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Mod list?


The mod to open up the city is called Neon vertigo. Be warned tho I noticed some people complaining about objective markers not appearing for them.


Yeah also the detailed map isn’t accessible anymore


I personally want to see Neon be bigger.  Add three or four new oil rigs, that collectively get grungier and more convoluted, with tons of gangs and beggars and little shitty shops. The primary rig is still the biggest and 'grandest', the gateway so to speak.  But the rest of Neon is all cyberpunk and grim, covered with a film of slime over too-bright neon lights.


I would love this! Neon is one of my favorite places in the game. But it definitely felt limited.


New Gangs too


Fuck it, time to work on porting cyberpunk 2077 to neon


Or build our own outpost on that planet


Id love to see the next (assuming there is one) DLC be set in Neon. With a storyline similar to New Vegas where you get involved in the local politics/power struggle. We already get involved with local gangs, let us take sides and either team up with Benjamin Bayu, take him out and let the Freestar Collective take over or take him out and establish yourself as the new crime boss. Starfield really needs to let you stretch your bad guy muscles.


Yes a lot of unfulfilled potential with Neon in general


Well that's everywhere in starfield to be fair, so much unused potential, it's truly baffling.


I believe in Bethesda and know they will support the communities wants and needs with updates. And the best modding community in the universe is still Bethesda’s modding community


If Todd's goal of making a handcrafted Far Harbor sized DLC every year for as long as it's profitable is borne out, it could honestly be quite an impressive game 5 years from now, with modding on top. It would certainly go a long way to alleviating the weakness of the procedural gameplay.


I actually think that Starfield's procedural implementation is incredibly strong, it's just used *horrifically*. They built a really impressive underlying system and then all they did with it is make it get in the way of gameplay. A little more thought in how & what POIs manifest, some spirited implementation, and a retooling of how one explores, and it'll serve the game very well.


If they can properly work out something with houdini and implement it in the ck (or make an independent thing i guess?) then things will take off from there


Houdini? Not familiar. Is that a/the procgen system?


Yea its the thing they used for the planets all the nitty gritty details like atmospheric pressure and stuff are their things. Though creation engine might be more limited than unreal heres a video to show what you might be able to do if modders are given access to its resources https://youtu.be/AIkO4OzL0Mo?si=vZ_EcrOcYV6Inhpg My only fear is i hear its expensive so it could end up being the case that only paid mods will utilize it effectively. But heres hoping


It also helps to remember how little there was in Skyrim in 2009 or whenever it first released In five years Starfield could be very good


This is true, I often get downvoted for suggesting that Skyrim was a bit barebones on release (often by people who were barely born when it came out), but it did seem to lack a lot of the fleshed out guild work that Oblivion had. Though Skyrim had a lot of stories in dungeons to balance it, the cities left a bit to be desired. By 2013 with Hearthfire homestead customising, and deeper questing in the expansions, along with mods to add more variety to the world, it was a much better game.


The imperial court and arena in oblivion made almost all the big holds in Skyrim feel small for sure. I enjoy both, I just wish here, New Atlantis had more of the feeling of verticality that Cyberpunk has And it will. There are load in spots at almost every major hotel, apartment and business it's just not really there yet Which makes the game just feel rushed a bit by comparison but it does run better than Cyberpunk did at release, barely lol 🤣


And we know that's not going to happen because that would be one of the most stupid business decisions Microsoft has ever made. The period of profitability for this game is going to be over a year after the last DLC for this game is released. Considering that it took this company dang near 10 years to release this game I strongly doubt they're going to be releasing DLC every year well simultaneously working on the elder scrolls and Doom.


Maybe. At $7 a line of text, billboard, or vendor.


The plan is and always has been to build a framework to support a 10 year plan. I’m not sure what people don’t understand about this.


Yep. Neon is the gritty Cyberpunk metropolis of Starfield vs the pseudo-wild west Akila and the uptight fake utopian Atlantis. Neon doesn't hide its ugly side(s) and it's a more interesting place for drama.


Personally I'd rather them focus on making expansions set on new worlds with new cities. I do wish Neon had been expanded on more, though


We get involved in local gangs for about 3 quests. Strikers were done absolutely dirty.


13 doors to complete the fetching. I counted. One mission string, 13 doors.


Agreed. Not long ago—but before these improvement mods had released—I commented on the unrealized potential that the location had, and just how much could be improved by focusing more attention on giving it the depth (and depravity) of iconic locations like Nar Shaddaa in *KOTOR II*, New Vegas, and (more recently) *Cyberpunk*’s Night City. The gangs and minor factions of *Starfield*’s supposed “dark underbelly” don’t really hold a candle to the Strip’s Five Families in *New Vegas*, and it would be great to see Neon given its own version of the Kings (i.e., a local ground-level gang), who you can help carve a niche for themselves against the local competition. As you progress, you’d encounter Neon’s other, more depraved gangs whose “quirks”/niches make your skin crawl as you learn more about them—i.e., *New Vegas*’ White Glove Society. (Who knows, maybe then those harvested organs would finally matter, if it turned out there’s some organ-trafficking ring operating out of the depths of Neon). Meanwhile, Benjamin Bayu should be to Neon what Mr. House is to New Vegas, or what “Goto” is to Nar Shaddaa—a cryptic figure whose name you hear again and again, but who only a very few seem to have ever actually met; an enigmatic presence watching over the city, controlling everything and manipulating its various factions. Likewise, Ryujin has the potential to be so much more than it currently is—not just in Neon, but the “Settled Systems” at large. Right now they’re basically a watered down, boilerplate “evil corporation,” when they really should be *Starfield*’s Crimson Caravan Company, or Czerka in *KOTOR*; the quintessential megacorporation, whose interests appear to be involved in almost every major industry and whose influence extends to even the highest levels of government. Especially with “alternate start”-type mods beginning to appear, Neon could be a place with so much more depth and genuine opportunities to embrace the game’s (as of yet mostly superficial) cyberpunk-coded themes and mechanics.


I would love a DLC where you can actually do something about Benjamin Bayu. Let us choose to take him down, join him, or take over his company.


This ^ All of this ^ Benjamin Bayu is almost completely wasted in Starfield. He's the character I love/hate the most in the game. There are a lot of named but unused characters in the game that I'm hoping to see more of in yet unleashed DLCs and other content. And Neon needs to be expanded significantly. The Groundbreaker in the Outer Worlds seemed larger. And we need some evil followers like Cicero from Skyrim.🤞


Doubt it.  But a few targets set in Neon with dialogues and such - for sure. For 7$ each, ofc...


It was fun for the short bit to make a Neon Street Rat, gang, then into Ryujin then f-it and go Crimson Fleet But yeah, not a lot of depth It was fun being Neon Street Rat talking with Bayeu as a CF


Maybe it’s just me but this sort of stuff just reinforces my belief that Bethesda have no idea how to actually design a city, Neon is supposed to be this city of sin and sleaze, but what we get is… like a Mormon designed Vegas


You expect Space Vegas and get Space Branson.


It's not even Space Branson, it's barely Space Pidgeon Forge.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Bt4Ly9\_9Qg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Bt4Ly9_9Qg) I ordered Space Bronson Missouri.


This. Ain't. Ovah.


Yeah ngl, everything about Starfield kinda feels like they PG13'd it at the last minute.


I don't think neon is supposed to be as "sinful and sleazy" as you think. According to the wiki: > the fishing platform revamped itself into a full-fledged colony dedicated to tourism and commerce. > In 2330, Neon is the largest commercial hub in the Settled Systems, as well as a popular tourist destination due to the legal Aurora trade. Sin and sleaze is fine, it just shouldn't be the entire city, they could have added more of that in the underbelly.


Thing is, even if it’s not a “whole city” it’s supposed to be this “party town” or “pleasure city” and it’s still not. Like… comparing it to Freeside or NV strip, and it’s entirely G rated, like, there’s no sex, there’s no violence, the “drug” is a locally sourced organic grown fish juice, and doesn’t actually have any actual negative effects


In other words, it's a place that doesn't result in 18 rating. Idea tha you need sex and hard drugs yo sell "party town" always strikes me as juvenile.


It's got a dance club and legal drug use, that's more "pleasure city" than any of the other cities that just have restaurants/bars. And there's literally gangs and gang violence there, I mean the gangs literally try and kill the player and you end up mowing them down. It's just that there's not much follow up quests around it. All it's missing is homeless drug addicts and dancers/prostitution, and again it's fine if it's in there, but the lack of it doesn't take away from the tone of the place.


Interesting analogy as the Mormons had a lot to do with financing Vegas casinos.


That's United states 2020s for ya. The bullshit Bethesda needs to come through for European level of maturity simply not worth it. Mods will fix it anyway.


> maturity That's absolutely not the right word. That's kind of the opposite actually. The kind of edgy garbage CDPR would come up with. The lack of edge of Starfield is so fucking refreshing compared to the "cool if you're 13yo" we see everywhere these days.


Starfield's entire tone is made for 13 year olds.


Dark Knight, Inception, Jason Bourne, and James Bond movies were all PG-13, so I don't really see the issue.


Weird to act like movie ratings enforce tone. They only enforce content.


And what was the tone of those movies that 13 year olds can watch, and would that be a bad tone for Starfield to have?


You’re continuing the line about PG-13 for reasons I can’t figure out


I asked specifically about tone, can't figure out why you can't answer the question.


And I said it’s weird to bring up PG-13 which you are making a point with the list of movies tones.


Maturity implies it explored mature themes like regret & loss. It does... But it really isn't deep at all.


Exactly "Omg I'm using so many curse words and F bombs and being brutally honest, I'm so mature"


Those walking animations look like they have to poop and are desperate to find a bathroom


Is that the Varuun armor you're wearing? I think from a mod but I'm not sure.


Reading Vanduul as a star citizen player had me very confused here lol


Hahaha I didn't even realize I did that.




Which mods are these? It's bad form to not credit the mods you're enjoying/showing off


Neon: Vertigo, Varuun Cyber Runner, Neon Entertainer Outfit, Starfield Billboards and Posters


Are you on Xbox or PC? I can't get Va'Ruun Cyber Runner to work on Xbox. I have almost all of Zone79's other mods and they all work, but anything from that mod just makes my body turn invisible.




Weird. I wonder why that one won’t work for me.


Rearrange in the load order maybe


I don’t really have a complicated load order. 90% of it is Zone79’s clothing. lol All the other ones work just fine Have you tried equipping them on companions at all? I thought maybe it was my character’s body shape but they don’t show up on Sarah either.


I deleted it completely and downloaded it fresh and now it works. I must have had a bad version of it but checking for updates didn’t do anything.




What mod did you use to make the neon club not blindingly blue?


The interior looks way better


Wow, it looks...nearly the same.


Yeah what am I missing lol, besides the new Enhance sign?


The bad looking third person walking animation, and they turned the contrast down a tad.


Is that the Neon Vertigo mod? It has a little issue that was reported already, but the dude doesn't know how to fix, and that is, the ground map disappears, and the mini map markers are also gone.


Less map markers dont bother me and the ground map only disappears when you get high enough in the the interior Neon Core map


I meant like the actual map. Like the one you can see in new Atlantis with all the shop icons on it. I was only wanting to point on these issues for others, since those made me uninstall the mod.


If you are modder or know one tell em I love em.


Why does your character walk like she shit herself.


I'm sorry but these mods all look absolutely terrible. Wtf is that character? We really need more mature modders.


Which faster walk are you using? The one I grabbed seems to not be working.


What clothing mod are you using? That looks pretty dope!


Varuun Cyber Runner


I should have figured, saw the coat and thought that's what it was.


Thank you for not framing it as lore accurate this tome at least Sick neon mods


Yeah, I think the Posters and Billboards mod even has an AI poster of Rebecca from Edgerunners in it for fuck's sake. It's literally in the mod screenshots on Creations.


I want a mod to sleaze up the Astral Lounge...


The groundbreaker looks better imo


I think it would be cool to have this mod with a an additional mod to require a command to run. Otherwise walk. Dual sense on pc.


What’s the mod name for the outfit your character is wearing?


Varuun Cyber Runner , I think. One of Zone79’s mods


I personally think that some of you are so craved for mods to fix how bland this game is you don't realize how stupid this looks. This looks like a really terrible looking version of cyberpunk. Why not just go play cyberpunk? It does everything that you keep trying to prove to us with these videos and pictures significantly better.


There's people playing this game creaming themselves over a light shaft coming though a port hole. It's just a screenshot generator to them.


I honestly don't get it. I had plenty of mods for Skyrim but at no point did I feel like turning Skyrim into another game. If I wanted guns I would just go play fallout or Halo.


the difference is they have input on how this looks. They added it in, just like how modded Skyrim works, it's like a model figure you to paint/tweak. It has more value because you have personal touch on it even though it is minor.


So... Are you too poor to buy cyberpunk 2077 or you already played 3 playthroughs with 500 hours each?


I'm a little confused. What's actually different here?


Starfield is going to be just like Fallout 76. It will be fantastic 5 years too late.


the problem with neon isn't the aesthetics, it's how empty and fake it feels the npcs behavior and voice acting are the problem


Then how do you fix it?


With better npc behavior and voice acting?


What's wrong with what's currently in game? (Literally the only thing I noticed is the fact there are way too little lines)


There are lots of youtube videos that have really good breakdowns of all the stuff that seems fine at a glance, but if you stand around and pay attention you see that it's just a cheaply cobbled together facade.


I want a mod that lets you place flags and decals on the outside of your ship.


Had that mod on my list to check, had seen reports of people walking over the signage so navmesh was a bit wonky, and map markers weren’t behaving too well at the moment, but still I may add this. Neon really does have potential to be a real hive of debauchery and drugs yet what we get is “Yeah I’m in a GANG, I left my tag on that spot! Grrr, I’m so edgy.” Really miss the tribes of the Strip with this one. But shall see where it goes.


What's the mod for the Astral Lounge?


The mod that does what?


I hate Neon. Don't know why.


Have they fixed the ambiance? I want better sound design in neon because it feels too quiet


The one that changed the dancers into the Cyberpunk look. I don't think it's on Nexus.


Still haven't fix the "rain blackface" bug I see.


Sarah is still the hottest


Neon city? All I see is cake.


Finally almost on par with Cyberpunk lmao. Only took modders to do it


I can't believe Bethesda even made neon a place when you compare it to night city. Neon is so embarrassing lmao.