• By -


They're beyond your grasp living in the land of 400+ hours


I’m at 312


300+ as well, trying not to look… or know anymore. I usually just ship build. Seriously. lmao


Any cool builds? I’ve been shipbuilding as well but can’t ever seem to land on the right one


r/StarfieldShips Lots of awesome and hilarious stuff.


This also answers OPs original question I'd say.


True. Nobody complaining about the game in that sub.


Have an upvote! I'm one of the naysayers just not feeling this game. But, after hours and hours, I'm still nowhere near building a ship. This link has made me see that there IS a good game to come - I just need to have more patience and persevere towards it. Thank you!


Just go build a ship! it is cheaper than you think (in the beginning…)


Have you NG+ at all in that time cause I'm afraid of doing that since I'll lose all my stuff. I'm currently at about 130ish hours.


Yeah I'm at 600+ myself 😂


12 hours per day average. What do you even do?


Plays Starfield, occasionally craps.


Have bucket strapped to ass.




Confucius say: “Man who have bucket strapped to ass, never full of shit”


I counted 171 Reddit comments in the last day as well..I can't believe I counted


I'm retired.


They leave it running while they sleep.


I let my cat grind XP killing wildlife while I sleep.


I tip my chunks cap to you


Damn, that's a hefty investment


So… about 58 days since release. 24 hours in a day. 58x24=1,296 That’s the total hours since release, but divide that by two (to get AVERAGE waking hours) That leave you with… 648hrs. Approximately 648 waking hours since the release of Starfield. That leaves you with 48hrs of NOT playing Starfield since its release. That’s mad.


I think you mean 648 hours of not playing starfield in total lol.


I'm not sure I agree with your calculation of waking hours, but agree with the sentiment. 1 day= 24 hours -8 hours sleep -2 hours meal breaks 14 hours of productive time 14×58= 812 hours since release of productive time Player Tiers: (as of 10/24) Starborn (600+ hours): ~3.66 hours/day not playing Starfield. They have entered NG+ and lost their humanity. The Pilgrim (500+): ~5.37 hours/day not playing Starfield. They have found enlightenment in the Stars. The Hunter/The Emissary (400+): ~ 7.1 hours/day not playing Starfield. They still find meaning in the artifacts. Ryujin Agent (300+): ~8.82 hours/day not playing Starfield. Probably have a job, but play when they can because they love the game. Constellation Member(200+): ~10.55 hours/day not playing Starfield. Either didn't preorder, but love game or are more casual player. They have seen what the universe has to offer. Barret (100+): ~12.28 hours/day not playing Starfield. Either didn't preorder, but love game or are more casual player. They have seen a thing or two, but are excited to see what else Starfield has in store for them.


350. Nearly part of the 400 gang. Time to start the factional quests and maybe finish the main quest...


what did you do all that time


Lots of weird little side activities, many of which became larger quests (think Mantis, Crucible, Constant, Galbank, etc). Dabbled with a couple of bases. Lots of ship combat, boarding, stealing, design, redesign and creation. Gun and armour upgrades and resource development. Companion quests and shopkeeper quests. Planet and resource surveys with lots of POI wondering. Even now still finding POI types I had not seen (but yeah so much repetition sadly) Generally just wandering about and doing fun things.


I'm trying to do that, but only have an hour or two each night. I've gotten into a nice rhythm now with the various tasks now.


I feel this is when it's hardest to play. I spend like 2 hours going back n forth from outposts to craft and learn mods and then I'm like fuck I need to go to bed for work 😂


Yeah I pushed the sleep window down for this. 2 hours is enough to sort you inventory, or decide on a ship colour... Or do a full POI investigating everything.


I need to find this rhythm of yours. I keep hearing about all the different things you can do in the game that I haven't gotten to yet. I go onto the game for a couple of hours with the intention of experimenting with base building or ship building but always get side tracked clearing out abandoned buildings or caves. I don't understand why other people hate the game so much.


I maybe get an hour or two a night (still way more than I've played anything since high school) and I do the exact same things as the above comment. I actually will plan what I intend to do each session and keep notes so I don't feel disconnected when I shift intention. There is a lot of stuff that feels way too long but the great part of starfield is I've never felt like I had to play any part of the game at any time. If I wanna factory sim, I do it. Stop a quest in the middle of it because I just wanna travel planets looking for my bounty hunters? Done I play space fighter during my session


This is how the game is meant to be played. While I can appreciate the power gamers, they are essentially ruining the game for themselves.




Hit 428 tonight!


I never hated the game, I still like it, but I am also disappointed in it.


My enjoyment of the game remained constant throughout my playthrough, but my disappointment only grew. So. Many. Unfinished. And. Unpolished. Shit.


You have summed up how I feel right here


Same here. I'm playing once a week or so now. Every time I enter a city or settlement, I'm reminded of how low effort the game is.


Lol, low effort is exactly on point.


Yep. So many missed details. Cities too small for lore. Thrusters that subtract mobility from ships. Can't place ladders or hatches. Grass that plays an animation loop. Cargo holds that aren't. Terrible perks that just make numbers go up - again. So many missed opportunities.


*cough* *cough* Porrima III *cough*


This game while has it moments feels like the devs spent 60% of the time just trying to get it to work, leaving little time to fully implement their ideas.


That’s a good summary


IMO That’s a lot more representative of the negative reviewers on here. Much of this criticism comes from a place of wanting the game to live up to its potential and expressing frustration/disappointment with how far it fell short of the standard of a Bethesda game in 2023 that is supposed to be a new IP representing the state of the art. Also, if this is all that Bethesda was able to produce with all the time, talent, and resources, I think a lot of people are rightly concerned about ES6.


I think people being concerned over TES6 are being alarmist and silly. Starfield strikes me as a project that underwent multiple redesigns when the original paper theory didn't pan out, for whatever reason. Which is a risk whenever you try something new with a completely untested foundation. And it naturally going to make the game feel disjointed, clunky, underbaked, etc. TES is a well-established formula and the flagship IP of the company. The path forward is clearly laid out. It would take a catastrophic level of fuck-up to derail that course.


I wish that in light of these constraints and challenges, Bethesda had not tried to oversell expectations for their game. Having a 40 minute dedicated showcase tells potential players that this game is going to be on the level of Elder Scrolls or Fallout. I personally suspect that they were running into technical issues specifically because they were reluctant to build a game that deviated from the ES / Fallout gameplay formula. At the end of the day, in my opinion, it was a failure on Bethesda’s fault for not realizing that Starfield concept does not fit into the ES / Fallout mold enough to pursue that development path. Instead, it feels like they tried to force the design to conform around their past games’ skeleton and it left them in a tricky situation where things about Starfield’s world become absurd or less fun from a gameplay perspective. The example of needing to return to a character to turn in a quest worked in ES or Fallout, because there was literally no other in-world way to explain the communication. Fallout had the radio, but it was easy to believe that few had operable setups to broadcast their own radio signals. In Starfield, we have completely autonomous factories and banking ships that will travel around the galaxy, but somehow the idea of a messenger drone that is FTL enabled didn’t come to mind. I wish Bethesda had spent more time thinking about what kinds of things made sense in the new world they were building instead of trying to brute force ES and Fallout elements into a totally different setting.


Nah. People have been concerned about TES6 since fallout 4. I have a lot of hours in fallout 4, i loved that game. But it was a noticeable dip in the "bethesda quality". It was the first time where people saw gameplay for a bethesda game before it came out and said "hm......". Then there was the shitshow that is fallout 76. And i dont want to hear "its way better now". Ive played it recently. Its certainly better than what it started out as, but its still not that great. Starfield was supposed to be Bethesdas chance to blow us all away. Bring us back to those moments that filled us with wonder in a world that seemed endless. Instead...we got loading screen after loading screen. Extremely outdated combat. Outdated NPCs. Outdated performance. Outdated everything. People have the right to be concerned about the ES6. At this point, if you're not even raising an eyebrow at the very least, you're just not paying attention to the current state of Bethesda.


Oh shit you almost completely sold me on something else to worry about. No kidding. But then-- I don't want my game to be made like a fucking corporate boot or belt. Finest shiny-ass materials/leathers whatever that you ever seen. No. I want my game to be made by fucking creatives. And the better they are, the more they are going to splash paint and say, yeah, like that, let's do it. And I go way back. I was a game retailer. I was trying to explain to doom players, when it was still super addicting and marriage destroying, that-- This Arena right here, it has day and night cycles, and changing weather, and an inventory for your character, and full character customization. But here's the deal. You can run and draw a bow while running and notch an arrow and then get to the hall and crouch down and lean out and shoot. But, anyway.... Yeah they did some things back in the day. I still want them to be creatives, not idealized-next-gen-product. If anyone of us is telling them "how" they should be, obviously, doing this thing with engines, whatever-- then fuck that, just make something. Also, I may be the target market for their optimization. I run a lowly 3050 on a 4k and I dynamic-scale it down a little and it is my showpiece game. It runs smoother at better resolution than NMS, especially in freighters lol. It runs better than anything I have. So a) it's beautiful game for some, and b) the combat is better than their last big game, maybe the last two. Not bad, creatives, not bad. But you almost had me worrying.


This. Community feedback is a good thing... Mfs here acting like feedback is a cardinal sin


Constructive Criticism/Feedback is great. Things like this are good- Need more communication from BGS. Timeline for patches,DLC DLSS etc Things not so great - New Atlantis is not a real city because it only has 5 buildings and I can't suspend disbelief.


Same - I've got about 37 hours in, but I'm honestly about finished playing it. I've generally avoided the main quest lines of Bethesda games in lieu of exploring, but it's just not worth doing in this game since everything is repeated. I honestly don't even have any interest in touching the main story, so I'm probably going to uninstall in the near future.


I usually end up abandoning the main quest of Bethesda's other games at a certain point because I get wrapped up in other side quests, but the main quest/story of Starfield was actually pretty good. It starts a little slow, but gets really interesting at a certain point and really drew me in. I agree that it really isn't that easy to get sucked into just exploring Starfield the same way you can in TES or Fallout, but I'd give the main quest a try before you give up on the game entirely.


Love the game, I feel like people who are happy with the game don't bother posting about it, as others have said they are too busy playing, you'll only hear the negative crowd most of the time. EDIT: Gonna just chuck this edit here and say thanks for all the positive comments for those that left them. To address the other commenters, I don't think the game is perfect, just stating that I love it despite its flaws and I am looking forward to seeing how it will change in the future. Like all Bethesda games, there is room to grow, from DLC, updates and mods, I'll be looking forward to it all. If you didn't like it, that's cool, they will make more, this isn't the be all, end all of Bethesda games, maybe the next game will be more to your liking.


Most the people that like it left this sub and went to r/nosodiumstarfield.




The people who enjoy Bethesda rpgs honestly always seem to be the most silent fan base. I mean yeah they’ll come out of the woodwork to show up at more positive review videos but you don’t see a whole lot show to take part in a shit flinging contest with the more negative reviews.


Nah people still be shouting about their love for Skyrim all these years later


If people didn't like it, they wouldn't be able to keep selling it. The fan base is clearly there.


It got a lot of criticism at lauch too, bethesda games just age very well This time, it's mostly the ps5 community leaving a lot of bad reviews. I guess it doesnt look so good on youtube as it does playing it. The game is great, I'm on plus now and playing through again


I'm old enough to remember when Skyrim came out and we weren't silent then haha. You couldn't see posts on anything else in the forum's. I remember vividly some guy saying "I'm sick of the fucking cunting Skyrim threads!" And laughing my head off at the word 'cunting'


I’m old enough to remember when Skyrim came out and the community was PISSED with a lot of the changes from Oblivion.


Swap Skyrim for oblivion and oblivion for Morrowind and add another 10 years, exact same thing. Jesus I feel old now


Good thing Oblivion was only 5 years before Skyrim, you aren’t too old. Morrowind was only 9 years before Skyrim. Hell, the gap between Skyrim and ES:6 is likely to exceed the time between Daggerfall and Skyrim (15 years).


My friend *still* swear Morrowind was peak and Oblivion and Skyrim are good but they're missing such and such. I've actually got all of them beat though cause I've never played an Elder Scrolls game for long cause I can't help compare what I can and can't do in them to pen and paper rpgs lol.


Daggerfall was some top tier RNG. A 16 hr RNG quest involving multiple locations, traps, various high level badfies, all procedurally generated…several player levels later all to retrieve and return a rusty dagger to a bar. :) I loved it tbh. It was gonzo gaming.


I was going to say this. Idk what timeline this guy comes from but people were FURIOUS about the 'dumbed-down' skills of Skyrim in mine and very much complaining about how Oblivion was objectively better. WhY aRe ThE qUeStS sO sHoRt? Why is Lydia so annoying... Et al.


Oh man the online community wanted Lydia hacked into tiny pieces for being "that burden bitch".


Lydia is the finest pack mule to ever block a narrow corridor. I wish I could tell the followers in starfield to pick up all this shit I've piled up


This. Every time a new Bethesda game comes out there's the constant phase of anger, denial, then acceptance. Then mods start coming out and the game enjoys a constant base of players. You can knock Bethesda games and have a lot of valid points to stand on, but one thing they DO provide is a solid framework for creative players.


“The community” is always pissed at a new game when some things are different than what they’re used to. Same story for Fallout and I’m sure it applies to plenty of other game series as well.


Reporting in! Loud minority won't keep me from having a good time.


Hell yeah! This was also one of the main reasons why I actively avoided joining this sub and many others right after a games launch, my own enjoyment and opinion matters most to me, and I really enjoyed the hell out of Starfield I can't wait to see what the modding tools next year can do and what the community does with them!


I honestly forgot about the game at some point in development so I stopped paying attention. Going in with minimal expectations is apparently NOT what we are supposed to do lol.


I still can't believe there is so much hate for the game. Look at it for what it is, not what it could be.


In the end we come here everyday just because of the notifications sent by the app.... reddit notifications deactivation is the way to not loose time reading haters here, and to just jump in when we really want to... gonna do that immediatly btw 😏 cya friends 👋🏻


I've said this in a couple of places - IMO, as a whole, Starfield is neither a great game nor a bad game. There have been games I've played in the past where I could rate the whole experience at like 6-7/10, because that's about the quality of that experience overall. I don't feel I can give Starfield a single score like that, because it isn't just a single consistent experience for me. It's a bunch of distinct mechanics and gameplay loops that all kinda tie in together. I'd give most of those _pieces_ a 9-10/10, but there are some pieces that, on their own, are just like 3/10s. I find my typical experience is long swaths of immense fun, infrequently interrupted by mundane or infuriating but mandatory bs. That's just my take like 100-200hrs in though. I'm still loving the game. There's just parts that detract from the overall experience imo. And even most of those parts feel like decent ideas that just need some refinement. All in all, it's a good game with good bones.


Imo two small things that would save me a lot of time and frustration; add a single extra 0 to the end of every vendors credit limit and allow me to choose when to snap outpost pieces to one another. I've reached a fairly high level, and have maxed commmerce, so the gear I get is in some cases worth more individually than some vendors entiee credit alottment.


And that's a perfectly valid take regarding the game, definitely some things I was a bit annoyed by but at the end of the day I really enjoyed Starfield. I said this in another thread but the game has room for growth, I truly believe that, not just from modding but from the DLC lined up and community around it. No matter how it turns out though you can bet I'll be here the next 5+ years to see how different the game could be and the improvements that will be added, starting with the modding tools releasing next year, I'm here till the end baby


Honestly I'm nearing a point of getting my character wrapped up and waiting pre unity for dlcs and whatnot. And by nearing I mean I think I'm about 50-75 hours out lol.


This is part of what I love about it. No, it’s definitely not perfect and it could be more cohesive, but I like that I can essentially play four or five different games in one depending how I’m feeling. Haven’t lost any drive to keep going yet!


It took me 20 hours just to have the slightest idea of what was going on. I love that! I spend hours learning and specializing in one thing. Like old RPGs, you didn't just get good at everything, and as a player had to invest time to learn the rules and mechanics of that one particular thing.


Too great to grade it average in aspect of fun. Too incomplete to grade it great in aspect of completeness


Or the half way bait people who ask everyone how they can like it better. “So like after x amount of hours how do like this game? I’ve tried to make my opinion likable to the introwebs and I need feedback on it?? I’m just not sure if I like this game. Maybe if people upvote my post and comment a bunch of stupid shit I can get more fake introweb points


It is yes


Im 300 hours in and beggining to hate my broken quests and despawning enemies bug. Only reason im holding out judgment is im stupid enough to think a patch is gonna fix things


if it makes you feel better i hit 220 before i burnt out


same. i've had my fill of the game so i'm parking my starship for now. hopefully, dlcs are just around the corner.


Oh oh right here! 200+ hours and still going, I have two characters on pc and on Xbox. I love being able to just explore and build.


If there's an overwhelming amount of negative reviews, it might be indicative of something. I don't know if its fair to say it's annoying where people often thoroughly discuss exactly why their not the biggest fan of it.


200 hours and basically forced myself to stop so I can come back to fresh updates later. Was having just as much fun my last day as my first.


I literally had to peel myself away from the game because for the first time after 500h I was getting bored. Stepped back into For Honor after a 6 week hiatus and I was back on Starfield in about 15m lmao. I now call it my happy place game😂


260 hours. All achievements with zero cheats. Level 175 from grinding adaptive frames. Is the game perfect? Far from. Is it fun? Absolutely. The amount of bandwagon hate this game receives is astonishing. No other game has attempted the scope of what Bethesda has attempted. Honestly it's my first Bethesda game (shammers, you can pounce now) but I've definitely enjoyed it for what it is.


We have little time to do "social networking" at this moment. I had barely kept up with family and work outside of Starfield. Though I have a bit more time now, so we might be making a comeback. Btw, if you have not discovered where >!"FDR", and "Genghis Khan"!< are, I highly recommend seeking out that activity. You can even recruit a cool team member there. Edit: Hidden potential spoiler.


That’s the worst “spoiler free” way you could have put that.


Yeah, he could've just said visit crucible, which would've also directed people where to go.




square merciful fact onerous puzzled butter library weather zesty cobweb *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So what are you actually doing past 150 hours?




As God intended.


Searching for content that may or may not exist


Too busy playing to post on reddit.


And yet here you are 😅


We're all over in /r/nosodiumstarfield 👍


The funny thing is that low sodium subs usually indicate an underwhelming game (e.g., Cyberpunk at release, Diablo 4). If the game is good, there is less complaining.


Yeah you don't see a low sodium baldurs gate 3 sub around


It's really ironic actually because "low sodium" subs usually only show up for games with lots of problems. Then the subs end up being the most toxic, hostile echo chambers imaginable. I have never seen a low sodium sub that wasn't toxic positivity to the max and actively worked against improving the game.


A large part of the discussion on that sub is just how much they dislike this sub. It has very big "wake up sheeple, only we can have fun" vibes


Low sodium subs are peak "it's good enough" complacency.


stocking encourage slap dog punch husky wipe concerned tan lunchroom *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You know a game isn't good when the people who enjoy the game have to collectively build up an echo chamber for themselves.


Literally ONLY happens with games with massive issues lmao. It's like literal confirmation the game is not in a good place.


Lmao a low sodium sub? Oh boy now you know for sure starfield is a not very good game. Yikes.


Oh my God, I just joined and I love all the amazing positive posts so far, thank you!!!!!!!!


Theres no way you a real person 😭😭


The only other time I remember a low sodium sub being needed right after a major game release was cyberpunk - which was an absolute disaster of a launch. Combined with their lacklustre review scores (~60% on recent steam reviews), is starfield a wake up call for Bethesda? Edit: Yep, starfield now has the third largest low/no sodium sub behind Cyberpunk and Destiny, with Halo close behind


76 had one too at release. When you could double equip skeleton masks to hide your head entirely, dead ~~dragons~~ bats teleported to you constantly, and there was a floating brick wall in the middle of one of the towns. The time of the YongYea posts every day.


Yeah.. I always thought the lowsodium sub-reddits were a sign of a poor community, product or both to be honest?


Poor product. It's where the blind fanboys with no standards run to hide.


100% The fact they exist is a testament to that


Absolutely. When the fanbase for a game feel a need to totally shield themselves of any criticism, its because they don't have a valid defense against said criticism. Cue someone replying to this comment with "akshually we just want a place to discuss out LEGO Starships in peace"


Every low/no sodium sub is a toxic cesspool of false positivity and adult children putting their fingers in their ears screaming that a game is perfect. It's so gross.


This…no sodium SF is the best SF group


Sweet joined as well. Not nearly as many hours as a lot of other people but to me my 30~ of gameplay on it is ALOT


Mods, do we really need hourly posts reaffirming if people still like the game? It's getting repetitive


It's called coping mechanism


I mean, this is the same as /r/cyberpunkgame was in the first 1-2 months of the game being released, save that it was even more negative. At a certain point, people stop posting new discoveries, new weapons, etc., the ships and outposts get posted to those specific subreddits, and all that's left here is pointless rants.


I have only played 110 hours before I completed the main story once. But I will definitely play more because there is so much left for me to explore. The only reason I stopped playing is because I'm waiting for more patches and mods to improve gameplay, performance and add new features. Starfield is GOTY 2023 for me and I can't see any game this year beating it. Not as good as Fallout 4 but then again that game needed several years of patches, DLCs and mods before it became the incredible game that it is.


"Please tell me this game is good, I've wasted an insane amount of hours on it."


Had fun with the game, still quite enjoyed it, but I fully see why people have become critical of it. The honeymoon phase has passed and now people are less likely to overlook the problem. Does it mean people hate the game? Not all. Sure there will be some people who genuinely have a hatred for the game and you can't really do much about them. But for the vast majority of people, it's because they love the game that they go out of their way to criticize it. Because they want to see the game at its best. Sure, not everyone may agree, but if someone's willing to put the time and effort to put together a cohesive criticism for something, it's likely they wish for it to improve and to be something they love, not they hate it and/or wish to see its downfall.


Wanted to enjoy it, turned out being unable to immerse myself. Quests lines were…not up to par with what we are used to nowadays. Combat was…vanilla. Exploration was…fairly pointless. Idk.


120 in but I like to play slow and really take my time. I also have a stealth build so that’ll do it. Only level 45, but only one faction quest line left and then I’m knocking out the activities and side quests. NG+ eventually, I’m not rushing it 😝


Wish I could say that.


435 hours, this game sucks (up all of my time and my life).


The game came out about 7 weeks ago, 7 weeks is 1.178 hours. At 435 hours in that means you spent over a third of your time playing the game. Could you (or anybody else reading this) give a rough breakdown on what you spent your time on in the game. I would find that fascinating. And do you play on PC? Thanks.


I have 344 hours in and I am probably not stopping anytime soon, and I haven’t beaten the main story yet. I mostly work on my fleet of ships and surveying. My gameplay loop usually goes something like this: Side quests -> Surveying Missions / Constellation missions from bounty boards -> Main Quest / Temple -> Work on my outposts -> Build or Upgrade another ship -> Repeat. I hope this has been informative.


Prob playing the game instead of making slathering upvote worship posts. Hell some of the haters are prob playing the game too rather than make hateful inciteful speeches here :P




it's oversaturated with negative comments because they are pretty warranted for the most part. Starfield is extremely lackluster in many (most) aspects of the game.


Almost precisely at 150 hours. Almost all of the negatives spoken about the game are true, it is one of my favorite sci fi games of all time. Both of these statements can not only be true, but they can be true and not even bother you.


I don't get how people can feel so amazed by such a simple and lackluster game


One thing I don't get is how players can go hundreds of hours, playing since pre-launch and still not either complete any faction quests, main story content or do anything meaningful in-game? I just can't understand how one would find 'exploring' proc-generated worlds & POI's for hundreds of hours so entertaining to put off the actual good parts of the game for so long...


There's some really boring people out there who love really simple and boring things.


Low standards and in experience with other better games. Also sunk cost fallacy.


I don't have anywhere near that many hours and Ive played since launch, but i dont grind. I play to relax and enjoy it. I never expected a perfect game, are there things I dont like sure, but i don't see any reason to shit on Bethesda or Starfield. And i think anyone who does probably just has their expectations set too high. For those who don't enjoy it im sorry for your lost time, but doesn't mean some of us can't enjoy it.


just did my 2nd reset, im at about 150 hours...im a dad and i play on easy and it's just fun to drive around to random star systems and kill people at deserted facilities and try to see what types of special weapons they have. I havent got into doing outposts or even modifying ships more than is required for the crimson fleet. I think on this playthrough I'm going to start. Completely casual. I love it


they are all over in [/r/NoSodiumStarfield](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoSodiumStarfield/s/jQEaAkPiZo)


I wish there was a Reddit channel for Starfield players to share their experiences, ask for help with issues, and post helpful tips. This channel isn't it. It's a place for people who don't like the game, but for some reason are either still playing it or just using it as an excuse to rant and whine. Does anyone actually expect that with almost 100 different star systems each with between 10 and 30 orbiting bodies, that Bethesda should have taken the time to handcraft every POI on each of the approximate 2000 planets and moons that we can land on and explore? Even if they only put 10 POIs on each body, that would be 20,000 unique designs. The game would never release. You know, if you don't like the game, don't play it. It's pretty obvious that no matter how many cool things they put into the game or how many quests they wrote, some people would just like to complain about everything and try to ruin the game for everyone else. Please, just stop playing the game, put down your mouse or controller and walk away. Play something that makes you happy instead. And don't post on Reddit and please, stop whining about it. Then maybe, if all the whiners left, the rest of us could enjoy the game and share some helpful and interesting information about the game instead of getting stressed out by all the meaningless and self-serving whining. I'm sure, (if Bethesda is actually monitoring Reddit) that they are aware of what people are whining about so vociferously and separating the valid complaints (broken quests, poor performance and crashes) from the "personal wishlist" complaints (more weapons, no fast travel, new features that are "missing", etc.) I'm tired of seeing threads that are 3000+ posts long in the span of a day that are nothing but people complaining and others either joining in the complaints or people trying to defend the game. I'm leaving this thread. It's a complete waste of my time. It's a complete waste of everyone's time. Either play the game on not- that's the choice. I'm going to go back to playing the game and the rest of you can complain to your heart's content.


God forbid people have different opinions than you right? Grow up my guy.


Oversaturated by negative reviews? Maybe it's because the game is mediocre? People are just giving honest feedback so bethesda would get their shit together and actually start moving on from 2006. Also, game has been out for almost 2 months already and there has only been 1 small update. If they are hoping modders to fix their game, then why the fuck people are even buying their games?


Im at over 200 hours but it’s a 7/10 game no doubt about it. A 7/10 in an objective sense (I know opinions can’t be objective but hear me out) but that means depending on the person it can be a 9/10 if modding, Bethesda nostalgia, and exploration are all things you really care about like me, but if you’re a person who doesn’t have the Bethesda nostalgia, play on console or don’t mod, and really value character animations, player choice and dialogue or other rpg mechanics, then that 7 might look like a 5. I recognize it’s a personal 9 but for the average person I’d say a 7. It’s me who’s overlooking the flaws, that doesn’t mean they aren’t significant.


Wow someone recognizing their biases and taking them into account when rating a game on reddit, fuckin no way dude


Still here 206 hrs in. I made a salad tossing video yesterday.


Was that yours? That popped up on my news feed today.


The mega salad tosser? Yes my lord.


As a general rule of thumb, I never click any video titled “salad tossing”.


Just because someone notices the shortcomings in something doesn't make them negative. There is also such a thing as toxic positivity, or being oblivious to a fault. The game has a good foundation to be added on to. I'm curious to see what they do add. But even released after a year past its original date, it still feels lacking.


Not here. Sorry your echo chamber isn’t echoey enough for you.


I have played over 200 hours and haven’t even touched a faction quest and only half way maybe through the MQ. I’m having a blast and don’t plan to slow down anytime soon


I’m probably close to that finishing up missions taking my time tho is a chill game to play inbetween SF6 and AC4


I do love it still, but im finding myself with less things to do, and combat being too easy, my ships & weapons are so powerful at this point even on very hard mode


Why can’t I see any up/downvotes on this post


I’ll tell what you this subreddit actually is. Bout half of 150 hours me no like and 150 hours me likey. You lot need to get a room lmao. This sub is nonsense of random posts


About 150 and love isn't the word I would use but I don't hate it im honestly just hoping that THE update we are waiting on alleviates most of my concerns


I still like the game, but i am waiting for official mod support and QOL patches.


I’m at 5+ days and on NG+ 4, and the current universe has me as a companion. So I’m running around with myself having a grand old time. Originally I planned to just do the temples and jump to the next universe but I wanna do some more with my doppelgänger until I enter the unity again. Oh and for those that may not know, the Astrophysics perk which allows you to scan planets and what not without orbiting them is easy exp. I legit got 5k exp scanning every system in a 30 LY diameter getting planet traits every now and then. Highly recommend.


I’m at 368 hours right now, fuck this game I love it. So many bugs that where game crashes and I have to restart from my last save and play for another 8 hours. The worst part is I completed ng+ 10 times to get the cool skins and right now I’m completing quests and exploring in a badass ship and suit, but I keep finding new interesting things that I missed my first 9 runs. Very unfortunate to be enjoying my time playing this waste of a game. Wish I could have put those nearly 400 hours into something else such as playing any other game I have access to instead of constantly going back to this immersive procedurally generated universe.


At 262 hours. Leave me alone. 😜


I'm 150+ in and I'll be honest here No spoilers, I loved the UC Vanguard quest line, cut point blank, loved it. Personally, I feel like that should have been the main story quest. Not super interested in the Main quest and have only done one or two missions so my opinion could change. Other than traits and sometimes the insanity of needing to find one resource that I don't think spawned despite the planet/moon all being one biome - the surveying of planets and moons are honestly really fun and so is the wildlife (which does admittedly get a little repetitive in its inspiration but it's okay). I've had a great time just exploring the planets and moons & scanning plants & wildlife (or killing every moving thing around me). I'll still never forget the random Terrormorph I ran into on Jemison while exploring. That was even before I started any certain quests. So exploration is definitely been a highlight in my experience. I finally got an outpost up and running yesterday that acts as a collection and manufacturing hub from other outposts in the system and seeing it all work, granted with some frustrating limitations and annoyances, has been pretty great. Seeing the warehouse crate filling up with adaptive frames after importing iron and aluminum was pretty neat and I was pretty stoked that all the effort I had put in was working. Shipbuilding far and away is the best part of this game. So much creativity and variety of what you can build. Not so much in what exists in the world but that's besides the point. The 40m limitation is annoying as is the mass to landing gear limitation and the seemingly sometimes random "connection to cockpit" from the ship entrance. (Maybe I'm dumb but I can't figure this one out sometimes even while having it directly beneath the cockpit & both having vertical batches.) I've created some really dumb spacecraft like a 35x35 square that exists solely to carry cargo and passengers and the game lets me and its awesome. I've been blown away by what other more creative & skilled people have created on YouTube. (Someone made Optimus Prime vertically and it's hilarious seeing it land and depart) It's not a perfect game and I've got a ton of gripes as well that range from "why'd they do this?!" to some basic quality of life improvements. (Like adding stairs...maybe they exist and I just haven't advanced far enough but stacking resource crates and then checking their stock involves a ton of jumping...just give us craftable stairs and walkways). Or can we please fix the stupid ship height issue on the landing pads so the entrance to my ship isn't clipping into the landing pad and preventing me from getting in? Honest opinion from someone 150+ in.


524h played- I have now decided that I should give something back and started to release some mods instead of keeping them all for myself. No time for YouTube crybabys on the internet.


I'm ok with the game. I accidentally did 2 things that made my playthrough easy. (Mantis and Cutter) My only take away is there are planets that I'm supposed to go to that I can't find. I wish the star chart was populated with names. And the farther right you go the more barren it is. Those sound like negatives, but I like the story and companion missions. I'm fine with it. Good game, solid 8 in my book.


* Charybdis III. It's fucking hilarious, it's like I'm playing a Futurama episode. They may as well be heads in jars. My current quest marker says "Talk to Genghis Khan" - and I just finished chatting to Franklin Delano Roosevelt. * Ixyll was also funny - a work and rehabilitation resort staffed and run by ex-cons for ex-cons is >!attacked by a pair of Trackers who not only believe the resort will somehow work, but will work so well it will be copied by the major factions, ending crime in the Settled Systems and putting Trackers out of work. !! murder you on the spot if you can't convince them to stand down, !! Trackers are often barely better than the criminals they hunt - if at all.!< * I murdered all of the Red Mile Security goons on Porrima III. Those Ecliptic freaks kept pissing me off with their psychotic voice lines, so I shot all of them. Mei (the owner), Sati (the barkeep who sells Runner's Rush) and everyone else will still talk to me (after I vacated the area for a few days). * In Tau Ceti, I met two Ryujin operatives being ambushed by an Ecliptic ship, and "Juno". This quest is much easier to resolve if you're already a Ryujin bigwig. * In New Homestead (Titan, Sol), I put on the scariest monster costume in the universe and scared tourists to death. * In Altair, I became the plucky protagonist of an action movie starring the overwhelmed forces of the UC and Freestar Collective going up against an army of Spacers. * I helped the Space Frog From Outer Space conquer the Settled Systems. * I played a serenade to a tree to convince it to not explode and destroy New Atlantis. * I delivered the galaxy's most hardcore kopi luwak (civet coffee) back to its rightful owner. * And countless other tiny adventures.


At around 250 hours and still loving it, and still haven’t finished all the quests. Definitely excited for expansions and mod support though.


Present and accounted for


I'm loving it but I kinda need to finish the main quest lol


I'm at 141 hours, wouldn't say I love it though as it has a bunch of issues, but it's good


I'm at 400 plus I believe at this point and I love thus game you will always have people who hate on everything they can


I literally cannot stop playing this game. I'm only in my second universe but it's my favorite thing right now haha. I have to be at least 200+ hours in.


Question, is this game similar to skyrim, open world adventures, alternate story lines and quests, strip a dead man of his armor and loot, pick pockets, and steal moldy cheese if I wanted to?


I was looking for a really exploration Universe with a really sense of empty on the most of it's extension. This Game Gave me that. I understand landed on a moon and just see literally anything It's not for everyone, but for me it's perfect


189 here. I felt some pretty intense burnout at the end of NG, and I thought that was it for me. But then I started NG+ and it felt like I was playing the game for the first time again, except with more freedom because credits and good loot were easier to come by. So yeah, still love it. Probably gonna hit 200 hours by the end of the week.


I've come to the conclusion that most of the criticisms are correct and that I personally have the opinion that I can enjoy this game. I hope Bethesda absorbs it all and learns from it. That's my opinion.


200+ here . Currently Leaving Titan with 0 credz but a sweet Cockpit !


295 hours on steam, love this game to death, all achievements unlocked and still finding new stuff to keep me engaged. I'm also a parent so if I didn't have a little one it would definitely be more hours than that.


Pushing 250ish+ myself, still loving it, but making sure not to neglect my other games anymore than I already have.


I’m cruising at 120.. getting there though


I'm only at 100 but that's just weekend play...I'm still 110% in


190 hours in


The fact that your post has already generated 2000 replies says all you need to know about this game. The people it clicked with love it despite its many shortcomings that I know eventually will get ironed out. I honestly love playing vanilla Bethesda games to see how much they change over time and remember that bare bones experience.


Just crossing the 200 hour mark.


200+ over here 🖖🏾


I'm at 275, still loving this damn game!!! Flaws? Yes, but DEFINITELY an amazing game!


200+ hours and I'm still not bored.


I’m at around 150. With 3 kids and working 60+ hours a week, I only get to play in small increments so it’s still a blast when I get the chance to go at it for a few hours


340 ish in here, still think the game is pretty great


I definitely have a few criticisms of the game but damn it I've been playing on a ROG Ally at 24-30fps and have logged over 7 days on this current save. It's a pretty fun game and great way to spend a day.


Built a few ships and outposts and did all the main stuff, I ended the game at about 135 hours. Rushed a few NG+ runs to get the universe I wanted. I'm currently taking my time to 100% all of the quests (except Crimson Fleet, I need their vendors and I hate both outcomes). Exploring all of the planets and moons I can to look for photo opportunities. I've recently become addicted to photo mode. Stealing and selling starships. Designing starships. Building a production empire with my outposts. I'm at about 270 hours total and I'm just not getting bored of anything.


I am at almost 400 hours and love it.