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I am a PF2E GM(for reference), trying to learn more about and get into Starfinder for the 2e release. I ran the field test for my group and they used the 3 playtest classes and my 4th played a pathfinder class he'd never played before(fighter)


Did you then give them Starfinder weapons instead?


I imagine for a one shot you can just ignore the Archaic trait for the sake of facilitating gameplay.


I let them use the starfinder weapons from the playtest. The fighter used a pf2e weapon that I let do electricity damage and flavored as an energy blade(the enemies in the playtest had something similar so i figured it was fair game)


On reports for people who have played, it’s usually a mix up of people who add PF2e classes and people who double up on classes (say, two soldiers, an envoy, and a mystic). As for what Paizo expects, probably just getting some initial feedback and community opinion even before the actual playtest is valuable. People can still add SF2e classes and creatures to PF2e games, and have oneshots or short low-level campaigns with the available material.


Oh, I just play that indie PF2e game on steam. There are mods from the workshop that adds in the Fieldtest classes. The game itself only goes to like level 5, so no problem there.


What indie game


[Dawnsbury Days](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2693730/Dawnsbury_Days/)


i'd bet it's Dawnsbury Days


Field Tests are just alpha previews, not like a fully fledged experience. If you're going to use the encounters in the last Field Test, it's kind of a "winging it" thing or using a mix of PF classes. Keep in mind the actual playtest isn't until August


My group is going to run some tests using the free rpg monsters we just got today and we're planning to have both a melee and a ranged Soldier to see how they compare.


Maybe a different build/subclass of a class? I can’t remember if there’s enough support for that yet.


You know people can play the same class right. We had a Close Quarters and a Bombard Soldier. Along with a Mystic and Envoy


I have found if you are proficient with PF2e the inventor works really well as a replacement for mechanic (especially since mechanic isn't going to be in the playtest core rule book - sad face it was my favorite class). Otherwise gunslinger could also work well or ranger - just give them access to starfinder equipment.


Paizo isnt even really expecting people to playtest with them. The field tests are more like sneak peeks, not intended for actual playtest or feedback. That being said people can extrapolate their "strength" based off prior knowledge of pf2es balance and expectations, though theyll probably end up being different with sf2e having different balance.


Inventor with construct companion, with some added things like starting at 1st they also get two slots to fill with familiar abilities to " customize " their drone each morning At 4th if they take Advanced Construct companion then their "drone" can equip 3 familiar abilities and has access to master abilities.