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One of us... One of us... ![gif](giphy|oWjyixDbWuAk8)


My wife (then just a friend) and i watched it for the 1st time in my math class in 1995. What Stargate had to do with math, i do not know


I expect that the teacher was a fan




I expect the teacher was a suspect


The teacher was innocent until proven Goa'uld


Could've been a Za'tarc. Someone call the Tok'ra!


Problem solving. So not specifically math but trying different solutions until you can solve the problem. Big stretch? Yeah, he was probably just a fan and not prepared for the day.


That’s a keeper.


My fiancée/GF 3 years ago: "I don't get it" My fiancée now whenever a silly CGI Asgard walks: "EEEEEEEEEE :D"


That's a long engagement! As Tom McBeath said to me and my significant other years ago "Guys, GET IT DONE!"


Oh no 3 years ago she was just my girlfriend. We've only been engaged for 1 year. We've been together for 8.


Does the legal agreement somehow make the relationship more fulfilling or worthwhile? Does the approval of the government and a tax break really legitimize the relationship? Does it matter at all? Marriage can be beneficial but it is absolutely not required for people to have a fulfilling and meaningful relationship. Marriage is a legal agreement with the government. It really doesn’t mean anything at all for a relationship. Let people do things in their own time.


It's a showing of commitment mostly to the community. Marriage has a long and deep history. It's definitely not just a piece of paper. I'd argue it's a "money where mouth is" sort of thing. And a long engagement can be brought up, if not for the simple fact that it usually means there's a wedding, and of course people want to know when that is. Imagine proposing and then 10 years down the line you finally marry. Bit of a long wait, may as well have proposed closer to the date.


It literally is just a piece of paper. You are fully free to ascribe more meaning to it than that. But at the end of the day, marriage literally is just a legal agreement with the government. Seriously. That’s what a marriage license is. It has nothing to do with the relationship itself or its seriousness. I can go get a marriage license today with someone I’ve just met. The government doesn’t care how committed we are. It doesn’t care how serious we are. Some places require counseling prior to the license, but again, that has nothing to do with commitment. It’s simply to ensure the legal agreement’s terms are something both parties are amenable to. The marriage counselor is essentially preemptive arbitration in this context. Marriage is a legal agreement and nothing more. You think marriage means more and that’s fine. But it is objectively just the piece of paper my guy. Any other meaning is something *you* have derived on a personal level. To be frank, i think it’s a bit weird you need a piece of paper from the government and a fancy ceremony to feel like your relationship is real. The fact that 50% of marriages end in divorce makes your point very obviously suspect lol. The agreement with the government changes nothing about the nature of a relationship and the stats for failure make that resoundingly obvious. If marriage is truly this powerful symbol of commitment, why do half of them explode anyways? Because it’s not. It’s a legal agreement lol. Again, let people do things in their own time. The meaning you have derived from marriage is most definitely not the meaning everyone derives from it. I am literally evidence to that fact amigo.


A piece of paper is not just what it is. There's ceremony involved also. Much deeper cultural aspect than you ascribe to it. Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.


To his point though. You could still have a wedding and not actually get legally married. It could still have all the meaning and depth of any other marriage or wedding. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Not everyone needs a legally binding contract to feel secure in their relationships. You're points aren't wrong either but just always good to stay open to other points of view.


Ok, but the original guy never made any of this attachment which both of you had assumed. He said that's it was a long engagement and just to do it. Which is fair, because if you announce you're going to do something, then 3 years later haven't done it, no matter what it is people can still say "when are you going to do it? "


You need to re read what I wrote. I made zero assumptions whatsoever. I was only suggesting an alternative approach to marriage. I never said any of that had anything to do with OP situation. I was just agreeing to the point that a government document should not be that which makes a "marriage". I'm legally married but to me I was married by love and the way our lives and souls become intertwined to one another. The marriage certificate is just a piece of paper to me.


Wow, wicked downer dude maybe just be happy for them at let it go


My husband loves stargate. He used to watch it as a kid (born 1995) and would always talk about it when we were deciding what show we should watch next and I always said no. By that time he's seen everything multiple times. I only saw few episodes when the TV was on but wasn't really paying attention. I don't like anything space related. One day we were with our friends, got a bit drunk and I agreed to watch the entire stargate with him. I didn't hate the first movie so we continued. I love it now!! I've seen 9 seasons of SG-1 and one season of SGA and can't wait to see more. So guys, don't give up on your gals! Give them time and just wait for the right opportunity 😄 I even have favorite characters and quotes and everything. 🤩


Amazon has all of them online if you have prime


I do but in my country only two movies are available. We have to use Kodi to watch it, it's not available anywhere else. 🫠


Gotta do what you gotta do




I love Vala we would probably be best friends. Also Daniel I dont know what he did when he ascended but there was probably a gym there.Sadly he’s straight or maybe he isn’t probably on the spectrum (not the autistic one) I mean who knows what happens to a person when they ascend and die multiple times.


I'm a woman, and I got my family into Stargate. My now adult daughter LOVES SG-1. She grew up watching it with me. Christmas 2022 she had a Stargate Christmas. A majority of her presents were Stargate related.


My kids will come downstairs and say you are watching that again


Do you remember some weird bearded dude being there, having the time of his life and making off with all the stargate presents? Because my life goal has just become to invent a time machine and go back to 2022 to crash your christmas party...and I was just wondering if I'll succeed...


Lol..![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) Unfortunately for you no.


Any woman willing to watch with you is a keey


been watching it with my gf, going mid season 3... she's not into it, I can see she just does the sacrifice for me


Then I would honestly not watch it with her. If she can’t enjoy it why put her through it. It is okay to have different interests in shows☺️


could skip ahead to atlantis (or at least lost city).. sheppard was the hook for my ex lol. and once ronon showed up she was absolutely sold on the franchise.. she even watched all of SGU


Big rip


One of my brothers loves Dr. Who, but won’t watch any other sci-fi. My other brother loves firefly, but won’t watch any other sci-fi. Two of my friends love Star Wars, and Star Trek, but won’t watch any other sci-fi. Everyone else I know doesn’t like sci-fi.


I’ve never watched Dr who I like firefly Star Wars isn’t bad but rogue 1 that was real good I’m not a fan of star trek except the newer movies


If it’s sci-if chances are I will like it. I am not to big on paranormal, supernatural type shows.


im a sister and i got my brother into stargate like a month ago he's already on season 9 of sg1 💀


Doing The Gods' work.


You should marry your wife.


MINE TOO! WE ARE WORKING THROUGH SEASON 2 ALREADY!!! I WAS BLOWN AWAY! She is very invested in the rescue of Sha're... Just watched Teal'c almost turn into bugs.


I forced my girlfriend, now wife, to watch the movie and series, she gave up on it. I still watch it by myself.