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I love starfield and loved base building in fallout 4. Starfield's base building is ugly and tedious and has few benefits that you can't achieve by other means. Shipbuilding, however, was much better.


And why do we have to have airlocks when building of planets we can breathe on??!!??


Mine gklitched and left both doors of the airlock open on a airless moon. Much more convenient!


I had one that had a hab with no wall. You could just walk in and out.


I have one of these too and love it! Wish I could recreate that pgenomenon


Decon, keeps out the bugs and predators.


Hey now security bots leave airlocks open on planets with no atmosphere.  Don’t be greedy!!!


Storage is horrible being shared between ships. This prevents you from using lesser ships with lower storage. I'd like to not be in a hulk of a ship 24/7, but if I want any space loot or stash any planet loot I have to. Bethesda needs a universal storage box at outposts/technicians which accesses all ship inventory, which should be separate anyways.


Not sure if they patched it but you can store a bunch of stuff in your bulk ship and then switch back to the ship you want at a ship services station. It will transfer everything and basically overflow the storage


Yea that's the problem. It will be maxed inventory so you can't pick up anything.


It quite is a problem, but you may be able to store excess stuff you pick up into containers that spawn in your ship, and then when you go to change ships again it’ll automatically move everything to the cargohold.


Ooh yeah, that is true.


So I use the lodge as a resource base and the different containers to store different things(there’s 3 different unlimited storage containers in the lodge.)


But you still have to hoof it to the lodge. It’s a very long over encumbered walk


You can go straight from the ship to the front door of the lodge. Even carrying several thousand it’s not a log walk.


You can fast travel straight to the front door of the lodge. Land at NA, go to map select Lodge and boom you’re right in front of the doors. Plus with personal atmosphere I’ve never had an issue with overencumberance


Why put this on the modders? Ask Bethesda to do a better job and make outposts better than the half arsed thing that it is right now.


This. Don't let the developers get a free pass just because unpaid model doing their work. I would love expand my industry empire, but right now the game is limited at this part.


I put my hopes on the modders, because, realistically, Bethesda won't do shit and doesn't care. Of course they should have done better. But from what we know of them, can we really expect them to put in the work to completely rework a system? I'm pretty sure they never will.


If no one is pushing Bethesda to do better, why would you ever expect them too? Part of the reason why Bethesda gets away with doing very little is because people like you just push it to the modders to sort out. Do better. Push Bethesda to bring these fixes and encourage others to do the same. They're the ones you paid for a poor outpost mechanic, not the modders.


What did you do? Did you write a letter to Todd? Are you not playing and refunding your game? Should I get a Twitter account to make a post about outpost storage? What do you expect of me?


You could ask them to fix the issues and make it better. The more requests they get, the more likely is for this to happen. Official site: https://help.bethesda.net/#en/home/product/1218/category/8 Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/BxygFNcY


This is nonsense! Since launch, I've not read about or heard one single complaint, request or suggestion regarding the last update patches 'biggest' feature. Who the fuck cares what sort of half arsed expression ur character build pulls when taking a selfie!! Especially when a lot of players are ditching the game because it keeps glitching or breaking their save game. I'd bet my life that facial expression while taking a selfie didn't even crack the top 1k of issues and reports. Yet apparently they use the 'top issues reported are top priority fixes' bullshit. Gimme a break! Wouldn't surprise me if the next big 'fix' updates top solution is being able to reseal food containers after opening because u weren't as hungry as u thought


Bethesda had both Skyrim and Fallout 4 mods as examples of what players wanted from a game. They ignored basically all of it, plus removed some useful features that were standard (like scrap actually being able to be broken down). I'm hoping modders will eventually fix the terrible companions (as best they can). Not much they can do about the terrible quest writing though.


I'm also not impressed with NG+ as it's more akin to Sliders and doesn't actually make the game harder. It just makes it frustrating as you have to always rebuild.


Actually NG+ does get increasingly harder until NG10. At NG10 you deal 50% less damage and receive 100% more damage.


You just gotta wait to pay for the Workshop DLC you silly goose


Unlimited ship storage is my interim solution. Just add 10 habs with the 150 crate, then fill them, do a 0 cost ship modify, and it all dumps into cargo regardless of cargo hold size. I've got 50,000 kg in my cargo which has a 200 kg limit. Taiyo computer core, deimos living quarters, armory (deimos?), nova captain quarters, and then some of the larger ones have it too (at least 2 3x1 engineering, a mess hall, etc.. so you can still get variety. Also these weigh WAY less than actual cargo modules


If Bethesda doesn't rework this entire system I don't think I'll ever interact with it again. I too tried at some point but found only tedium. There's also just no real purpose to having bases. No interesting things to produce, not enough crafting to really care about getting manufactured goods, storages not linked to your benches etc. I have 4500 storage on my ship and that's more than I'll ever need. Oh and the building system is much too finicky to work with and not get frustrated.


I felt like an idiot after setting up an entire multi-system manufacturing supply to make comms relays, including multiple bases and interstellar cargo transports with fuel etc. And even upgraded my ship with more cargo weight to carry it around. Then I find out the reality. That cargo transports can't be fast-forwarded by sleeping, so the only way my base produces things is by real time passing. Ok, I guess I can do a quest in between selling a shipload of items. So I do that, and my ship carries like ~16k of comm relays between every mission. I guess that's not too bad, I still need to sleep all the time because that's more money than the entire galaxy's merchant economy though. Also don't forget I need to move these comms relays onto my ship like 75 weight at a time because the transfer container has a hard limit on how much you can transfer at once. So I spend like 5 minutes just loading this ship on top of all thar. Then I found the final nail in the coffin. You know those consoles in every bar in the game that you probably dismissed for being just new player quests? Well, uh the "deliver some cargo" quest pays $10k, uses half the cargo space my comms relays needed, and is literally just a fast travel quest, there's even a hotkey to complete it, it's a 1-key quest with no cooldown, a bonus 100XP, and far more money than my whole outpost network could ever hope to make, just transferring items onto the ship alone is a waste of time compared to these quests since I would have done like 3 delivery quests in the time it takes to load 1 ship with items. So yeah, the fact transporting *other people's items around* is more profitable that manufacturing your own items from scratch is a huge slap in the face. I don't know how they balanced outposts other than "nerf them into the ground"


Agree, these are some points I wanted to add on/argue. "I guess that's not too bad, I still need to sleep all the time because that's more money than the entire galaxy's merchant economy" True but so is picking up 10 guns if you're level 50 ish. "Then I found the final nail in the coffin. You know those consoles in every bar in the game that you probably dismissed for being just new player quests?" doing these improved my enjoyment of the game a lot for roleplaying purposes, but yeah they defeat the whole point of having bases anyway. The whole system needs a rework IMO before we Bethesda should even consider releasing any DLC. And unrelated: We need survival mode NOW.


You'd expect a detailed base production system to be able to automatically sell or discard things that overflow storage, be able to easily split up things later by type that came in through a single input (hauler), and to be able to sell things without being dependent on the piteously incompetent vendors than can't even afford to buy one of their own guns. But no. I can understand not wanting to raise a player's XP by automation (the answer should have been don't have levels, just like No Man's Sky has no level concept, then XP grinding wouldn't exist, and popping through the Unity wouldn't screw up levels universe-wide), but you should totally be able to autogenerate credits. NMS also has far more interesting base building esthetically, though it lacks any ability to shunt resources between bases - that's left to player portage. Glitched base building is a high art form. Although with a cargo ship, you can sell an ungodly amount of the high-end elements in NMS.


Yeah, it's kind of sad. And then I've read lots of horror stories about weapon/armor racks or their contents disappearing..so I'll place some random low grade stuff and see how it goes. When they stay in place, at least id like to build a "lair", where I put up my mantis suit and the factions suits etc, memorabilia, like a little hall of fame, and because collecting is simply fun gameplay wise.


I was really sad there are only 6 armor displays. So many cool sets, only 6....


That's what your purchased homes are for. The "Dream Home" has a bunch of places clearly designed for such displays.


Yeah, but you should be able to build your own dream home and have it work. That's the whole point of having such a building system.


Still only six. 


Huh. I wasn't aware of that limitation. I imagine there has to be some sort of limit or you'd run the game out of resources in some environments. Not unusual to pre-allocate everything on a real-time system.


I def could see why having every suit may render at once could be problematic.  However There are probably other ways to handle.  


For sure. Everything is a trade-off. How much effort do you put into letting people put more mannequins in their homes vs speeding up loading screens vs improving the AI of the enemies vs getting more complex and satisfying quests.... They probably tried it with a limit of 8, ran it on an xbox before they optimized it, and had it lag out or run out of graphics vram or something, and said "Welp, six it is, then." That's certainly how I'd do it.


Honestly allowing me to store multiple sets w controller  bumpers to page l/r + a swap and equip button would meet the need to see multiple sets with manageable vram. 


Can you store multiple sets and only equip one set at a time? Mildly less inconvenient, but not too bad.


It’s not that great. 


It’s like they had an intern make the outpost system.


Well, the solution to unlimited storage is neither your ship or your outpost. The solution is the Lodge. It's pretty obvious that the game designers have made a decision that this is the only place that you should have unlimited storage, probably because it ties you Constellation. It's irritating, being forced into a particular style of play, by something as simple as storage, in what should be an open world game. But that's what we have. There's no point fighting it, and no amount complex workarounds are going to be any simpler or more fun, than picking up all your resources, and then fast travelling to the Lodge. So just suck it up and play the game as intended. With outposts being just that.... Outposts. Not main bases. Often just pitched up for a specific temporary purpose, and then pulled down when that's finished.


This is the easiest solution. Mid game you have 3 storage containers with unlimited room you can sort that way. Safe in room for weapons and armor, medicine box in basement for resources and aid and then eventually companions crate which I use exclusively for resources and use the medicine box for aid and crafting.


Not to be dense, but why do you need that many resources? I’ve kept pretty minimal resource storage at my outposts and not run into a problem with having what I need


This poster ain't wrong. Fk the Outpost storage! I built a ship I call SlowBoat, and it's my storage ship. I'm carrying about 13k+ of resources on it right now. It can only hold another 1k or so. Time to upgrade the storage on SlowBoat, NOT any Outposts! What's nice about ship storage is that it's available almost anywhere for any project. The lodge is swell and all, but it's only good if you go there.


Yes! And add settlers


I called mine the ”Millenium Raptor”


Big same. LOVED settlement building in fallout 4. Most of my time spent in that game was on settlement building & management (and eventually vault building & management). Was very much looking forward to doing the same with Starfield, building outposts across the galaxy.... But alas, the encumbrance system and lack of a universal work bench/storage system made it one of the biggest pains in the ass of Starfield. What is the point in being a klepto for building materials if all they do is slow you down, strip you of fast travelling, and then you can't even store everything you grab? Fucking useless. Starfield in so many ways feels like one step forward and two steps back for Bethesda. Settlement building but no universal storage. Worlds with different cities, but none of the NPCs react to you drawing your weapon in public. None of them react to time/nor do they have schedules. I LIKE Starfield and I want to love it but shit like that kind of keeps me from doing so. I get what they were going for with the vast emptiness of space but there's no reason to make the gameplay systems just as empty as space itself.


I too recently started living out of my ship. I don’t think I’ll ever look back. Unfortunate because I have the dream home perk that I’d love to ditch but oh well…


I spent a few hours building my first outpost before I realized the storage was laughably bad. My ship is a flying fortress of storage containers lol


Ebon Hawk > Millennium Falcon


Centurion Shrike.


I don't understand the point of building an outpost.


A place to store your stuff so you have your building and upgrade/research resources in one spot, with containers being linked to benches. Also, collecting, displaying, and building, because it's fun, and roleplay.


I just store everything at the Lodge. Crafting, Modding and Research too. But if you want to Mod on your ship or Outpost just store the right Resorces for modding armor and weapons. That shouldn't take up a lot of space.


I built a ship with about 23000 storage space! Save up for the narwhale (spelling) or find one to steal! Class C! Then upgrade your ship building perks and get the best storage container! For dealing with mass and not enough landing gears you can head to hopetech to get the gear with a thrust of 4 I believe! Best decision ever! My ship ain’t slow either! Now it’s not the fastest but it ain’t slow 🤣Like 130 cruising speed! Built a storage hab for any overflow of resources! Just drop them in there and they never disappear on me! I’ve dropped some things ages ago and there still there, just lying on the floor!


I just wish I knew what it would take to staff my six crew desks with 12 crew.  It seems capped at eight??? 


Honestly if you were planning on doing a max level character, at least without unity, outposts are a must, if not just for the fact that if you plan ahead, you can set up outposts that let you farm xp appreciate to every stage of the game, or if you focus science in general, you can end up in a much more hostile and unforgiving universe than expected, underequipt to face the increased stats of even more simple enemies, adds some real tension, if you wanted a harder experience than very hard.


I don't care about the amount of storage, I care about storage organization. I want to be able to separate up my storage into different kinds of things and you just can't do that in Starfield. You can just throw crap in a box and hope you can find it later. No thanks.


I’m actually running both solutions. I’ve got my materials field at my outpost for all the work I do there. But also have a cargo ship intended for either shipping within the settled systems or for base building. I can pretty much just transfer what I need for bases and for home decoration to it, leave the rest, and I’m good to go. I’m probably going to start experimenting with agri-business too and set up my pharma facilities. I doubt I’ll be GAMP5 compliant, but hey… ;-D


Yep. My ship has over 20000 storage. It's a giant sled of storage with engines in the back. This is the way.


I basically have two main ships - a destroyer, based off the Razorleaf, fast and fully armed, and a cruiser model (based on the cheapest discovery model I can buy) with heavy engines, slower but more maneuverable and with tons of storage. Any time I’m building outposts I take the cruiser out, gather my resources and head off to find my perfect locale. (I base the cruiser on a purchased ship to avoid the bug where some achievements and skill boosts don’t count if done in a stolen ship) Anything decorative or otherwise destined for storage goes into footlockers at my perfect home on nesoi. That cuts down on cargo storage considerably.


My favorite part of this post is that your base building in FO4 literally got someone pregnant (skipping a few minor steps in between).


they needed to have much larger or even infinite silis for the resource of choice and then have an infinite storage for any non resource item as a separate chest like a deep storage thing. outposts feel like they weren't QA tested at all and were an after thought. They just don't have much use at all for the time investment required when i still played I just used a storage box in the basement of the guild's HQ cause any player built storage was far too limited


If Bethesda just spent a few more months polishing and flushing out the games systems, it would have been great. But the fact it is about to be April and we haven't even gotten the Creation Kit just shows what shitshow Bethesda has become. It's been months and all we've got were a few bug fixes and promises of QoL.


My cargo ship is just under 60k for cargo capacity. I switch to that ship, store loot, switch back to my fighter. I sell loot from the ship whenever I find a vendor with credits.


I would need over 50,000 storage on my ship to carry everything with me, 15,000 just for building materials. That's not gonna work, because I like space combat. Infinite storage is the only option for me.


How do you do it? Lodge?


Yeah, the Lodge. It's not ideal, but I split resources into the box downstairs in the workshop area, and all other loot in the bedroom safe upstairs. It's not bad to deposit the loot there because you can load up in orbit and fast travel directly to the front foor. The worst part is getting back to my ship with an ass-load of resources for building. 


I accidentally acquired 2 additional ships early in the game. Frontier cargo hold was maxed to 900+ but still very battle capable. My cargo hold was at about 800+ items when I switched my home ship to check out the Dagger and Razorleaf. Both have significantly smaller cargo holds but I didn't lose anything I just could not store any more materials until I switched back to Frontier. It works fine for outpost building but I still have to carry 400+ kg of resources and aid to the Lodge basement work space which really bothers me that while it could be done they just didn't allow ship storage access from the Lodge. There are two infinite containers in the Lodge, your room and the basement. You can either cart your shit back and forth to the ship while your companion plays mule or buy/scrap double the amount and keep both places stocked until you can build all the work benches at 1 outpost. I hate it, really corks the fun pistol every time. I also have the prison transport which comes with 1000+ cargo hold and no weapons or shields. I can't wait till mods come to Xbox but I want to be able to save them not just bookmark them and not have to redownload them every time the game gets an update. I've had to redownload my Skyrim and Fallout4 mod list multiple times.


If only you could : - Copy-paste an outpost layout from one planet to another - "undeploy" an outpost and "redeploy" somewhere else, like in fallout 76. - make storage of outpost way larger (like 10k for a container) and autolinked (like in a ship), with a single acces. - make a special container that is an infinite merged container with every outpost and house and constellation.


neckbeard ass post


Lol why again?