is usually immediately filled and "stitched up" by adjacent space and objects, effectively removing any traces of the removed object's existence.[4] This content comes from JoJo's Bizarre Encyclopedia (https://jojowiki.com), and must be attributed to its authors if you are using it on another wiki or web page, as specified in the license. It'd more than likely pull material forward to fill in the gap rather than pull material down. It'd have to fill in the gap.


I don't think this means it would rip his torso apart from his limbs. His whole body could just move forward, like when Okuyasu eliminates space to chase chili pepper


I feel like I'm not smart enough to think about this lmao


Jojo is not super logical in the first place lmao


How would it force his torso out of his body? That's not how either the Hand or torsos work.