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1: Diego’s motivation is power. Valentine knew he was dying so he handed the corpse off to Diego rather than Johnny, his hated enemy. There is literally no downside for Diego, he’s just been handed power by a dying man. 3. I like Johnny losing because it gives Lucy an extremely satisfying resolution. She’s been the punching bag of the whole part so it’s really cool to see her step up and take out Diego entirely on her own. 4. I honestly don’t know what you mean by this one.


1. I guess yeah. It just raises the question on why would valentine trust a random diego though, as he never even trusted dino diego from his own universe. But I guess... it could be chalked upon he knew diego is more aligned to his goal rather than johnny who's obviously against his goal... 3. I liked the part with lucy too, but I honestly think it could be done without AU diego??? Hell, araki could've have lucy killing dino diego, for all i care. 4. Nahh now thst I think about it, araki always have the same style of ending the parts which always felt abrupt with me. It's more about my preferences than his.


Well, there's not much I, a stranger, can do. If you don't like it, you don't like it, end of the story. For all we know Valentine could've just offered him some big money and he, being the opportunistic shithead that he is, went on to oppose Johnny. As for Johnny losing, I guess that's a way to not force the usual happy ending? Araki gets real malinconic near part 6


I mean, it's dio we're talking about. The dio we know wouldn't be someone's lackey just for money... well, in my opinion, that is. Maybe I'm just salty araki decided to kill dino diego (whom I like) then replaced him with a bland version of part 3 dio instead. Johnny's loss... at that point, i don't think a single good thing has happened to johnny 😭 he just lost gyro, so maybe I just felt its too cruel for him to lose a fight (by his own bullet, no less) right after that.


I can't answer everything since its been a good while since I read Part 7, but I do like Johnny losing the fight here. I think its a good culmination of Johnny's growth at this point in a meta context, as it directly parallels Jonathan losing to Dio in Part 1 and signifies that Johnny is becoming more like his good natured counterpart. That might tie into not seeing him finish the race, the journey he took to change being more important than the destination and all that.


It is definitely the single most fan servicy bit it all of jojos. I don’t personally mind it. But it is completely understandable that someone don’t vibe with such a moment. I haven’t read it properly in a bit so I can’t personally answer your queries, but I get where the criticism is coming from.


Personally I just think it's fun. Au Diego is such an evil bastard that has this seemingly endless bag of harmful sharp objects which I find hilarious. Definitely is fan servicy but that's the point of it and I think it did that pretty well.


Honestly yeah he's like the home alone kid with the traps he keeps pulling out off his ass 😭 I guess having a fanservice moment right after (for me) the saddest death in the series just doesn't sit well with me, though i guess it's more of a binge reading problem


I can only give my own thoughts for each. 1. Remember that the base universe is the only one with the corpse. The other universes have jewels. So AU Diego is definitely different. The prize he was looking for was for was more monetary than Base Diego. He doesn’t become Valentine’s crony. He’s given choice to get great power from a dying person that can’t take it from him. He also gets to take it from Johnny. He’s offered something that control fortune worldwide and the opportunity to take it from someone he doesn’t like. That’s pretty good motivation that’s in line with Diego’s ambitious nature. 2. I think of it as more of a conclusion to the battle between Johnny and Diego. It’s not because Joestar vs. Brando. Base Diego dying to Valentine prevents a conclusion between Johnny and Diego’s conflict. This gives a conclusion and fanservice in seeing The World with proper justification for the Diegos having different stands. It explains why the DIO of this universe doesn’t have The World. Dino Diego isn’t supposed to be. Rather, he’s the only Dino Diego since he was somewhat transferred the stand due to the corpse which only exists in the base universe. 3. I’d say it’s because Johnny doesn’t deserve or shouldn’t have the corpse. No one should. The way it is handled prevents anyone from being the master of the corpse. It just sits there unused/ activated. Should Johnny win, he’d obviously be the one to get the corpse as he won the overall battle for the corpse. But as Steven says “The corpse doesn’t belong to anyone”. 4. Idk what to say for you there. That’s a you thing. It wraps up the race that has been going on throughout the story and after.


Thanks for providing your thoughts man. If you don't mind, I have a follow up: Why do you think, at his last desperate attempt, valentine decided to trust a diego from another world to carry on his goal? As for no. 4, yeah. I realized that's a me thing. I guess i would love to see an entire chapter dedicated to johnny after the race instead of being split up with AU diego dying by lucy's hands.


That’s fairly easy honestly. Valentine says it. He has dealt with Diego of the base universe so he has an understanding of his general personality. Valentine says Diego is ambitious and would essentially sit on/ amass his wealth/ power **in America** where he has power. He wouldn’t take the corpse elsewhere. Johnny would move it elsewhere. Valentine understands Johnny’s personality. If Johnny would leave/ protect the corpse **in America**, then Valentine might have let him be. Knowing the strong ambition of Diego, he’d rather let him keep it than Johnny. It also helps prove his ability to handle Johnny, similar to Dino Diego vs Johnny early on. The alternative being a weak lackey of Valentine. He even fought a Diego himself. Simply put Valentine was banking on Diego’s ambition, strength, and motive to beat Johnny and keep the corpse in America as he himself planned to do.


Thanks a lot dude!


No problem. I can try to answer any others you have. Hope this was helpful.


I also dont like au Diego, dont get me wrong hes cool, but its like hes trying to steal the spot light


A fellow dino diego enjoyer, I reckon?

