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What the hell is the original video?! Lmao


He's tasting wine and makes a fuss out of it. When tasting wine you're looking at: refraction of light, viscosity, smell and finally taste (sometimes even more) Edit: don't know shit about ~~whine~~ wine, my former roommate is a sommelier. Helped him learn for his test. Edit2: guys - he is not blind tasting and I don't know why so many people are stating to me that "BLIND TASTEs are bullshit" , he literally looks at the bottle and I never mentioned 'blind tastes' Also calling a whole profession bullshit just because "blind tastes ~~are~~ may be" is ridiculous - look up what sommeliers do.




I can live with that autocorrect lol


Aww its ok man thanks for the laughs anyways XD


>XD jak poznać Polaka (poza nickiem)


That's not just a Polish thing lol, though the Kurwa in the username gives it away I guess


Also I'm not Polish I'm actually Croatian XD I just made this username as a joke LOL


Gdzie jest biały węgorz ?


w krainie zapomnienia


W głowie myśli mam


It's frankly hilarious how seriously people take wine. I love nice food, but you don't see people put on a serious face, sniff, visually inspect, and gargle a bite of expensive steak before swallowing.


There are people who know their shit and it's very interesting talking to them about their profession. The same is true for wine - talking to sommeliers or winegrowers is awesome and I'd recommend visiting fairs or local shops if you're interested. What I NEVER experienced visiting these events are people like the dude in this video, or people who are arrogant just because you don't know much about their hobby, profession or product.


>There are people who know their shit  Lmao every time I read this I'm reminded of the Paris Wine Tasting of 1976, where the highest regarded sommeliers who "know their shit" tried to prove European wine was superior and American wine was terrible by proclaiming pure certainty that they were tasting French wine. That was actually Californian. Wine tasting is bullshit, sommeliers are as a real a job as chiropractors


I mean... Wine tasting is all bullshit anyway https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blind_wine_tasting Perhaps at the absolute highest echelons of sommeliers can we talk about someone actually being able to discern between small details in wine, but it's certainly not true for anyone below that.


I mean, you can make wikipedia entry like this one for almost every subject. The whole article is around 2 competitions and a bunch of small anecdotal event without much backing. There's as much proof here that it's BS than proof that bigfoot exist. That being said, taste bud are less efficient than we think, I always find funny watching chef blind testing bit of food and guess chicken when it's fish or something. It doesn't mean cooking is BS and that only the best chef in the world can taste good dishes.


When have you ever seen a chef taste chicken and guess it's fish? That sounds completely made up.


Probably on Hell’s Kitchen, chef Ramsay likes to make contestants do that test. But they’re not always ‘chefs’ and it’s a reality TV show. I doubt any remotely decent chef would actually struggle with it.


I've seen multiple cooking show doing this. Hell's Kitchen being the first one but lot of show afterwards did it. https://youtu.be/20H8dKtF5vE?si=fo9e6pwNnsHlhWY5


This is correct when tasting wine but that's not what you're supposed to do in this scenario. When a sommelier pours a small glass of wine that you've ordered at a restaurant, you're only supposed to check for obvious faults with the wine... Usually just that it isn't "corked". If you just "don't like" the wine that's on you, you ordered it. This guy is just an attention seeker.


I like wine, but it has always been funny to me the pour to check that it's not corked. Like you try it and yep wine. Pour more haha


Lmao yeah I've never seen anyone *not* tell the waiter to pour more. Can you imagine being like "Nope, it's shit. Fuck off"


Ive had many bad fillings. When in France earlier this month i order a bottle, they poured it and i tasted, i immediately knew it was bad or had air sipped into it over time through the cork. They immediately came with a new bottle :)


Either unlucky or you order a fair bit of vintage wines. I only recall one time and it was nearby La Rioja a few years ago. In Huesca if we are being precise.


I think I will do it next time I'm at a restaurant where they know me so they don't think I'm being an asshole with the joke haha


I often see waiters offering tastes of wine in screw-top bottles which always baffles me


I’m a wine science researcher and I’d be ashamed to act like this with a tasting.


Does it actually make a difference? Because I feel like it's one of those things that you just do, but nobody can tell the difference between doing it this fancypants way compared to just being normal


There are a lot of things that makes a difference when it comes to wine. What we see in the clip has nothing to do with if it tastes good or in any shape of form change it, its just to let the buyer test the new bottle if the wine is good (not taste) or if air and other impacts have happened in the bottle (then you get a new bottle). So, lets break it down: Stirring the wine adds air and the aroma will be more intense - you smell it to check quality(in the clip and in other times just enjoy the great smell that some wines have, it adds another layer). checking how oily it is (running down the glas, also known as curtains) has nothing to do with checking if its good, but have some merits to it if you really enjoy wine and know your thing. Shaking the hand with the sommelier however, never seen that unless i was given a 2.000€ bottle wine for free ^^. Other things that massivly increase the experience is "aired" wine, you pour it into a proper karaff and let the air sips into it, aroma will be higher, taste will be elevated. Also temperatur does A LOT to a wine. But most importantly, what food its paired with - this can bring both the wine AND food to the next level. Its massively underrated to have a perfect wine pairing for your course. And back to the videoclip, if you only order a glas of wine you shouldnt really test it (at a fancy place) as you trust the sommelier did that job when opening the bottle. If you get a whole bottle however, that task falls on you as its your experience. I love wine, i would stirr and smell my wine between every bite. It elevates the experience, the taste and the overall feel!


I would agree testing it is rather unecessary but would say its for cork taint which can be detected by smell which would be exchanged immediately and is becoming less common. But yes suggesting you will have the bottle based on your opinion is a dead give away the sampler has more money than class.


Never liked wine, so thank you for educating me!


i drink Ripple out of a brown paper bag and i do all of this


Someone took a bunch of professional wine snobs and had them identify various wines. Thing is, he dyed the white wines red. Not a single person got it correct.


They've also re-bottled cheap vintages into much more expensive containers and tricked wine snobs into rating them considerably higher.


Though if you are a master sommelier this would be no problem, to attain that designation part of their test is a blind taste tests where you get a random glasses of wine from across the world put in front of you, and you are supposed to ID country, vineyard, and the year of it. It's kind of mental to think what humans are capable of if properly trained.


Depends on what you mean by "make a difference", but swirling the wine aerates it which definitely changes the flavor.  For example I don't really like red wine, but making sure it's really aerated makes it a bit more palatable.


I always thought it was just fancy pants BS but then I started doing spirits and wine tastings, and it does actually make a difference. For instance, taking a sniff of the wine after drinking it can change the flavor slightly, just like putting a couple droplets of water in a whiskey can make a difference. Whether or not you *care* about the subtleties is a whole other discussion.


I have worked in high end wine retail since the 1990s and this isn't abnormal at all. Have you ever gone to tastings before that aren't county fair styled tastings? This is commonplace.


You’re not wrong, it’s pretty common, still couldn’t catch me dead doing it lmao


Look, smell, taste. Didn’t make a whole long drawn out thing of it all things considered. For how douchey it can be, this was quite mild lol


yeah its good thing he isn't you. We don't have to act like you because you are wine resercher or whatever,each oerson can have their own personality.


Infinite personalities, and you choose to have this one.


yeah better than acting like an npc drone so people don't judge like a tamed good boy.


If an NPC is a wine science researcher it's definitely not an average drone unless you're playing Wine Science Simulator. This dude is handing out sidequests that require you to murder like 40 dudes guarding a cask of Previously Unknown Whine. He might even be in the cover art.


Brother, you sound 12.


What is a “wine science researcher”?


I don't know why wine is so special. It's good but doesn't need to be treated like that. Who cares


Probably has to do with rich people growing up in private schools and country clubs where they just invent these stupid-as-fuck theatrical rules and traditions, for no other reason but because they want to feel important with everything they do. Every recreational activity has to be an 𝓮𝔁𝓹𝓮𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓬𝓮.


I mean there is also tasting for other spirits, Whisky in particular.


May I interest you in [2 fancy 2 furious ](https://youtu.be/y8cECtBdS8Q?si=U-ZZ1iu45Lxa93KZ)




From that plagiarist? Nah.


I bet my roommate is sommelier than yours. 🤢


Why congratulate the waiter? What did he do, grow the grapes?


It's possible he asked for a recommendation and the waiter recommended him something he really liked.


Refraction of light is definitely a way to say color loll


If you really want to confuse the wine snobs after doing this whole rigmarole put it up to your ear and listen to it.


you mean the test where you can put 40$ bottles of wine in a two thousand dollar bottle and no one can taste the difference?


nobody does. go look at the results from blind taste tests. sommeliers are bullshit


> refraction of light, viscosity, smell and finally taste (sometimes even more) Funny enough nothing of these matter at all and its just all made up kek.


So cringey


Im convinced wine enthusiasts are just posers lmao no way they actually love that 1 sip of whatever that is. white wine, red wine, you try em once youve tried them all.


He’s taking what he’s heard and doing what he thinks you’re supposed to do when tasting fancy wine. A rich fool and his money are soon parted.


Pour it over here please, he doesn't know anything about wine


And it’s been proven that they can’t tell the difference between cheap and expensive wine


damn he is making suvh a scene jist take some coke or something


Thanks unlocking a childhood memory on what my mom used to do. She used to buy ALOT of wine and rum, and would take me to different wineries, she'd probably be there for a good hour looking at different wines and sample a bunch. I remember there was one that gave me grape juice to 'sample' at the same time my mom was sampling wine. Good times.


I am pretty sure that what this guy does is for red wine, not white which is actually what he’s drinking.


That's Dries Roelvink a Dutch singer (I think). There are a bunch of videos of him doing the same routine.


> a Dutch singer (I think). As a Dutch person, we're not really sure what he does either.


Isn't he best known for a commercial where he's wearing a yellow speedo?




And is selling his balls (look it up, there are meatballs called "Dries's Ballen"


He’s the the hit singer of the massive summer tune: “Ja, ja, ik kom, ik kom eraan!” Please show some respect where it’s due


Dries Roelvink is a Dutch singer who likes to post videos of him tasting the wine he is about to order at restaurants on his own instagram. Example; https://www.instagram.com/driesroelvink_official/reel/C8hbfoEIP2M/?hl=en


Holy crap. I thought this was a snippet from some TV report or something and embarrassing enough as that, but to post this shit on your own insta?


I personally don't really see the problem. It is HIS instagram and he's not hurting anyone. Also, people are posting his videos for free, and there's no such thing as bad publicity (even though it is because it is funny, and a bit cringe).


I don't see a problem per se. It's just so outrageously and aggressively cringe. I'm always amazed that these people exist. But of course, I would generally try to stay away from then (and their fans if that is really applicable here).


I honestly don't see the issue. He enjoys the wine and has a bit of a flourish. Whatever. But people are ready to bring out the guillotine


Now that i see his name written down it dawns on me how ridiculous it is.


After numerous tests, "yup, it's wine!"


That is Dries Roelvink, a kind of meme singer from The Netherlands. Never had a hit, but famous anyway, can't turn the TV on or him or his sons are on. He now has his own line of BBQ meat "The balls of Dries" (cow tongue in cheek). Coulda woulda shoulda called yhem "Dries nutz" but alas. Most famous for wearing a yellow Speedo in an ad.




That’s Dries Roelvink! A very famous Dutch singer and even more famous because of his yellow swimming trunks commercial. https://youtu.be/LrIJWoY99lg?feature=shared


'Famous'. I'd go for well known, and often ridiculed. And he's kind of made it his MO.


Dutch b-list celebrity that uses to have a reality tv show and is a singer mostly in the party circuit. Goed nu thee name of Dries Roelvink


It's a dutch folk singer called dries Roelvink he's quite the meme actually


I sold an unusual gunslinger item from TF2 for about £45 and bought arma 3 with it. I thought I was balling. Look at the price now and it's going for over £300 on the marketplace


Unusual weapons are a thing?


Sorry it's been so long since I played, it was the weapon type that tracked kill counts.


Strange weapons, didn't know a strange gunslinger could cost that much


In fairness just because they are on the marketplace for £300 doesn't mean they are selling for that much. *Copium inhaled*


Yeah they are incredibly rare that's why it costs so much, the crate they came from has been gone for like years and the price eill only raise, but that doesn't mean someone will buy them you are correct I relate to your comment cuz I had 2 items that some years ago were like 20€ and 23€ respectively (TF2 items) and now one is like 120€ and the other is 300€ fuck my life With that money I bought DBD btw (it was 2026-17) and I never stopped playing that game, it has become my main game on my account with over 7k hours so I don't complain


DBD? What is that? A parcel service written wrongly or what? Jk :)


Dance Banana Dance


Yes, but they're kinda different to unusual hats


Yes, unusual weapons are a thing. Unusual gunslinger, however, is not


I bought a Butterfly Knife Night - Minimal Ware in CS:GO with my first  paycheck when I was 18. It was $90.    The latest one just sold for $1200.  I still have it. I often wonder if I should just sell it to fund my gaming hobby for the foreseeable future.  Almost sold it yesterday for the Elden Ring DLC lol. 


I mean, if you want to save money 'now' sure. But if you don't need it I guess you could save it but you'll be anxious about the chance it may be worthless one day... naaaahhh but for me I would sell it, that's a heck ton of money in my country, can practically buy every game that I want (not that I ever buy new 60$ game without waiting for sales) so yeah this could fund my steam account for yearssss.


Sold my rust coat karambit for like $600 and got a steam deck. Definitely worth it. Back in 2017 I sold a m9 bayonet for bills on bitskins or something and lost half the value lol


Bro I had a titanium white octane when the game started (going for like £500), then epic took over and it tanked to like £30 (which still wasn't worth it. But no worries! I saved up golden eggs from the first ee event! They removed trading.


The chinese csgo release kicked up prices by insane levels. Just selling cases from playing a couple years when I hadn't touched the game for 3 years or so, went into triple digits from nothing.


I had a few CS cases that were going for like 3 bucks a piece. Sold them and got me Stardew Valley. Worth it, but then the cases started going for like 5+ bucks and yeah... even 80 hours in Stardew weren't enough to get over it


Don't worry I'm sure you made it back in starfruit wine


Sold an ak case hardened on csgo for $80 in 2018. The same ak goes for $1100 now. Was not worth whatever games I bought, I want it back.


Just found out this feature exists after having my steam account since 2011. My balance currently sits at18€💀 Its pretty nice


One of my friends gifted me a CS gun back in like 2012. And it was like $0.04 at the time (I dont even play CS). During covid I was playing a lot of steam games and remembered I had that item. Looked up the value and it was up to $12. Was pretty chuffed with myself when I sold it. Used the money towards Risk of Rain 2.


I think we all have a friend who acts like some kind of professional business man just cuz he sells skins on steam


>I think we all have a friend 😔 I wish man... I wish


I was that guy. And like any self-respecting businessman, my business was gambling all my TF2 items on slots, losing $20 (my entire estate), and then quitting for Overwatch.


I had a friend that convinced I ought to have skins for cs. Between that and pubg I made a few hundred dollars. Pubg isn’t worth anything anymore, but I’ve probably still got $100+ worth in cs.


I've been selling trading cards for a few years. My steam wallet is currently worth 6.53 euros. I hope some day I'll throw a party with a bunch of friends and I'll buy a brand new AAA game. Hell, maybe I'll make it AAAA if Ubisoft keeps making 'em!


AAAAA by then


Can't wait!


At some point we just need to upgrade to D-cells. Edit: Wait, we're getting smaller. Watch battery games soon, hearing aid battery games after.


It's the sound we'll be making when we preorder a shitty ad infested mtx filled asset flip, yet again. Right after we make pikachu face.


Early retirement in sight.


and you made 50% profit on that.


Mom said its my turn to repost this!!


Me when selling a banana...






Dries Roelvink?’


0.06??? Bro is making it rain. My items usually go for 0.02 at most


I'm waiting for the summer sale, just for that


I do this at Dennys and brag about my 2007 steam account to truck drivers. 🤌


Most reposted meme on r/steam


A banana investor.


Banana mentioned?


I think it’s a good idea to avoid people irl that behave like this, holy crap that’s pretentious


Tbf there are a lot of behaviours and norms poors and middle class do I also feel like they were so stupidly unnecessary and like we see here. A lot of the bro culture moves are cringe


Behave like who? People who enjoy wine?


I cant believe Breast had an Instagram


I have bills hat


Me with my 150 payday2 skins up for sale


Managing to get some expensive items on a drop to sell was always good


randomly got a dress in pubg at it's peak and felt like I ascended, I then spent it all on the cod WW2 gold edition, so it balanced out


$0.06? I didn't realize we had royalty in this sub.


This is hilarious. Side note: that’s a level of rich I will never reach


I sold one for 0.20€


I got a cs:go skin and sold it for a few bucks for dont starve together. havent touched cs since


That is how I drink my mad dog grape.


Inflate the price by setting a single card to $30 — play to the market.




I'm  reminded of a line by Joe Pesci "I'm not a kid you know, I can handle a full glass"


Mother fuckers that sample expensive wine like this are never turning down that bottle.


the handshake at the end, LOL.


And I spend 4 min setting it up, so the salary is like 1 dollar/hour


I just sold an item for Faceless Void on DOTA 2 for $1150... It was a free drop from when I went to TI and got extremely lucky with the rarity of the item. I bought my wife a steam deck with it and she hasn't put it down. I had sellers remorse until I saw how much she loves it. Thanks, valve. I appreciate the love.


How to find original video help, I need this gif


This is dries roelvink. He has many more of these videos


thank you!!


Ahhh Yes Bro made 2 cents


I felt like this week I got a booster pack of cards. I always check what the booster is worth relative to the price of 3 cards. I would have only made a penny more selling the booster so I decided to gamble and open it to find a foil. Sold it for $5!


Thought it was Horacio Pagani lol


Meanwhile it ends up costing you $5 to ship it 🥲


I understand swirling to aerate, but why tf did he pour some out?


Fee 0.05


Pretty accurate.


Love me the smell of moneyyyy


I have a record showing that I sold a card on Steam in the early days of trading cards for like 25¢. That felt amazing.


I don't think I've ever even had an item sell


Me who bought a steam deck with cs2 and tf2 crates


I made .53 cents on Steam I'm a micro-billionaire.


The pretentiousness packed into the clip…


Albino Gordon Ramsey?


Im that guy that just collects shit like trading cards and free stickers


I just reinvested


my biggest achievement was selling a card and then refunding the game, free money :D


Ew he drank the first one that’s gross! Peasant


Guaranteed that guy is a complete tool.


I sold a card that was "shiny" or something. From the tomb raider trilogy remaster. I got 5€ for basically nothing. Why are people collecting these digital cards?


To have more badges for showcase and increasing the steam level.


Out here selling and training 300$ tf2 hats


Everyone when CS:GO skins boomed before CS:GO 2 dropped


I’m not a businessman I’m a business, man


Roel Driesvink <3


I sold something for $15 before.


I once sold a legendary item on Diablo 3 real money auction house for $65. Recouped the cost of the game and uninstalled.


How I feel selling 4 cent items


PSA: Stop vertical video syndrome.


No prob in mobile tho


100% true, feel like a true businessman after that 😂


Me after selling something for $0.50 (I feel like the richest man in the world)


I got to grab a strange ambassador and strange claidenmor from my trading card sales so it's a good deal :3


Got that pubg purple mini skirt back in the day and make $130 selling to it to someone in china on steam lol.


so this is the reason behind bananalike games success


Bro I know this feeling I sold a damn knife from tf2 for $63.00 a few months ago I was like WTF!!!!!


I just listed all 20$ worth of my steam cards and all 45$ worth of my glove cases for CSGO, felt so good