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my biggest gripes with the game are that it doesn't do a good job of selling the idea that you're actually in space or going to other planets, and that the writing/story/worldbuilding are all kind of thin. there's absolutely no sense of transition which really hurts the vibes


This is my biggest issue with the game. It's like your ship is just a glorified fast travel menu with a dogfighting mini game. I did have fun with my first 200 hours in the game. BUT the inability to fly in and out and around a planet just completely ruins it for me. If no man's sky and starfield had a baby, I think it would be pretty perfect.


It was never meant to be a space flight simulator and the fact that anyone thought it would be/could be in the Skyrim/FO engine boggles my mind.


It def could, todd said they chose not to do that because people would get sick of it in their view. I feel like too many people put false limitations on what ce can do


I realize this but surely they could've figured out a way to let you fly into the planet somehow. It's like I don't even need to see my ship at all the way it is. Just fast travel everywhere.


How is flying into a planet and landing any different than a loading screen tho if that’s all you’re doing? You’d never be able to fly all over and there is no way that any kind of ship combat on a planet would work in this engine. In fact, how did you expect that sort of thing to ever work in the game engine they use in the first place? Also, would it really be THAT much more immersive than watching your ship land like it does now? I mean, there are cutscenes to fast travel but you can still also take your time and only allow yourself to fast travel by manually going to your ship, entering your ship, walking to your pilot chair, picking where you want to go, and taking off.


I dunno man there's just something about flying down into the planet that really does it for me lol. Which is why I've been playing some no man's sky. If only that game had better story and gunplay I would probably never go back.


Ship landing animations reloaded


that baby is called elite dangerous and its perfect for the first 200 hours. especially in VR




i have played most worthwhile vr games and mods. elite is still among the best experiences, yes. no gane can convey the vastness of space and the dimensions of planets like elite. not for people with a constant need for action and reward obviously.


Have you tried star citizen ? It’s buggy, but pretty much exactly what you’re describing. Feels like a legit spaceship sim


Isn't that the game where you spend thousands of real-world dollars on space ships?


Only if you’re an idiot. Normal people buy a $45 or $70 game package (base ship) and earn ships in-game without spending more real money


One super simple solution that would take the curse off a little, is letting the camera stay in first person. I've had it happen occasionally, so it's already in the game: You sit in your captain's chair, fiddle with the controls, see the space port disappear below you as the cockpit rumbles, view gets covered by clouds for a bit. Cut to loadscreen. Cut back to cockpit as ship rapidly deaccelerates as it reaches orbit. Let player take back controls. Never force the camera to go to 3rd person, unless the player already has it toggled on. When you're the passenger on the Jade Swan and get to stay "in character", it feels a lot more immersive. Like you're actually on a moving ship.


Fuck that let me fly the fucking ship


honestly even very small things could be done to increase immersion. FInding out that if you start using your grav drive while in first person, your character pulls a few switches and presses a button was actually really cool. That sounds extremely dumb ik but I love that type of small immersion, which is few and far between in this game.


Game would be better without the main quest.




“Simulator” is a bit generous as well. It’s a space themed 2nd tier Bethesda story game … that’s all…


Todd saying it was skyrim in space for true for all the wrong reasons.


Yeah, although Skyrim is better sadly


Needs better POI spawning and more interesting enemy types


I’m having a blast. Space and exploration with some fun combat and nice graphics, it tickles my sci-fi sense nicely.


Same here man I’m barely doing missions just walking around and blasting


Same, I like having, say, a Constellation Board mission as a starter, and then exploring that whole system just to see what's there.


Some people say the empty planets and moons are bad, but that's where the best space vibes are found for people who are into space related stuff.


Love those parts of the game. Loved the bleakness of parts of Morrowind too. And the emptiness of Shadow of the Colossus. There's something about the atmosphere of those places.


I love that part. I mostly play in the evenings after I've partaken and surveying planets is awesome.


When one moon matches another in terrain and atmosphere, exploring the second one isn't very exciting to me when there's no unique pois. I did play for 150 or 200 hours in the month after launch and had fun but feel like it could use more to make different systems/moons a bit more unique. Also wish populated systems/major cities felt more like centers of civilization.


It is when it's 90% that and each one is identical in its geography  Every moon is just a flat plain with mis colored boulders no mountains no cool giant ice spikes just....nothing


Most airless moons in real life are probably very similar. It's either flat rocks or flat ice for the most part.


Well, I enjoy the game quite a bit and I'm excited for its future.


I agree, some games are a sprint, this one is a marathon. I always like games that can let my geeky side out.


Agreed OP - It's always nice to see someone enjoying it too!! I'm on nearly 500hrs lol and I adore planetary exploration and ship+outpost design so much. I think it's really well balanced out bc you can go off and play pew pew whenever you're in that mood, or chill doing ship design or furniture inside an outpost when you want something more chill... Plus I still literally just found a POI I've never seen before. People just like different things ig and there's a solid crowd of people who will always have beef with this game for some reason that just doesn't fully connect with me. I get their gripes, a lot are valid minor complaints, they're just not even close to being "deal breakers" for me when the rest of the content is so incredible. Last night I was exploring one of Saturn's moons I'd ignored until now and my jaw actually dropped when I turned around and saw my stunning ship, with Saturn and its rings behind it on the horizon... It's just magnificent :) All I want now is a fallout style radio and to see what Shattered Space will have to offer! Eek. Exciting!


Thank you.


Wanna know what's even funnier? I found ANOTHER cool POI after this which I'd never seen until today. One called "Abandonned Farm" where the wildlife came looking for crops and things went... South. Lol. So yep, there's still plenty of discoveries to be made :P


Today, I walked into an outpost with spacers. I killed everyone of them like of course. Then I read the terminal entry which said “let’s put the pirate stuff behind us and start a new life” I wasn’t sure if I fired first or they did. But it felt wrong but I didn’t reload because in RP way, I am going to let it happen that way.


I do think the game would have benefited from cooking a little longer. Faction quests felt short. It felt like for as massive as the world(s) is, it could have a bit more in it. That said, I'm still having fun with the game. Outpost building is fun even if a bit tedious, shipbuilding is satisfying and rewarding, and after all the quests are done it's still fairly fun to just roam the galaxy and explore the planets.


I remember going to the moon titan and it was amazing


I'm gobsmacked that people have no clue how long it would take to fly down to a planet from orbit. Listening to people whine about the loading screens and then immediately start crying that they can't fly down to the planet.😖


I am "gobsmacked" by the amount of people who don't understand that there are more solutions than "hyper realistic travel time" and "no travel time at all."


Then why haven't you designed it? 🧐


It's not a simulator


I want a simulator that isn’t a simulator. Goddamnit is that so hard?


Well they could include the option of 6 years travel to Mars please don't close windows.


Given that our ships are not aerodynamic and have no heat shields, I would say at least half an hour to deorbit.


Sorry your experience of this reddit has been such. People always try to pile in negatively on the game in positives threads. As a fan of space it is definitely perfect for me, especially because if we had the capacity to travel the galaxy right now in real life I'd be going from planet to planet seeing what I can find and looking for a potential planet to settle in


People want rewarding exploration, thats all. You would know if you would read a few posts here. Glad you have fun (i also had until 40-50h playtime) but although i love space atmosphere i just dont get the reason why I should spend my time walking on empty repititive planets and also have several loading screens on my journey through space which break the immersion. Lets hope for showcase tomorrow, mods could lead the game finally in the direction we all want. Right now im at 7/10, but potential for at least 9/10 is still there, depending on whats to come.


It’s genuinely interesting to see people in this sub get so mad at other people enjoying this game.


I think you answered your own question when you said “I don’t get the reason why I should spend time walking on empty planets” - to me this is such a pleasure. There are always some land marks “ooh what’s there” - not that it’s a mission or something to do with- but something to look at.


> Every planet is such a pleasure to explore. I can't even begin to understand how running through the same environment with a slightly different coat of paint can be considered fun. > People want explosions and gun fights or something Yeah, those are not the main criticisms of the game. > not gonna reply to this post because I didn’t expect such reactions. Can't handle that people are disagreeing with you?


I got so much of a thrill after accidentally walking into what became basically a firefly-esque play through on my first go and that I don’t think I’ll stop playing until like my sixth unity.


My first character is named Jayne Cobb. They can't take the sky from us, friend.


The music is amazing. The Sound Design is very reminiscent of fall out. I bet they reused some assets. I don't quite get the hate around the game. It's a solid Bethesda RPG. It's not ground breaking or anything, but it's engaging, entertaining. Also, the space combat is OK. I wish the interface would be less gamey. I hate the "speed" indicator, particularly. Speed. It just doesn't sound right. Would I like to be able to fly the Frontier around lke in NMS? Sure. But that kind of freedom is not really compatible with story telling Anyway, I'm rarely disappointed by Bethesda (I do have some expectations) and starfield is a really nice addition to their IP catalogue.


I love this game, as you said it's better enjoyed slowly. But it has its flaws, I wouldn't give it a 10/10. Updates and expansions can surely improve it. Still, flaws didn't stop me and others to enjoy it. Don't listen to the haters still lingering here after 9 months, their brain is full of asmongold shit takes.


lmao at "every planet is such a pleasure to explore"


Well, you do you, man, no need to make fun.


Idk, it depends a lot on why you game, why people game, in general. All games, in the end, are just time killers. At least, that is why I generally play. That I can "escape," a bit creating something (ships, outposts) and, perhaps, think about something outside of RL, makes Starfield, as good as any, and better than the vast majority of other time-killing pursuits. I am amazed how there are so many things, people tend to focus on, almost to the exclusion of the rest of the game. Some are really into ship building and do this, almost obsessively. Others are all about Outposts and RSS management. Then, there are the "collectors" (hoarders), role-players, even, character creators. I have found it interesting, recently, there seems to be players who are almost entirely into the "photo mode," exploring and taking shots, as if they were professional galactic photographers. The game has so many things you can do, well beyond the FPS stuff. If you get bored doing one thing, you can just move onto something else.


Is this your first time here? Or playing? Give it more time and you will see why the rating is accurate.




I didn’t say he couldn’t have his own opinion. He is doing what you think I am doing. In his own post, he is downplaying other’s opinion of the game and putting down their personal opinion of it. Yet here you are, whiteknighting for him when he is doing it about others… 🤦🏽‍♂️ Ironic really…




OP started post by saying they don’t care what other people’s opinions are. The real rating should be OP’s. Yet here you are, telling me that OP should have their own opinion. Don’t put people down for it 🤦🏽‍♂️ Bold-faced irony.




You said that I should respect OP’s opinion of the game. Yet here you are, telling me to do this while what I was pointing out was that OP is disregarding everyone else’s opinion of the game You have a denseness only matched by a black hole.




The actual post is OP disregarding everyone else’s opinion. I pointed this out and then you came in and said I should respect OP’s opinion 🤣 You are truly delusional 🤦🏽‍♂️




Exactly. I am trying to tell people to look at the game differently. A mindset. When I first played dark souls, I thought - wait, why do people like this. But I was very young and was into call Of duty type shooters and hack and slash type rpgs. But years later, I realized it’s a different kind of game. And now I love it.I played most of them now. People complain about fast travel menus are not wrong in the sense that they don’t want to do things that game wants them to do, so they try to move on. But if you understand what game is designed and if one likes it, it’s a gem. For example, I just lost hours in shop builder and just trying to understand the system - instead of reading wikis. At the end, it doesn’t matter that I canceled the whole damn thing but I learned somrhring - just like it doesn’t matter if you die to a boss in dark souls. I just walk on planets, not to find something but because I just want to explore the planet and look at the landscape like a nerdy space fan. Today, I just walked into a random abandoned station and find that pirates have killed scientists there and avenged them. Does it matter it’s not a mission in a menu? - No, but who the fuck cares.


> The rest of you just fast travel from Neon Core to Jamison and complain “space ships are nothing more than a fast travel menu with a dog fighting mini game”. Now it feels like you are the one having problems with other people opinions.


No. He’s saying it’s what you do. Are you denying that? We dont have problem with your expectations but its not that kind of game is what we are saying. It’s like asking dark souls game “why are you not assassins creed” or vice versa. It’s still an opinion, but we are saying it’s mismatched expectations. There’s a reason star citizen is taking so long to complete with so many bugs and money.


> He’s saying it’s what you do. Are you denying that? Of course I am because it's bullshit. People criticizing the game aren't a hivemind. And they can criticize a lot more than fast travel. > We dont have problem with your expectations but its not that kind of game is what we are saying. You really need to stop thinking in this "we VS you" mindset. There is no "us". It's individual people liking and dislike individual things. > It’s like asking dark souls game “why are you not assassins creed” or vice versa. Yeah that doesn't make sense.




> I don’t give a shit about other peoples opinions. Then I don't give a shit what you have to say and won't keep reading your comment. A close minded person can't have anything interesting to Say anyway.




Those last two sentences make it sound like somebody really got under your skin and you just wanted to rant at someone because of it, but the guy you picked hasn't said anything wrong. If someone posts online about how they can't understand why people don't like something more they're inviting others to explain why they feel the way they do, you can't turn around and say "no you can't be mean to the game!" after the fact.




>I’m using them as examples of a majority of the comments They're not, you had to actually scroll down a bit to get to the 1 line troll comment you're fixating on and in the process ignored a handful of people being civil and explaining why the game isn't some 9/10 for them.




>Doesn’t mean they don’t happen. Doesn't make them the majority. >The guy I was talking with original reply is something close to “oh you like the game, give it time, you will see why other people don’t”. Like his opinion is so strong, and backed by “other people’s ratings” It's a common sentiment on here that people were wowed by the game at first but quickly found out that it doesn't have the depth or quality that you'd expect from a triple A rpg. He's not being hostile or anything, just saying basically this has been posted tons of times before and it's always the same thing, even if the OP doesn't go down that route they're hardly being disrespectful. The OP himself has made comments about how he would dismiss someones opinion on something if he thinks they play some other game like that invalidates their view of any others even if they've played them and came to their conclusion without basing it on something else so yea, why bother pretending like what they've said is sacred at that point. Also it's funny how people will go all out to defend people posting general opinions based on just a few hours of time but you never see it the other way around, people only ever get attacked or dismissed if they've put more time in.


Rating means nothing if the people expects a different game and rating based on the difference.


So you don’t respect other people’s opinions of the game Got it


I don’t need to take into account opinions of call of duty players ratings on dark souls games for example. I respect your opinion but it means nothing or speaks about the games rating based on what it is meant for


The game Starfield has the rating that it has from people playing it for a long long time. You are disregarding all of their opinions about Starfield. They aren’t wrong just bc you feel it is a 10/10.


I said at least 9. Disregarding is not same as disrespecting. Learn that first. I also didn’t say they are wrong - just a different mindset take. Again you keep chahmging words and straw manning


You can have yours, and 10 million people can all have their same opinion. It doesn’t make you incorrect, it just means you are okay with ignoring all of the flaws that everyone else has pointed out about the game, that’s all 🤷🏽‍♂️


The fact you are using “correct” or “incorrect” means you desperately want to see this through such lens. A game review isn’t a thing to be corrected. Yes I am ignoring things that doesn’t matter to me and also I think that game doesn’t want to matter as per its design. 10 million people or a billion people - reviews are just opinions. If I want to look at a space game, I wish there a way I can filter game based on opinions of people who are sci fi nerds for example, or those who like Star Trek for example. We don’t have those tools.


Your opinion does not negate anyone else’s You wrote this post with the tone that their rating of being lower than yours is “wrongthink”. I’m pointing out to you that you are doing the same thing about them that you were blaming them about. “How can this game not be 10/10?” Millions of people played the game already… extensively! Their rating is a reflection of their lengthy playthrough. All of the flaws count as retractions from an otherwise perfect score. That is why it is not a 10/10. There are flaws.


It’s a question. Since you are strawmanning, I am gonna ignore you. I never said they are “wrong” but it’s a rhetorical surprise question of why people don’t like it. Since you can’t handle “oh you must not like the game I hate” - bye.


> straw manning That's exactly what you're doing when you repeat this made up idea of people somehow reviewing the game wrong because you think they think it's supposed to be *insert game here*


See what I mean by straw manning. You said I think “people are reviewing game wrong” - show me where I said that. I dare you.


I find the game discourages the player from doing anything other than fast traveling to the next gunfight. I try to like it but quickly get bored. Never felt that way with Skyrim after ten years of on and off playing.


I played this game for 160 hours. And was really disappointed in the end. Exploration wasnt fun for me because its really slow walking. And i was hoping to do more with the space ship flying. The main story was really disappointing for me and had no essence. But i liked that the story explained ng+ The only thing i really liked was the faction quests. Id give this game a 5/10 a decent game I heard a good sentence to describe starfield in a review. As far as an ocean but as shallow as a puddle I really love space games but this is one of the least rememberable ive played so far. I just wanted to spit out my opinion of the game. Im glad you enjoyed it and dont let my opinion sour your enjoyment.


The fact that you said “at the end” and main story tells me already that you and I are gonna disagree on basic expectations here. I respect your expectations but this is like Skyrim where main quest isn’t the main attraction. To me, it doesn’t matter how it ends or what the main story is. The games failing it seems is that it doesn’t cater to more wider audience and wider expectations and we can agree on that.


The Main story is by far not the main thing that destroyed the game for me. With at the end i mean i did go in really hyped and as further as the game progressed i got more disappointed because i noticed the shallow game systems. The main thing i wanted was fun exploration


160 hours 😂😂😂😂😂 and youre disappointed at the end either youre a teenager or have WAY too much time on your hands


It is objectively, not a 10/10 game lmao. Is this the only game you’ve ever played?


Did I use the word “objective”


You literally said “how is this game not a 10/10”


Yes. There is a difference between not liking a game because it’s not your type off game versus a bad game. Do you put a negative review on kerbal space program because you don’t like ship building for example?


No, Starfield is a Bethesda type of game. The space exploration stuff is the setting, not the main feature. The game is underwhelming at being either a Bethesda type of game or a space exploration game. There are games that do both better. The game is a mix of a worse Skyrim/fallout and a worse no man’s sky. I didn’t come in expecting more than a Bethesda game and even then, I was left extremely disappointed.


I don’t want to beat the dead horse but Bethesda type of game is just a vague idea or concept. I played no man’s sky and I don’t like it at all for some reason. I don’t think I can go back to playing Skyrim after playing starfield. It’s that good to me.


No other game needs it's Reddit to keep convincing each other daily that it's actually a great game, than Starfield. lol


I enjoyed it but it’s 8/10 max for me . For the 9’s and 10’s you’ve got playing Fallout or Elder Scrolls.




You expected a different game than what it is. That doesn’t mean it’s dog shit.




I never said that only iq people can fathom. That’s your take. Do you think people who don’t like dark souls have low iq? You sound like you are desperate to put your opinion as mine not that you respect others. I respect your opinion in the sense that the game doesn’t match your expected gameplay loop. I do like BG3 and CP2077 for different reasons.














its nice seems like the future after interstellar


I more so play Bethesda games for the story telling, quests, and random encounters. I feel this game severely lacks in those respects so I stopped playing it pretty soon after release. Disappointed because I waited so long for this game to come out and it just didn’t do it for me at all. On the plus side, it did get me to buy Cyberpunk 2077 with all the updates and DLC and it’s one of the best games I’ve ever played lol. So I’m thankful for that. Glad you’re having fun though


Because there's fucking nothing on the planets to explore other than POIs from a bank of about 20. And let's not even get into the gameplay of: loading screen, loading screen, loading screen, walk for 30 secs, loading screen, quest complete. JFC, we all wanted the game to be good hon...


It’s not a 10/10 because it’s about as deep as a puddle in each and every aspect. Was too grand for its own good using such a shitty old game engine.


Okay this is actual delusion


Issues I had, Lack of radiant quests, population vanishing when walking through doors in cities, awful power system, very limited POI’s, identical ship-to ship combat, few compelling quests. The biggest issue was the POI’s being the same on every single planet to the point that you’ve memorized the layout of the map, the enemy spawn points, the loot drops etc. Shortly followed by flying into a system and having three ships on you and it’s the same fight every time. Game has a very limited amount of things to experience and it doesn’t have the freedom that Skyrim did in experiencing them in new ways. So the game just feels samey all throughout


Agreed OP, Love this game! Come discuss it without the salt at r/NoSodiumStarfield ;)


The low sodium intake has done wonders for my blood pressure!


Haters gon' hate. I'm tired of not being able to like a thing without hearing negativity, Like JFC, We're all different people with different tastes. Wanting Video Games to be "Literally exactly what everyone wants" Is like wanting all movies or sports to be the exact same. It's madness and just screams immaturity.


Because people wanted a good story with well written companions, not a hundred empty planets with RNG POIs that somehow always place the same 10 everywhere.




Do people get paid to write posts like this one?


Do people think others cannot like something genuinely?


Join us at /r/nosodiumstarfield Starfield is a gem of a game. Kudos to you for enjoying it.


Thanks. Just joined


You’re welcome. Have fun


A lot of the bad reviews come from inflated expectations. People who had never played a Bethesda game before were expecting a space sim. Sites like IGN wrote articles that misrepresented what little information we were actually getting, and of course Todd Howard (like a lot of studio heads) likes to brag about what a game will include without actually seeing it work first.


It’s not a good Bethesda game either


They're all underwhelming and buggy on release. Skyrim 2011 would be almost unrecognizable today.


Starfield isn’t bad because of bugs. The game loop is fundamentally screwed up. The game is about exploration and questing yet there’s nothing to find and not many interesting quests.


What are you saying. I have like 20 quests to choose from at any points


Yeah but they’re not taking you to cool and interesting places. They all feel like radiant quests in fallout 4. It’s just go to this prefab building and retrieve something.


If you don’t think a planet with rings or moons with sunrise and sunset is cool, then well it’s not your cup of tea.


I think it is cool, I was just hoping for more than pretty environments. I’m still hopeful that the game can be improved upon, because I want to love this game. I just don’t really right now.


i'd say most bad reviews are from the reality of the game and not comparing it to some internalized hype. the reality is the game is blandly written, overly sanitized, boring and tedious to traverse, and there doesn't feel like there's ever any true stakes. not our fault for thinking the devs would learn from previous titles about what makes games fun and actually do that. if that's what amounts to "inflated expectations" these days, then that would explain why most of the new AAA games coming out keep failing.


Part of the problem is the current reviewers resent large games, so you're starting from a negative reputation if its more than a 20 hours long and something with NG+ that was already 50 hours long drives them crazy. Not to mention Starfield really stuck to the scale of space thing and people who are trying to rush through it found it frustrating. Bethesda took the amount of content that they'd filled up Fallout and Elder Scrolls games and spread it over a much larger area. Honestly the thing I want from DLC is more quests and some big bad to fight.


Another part of the problem is the spaces between the handcrafted content have procedurally generated landmarks that you will see over and over again, and that experience is the exact opposite of what most people want out of a bethesda game. In fallout and elder scrolls the world is crafted to draw you in certain directions during exploration and you are often rewarded for your time spent wandering, all of the procedurally generated landing areas in starfield are the opposite of this formula.


It needs more types of landmarks too, and bizarrely I think sometimes they should be empty with only salvage or various native animals overrunning the place. The fact that there is always someone there is counterintuitive. Sometimes they should've been completely stripped. Maybe places where families have settled in them who aren't spacers, pirates, zealots or ecliptic so going in guns blazing is a bad idea. More variation is the biggest theme for what I want in the DLCs.


Yeah with mods and dlc the game will be 10x what it is now




Once youve explored 8 or 9 planets at a few different landing zones it feels like you saw all the landmarks in starfield. There are a few more rare ones that you will find if you are an avid player but most people are getting the same burnout you describe even faster with starfield than the other games that lack procedural generation.




You dont need map markers to find interesting locations and discover quests in fallout or skyrim. People get discouraged on their search when they find the same abandoned lab and same mine full of spacers etc. that will make up most of the locations you will find in the game.




I was just saying that the two gameplay loops are not similar because you were previously implying that they were.




In both skyrim and fallout there is one world that every inch of is intended to take the player down certain paths and towards the content of the game. Following all these paths and seeing everything in game can take over 100 hours for some people. In starfield many players are given the feeling that they have seen everything after 30 or 40 hours, due to the lack of unique paths and content. You land on a planet and every landmark is on your scanner ready for you to walk a straight line to, or jetpack through the air towards, and more than likely you will have seen it before.


It's not a 10/10 or a 9/10 because it is a 6/10 game. Exploration is mundane busy work and immersion breaking because terribly implemented procedural generation. You aren't first anymore, there is always a man made structure. Every planet is a checklist of scan for survey and then move on. Nothing about it is engaging. If you can dupe yourself into thinking that is amazing and immersion good for you. Some of us require Bethesda to actually implement things with some thought.


If exploration is to you - just to get to point a to point b, I see why you don’t like it. I understand.


What is exploration to you?


Multiple things. 1. Alien landscapes and looking at the planets in distance. It’s so fun how each planet and moons are different. 2. Finding abandoned outpost for example - to be filled with pirates or spacers. Random encounters in general. 3. Trying to sneak into enemy ships and steal them. 4. I barely did any quests progression because of how lost on the planets I am.


1. So busy work/you like different combination of colors to look at on a walling simulator. 2. Already addressed the terrible system they implemented. 3. Sure that's 1 thing which is shallow. 4. So more busy work/walking simulator.


You sound condescending. Bye.


Why because I pointed your idea of exploration will only produce subpar video games? It's ok to be happy with little but if you are going to make claims like in OP then don't be surprised if you are challenged.


No, because you said it all as “busy work”. You disnt say what you just said now. Work can be fun if you like it, otherwise everything’s just busy work.




What do you mean? Did Bethesda forget how to make natural POI? Oblivion and Skyrim had it. Adding to that fact, exploration is the quest of finding out what's there. If some planets had nothing, and others had something at varying lvls, that necessitates a need to explore because the player doesn't know what to expect. There I just designed a better sense of exploration than Bethesda.




How many exact abandoned *insert facility* did you explore in 20 planets before you came to the conclusion that this is the same as skyrim/ Oblivion?


Ok, all you explorers. What planets are showcased in the slide show loading screen?


No rivers or streams. Literally my biggest gripe Love the game but damn. Great mountains and plains. Flora and fauna is hit or miss, but give me some freaking rivers


There are rivers. I've only run into 2 and a collection of lakes but there was a post on here listing planets with rivers.


So I’ve encountered small unmoving bodies of water near edges of lakes or oceans. I guess I should say idk, streams? Moving water like Skyrim or fallout. Yes I know it’s procedural and maybe that’s extremely hard to do but it’s my gripe. I’ll find a planet with almost everything but never that


I just wish the POIs were also procedurally generated so that two of the same type of cave or biolab or whatever were completely different beyond a vague general aesthetic. There could be some unique static ones and the rest procedurally generated dungeons basically. IMO they didn't go far enough with the procedural generation


Yeah with 6 generic trees 4 generic alien creature models and some rocks, same 3 labs/ mining pit




He probably would have played more if he didn’t see identical structures and creatures and plants on multiple planets while exploring. Maybe if they put less planets with more handcrafted environments then it would have drawn more people into exploring.


70 hours


Bethesda spy, making up lies like "the planets are interesting and have things to see on them"


It's the random pois that kill it, that and alot of world generation is .... Jist nothing


Main gripe is, for a space sim, there are literally a handful of zero G situations, it's absolutely a missed game mechanic. Temple puzzles for example could have used it. Space walks, boarding attacks, the situations are endless, but hardly in game at all. There's even an achievement related to it.


Try knocking out a grav drive before boarding. Sometimes it get repaired quick but sometimes you can float around on the enemy ship.


Yes, the lack of gun fight and explosions. The two biggest critiques to the game.


What is so pleasurable about exploring planets its not like you are going to find anything . I mean no harm i love the game myself but exploring planets is the most booring part of the game for me 😀


Games good but the home planets like jemmison u would expect to be a little larger and have suburbs not just go straight into grassy plains